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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

(I have returned with...waffles! *gives everyone some waffles* Also Canadian bacon isn't real bacon :c)

Jin woke up got dressed and took a shower before heading to the cafeteria, he bought his breakfast and sat down at the usual spot and waited for the rest of the group to arrive. He then thought to himself I hope Kiki's alright would be great if her powers had returned somehow by now. He sighed to himself and started eating his waffles.

CrimsonChaos said:
(I have returned with...waffles! *gives everyone some waffles* Also Canadian bacon isn't real bacon :c)
Jin woke up got dressed and took a shower before heading to the cafeteria, he bought his breakfast and sat down at the usual spot and waited for the rest of the group to arrive. He then thought to himself I hope Kiki's alright would be great if her powers had returned somehow by now. He sighed to himself and started eating his waffles.

(Yay ! *I crunch and chew my pair of waffles * thanks for the treat man)

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Dru was outside and saw Kiki flying around then land and saw Axel running too and flew down near him "is our Phoenix back in commission?" @Axel Kumori
Drumonkey said:
Dru was outside and saw Kiki flying around then land and saw Axel running too and flew down near him "is our Phoenix back in commission?" @Axel Kumori
"Yes i guess judging by the situation" he replied hastily following Kiki's shadow " She just shouldnt get in any trouble now, afterall she just got those powers of hers" he continued, still running.

She coughed "Yep, and your phoenix swallowed some grass." She said, "Now do I meed to be guarded?" She asked, her eyes flaring. "Now if you exuse me, I'm going to the cafeteria to grab some food thats not candy." She said then shifted and flew away
Drumonkey said:
Axle could feel a tingling on his back and he suddenly began to gain altitude. "We should all fly together, that would be so much fun!"
"Woah woah.....WHAT THE?!" Axel saw the ground under him getting further and further away "H....how....Am....I....Flying? " he looked towards dru "Did you do something dru?!" he was unstable and jerking as it was his first fight experience. He gained a bit speed This feels nice! he thought but "This is wierd!" was all he could say before loosing his control and hitting on the big old tree. He fell down quickly getting up on his feats touching his head which hurt due to the impact "Ouch! that hurt.....I guess she wont be needing me anymore, If she can actually handle that" he declared with a bit sad tone looking at Dru who was still soaring the sky.

"Rattles says sorry about that he couldn't see, now however he will be more attentive." Over his shoulder he could see what looked like a monkey made of electricity.
"I'm getting food! Not flying around all day." She squaked. She shot through the window and into the cafeteria shifting back, she noticed some heads turn towards her but she didn't really care. Kiki walked to the counter, got herself a plate of bacon and started walking to the training area so she could have some time alone.
Drumonkey said:
"Rattles says sorry about that he couldn't see, now however he will be more attentive." Over his shoulder he could see what looked like a monkey made of electricity.
(LMAO ROFL ....-cough cough- sorry my friend just sent a video a minute ago)

He looked at the monkey realising how he didnt notice him before. "Woah.....Hi ....Rattles, right?" he said looking at the electric ape "So you were the one who made me fly huh?......Awesome! " he looked really excited but a little sad from inside too for apparently no reason. "So Dru, is he your pet?!" he questioned Dru who was still flying. He tickled the monkey " He is cute tho, It was really amazing how could pick me up and fly simoultaneously" he gave an unemotional smile.

Jin finished eating his breakfast and as he was cleaning up he saw Kiki leaving he wanted to call out to her but couldn't bring himself to do it. God dammit it Jin all you had to do was call her name get her attention and apologize but nooo you couldn't do it. He cursed himself for being so weak willed. Screw it I'll just head to the training area and release some stress on the target dummies. He left for the training center and when he arrived he saw Kiki alone in the corner eating her breakfast. Of course he thought to himself in a sarcastic manner she just had to go here. Well now or never I guess we're the only ones here. Jin walked up to Kiki and said "I'm sorry for yesterday I didn't mean to annoy you with asking someone to defend you I just wanted to make sure nothing else happened to you. But I went about it the wrong way I should have considered how you felt about it, since you're here by yourself you clearly want to be alone so I'll leave I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry." Jin turned around to leave not sure where to go from there.

"thanks, for trying to protect me." She said quietly, looking down at the ground. She hated admitting defeat and doing this was practically that but he was just trying to protect her which was really sweet.
( btw if i dont misunderstand.....that guy in your profile pic is Deadpool + Link xD ? @Drumonkey )

He started walking back towards the school with no idea what to do *growll* his stomach was empty but he didnt feel like eating at all. He sighs a bit walking in through Kiki's balcony and leaving a note which said - 'I guess you got back your powers. Congratz and get a better weapon for the self protection just in case... or you would have to use a flower pot again ' he jumped back outside and walked in through the Main gate walking towards the cafeteria. He looked at all the people in there. "Nah, I am not hungry" he answered himself as his stomach growled. What am I supposed to do now.......kill some time doing nothing? or try to look for my dorm if I have one. He was apparantly a Bored, Hungry, Stubborn Wanderer looking for something to do.
(Yes it is lol) Rattles rumbled and Dru translated for him. "He is more like a friend. He is a full elemental so that's why he can lift you and fly." Rattles then took to the air and began to fly carrying Axel but it was mostly Axel who was in control.
[QUOTE="Axel Kumori](.............................)

Axel walks upto the male dormitories area glancing at all the rooms. "geez.....am i serously supposed to find my room out there" he gives out a lazy sigh "I cant help it can I?" he thinks for a while "yes i can" he walks to the stairs and starts playing his harmonica leaning to the border.

(Btw, do i even have a room in the first place @Aelin ? )
(Okay... T.T)

The sound of the harmonica filled the room. "This is not the time..." Jason groaned. A little while later, it was still going. "I swear to god if it goes for any longer..." though his mental pleas were not answered. "That's it, I will shove that harmonica up their throat," Jason angrily opened the door to him room. There was no one and he shrugged. "I was probably nothing," and he continued the same thing he did for the last two days. Most aspects of the morning in general seemed to be playing on repeat.

(Or... no one cause i read the posts)
Pyosimros said:
(Okay... T.T)
The sound of the harmonica filled the room. "This is not the time..." Jason groaned. A little while later, it was still going. "I swear to god if it goes for any longer..." though his mental pleas were not answered. "That's it, I will shove that harmonica up their throat," Jason angrily opened the door to him room. There was no one and he shrugged. "I was probably nothing," and he continued the same thing he did for the last two days. Most aspects of the morning in general seemed to be playing on repeat.

(Or... no one cause i read the posts)
Axel paused "Oh....hey...Jason, sup?" He asked puzzled noticing his angry look which he had on his face just a second ago.

"Hey," he looked at him. It could have been Axel who had the harmonica since he say it on him a couple times. This immediately started to calm him down since if it were not to be someone he knew he would probably be furious still, and more so. Jason opened up his closet and grabbed his cane, and he attached his gauntlet onto his right hand.
Axel gets up and goes towards the cafeteria to check if anyones in there or not as he basically does not likes to eat food with unknown people around him "Crap.....My stomach" he fists his stomach as it starts to growl louder and louder "Shut up already you Son Of A ...!" He gives out a long sigh in dissapointment and continues walking towards the cafeteria.

(Btw is the cafeteria empty or the people are still eating?)
Raven sat at a table eating some pudding and reading. She brushed some of her platinum hair out of her eyes and continued to read her rather thick book, mouthing some of the words as if mentally categorizing them in the back of her mind. Her ear-buds blasted some variation of a classical song turned punk rock. As another student entered the cafeteria, she glanced up momentarily.
(Back from school everyone! :D Feel free to interact with X (Who is walking towards the cafeteria) or Ashley (Who is sitting in the cafeteria eating with Wolfy) :D )
(i'll rp with X,@Federoff )

Jenny was walking down a hallway by herself,she was still confused on why she hadn't gotten her powers back yet.She felt light headed just thinking about it so she sat down,and put her face in her arms,tears starting to fall.Why did any of this have to happen to her or her friends,not like she has that many outside of this school,always to loner,being threatened by other students in her classes just because she was different,it hurts so much sometimes.

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