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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

X continued his lonely walk down the hallways, his 5'0 pole staff still slung over his right shoulder; up skyward, and his hood, up, preventing most of his mutant face from being seen. As he walked around, X found what appeared to be a girl crying against a wall. Simply Pathetic, always reverting to crying... thought the creature to himself, you see, he had a disdain for humans in general, but who could blame him. He exhaled through his nose as a, mostly, silent sigh before stopping right in front of the girl, the noise from his walking ceasing. X eyed the girl with a stare that contained hatred, not directly at Jenny, but just in general; hatred. He swung his pole around silently before nudging the girl lightly in the shoulder with it (See CS pick for what the pole looks like), "Get up" commanded X.

Jenny felt something nudge her and she got up when her said to do so.She wiped underneath her eyes to get rid of the tear marks down her face,"sorry you had to see that,geez this is embarrassing,"she said messing with her jacket zipper,"just you know,can't do as much now as i used to be able to do,lost one of my powers to a weirdo."
And I care why? thought X to himself before placing his pole back to where it was before, it making a loud crashing sound when it hit his shoulder, he not even flinching at the feat. X's aura of hatred continued to envelope him as he stood there at a staggering 6'7, simply staring at the girl. "I know" simply stated the monkey hybrid man, his tail shifting back and forth a bit as he stood there.
Jenny flinched and stepped away from him some,"how do you know,you don't even know who I am,you don't know my powers,my secrets,my life,and you have the nerve to tell me that you know about my problems!"She had shouted at him loudly,she started to shake her head,"my thoughts,they aren't themselves any more,it's like my personality changed all of the sudden,"she said softly,wiping her eyes,"sorry 'bout that,you know,yelling at you."
The giant X just stood there when the girl yelled at him, Simply pathetic... thought the Genetically modified Hybrid creature as the girl, Jenny, continued to blabber on like an idiot. Once she finished running her mouth, X inhaled through his nose before speaking, "Unlike most, I actually pay attention to my surroundings" simply replied X, revealing nor hiding nothing.
"then what power did I lose?"She asked quietly,he seemed to know more about her than he needed to know,that meant that he probably knew...he couldn't know about her brother and sister,could he?Jenny kept looking downwards,she couldn't meat his eye at all,he was to tall for her one,but she was also a little scared of him.She fiddeled with her jacket zipper more,zipping and unzipping it.
"That part I do not know" replied X in his normal spiteful tone, even though the anger wasn't directed at any individual, he was just angry at everyone in general. A low growl started to form in the bottom of his throat at the girls' constant zipping and unzipping of her damn jacket; "If you wish to keep your fingers you will cease at once!" growled the monkey boy, finally snapping a few moments later.
Jenny stopped and covered her ears,this was just like at home with her father,she started shaking her head again and she closed her eyes,"n-n-no daddy please don't hurt me!"She had screamed as loudly as her voice could take,she tensed up,waiting for him to strike her,like her father had done to her,tears brimmed her eyes and she started shaking.She felt like her powers were out of control now and her light magic threatened to take over and use them against the man.
X simply stood there, undeterred by the girls pleas, a unamused face on, but on the inside he was very confused about what just happened. He assumed that her father abused her as a child, but that didn't matter to X as he simply just didn't care. "I am not your father" (lol perfect time for the reference xD ) stated X in a unamused tone as the giant monkey hybrid thingy boy stood there; towering above Jenny.
Jenny of course didn't hear him and she started to shake more violently,she looked up at him and that's when everything started to go wrong for her at least.Her eyes had changed colors to a light bluish yellow color as she changed over to her light powers.The girl jumped back and readied a ball of light magic at X,her judgement clouded from reason all together.
X's gaze turned even angrier at the girls actions, taking this as a threat, he quickly pointed his pole at the girl and it quickly extended outward, hitting her in the stomach and sending her crashing into the wall, pinned against it per say. "I give you one more chance, come to your senses, or else" stated the monkey boy in a harsh sharp tone as his stared directly into Jennys' eyes with his own spiteful yellow eyes. Normally he would have killed the girl at this point, but due to her actions he gathered that she was not acting but simply doing, and it would be a dishonorable thing to simply beat her into submission.

Jenny struggled for a while before closing her eyes again,she breathed in a deep breath and let it out.She stopped struggling and opened her eyes which were back to normal now,"w-what happened to me?"She asked as the girl cocked her head to one side,then she remembered,"i said something about my father,didn't I?"
X retracted his pole back to its original length before slinging over his right shoulder once more and simply nodding his head in response to Jennys' question about what happened, he just assuming that she had some sort of bad memories with her father that caused short term memory loss if she talked about them, or him in general.
Jenny sighed and shook her head,"if you wanted to know,my power just went berserk because of my missing power,not because of my father."She said quietly,"but he did abuse me through out my childhood,more so after my brother and sister died."Jenny shuffled her feet and turned around,"i'll leave you alone if you want,"she said as she started to walk away.
X simply did not care about this to be as blunt and honest could be, she looked at least part human, and he hated all humans; since that was who did this to him, making him into an abomination of a creature. When Jenny began to walk away (Which I am just assuming to the cafeteria, since its morning and all) X started his normal walk, following the girl without a word.

Jenny walked into the cafeteria and grabbed a plate of cereal and milk, eggs,sausage, and bacon and sat at an empty table and began to eat.
X followed suite, grabbing a plate on fruits and a steak, a light breakfast for him that be, and sitting down opposite to the girl. He pulled out a book and began to read it in one hand as he casually ate with his other hand, the book on quantum physics and quantum mechanics.
Jenny looked up at X and just smiled.She kept eating her food quietly and looking up at X, she enjoyed the silence for a while, it was helping her get her thoughts straight.
"What?" asked X as he continued to eat his food, his eyes never leaving the book on quantum stuff. He turned the page with his monkey thumb as he awaited the answer on why the girl was smiling at him. Whatever the reason was, he did not like it, as X did not enjoy happiness
"Oh..um..I've never had anyone eat with me in a really long time actually,"she said looking down at her food and dropping the smile,"I'll stop if you want me to,it doesn't matter to me."The girl went straight back to eating after that statement.

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