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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

"Hey Ashley... grab a fire extinguisher and follow me!" she yelled then started running. Kiki went on instincts -which was stupid considering what just happened- but it was the only thing she could work with at the moment. She ran inside the first door on the right and found that the magical defense teacher was cornered. She had ice magic so she couldn't free herself, "Hold on mrs. ..." wait what's her name? "teacher..." she held up her fire extinguisher "Wait how do I use this?" she yelled, "Pull the pin!" the teacher called back, "What pin?!" Kiki replied, "Just hurry up and save me already before I give you detention for a month!" the teacher cried, "Okay, okay..." she inspected the thing then found a red pin, pulled on it then squirted it everywhere covering the teacher and the walls, "Uh... you know I'm gonna go save some people... bye." she said before she bolted out. She ran into the class across the hall, no fire in there but they didn't seem to notice, "Oh my gosh! for the love of funnel cakes! get off your lazy rumps and run!" she screeched.
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(Back xD , and alerts arent working)

As the fire was rising higher and higher it hardly mattered to Axel who was just sitting near the stairs chewing on some fruits he managed to sneak out from the cafeteria. "Goddamn fire just stay away from me....." He sighed, suprisingle not a single wave of fire reached within 5 meters of Axel. "How the hell did all this happen?" he questioned himself with a perfectly calm and bore tone.

Even though no negative energy was prevalent at that time a huge ammount of dark energy waas being emitted from somewhere near/or from Axel.
Ashley nodded her head and grabbed a fire extinguisher of her own before following Kiki, she not wanting to separate since she too had Ice magic on her side and didn't want to get herself into a jam. Before she followed though, she made sure she'd put Wolfy in her bag and encased it with Ice so the fire or smoke would affect her cute little companion. "Kiki, what happened?" asked the snow-white girl as they went around helping others.

(Gtg to school, wooh)

"I had an accident." She replied quietly to Ashley. It was true, she had no intentions of setting the school on fire, Kiki ran into the next classroom and put out the fire and ushered everyone out "Ashley the fires spreading into the hallway, can you stop it?"
As the fire spread across the hallway like a wildfire Axel continued eating the last apple he had with him sitting in the staircase on a spot. " *SIGH* atlast....my stomach has calmed down..." he spoke to himself completely ignoring the fire. He stretched a bit getting up. He walked through the hallway as the fire in front of his path somehow dissapeared or appeared to move away as if there was a wall in front of him. He noticed Ashley and Kiki standing at a little distance away from him. He walked towards Kiki a bit annoyed by the flames around him "Hey......this is your doing huh?" he replied a bit puzzled noticing how much the fire had actually spread since the time he was eating his breakfast.


(K, bye, cya!)
The fire spread from both sides of the hallway Jason was in. At this rate this would be his worse day of his life. And the last day if he were a normal person. He rushed into his room. 5 seconds until he would be reduced to ashes. He opened his drawer where his enchantment would be, there was nothing. 4 seconds. "Come on! Think of something!" he looked around and he took note on how the walls aren't flammable and there's a window and it didn't seem reinforced. 3 seconds. Jason smashed the window with his fist and glass shards sparkled everywhere. Some landed on the floor, some cut into him. Though he didn't have time to think of the pain. 2 seconds. He jumped. Jason turned midair and launched a grapple onto the ceiling. 1 second. The window burst and flames spewed out but he was already safe up on the ceiling.

(Wow unexpected foreshadowing much I didn't think I would need to use the thingy for a burning building xD )
(I'm not alone anymore!)

Jenny had left the building a little later and got some burns but the second she got outside,she took her jacket off and took off,ignoring the pain that followed.She flew up to the top of the school and looked around,as if she was searching for people.She went down some and that's when her wings gave out on her and she started falling to the ground,screaming.
(YAY!!! :D )

Jason looked over. As if nothing could get worst, something just did. It wasn't that far away, but someone was screaming. She was falling, and she would most certainly die. The last stunt that he did already fatigued him but saving her would push the limits. Though he did it anyways. He ran after her, in a matter of seconds he could reach her.. "Let her hear your voice, it'll calm her down at least a fraction of a percent," he thought as he ran. "Hey! I'm coming!" he jumped off and grabbed her. He pretty much did the same thing as before and he grappled them up. It would've been cooler if he just did something with his sword and he went to the bottom but that was a ticket to the afterlife.
Jenny was shaking the entire time in the boy's arms,her breathing had become choppy and shallow."That was so scary,"she had said,her voice cracking and flinching when her burns hurt her again,"oww."She diagnosed her burns worse that she expected,that's probably why her wings went out on her while she was flying,she overexerted herself and her body,but that didn't matter right then and there.She looked at Jason and smiled,"t-thank you."
"You're welcome," for some reason he recognized her voice. He must've heard or saw her from somewhere but it didn't matter right now. "You... Probably want me to let go of you now, right?" he asked her.
Jenny immediately flushed red,"I-um-um-I," she stuttered nervously,"y-you can if you want to,"she murmured,looking away from him,her breathing had somewhat returned to normal,but her burns were hurting her more,it had gotten to the point when she grunted softly in pain."Are you okay?"The girl had asked,hoping to draw attention away from her and hopefully to make sure he didn't notice her pain.
Jason put her down slowly. "Well, I've been damaged by others in the past so I can handle this. Plus I didn't exactly get hit with that much," he smiled to not draw any unnecessary sympathy. He stood up and looked outwards the exits of the schools. "I hope everyone else is alright."
Jenny smiled too,"I'm sure they are,i'm Jenny by the way,"she said before crouching on the ground,holding her head.She looked back at her wings and gasped in surprise and in pain,"m-my wings,"she said,they were drooped and wouldn't responded to her at all.She also looked down at her white dress and saw red on them,and that's when she started shaking again and then fell face first in the grass.
Jason looked back at her. She was bleeding and she fell down onto the grass, probably passed out. He ran over to her and he picked her up again. "Hey, come on you're going to be alright," he said as calmly as he could. She was definitely not okay. He looked at the school. "The infirmary is probably burned up by now, and I don't know the directions to the nearest hospital."
There was a loud rumbling as a large storm cloud covered the burning section of the school if anyone looked they could see Rattles on top of the cloud. Dru looks up and saw the cloud and immediately set down the two people he had been carrying and took into the sky as the giant cloud started to rain heavily.@everyone
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Jenny had stopped shaking all together and her breathing had gotten softer and slower.The girl woke up in a dream state,she knew that because her wings were working again.She walked around in her dream state,smiling and giggling as she started to run around,it was really pretty with flowers and sunshine all through out.The girl didn't want to leave at all so she decided to stay in here for a while,not knowing it was actually killing her.
Of course Kiki had a accident, Ashley expected she might have had something to do with the fire. She went along with Kiki, helping extinguish the fires with her own extinguisher. "I-I don't know, I would have to create a big Blizzard to stop the fire" stated Ashley, not sure if she would be able to pull of a huge feat like that.

(back from lessons, and school :3 )

Kiki thought for a second, My healing repairs other peoples magical energy what if I was constantly healing her well she made the blizzard.... "Make the blizzard!" Kiki yelled over the crackling sounds, "I'll repeatedly heal you all the way through it! That way your energy won't be fazed!" she said. Kiki looked at Ashley, she must be dazed in all of this heat, Kiki quickly poked Ashley's shoulder so she healed then watched as one of the teachers quickly ran away screaming, "Um that's quite the sight..."
Ashley blushed a bit when she poked her, she not use to physical contact. "Al-Alright, I'll try" replied the snow-white girl shyly before closing her eyes and concentrating, it was kinda hard to cause of all the heat though. The air around her began to cool off quickly, a few more moments and a blizzard began to form, getting harsher and harsher in terms of coldness and ferocity; bam, a blizzard encased the entire school, taking all of Ashleys' energy and concentration to uphold.

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