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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

Ashley nodded a bit as she finished off her cookie and started to pet Wolfy a bit, the wolf barking happily in return as any pup would do. "I see" replied Ashley as she took a mental note to make sure she would not do anything stupid around Kiki involving cold and liquid. The snow-white mountain girl looked up at the boy from before, Jason, when he came back, she instantly going back into her shell. "Umm...I don't know" replied Ashley as she continued petting Wolfy, hoping no one was hurt or injured.

"Are there still doctors around? Because one, Jenny's going to die of something that I have no idea what," he gestured to the passed out Jenny in my arms. "And two, I just need to get checked since I jumped out a broken window. I don't exactly think I'll enjoy shards of glass stabbing into me deeper then my healing factor can fix," Jason looked at them. This has gotten into a serious tone so he decided to lighten it up a little. "And I'll take a cookie, I'm hungry," he approached them and he grabbed a cookie that was hanging on edge with his mouth.
"Jenny's dieing!"Kiki screamed her eyes suddenly turning a vicious shade of red. They may have seen her angry before but when Kiki gets defensive or scared for her friends, its a brand new level of scary, "Were is she?" She said, her tone low.
Someones hurt? This is bad thought Ashley to herself as Kiki began to get worried herself, it obvious by how she was acting. And to be honest, it was kind of attractive, causing Ashley to blush a bit at that thought. But for now, this Jenny person was who mattered most. "We need to get her help and fast" stated the snow-whtie girl as she too, stood up.
Kiki grabbed Jason's hair, "Were is she!" Kiki screamed at him. She was scared for Jenny which made her seem even more fierce, she leaned in and softly whispered, "Tell me now or you wont get to see the light of day."

(Internet problems T^T)

Axel was standing between the fire in the hallway as those flames were ineffective towards him. " *sigh* what have i got myself into? " he walked around the hallway to check if anyone was still out there but apparently everyone had evacuated leaving him alone in the hallway "Geez.....I am bored....." he repeated as he walked around slamming all the water sprinklers and humming a monotonous song all the way.
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"I'm holding her right now!!!" he shouted back at her gesturing to his arms. "Are. There. Doctors here or not," he calmed down. Though it wasn't really the time to be calm when he had a dying person on his arms.

(Man I hate internet problems @Axel Kumori)

She looked down at Jenny, "I can't even here her pulse!" That wasn't good she -since she was a partial healer- could here peoples pulses but Jenny's was dangerously quiet. She scooched closee to jason so she could take a look at Jenny, then slapped him, "You could have taken her to the freakin infirmory! Or at least have let me heal her!" She screamed at him. She looked back down at Jenny then put a hand on her kneck, a blue light appeared from Kiki's hand and started healing Jenny, but she couldn't do much because of all the energy she used earlier, Jenny was stable for now but Kiki didn't know how long.
Ashley remained quite as Kiki yelled, she feeling somewhat scared to speak up at the moment, out of fear for being yelled at. When Kiki finished Ashley finally spoke up in a small timid voice, "W-We should probably take her to the infirmary right now" stated the snow-white girl, agreeing with Kiki on taking Jenny to get professional help.
"Well I needed to know if the doctors are even alive because of that little fire!" the slap had made him spit out the cookie. He didn't really feel any pain though he should really be going. "Well, I'll be going to the infirmary, and as I said earlier, you can tag along," and he walked off.
(Omg! I'm so sorry you guys! My mom jist hijacked my bike and I had to run 4 miles to get home xD )
Aelin said:
(Omg! I'm so sorry you guys! My mom jist hijacked my bike and I had to run 4 miles to get home xD )
( I understand you as I have much scarier experiences xD )
(I'm sorry xD )

Kiki stormed from her seat her eyes changing from a furious red back to its normal violet. Why am I such a hot head! Kiki's head screamed at her, idiot, idiot, idiot! She thought. Kiki walked to her dorm and flopped down on her bed, "This place is more trouble then its worth." She thought.
Aelin said:
( Do something stupid! Thats always fun )
Axel accidently slams a wall causing it to collapse "Oh crap!" he yells as it turns into debris This heat is turning my ability to control my powers weak He frowns thinking to himself.

( xD )
( Oh ya, duh xD I've never been in a fire so I wouldn't know)

Kiki heard a crash, "I am not getting up." She muttered then threw her pillow over the back of her head, blocking out the sounds, she could tell something collapsed but she didn't want to go check.

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