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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

(No, it takes a lot more then that to freeze the human body, it would be just really really really... cold)
Kiki held out her hands and a blue glow emitted suddenly Ashley's energy was restoring as Kiki's slowly deteriorated. She could go like this for about ten minutes but Kiki couldn't possibly hold on for a second longer, even stronger powers have there limits.
Ashley got out of her stance she took to summon the blizzard, the fire gone now and the blizzard dying down, though snow was definitely left behind. Her bag fell down to the snow, Wolfy coming out and starting to play in it, causing Ashley to smile a bit before turning to Kiki, who looked just as exhausted as she felt. "You...ok...Kiki?" asked Ashley in a tired voice as she caught her breath.

"Hey! Come on wake up!" Jason shouted. She was still breathing, which was good, and the fire inside seemed to settle down. He went up from his crouching position and carried her with him. She was quite light, though most things were 'quite light' for him because of his enhanced strength. He rushed inside the building. "Hey! Is anyone here!?" he called out.
She panted, then looked at Ashley and gave a thumbs up "I'm A okay..." she said then stood up straight, "Great job by the way, awesome powers." she said, and they were pretty impressive. Most people could only access there powers in small amounts but not Ashley, that was pretty awesome. Kiki sat down on the floor, "Okay I'll be okay if you gimme bacon, GIMME BACON DUDE!" she cried out ridiculously.
Ashley raised an eyebrow out of confusion, she was very confused on what Kiki had just exclaimed, she was very weird. She decided to sit down next to the strange phoenix girl in the snow, Wolfy now rolling around it, causing Ashley to giggle a bit. "Always the hyperactive one" joked the snow-white girl as she lowered her hood, letting her snow white hair flow freely, her voice now more normal as she had gotten use to being around Kiki.
Dru walked up to Kiki after the fire and the shooing away of the other elementals. "I guess my support wasn't needed eh?"
Pyosimros said:
"Hey! Come on wake up!" Jason shouted. She was still breathing, which was good, and the fire inside seemed to settle down. He went up from his crouching position and carried her with him. She was quite light, though most things were 'quite light' for him because of his enhanced strength. He rushed inside the building. "Hey! Is anyone here!?" he called out.
(welp,can't say much to this.)
"Um... ya..." she said, the snow would be hurting Kiki if she hadn't melted it when she sat down "I'm just, uh, I didn't start any fires, I didn't almost let a teacher die well trying to use a fire extinguisher and I'm not weird." she said then noticed her hair was wet, "Awe! seriously!" Kiki cried then sat up and started shaking her head, flicking water on everyone, Okay maybe I am weird...
Ashley giggled a bit when Kiki stood up and shook water all over them, "Hey, quit it" joked the snow-white girl, not something she did often as she was normally way to shy and nervous around others, her voice did drop back to to what it normally was though as someone else was here. She picked up her bag and pulled out a white towel and handed it to Kiki, "Here you go Kiki" offered Ashley with a small shy smile.

"Thank you!" she said then rapped the towel around her hair and struck a pose, "Am I purttttttyyyyy?" she asked and blinked dramatically, hey when Kiki was tired she was a tad delusional. Theres nothing wrong with that
"Kiki!? Jin!? Axel!? Anyone!?" He shouted threw the now calm hallways. No one seemed to be here. They all could've evacuated or they simply are too far away to hear.
Ashley blushed a bit at Kikis' question, smiling shyly with a small giggle, "Y-Yes, you are" replied the snow-white mountain girl before bending over and picking up, the now snow covered Wolf pup; Wolfy, and straightening back up.
(Wasn't Jason with them like a second ago.)

" I think I'm delusional, do you think I'm Delusional? I'm hungry and tired, OOOH COOKIES!" kiki cried as the smell of fresh baked cookies tickled her nose, she could have started flying towards the cafeteria!
"Yeah I think I'm going to check the library to see if the books are still intact."
"Wait up Kiki!" somewhat yelled the snow-white girl as she tired and chase after the phoenix girl, she acting kinda weird for normal. Ashley arrived a few minutes later after following the phoenix, she had tired herself out even more. "Hey, Kiki?" asked the shy timid girl as she approached her.

(Gtg eat dinner)

She grabbed a plate and stalked it full of cookies, she was acting so weird and she was ever so tired. She handed a cookie to Ashley then took a big bite of her own cookie.
There wasn't a point in shouting anymore, everyone was probably gone. Which meant he had to go grab some medicine in the potentially still burning building. It was good how there were signs everywhere, or Jason wouldn't know where he was going. Each step he took he wondered what he would do if there was a fire still active. He could either try to shadow travel without an enchantment or he'll die in flames.
Jenny was still messing around in her dream state of mind, rolling around in the grass, picking flowers, then she saw the light.It seemed like it was calling her over, so she listened to it and started walking towards it.Every step she took, however, was making her breathe less and less, she was about to die soon and she didn't even know it, unless she got major help.
Ashley took the cookie and began to take little nibbles of it, even her eating was very timid; so sad. "Hey Kiki? I have something to ask you" stated the snow-white mountain girl as she continued to nibble down on her cookie, sitting next to the phoenix girl; Kiki.

X continued to sit there, unphased by either the fire nor the blizzard, still reading his book.
"Is that all?" mused the monkey man to no one in particular, unimpressed by what had just happened.
He kept running until he passed Ashley and Kiki. Jason stopped and looked at them. He would be saying, "thanks for your support guys," sarcastically but their the ones who probably stopped the flames. "Hey Guys! Some medical assistance would be much appreciated!" though he still had this sharp tone for not answering earlier. Jason didn't really care if they followed and he kept moving forward to the infirmary.
"Ya Ashley?" She replied. The food was giving her energy and she had gained some composure, "You can ask me anything." She said then propped her head on her hand.
"Does snow and water just hurt you in general?" asked Ashley with a curious voice, she had been wondering this for a while now as every time she touched snow or water, or have been cold, it seems like it hurt her a lot. Also she wanted to know for futures sake, as she didn't wanna hurt Kiki.

"Well I can go in water if its boiling hot, so I can take baths and showers but since most of the time the water or snow is cold it is seriously painful." Kiki replied, not bothered at all by the question.

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