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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

Ashleys' cheeks started to turn a light pinkish color as Chasis sat right next to her, already starting to feel flustered around the man, as she was naturally flustered around others to begin with, every since the incident that is. "M-My name?" asked the snow-white girl in response, pointing to herself nervously. "I'm-I'm Ashley" replied Ashley with the smallest of smiles as Wolfy came across her lap and greeted the stranger himself with his normal playful barking and tail wagging.


X put the book he was reading away and stood up before existing the library, summoning his pole staff and swinging it onto his right shoulder, tilted skywards, and began to walk. He had a aura of negativity and anger around him, causing the freshman to stay awya from him. Everyone else though, everyone knew to stay away from this guy; he would tear you to shreds given the chance. X walked down the hallways...

"Yes I did ask them to guard you, what would you prefer to be alone while powerless? If it bothers you I'm sorry I just didn't want to take any chances we don't know what he plans to do with your power or when he'll be back. I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough to prevent this" Jin sighed and then added. " Let me ask you this in a school of super powered hybrids do you really believe a normal human would be able to defend themselves? Whats the point in being overconfident at a time like this? I'm sorry if it bothers you that wasn't my intention at all."

He shrugged. "Transatlantic flights are getting more expensive," though he kept that thought to himself. "Sure, next time to go there," he cut off into his own thoughts. "Which is probably never..." he noticed Jin soon after. "I'll get one for you."

"Wait? Decay?" he blinked twice in confusion. What type of creature is he?
"I said I'm cold twice because I really freaking cold! and I'm not over confident I trust in my abilities! did no one just see me outrun those vamps or throw a flowerpot at whatsis pickle over here!" she yelled. She was angry which was kind of scary, there was phoenix scary and then there was teenage girl scary. She wasn't sure what was worst. She turned around and stormed away, stomping up the stairs, down the hall and into her dorm, slamming the door behind her. It was almost sunset anyways no point in hanging out somewhere else.
((@Federoff ))They smiled genuinely as she spoke, she had a sweet name as well, her skin was as pale as snow, and her eyes deeper then the ocean. This girl was beautifull. Maybe it was the body thinking this, but, Chasis sat up to look at Ashley " my names Chasis. You can call me chas though!" He stuck out his hand and wavered it in an odd motion, the dark presence floating to the dog, and ruffling across the dogs fur playfully. And chassis then generated an exact copy of the dog, but in the form of a black mess, made of eternal darkness...it wasn't dangerous, but it could only make weird whistling sounds other then barks.
"Shit...all I do is try and protect her and make sure nothing happens to her and she gets angry with me. Seriously what the hell can someone who is the equivalent of a normal human do in a place like this? Absolutely nothing. Not overconfident? you're extremely overconfident the fact you think you can defend yourself is laughable right now and that overconfidence is why you lost your power in the first place IF you had listened to Celestine's warning you'd have known he was up to no good." Jin snapped even though she couldn't hear him at this point. He took a deep breath and turned to both Jason and Axel and said "Sorry you had to see that guys pretty embarrassing display there. Take care of yourselves and watch out for that creepy bastard I'm going to go take a walk and cool down" he said as he left to go relax in the courtyard.

@Axel Kumori @Pyosimros @Aelin
"I do not exactly care anyways, at least you're not a zombie trying to eat my flesh" he thought, but again, he kept it to himself. "Her hissy fit's probably going to end soon enough," he looked at the stairway she just ran up on.
Ashley jumped in her seat a bit when he suddenly sat up and offered her his hand to shake, she hesitantly shaking it a few moments later with another one of her small shy smiles. When Chasis made a dark clone of Wolfy, she looked at the creature with intrigue, and a curious eyebrow raised. "...Neat..." stated Ashley as she picked up Wolfy and hugged him while looking at the shadow dog.

"oh....ok...np, cya jason, jin" he walked towards kiki's dorm to apologize. He wrote the word 'I am sorry' on a piece of paper and slipped it through kikis door and was waiting for a reply

He never really understood why Axel talked in that language we use on phones, or why he would go now when she would probably start throwing stuff at him like that pot from before. Jason looked back at Jin. "Anyways, where were you?"
Pyosimros said:
He never really understood why Axel talked in that language we use on phones, or why he would go now when she would probably start throwing stuff at him like that pot from before. Jason looked back at Jin. "Anyways, where were you?"
( xD sorry i am just used to it :P )
(Whoops xD )

"Jin?" he was gone. Everyone in general left to go do something. He stood there awkwardly in the middle of the hallway for half a minute until boredom took over. "This sucks," he looked around. No one he recognized. There were half fairies, demons, and other such creatures but none of them have at least met him.
(Oh band, how I love you so much.)

Jenny woke up later and barely had her eyes open,those lights were just to bright for her right now.She grunted and tried to sit up and failed,falling back onto the bed thing with a pain in her chest,"where am I?"She had asked hoarsely,like she haven't spoken in days,which wasn't true,only for a few hours did she not speak.
Kiki was flopped out on her bed hands in her hair well staring at the roof, why am I so emotional! her mind screamed at her. She sat up and noticed a piece of paper was slipped under the door. She walked over, picked it up and read the "I'm sorry" she walked over to her desk and grabbed a pen quickly writing "I'm sorry too" then slipping it back under the door.
He grabbed a pen and started to write a note behind kikis letter 'U dont need to be' he slipped it back inside the door. It is the second time i have said sorry in my life he thought to himself before sliping it in.
Jason yawned. "I don't want to get yelled at with Axel so I shouldn't go upstairs, Sebastian's MIA, Jin's in who knows where, and the others I only met for like ten minutes are MIA or I just don't know where they are, so that leaves one person to talk to," leaving that thought, he went to the drama room.
She looked at the note then opened the door, "Wanna come in?" she asked, she hated being alone and if he really had to protect her it would probably be easier if he were in the room. She left the door open then walked over to her balcony and sat down on the chair she had out there, watching the sun slowly set.
Jin left the building as he reached the courtyard and sat down with his back against a tree looking up at the sunset and said to himself "Why is it that good intentions don't always end with a good result" He said with a sigh. I should have handled that differently I should have known she's(kiki) is too prideful to accept being defended like that but what else was I supposed to do? Letting her be alone in a situation like this was out of the question. Jin's thoughts were a mess unsure of what to do. Shit if only that bastard never existed or at the very least he never showed up here getting in the way of everything. The turmoil in his heart quickly turned to rage and hatred. Well I'll go back to the dorms later going to try and relax out here for a while I don't really want to deal with people right now.
Jin could feel a tingling on his shoulder then hear a faint rumbling , when he opened his eyes Rattles was there trying to comfort him.
Jin opened his eyes and saw Rattles on his shoulder he could tell Rattles was trying to cheer him up. "Thanks Rattles" he said laughing. After taking a deep breath he said "You're right there's no point in moping around is there Rattles? Well the sunset is over I should probably get back to the dorm and go to bed, thanks again Rattles but you better get back to Dru too" He then got up and went back to his dorm and laid down on his bed thinking about what to say to kiki tomorrow when they saw each other. Damn thats probably going to be awkward after today oh well what can you do. Well time to sleep.

(the maintanence huh? it never went off for me T^T)

He walked in following kiki and stood besides her on the balcony looking at the sunset " beautiful, isnt it?" he said in a much calm tone. "when i was little kid i always wanted to go there..." he pointed at the beautiful horizon that had appeared along with the sunset with sparkling eyes which were ready to cry. He quickly wiped his tears and continued looking at the sun.


(i waited for about 2 hours for this maintanence thing to dissapear and all i can see is there is no like button anymore and i cant switch to older version -.-)

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