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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Well being I'm trying to force myself from escaping into my dream world... I'm not busy. I'll show you to the Inn" She smiles, turning on her heels and walking toward the local inn.
Yuki followed Evie to the local inn. "Thank you again It's really kind of you to help me out." Yuki told Evie as she followed her.

@Goddess Nebula
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Hikari and Shadow are wandering around town, bored, they had helped a few people with building, but there wasn't much two girls could do "So bored" Shadow mumbles and the two see Evie and someone else "Come on!" Hikari says and she pulls her sister along "Hi" she says stopping in front of Evie, smiling slightly Shadow nearly falls down as her sister suddenly stops and she sighs, not able to get the way her sister acts most of the time.

@Goddess Nebula
"Oh... Well..." She didn't know how to reply to something like that, so she trailed off. She readjusts her bag of groceries. "I... Have to get these groceries to Sherria or she'll get annoyed" She laughs awkwardly.

"Oh. Hello." Evie replies to the girls who approached her. She adjusts her bag of items, needing to start doing something, or else she'll go into the dream world. "Is there anything else you need" she asks kindly to Yuki.

"Actually my sister here is bored, so she was wondering if there was something to do" Hikari says and Shadow says quietly "Well anything would be fine though" she says.

@Goddess Nebula
"S-sure... I dont see the problem" January laughs as she slowly walks to Lamia Estate. She expects Darios to be close behind her as she walks.


"I'm not good with coming up with stuff to do honestly... have you two tried the guild hall" Evie admits. She wasn't good with coming up with ideas to entertain herself, thats the main reason she entered the dream world.
"Shadow went there earlier" Hikari says and her twin says "They completely ignored me, it was too loud for my liking". Hikari sighs "That's always your problem Shadow, but yeah we tried"
"Um.... Well..." Evie instantly draws a blank on what to reply to the twins. She yawns, her hands vanishing before reappearing. "Maybe check the Magnolia Park... There is always... some.. festival" Evie yawns again, this time her entire leg vanishes and reappears.
"Uh... shouldn't you get some rest?" Hikari asks and Shadow nods in agreement "Before you disappear completely" she mumbles.
"Huh..?" Evie hadn't noticed her physical form disappearing. She looks down, realizing her hands were fading. "I guess I should get some sleep. See you later" Evie yawns as she waves to them before disappearing in a bright light into the dream world.
"So...uhh...how did you all get to being like this..." Qritz started up. "I mean, you died of course...I meant...uh...how did you all meet Erik..." She stammered, embarrassed by her previous statement. @Demonhunter
(I'm here, still waiting for someone to do Gray and Natsu cause they got punched by Lea seeing they were fighting again)
"Hey! whats the big Ideas sis!" Natsu screams, walking toward Lea. Gray rubs where Lea hit him. "I'll leave this sibling rivalry too you guys" Gray mutters, still rubbing where he was hit. Natsu instantly buds heads with Lea, ready to pick a fight with her.
"Bring it, do note I already beat you up once" Lea says and she smirks slightly "But I think we should take this outside, unless we wanna destroy the guild... again."

Sakura looks at Gray "She can punch pretty hard, need some ice?" she asks and smiles slightly "Or you just put some ice on it yourself".
"I'll be fine. I've been through worse" Gray says, sitting at the bar. "Gray-sama. Juvia was curious if you wanted to join Juvia on a job" Juvia approaches Gray, asking shyly.

"You're on sis! I'm all fired up!" Natsu laughs, ready to beat Lea in a fight.
"Time to see who's stronger" Lea says, she wasn't going to lose from her brother, she never lost since it always ended in a draw.

Sakura shoots Juvia a glare and she quickly thinks of something "Actually Gray agreed to help me with some problems concerning my magic" she says lightly hitting the ice mage next to her with her elbow.
"Well he kind of one of the only people who can actually see us, which is huge. we don't ever get this kind of attention with anyone else. so we all followed him... or he rescued us." The old woman spoke up. "if ghosts get ignored for too long they can become demons, and not the good kind. Take Ashura for example, she was about to go ferrel for a while."

Ashura floated back into the main room. "What's ferrel mean?"
Yuki entered the local inn and spoke to the innkeeper and asked for a room for one person. The innkeeper than gave her a key labeled "012". Yuki then searched for the room and quickly found it. She slowly unlocked the door to the room and entered the room quietly, as if it the room belonged to someone else. Yuki then walks around the room analyzing it carefully. She then throws herself on the bed of the room and places the key next to her. "Fiore seems nice. It sure isn't like home." she sighs. "Home...".

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