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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"You need to learn to read and right. Now come along, we have lessons to begin!" Erza says, dragging Falzar to the town park, where she taught Natsu to read and write as well.
Darios knew the sound of a voice when he heard one. It was January. "J-January! I T-think!" He could almost run to her side right now. Anything is better than the streets.
January sorts through her bag, making sure she picked up everything Sheria asked for.

"I think I got everything, unless I'm forgetting something major important..." She mutters to herself, trying to remember everything her roommate asked for. She sighs, before continuing walking toward Lamia Estate, the dorms for Lamia Scale Members to Rent. She stops, noticing someone in the corner of her eye. Darios?
"It's a good start, but It won't get you anywhere in modern time." Erza says before requipping into a teacher like outfit. "Now pay attention. And we will be done with these lessons sooner than later"
Darios ran up to January. One familiar face is better than none. "rõõm!" Well one thing was for certain from that, he was happy to see her. Even though they do not know each other very well, it was family, which is a bond that will always exsist. Even when the family members do not know each other very well. @Goddess Nebula
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"Hey... Darios... Whats up?" She asks, brushing her hair out of her face. She readjusts her bag of groceries, giving a half smile to her brother. They were only related by their dragon, but she assumed they were sibling by that sense.
Erza beings her intense lessons on grammer and literature in a heart beat. She starts teaching him everything he'll need to learn what he needs to survive in modern times.
Falzar scrambles to take mental notes of Erza's words, but the overflow of knowledge hits like a truck. The demon groans and falls backwards, staring at the sky.

"I hate learning."
Tenebris looked over at Sting from his seat at the bar, with the day he had he deserved a drink. "Remind me why I don't go on village missions again.." He all but spoke in a hushed tone as he groggily looks at the Light Dragon Slayer. Sting shrugged before taking a seat by him, ordering a drink of his own, "I told you you should've brought a partner, but no, you insist on doing everything by yourself." This caused him to glare at the other blonde and turn away, "I don't need a partner.. Besides, everyone's already partnered up."

(Is there anyone online in Sabertooth?)
"Well...n-nothing..." Darios looked a bit dirty, with a bit of a frown on his face. It was the face of a beggar. Someone who had nothing. Though it was overshadowed by a slight smile as well. A mixture of sadness and joy. "N-nothing is e-ever up with m-me..."

@Goddess Nebula
(Lol what happened to my notifs!)

"Not a problem. It's not too far, but be warned, I have some roommates that tend to make a lot of racket." He began walking toward the abandon church and pushed the heavy doors open. It was in decent shape for being out of service for so long. The pipe organ was still in tact and some of the pews where a bit dusty, but it still had some cobwebs and an eerie aura to it.

"Hey Jan. um. guy's she's mortal. You'll have to manifest. Don't make me look like a lunatic here." Erik called as the place was suddenly full of about 5 spirits. 1 old man, 1 young man. Twin sisters and an old woman. "This is quritz, she'll be staying here for a while. Don't scare her too badly."

The old woman gasped and pinched Qurit's cheeks. "Oh James, he's finally brought home a cute girl! We're going to get grand babies!"

Erik face palmed. He liked Qruitz but she was a bit young for him in that sense... And he had a slightly harder preference to men. "Sorry. Ester is a bit eager for grand kids..."
"No, no that's ok!" She said quickly. She looked around the room in order to get a better view of the other spirits. "N-nice to meet you all! My name is Qritz Diasphere and I'm 12 years old..." She introduced herself with a small bow. "This is Mr. Cuddles! He's my pet squid!" She added as she lifted Mr. Cuddles into the air. The squid gave a lazy wave before crawling and placing himself on her head.
Erik laughed. "You've met Ester, that's Will, Dr.Harper and the two girls are Ellie and May." Will, a handsome young man with dark hair and bright blue eyes took Qrizt's hand and kissed the back of it. "Charmed. It's not often Erik brings in pretty girls."

Erik face palmed. "She's 214 years younger than you are Will."

"Nun-uh! I died at 28."

"That's still robing the cradle. Sorry Qritz. Spirits don't have a large dating pool so they try to charm whoever they can get... Including me." His eyes shot to Will.

"Oh don't you two start that fight again!" Dr.Harper groaned, huffing on his pipe."that was six months ago, you should get over it."

"maybe he should stop bringing it up and hitting on me and my friends whenever I walk in the door!" Erik growled in irritation. "I'm going to go fix dinner. Don't terrorize her too much." Erik went off to a back room that must have been a kitchen.
Yuki was walking through Magnolia, passing the shops taking a look around to see if she could see anyone to ask about navigation. Yuki had just gotten off of a boat from Alakitasia and was very unfamiliar with her surroundings. She thought she could head to the town's park to see if there were people who could tell her about Fiore. So asked a citizen where the park was, the citizen pointed to the direction it was located in and Yuki headed in that direction. "Hopefully someone can tell me about this land..." Yuki said quietly in a determined tone. "Hopefully...".
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Evie walks down the magnolia streets,holding a small bag of items. "Hopefully this will keep me entertained in the waking world, so I don't always re-enter the dream world" She readjusts her hair before bumping shoulders with a person.

Yuki felt that someone bumped into her shoulder and looked at the person. "Oh sorry was I in you way?" Yuki asked on in an apologetic tone. "I'm sorry if I was in your way...".

@Goddess Nebula
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Evie looks up to have her eyes meet with the person. "Not at all, I'm just too short for most to notice" She laughs playfully. "You seem lost, is there something your looking for" She asks, adjusting her bag of stuff.

Yuki started to twiddling her thumbs slowly. "Well I just came here from Alakitasia and I've never really been here before so I was looking for someone who can help me navigate around here." Yuki said shyly and was nervous a bit after explaining.

@Goddess Nebula
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"Well, I need to stay out of dream realm for awhile. so I'll be willing to!" She says cheerfully. "Names Evie!" She extends her hand toward the girl, her fairy tail mark coming into view when she extends her hand.
"Thank you so much!" Yuki cheered happily. She then calmed down blushing a bit after her moment of happiness. "M-My name is Yuki..." Yuki then saw Evie's Fairy Tail guild mark "Wait. You're a member of Fairy Tail! I heard they're the strongest in Fiore! I loved their battles in the Grand Magic Games years ago!" Yuki bursted in glee.

@Goddess Nebula

Evie laughs awkwardly. "Actually I joined shortly after the games, but Yeah, its a lovely guild. I'm not much of an attacker personally" She admits. Dreamscape wasn't an offensive magic, it was more support. "Is there anywhere you need to be showed" She asks.

"I just need to be shown important places and a place where I can stay for a bit before I find to place where can rent and live in." Yuki replied. "Just a few places and that's all that is necessary." Yuki added politely. "I hope it doesn't bother you or stop you from anything important..."

@Goddess Nebula

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