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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Should we Stray Away from Canon (Like w/ leaders and characters)

  • Stay Close to Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only have some Overlap with Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay Away from Canon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Well then...I guess it's a good thing that she got found right?" Qritz said, moving to pet Ashura only to stop and consider if her hand would go through. "I'm going to see if Erik needs some help. Do you wanna stay Cuddles?" Cuddles blubbered in response and leaped off her head as she moved to follow Erik. The seemingly normal squid looked at all the ghosts, tentacles waving nonchalantly. @Demonhunter
The ghosts seemed to stare at squid. "Hi?" Will asked.curiously.


Erik was busy in the kitchen cooking. the kitchen seemed a bit old and rickety and still had a stove that required a fire to be lit in it. It was once a community kitchen so it had a window that opened up into what looked like it was a spare room that Erik had converted into a sort of living room. then there was a room that led from there that houses the preachers. it had two beds, which ashura usualy slept on one, but the bed was now Qritz's. Ashura was small and could "sleep" with Erik, even though sleep was something ghosts didn't need nor were nessicarily capable of. Erik was lighting the stove and trying to get the heat going in the chilly shurch, but once the fire got going, the place usualy warmed up.

"Get tired of the dead?" Erik mused.
"Leave the dead to their rest. They've earned it." Qritz responded automatically before blinking. "And no, I came to see if you needed help in here..." She said slowly. "So...what are you making?" She asked as she peeked around him in an attempt to see what Erik was cooking. Meanwhile back with Cuddles, the squid was lifting a small card in the air with the word 'Hi' in it. @Demonhunter
Evie meditates in the forest, next to the pond Natsu and Happy normally do their finishing in. "Come on Evie... You got this..." She mumbles to herself, a magic circle starting to form underneath her.
"If you want to get to chopping up carrots for me. I'm making stew. Ester's recipe." He set an idex card with the instuctions on the counter reading off of it as he let the roast thaw out, he read a bit further and started peeling potatoes as the water boiled in the pot on the stove. "Stews not too hard, I can never do it by memory though. Ester makes it best when she can gain enough energy to turn solid."
After hours of Erza's lesson, Falzar finally manages to understand about a quarter of what was crammed.He says his farewells and wanders off into the forest, flopping down.

"My head is pounding..."
Midnight Phantom] [COLOR=#ff0000]"The hell was that for!?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#003366]"Ugh... Was that necessary?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#003366] [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13113-flame-demon/ said:
@Flame Demon[/URL]
(They already got over the 'why'd you do that' part)
"You got it." Qritz said as her hand was encased with crystal. She used the sharp edge to start peeling and cutting the vegetables. "...So..." She started to say. "...I...I want to join a guild..." She started. @Demonhunter
The magic circle vanishes under Evie as she plots onto her back, head pounding. "Ugh. Another damn failed attempt! Why can't I do this!" She screams into the silent forest, throwing a nearby rock into the pond. She exhales sharply before sitting.
"A guild? Which one you thinking about?" Erik asked as the knife slid down the potato, shedding it of it's skin. He peeled four and chopped them up and dropped them in the heating water. He then added the thawing meat to the water to flavor it and let it soften, placing the lid over it. "Onions.." He muttered to himself grabbing some onions out of the cabinet and grabbing a match stick and handing another to Qritz. He placed the wooden part of the match between his teeth and started chopping, this was an old trick women used to keep from tearing up while choping onions and it seemed to work (it really does, I do it every time!). "Might wanna use that match. I've got three more onions to go." He laughed through his teeth.

"I haven't put much thought into guilds. Hell I've just now put thought into living breathing people. I have no idea what the future holds for me, but if you do join one keep me updated. I'd like to know what they're actually like from an inside resource rather than recruiters."
Lea charges at Natsu, after dragging him outside first, and she punches him "Let's see who wins this"

Sakura stands up and she lightly pulls Gray along "I wasn't joking when I asked for her, there are things I can't do yet" she says, she really wanted ti get away from the water mage as well.
Lea grabs his wrist and trows him on the ground "Your fighting style is still the same" she says and jumps backwards in case he recovers quickly.

Sakura smiles a little "I think we can practice near a lake I found" she says and wonders something "What's your opinion on Juvia?"

@Midnight Phantom
"Roar of the Fire Dragon!"

Natsu sweeps his head back and forth, spewing flames all about, before jumping backwards onto his feet.

"Don't fix what isn't broken!"

"She's really clingy. But, I can't say I don't enjoy her company occasionally."

@Flame Demon
Lea smirks "Sure, fire against fire" she says and rushes over, ignoring the burns she's getting and she kicks him "I won't lose!" she says.

"And what's your opinion on me?" Sakura asks putting her hands behind her back, she never really asked anyone, well it was obvious how some people thought about her.

@Midnight Phantom
Natsu gets kicked in the stomach and catches Lea's foot, before headbutting her.

"Well I don't plan on losing either!"

"You're another Ice Devil Slayer. I see us as good friends with mutual magic."

@Flame Demon
"Good" Lea says rubbing her head "Roar of the fire dragon!", she aims it at Natsu, but knows he'll most likely dodge.

Sakura sighs "I see" she mumbles and smiles a little "I suppose that's something" she says, wondering if his opinion would change if he knew what she was "Can I show you something when we get to the lake?" she asks.

@Midnight Phantom
Lea dodges and she smirks "Okay, never knew we could eat each other's flames" she says and cracks her knuckles, she was far from done.

"Just promise me you won't tell anyone or freak out" Sakura says and she looks at the sky, it seemed such a long time ago everyone had that mission and came back violent.

@Midnight Phantom
"Less talking and more fighting" Lea says and she punches in him in his stomach after covering her fist in flames.

Sakura stays quiet until they reach the lake "You see... I'm not completely human" she says and turns to him before turning to her demon form "I'm half human, half demon..."

@Midnight Phantom

Natsu coughs and stumbles back, before regaining his footing.

"That's something I can get behind! Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!"

The mage lights his whole body on fire and blasts headfirst into Lea's face.


Gray puts a hand over his mouth and thinks for a second.

"Well. That's... Something. Unexpected to say the least."

@Flame Demon
"Wing Slash of the Fire Dragon!" Lea counters his attack, not sure if it would work, but as it stood she had landed more hits this time.

"You're... not scared?" Sakura asks turning back to her human form, since staying in her demon form did cost too much energy most of the time.

@Midnight Phantom

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