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Fantasy The heretics

What a happy go lucky bunch, an enemy could just stroll right into their midst and they wouldn't notice, thought Daniel as he sat down near a wall. It might suit me better now, but that's going to be a problem during a fight since I'm completely defenceless at day. Neah, if something were to happen my other self would probably start screaming like an idiot and attract their attention.

Daniel pulled out his kit and started cleaning his crossbow and oiling the winch. He had left in a hurry and didn't have the time to properly prepare.

He took out one of his never missing bottles of poison to dip the bolt tips into.
She chuckles, "What is your first wish?" she said in a deep voice, imitating a genie. She looked at him, smiling. Why is he speaking so quietly? she thought. "Make it a good one, you can't take it back," she grinned.

It's not good. It's perfect. He chuckled the sun is setting, making the sky redish orange. It gave the surrounding's color a warm tone. Saccharin lend his hand towards Kadia. Shall we dance? He asked with a smile. Saccharin's a little bit nervous because he's not really that good at dancing, but he can't let this moment pass.

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"Yeah, I guess you're right....." Noah said quietly. "Isn´t it just beautiful? And sooo romantic.." she said, and Noah nodded. He then plucked a blade of grass from the ground, and put it up to his lips. Next he blew into it, and a whistling sound emitted from it, just like an instrument.

@Ami the breadling
"Dance?" Kadia was a bit confused but she still took Saccharin's hand. One of her hands was in his and the other was around his waist. Due to her being an extremely good thief, her movements were elegant. "Try not to step on my toes, I'm not wearing shoes," she chuckled. She smiled at him, "What made you choose this as your first wish?"

Noah looked down at the blade of grass, "my dad taught me when I was young," he told her, and then he continued to play a tune.

@Ami the breadling

(Two extremely romantic moments are happening at the same time
xD )
@GoldenChari @Steviemac @SkullRoss @CodeCJD @Lefic

After finishing the clothes, Adara patted the back of the young boy. "Well, come on you. Best get you cleaned up, and some food in your belly. I'm sure I have clothes that fit you, I had a child around your age running amok......crazy little boy, but I'd have nothing prouder. "She said, smiling as she lead him to the bath-house.

She saw the remnants of what appeared to be a lot of commotion, and sighed heavily. It just meant a bigger clean-up job, but she loved having company again. She'd tell the boy to be careful, to get cleaned up, and that she'd have fresh clothes waiting for them. She also hung all the clothes of everyone she'd clean for on the hanging racks, so they could get dressed.

Stepping near the tree, she saw the two, with Saccharin asking the young woman to dance. Smiling, she pressed her hands together, as a strange instrument floated out of the house. "Those idiots at the church in town never knew this was missing......who said that a rogue's benefit's were not useful?" she said, referring to her old friend, the same one she mentioned to Kadia.

She then sat down, before speaking to the two. "If you're going to dance, you'll need music......mind you, my skills are a little rusty, but music a healing spell for the soul. "she said, fixing the instrument up, before she began playing an
Hearing the song, Daniel felt intrigued. Music had always had a calming effect on him, toning down his urge to kill.

At one time, after killing her father, a little girl for some reason started to sing a simple song, tears and snot flowing down her face. He couldn't understand what the song was for or why in Igros' name would she start singing it in such a situation, all he knew was that he wanted to hear more of it, and killing her would make it stop. So he just sat there and listened until the terror and tiredness finally took their toll on the girl and made her fall asleep. He could have ended her life so easily, but for some reason felt no desire to do so. That girl was the only person to ever see his true form and live.

Stepping out of the house Daniel went behind Adara keeping enough of a distance so as to not disturb her and listened to the song with his eyes closed.

@GoldenChari @Steviemac @SkullRoss @CodeCJD @Lefic @Andraus
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Mia looked Boah inthe eyes. Her face wa bloodstained, just as her clothes. But she still was noticably blushed. "I really enjoy every moment around you... If i had to die in ones arms... It would be you.", she said. It was her way to say she liked him, even though weird.

Noah stopped playing and smile, "I do too, I would never let you die, so that we can still have moments like this," he replied and continued to play a tune.

@Ami the breadling
Mia sighed realxedly, laying down as she rested her head at his chest. "Noah, as long as you are around, death is no option for me. I could never do that to you. So if i say "Victory or Death!" there is not much of a choice...", she said. She could not stop herself from talking , even though her inside told her to.

Neil heard music fill the air. "You hear that, Raphael?" (@Steviemac ) He wandered over to where it was coming from. Adara was sitting with this very strange insrument. He couldn't exactly fathom what she was doing to get that sound to come out from it, but it was beautiful music indeed. He glanced at Kadia and Saccharin nearby, dancing. Oh, there she is. Wait, where did she get that dress? Perhaps Adara was nice enough to let her borrow it. He sat next to Adara as she continued to play, "I hope you don't mind me here, Ma'am." Neil wanted to listen some more.


(poor Neil. He likes the romantic music, but has no one to share the moment with, so sits with Adara. There's no hope for him :P #foreveralone #hedoesntcare)
Lefic said:
"Dance?" Kadia was a bit confused but she still took Saccharin's hand. One of her hands was in his and the other was around his waist. Due to her being an extremely good thief, her movements were elegant. "Try not to step on my toes, I'm not wearing shoes," she chuckled. She smiled at him, "What made you choose this as your first wish?"
Andraus said:
@GoldenChari @Steviemac @SkullRoss @CodeCJD @Lefic
After finishing the clothes, Adara patted the back of the young boy. "Well, come on you. Best get you cleaned up, and some food in your belly. I'm sure I have clothes that fit you, I had a child around your age running amok......crazy little boy, but I'd have nothing prouder. "She said, smiling as she lead him to the bath-house.

She saw the remnants of what appeared to be a lot of commotion, and sighed heavily. It just meant a bigger clean-up job, but she loved having company again. She'd tell the boy to be careful, to get cleaned up, and that she'd have fresh clothes waiting for them. She also hung all the clothes of everyone she'd clean for on the hanging racks, so they could get dressed.

Stepping near the tree, she saw the two, with Saccharin asking the young woman to dance. Smiling, she pressed her hands together, as a strange instrument floated out of the house. "Those idiots at the church in town never knew this was missing......who said that a rogue's benefit's were not useful?" she said, referring to her old friend, the same one she mentioned to Kadia.

She then sat down, before speaking to the two. "If you're going to dance, you'll need music......mind you, my skills are a little rusty, but music a healing spell for the soul. "she said, fixing the instrument up, before she began playing an
Oh Kadia, don't make me play the women's part. He smiles. He adjusted Kadia's arms, puts it over his shoulder with her hand on his upper part of the back below his nape. With his hands holding her's, he put the other behind Kadia, around the waist level, and pulls her closer. Don't worry. he said. I had some practice before, well, that's when I was still a child. He smiles. He locked eyes with Kadia for a moment, but averted it as soon as he realized it. He blushes because of their faces being so close. I chose this because you're too beautiful, and I can't resist that. He chuckles a little.

"If you're going to dance, you'll need music......mind you, my skills are a little rusty, but music a healing spell for the soul. "

He was startled knowing that someone's watching them, but he quickly calmed down. Oh please do, mother Adara. He said as he gaze at Kadia's eyes. Little by little they started moving, then without knowing, they are already dancing.

@Andraus @Lefic
Raphael looks over to where Neil was pointing. "Well, it looks like she's healed and cleaned up nicely." He says with a grin on his face. He goes back into the bath house to retrieve his clothing that Adara just returned. After getting dressed, he comes back out and sits down next to Neil, listening to the beautiful music and watching Kadia and Saccharin dance.

He nudges Neil, "They make a cute couple don't they?" He asks with a grin.
Noah smiled at what she said, it's been a while since someone said anything like that to him. He looked over to Loonie and noticed that her clothes were stained and so was her hair. Heck Noah's clothes were stained and torn, "maybe we should get washed up, I don't think you like being covered in blood," he suggested and joked at the same time.

@Ami the breadling
Seeing others join in and depriving him of the privilege of listening to the song in peace Daniel thought he'd at least make the most of it and go ask something, maybe understand his would be allies a little better.

Raphael : "They make a cute couple don't they?"

Daniel silently approached Raphael from behind, bent his knees to reach his ears and asked "So why are they dancing? What's the point of it?"

Daniel was a lot more straightforward when it came to women. Place their hands against the wall and drive a knife through them into the wall to stop her from moving around then decide whether gag her or not, depending on the preferred ambiance.

He couldn't understand the point of all this courting and romance everyone was so interested in.

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"What the...?" Raphael looks around, startled by the man that snuck up behind him. "You need to be more careful!" he says with irritation. "Someone might have thought you were a bandit and attacked you." He turns back around, watching the dance go on and listening to the beautiful music. "I suppose the point is for them to show each other that they have mutual feelings for each other. And they can get to know each other better as they talk while they dance."

He looks back around at the newcomer. "I don't think I saw you at the battle earlier. I'm Raphael. And this gent next to me," he nudges Neil, "Is Neil." He continues looking at the newcomer, trying to size him up.
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"Hmmm? I see! It's quite rare that I get a straight answer to my questions, people usually just say it's something normal and don't provide any explanation. You have my thanks."

Daniel sits down next to Raphael, but noticing the look on his face he decides to add:

"Daniel Artosh, academy archer in training with no stealth skills that just got unnoticed close enough to take your life."
Raphael looks at Daniel curiously. "Have you never danced with anyone before? Surely you've at lease had feeling for someone." He takes in Daniel's appearance. Light colored hair, bright eyes, clear complexion. His build isn't half bad either. He finds it hard to believe that Daniel doesn't know the intricacies of wooing someone you care about.

He thinks to himself, "There's something not quite right with this guy. Perhaps he's just been sheltered his whole life?" He turns his attention back to the dancing couple, thinking back a few years to his first dance. Her name was Vivian. A lovely girl with dark hair and eyes. They saw each other a few times after that dance, then wound up parting ways.

"Oh, I'm an archer, too. Neil Sylkham. Have we met before, perhaps at the shooting range?" Neil offered a handshake.

"Have you never danced with anyone before? Surely you've at lease had feeling for someone."
Although this saying was not directed at Neil, these statements invoked certain memories that he would rather have forgotten. I do miss her dearly, he thought to himself.



Alys Lei Alys was wandering around the small village for quite a while now, attempting to find the address of her destination. Due to arriving late, she was sent a note to the location of all her other destined 'allies'. She was looking forward to meeting her new peers, and was perhaps even excited to be of use to people. Alys clutched her grimoire in front of her chest tightly, feeling at ease with the book in her hands.

She briefly glanced up at the skies. The dark was approaching soon, so she knew there wasn't much time left. She glanced at the slip of paper she had received once more, aimlessly ambling about in hopes of finding the place eventually.

Alys finally stood in front of the designated household, staring at it for a while to make note of its appearance. She awkwardly sauntered inside, hoping that she didn't seem like too much of a trespasser. Though there was nobody in sight, she took a few more steps forward, only to hear a graceful yet alluring tune. She followed the music, which lead her to a massive group of people, who she assumed were her future teammates. She made note of the couple dancing into the night, and all the other joy that the gang seemed to have. Chatter certainly filled the vicinity.


Though she was unsure of how to fit in, or really, if this was even the correct location, she headed to the nearest group of people to inquire.

"Um, pardon the intrusion." she bowed politely. "Is this the group from the Knight's Academy, by any chance? If not, then I sincerely apologize for interrupting your conversation."

@Steviemac @MadGod @SkullRoss
Raphael looked up at the girl as she approached them and asked if they were from the Academy. "Indeed we are," he says to her. "Feel free to join us. Neil here," he indicates the man on his left, "and I were just listening to this beautiful music that Adara is playing. I'm Raphael by the way. This guy here on my right is Daniel. He's just arrived too." As he makes the introductions, he indicates that she can sit with them if she wants to. As they are outside, there is plenty of space around.

"Have you never danced with anyone before? Surely you've at lease had feeling for someone."

"You find little time or interest for such things when cleaning stables for your next scraps of food. I only recently came to possess enough money to enroll into the academy to get a chance at a better life." Daniel put on a big smile. "Thanks to some very kind and generous people."

Daniel's hands didn't have the wear the life he claimed to have had would have left on them, but that was not because he was lying about it or because he took good care of himself. No matter what happened to him during the day, if he could make it to dusk it would all be gone until morning as if it were all just a bad dream.

This is why Daniel had mixed feelings about the being possessing him. While he feared losing himself, he definitely enjoyed the perks that came with it, which is why he never went to the church for help.


"Oh, I'm an archer, too. Neil Sylkham. Have we met before, perhaps at the shooting range?"

Hearing Neil introducing himself Daniel turned to his left to see a his hand offering a handshake. While he had become an expert at controlling his facial expressions, he detested physical contact with others, unless it was of course to kill them. How much strength should he use? Is he gripping in the correct way? How long does he keep it up?

Daniel grabbed his hand and shook it vigorously.
Right, nailed it.

"Daniel. I've seen you many times at the range, but we've never trained together. I came in contact with archery for the first time only after I joined the academy. A beginner like me would only bring discomfort to the other skilled archers if he were to join them."


Daniel looked towards the new girl and despite his usual attention to preserving a mask of social normality he found himself staring at her face without saying a word. There was something about her that was really strange. It was as if he recognized her, but he was certain he had never met her before, and he wasn't his idiotic day self right now so he couldn't be wrong about it.

(Sorry guys, it's 4:30 am here and I need to wake up at 7 to go to work)


Alys Lei She repeated their names in her mind. 'Raphael, Niel, and Daniel.' Accepting the gesture, she sat down beside them, feeling quite welcome and accepted despite having only met for several minutes. Promptly afterwards, she softly introduced herself. "My name is Alys, it is a pleasure to meet you guys. I truly hope we'll all get along."

She glanced at the three, noticing Daniel in particular who was... staring at her? He was oddly quiet, though it didn't bother her. "Ah.. is there something on my face?" she had said out-loud, though Alys intended for it to be a thought in her mind.

((@MadGod Take care!)) @Steviemac @SkullRoss
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