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Fantasy The God Game

"I laugh and it booms through the realm," I grab your hand and shake it sending shockwaves through the realm confirming our agreement I was very pleased that I had come to koz not only did he help me in my attempt to grow stronger but now I saw a potential alliance in the making and maybe even a companion who I didn't dispies"Well brother you are quite the amsuing person a odd fellow so would you like to assist me with other events in the future,"?
"Who can say? The future is a mystery even to the gods, well, except one. I'm tired now, I'm going to watch our new race develop for a while. I might help you again someday, but I can promise nothing, it is not in my nature."
"Hahaha how ironic for a weather god to say being a force of nature yourself,"he smiled and decided to go back to his realm to work on his future creations and plans." Ahh now what will I work on nex"?
Turn 3:"New neighbours"

World : Totally Habitable

Special Turn Rules: N/A

Reminder: New Rules Apply See overview to see them

  • Aqua Blubini-16 Action Points

    Yandere-30 Action Points

    Noctis-10 Action Points

    Nissenia-26 Action Points

    Bara-22 Action Points

    Qan'cath-21 Action Points

    Abaddon-20 Action Points

    Koz-15 Action Points

    Sanji-20 Action Points

    Wycor-20 Action Points

    Armenies-15 Action Points

    Iva-16 Action Points

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Iva went again to the god of honor, "brother will you help to create more life, I wish to create an undying race. One that will be honor able and knowledgeable. We can use the humans as a base and build up."
With the power give to her from Noctis Qan'cath went to work in her hark caves she put her plan into action, the creation of a race that could withstand the onslaught that was sure to come, not though brute force but rather mystic power and great knowledge.

Within the darkness Qan'cath gave the formless form , she gave knowledge and idea shape and substance . she gave them eyes that could see even in pitch blackness, and placed them in heads with tendril that would hold quills or components for a spell. She gave the minds great wisdom and great knowledge and blessed them with the ability to use powerful magic should they study enough. In their great minds she placed powers that allowed them with a thought to force an opponent to kneel, or to send their thoughts to others of their race. This great mind rested upon a lanky frame with light lavender skin that held clawed hands prefect for making symbols for casting spells or righting down words but less suited for wielding heavy weapons. yes this race the illithids would do. In their minds she gave knowledge of their creation and the gods they should worship, and when she was done she let them lose into her caves to build cities and nations below the earth.
I stand and call for my brother koz- oh koz the bringer of change come to me so that we may bring forth a era of destruction and blood shed- I raise my hands and a puddle of blood changes to a image of a swamp it beigins to boil and bubble- now what else shall we add
Iva had wait for the god of honor to help but some had passed and she went back to her realm. Already humans had died and passed on into her realm among with other things. She collected the first humans souls and made then ready to bare another vessel. In her realm she gather mud and the new race from it. She gathered light and combined it with them. Already the look like humans and were vary similar to them, however, pointed the ears and made them even more beautiful. She then gave these vessels to the first humans and started there lives a new. She taught them right and wrong and made them honorable and noble. Iva made them durable and immortal, however, she could not do away with death and this new race could be killed. This new race would be powerful, yet generous and seeing evil in the air Iva put these elfs, as she would name them to rest, to lay and wait until the proper time to be given to the earth.
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Koz appeared

"You know I'm not sure blood is our domain, maybe an era of tough love? Regardless, I brought the creature. He waves his new hands and a primitive creature fell on the ground before them.

"I have watched this one's kind since the moment it's ancestors left the pond. It's kind has adapted to the most extreme environments, and when I say extreme, I mean it. With our blessing this creature could develop in a sentient being of unparallelled survival skills."

"So? What are you going to do with it?"
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"Haha well you shall see," I toss the creature into the boiling lake then stand back and hold a hand out gesturing for you to proceed" After you my brother strike the lake with your lighting and give life to our race,"I smile and watch a amused gleam in my eye and I'm shaking with excitement. "Do it do it now and finish our deal so that we may bring forth a powerful and interesting factor into the new world"!
Koz was a bit taken aback by all the drama, but he mentally shrugged and focused his will.

Immediatley a magic storm unleashed itself above them. And within the the cycling mass of wind, lighting and magic the elemental forces and magical forces combined into one giant lightning strike. Which struck the already boiling lake.

The energy surgged through the lake and as it did a being sprung forth from it might warrior orc like in Appearance and muscular and fierce I smile pleased." Ahh so beautiful our new life is it shall be called the wrath and shall thrive in any environment it goes to as long as there is a chance for life to survive through it in any way they will learn from there mistakes for they will make mistakes".I walk away from the puddle" OK now to go and make a deal with the goddess Quan so that we may create civilization- I go to the meeting room to discuss this issue with Quan
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As armenies marvled at his creation he heard his sister the goddess of light request for him to help in her creation. He did so but he needed to assure his species to be safe, he needed an idea. First he sent a small amount of energy to help her in his project, he promised himself when he had his strength back he would invest more in the next species. It would be nice to have two species working together so that he would be interested. But he felt somewhat lonely in his realm and he couldn't meet his own creation. He then looked to the himans and witnessed a father and son crafting the finest pottery and enjoying each other's similar talent and traits. He thought to himself of creating his, "OWN SON OF COURSE!! He was happy with the idea and started to form a son of his own who had similar traits like him but some would be different, he would also allow him of a free mind. After many hours in his realm he managed to create his second best thing. However his son seemed quite different, he had the looks and physical traits from Armenies but he was younger and his armor and weapons were very different. His armor was silver, and his armor was crafted differently, his Shield was in a square form and his sword was a long short sword. He also wore alot red clothes under his armor, everything he wore was very different. His son looked around confused and then looked to Armenies. "Who are you?" he asked. Armenies approached him, "I am your father....And your name is Ryse."

Servant Name: Ryse


Strong, quick reaction time, and skillfull in the sword and shield

Special God Trait: He is able to call upon Armenies's spear and use it to penetrate any creature or heavy lines of troops (It can even be used to penetrate through walls and magical walls but depends on how strong it is). However Armenies spear can only be used once every time Ryse enters the mortal world, he would have to return to his fathers realm and wait till his strength is back up.

Personality: Charasmatic, Brave, disciplined, and open-minded

Duties in your realm: His job is to help the Runom and any other allys in fighting. He will go to the mortal realm and disguise himself as a high ranking official in the battle lines and fight along side the troops. He consideres humans who are willing to fight along side him and sacrifice for the greater good or for others as "True warriors" and should be rewarded by his father Armenies. He also helps advise generals or influence them to be mindful of many options.
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Turn 4:"Early Era"

World : Totally Habitable

Special Turn Rules: N/A

Reminder: Rules are in the Overview they will change with time to make the game fair

Description of the turn: Thanks to the good intentions of the gods new sentient races have started to appear in the world , the Runom civilizations has already started to flourish and they are have become more complex civilization (level 2 , benefits next turn) , with that early writings and scrolls describe the creation of the world as the humans see it , reports of the humans having encounters with the new races are news everywhere and everyone is curious about this new races , not all think that they are good and not all think they are bad , because of this they had asked to their mayor god "Armenies" how they should treat their new neighbours.

-Armenies may answer them or not ( In the soon to come relations system this will have a effect)

@Hanakai and @las0r0o7 can start posting now

  • Aqua Blubini-26 Action Points Esras-10 Action Points

    Yandere-40 Action Points Zyncturial-10 Action Points

    Noctis-10 Action Points

    Nissenia-36 Action Points

    Bara-2 Action Points

    Qan'cath-11 Action Points

    Abaddon-15 Action Points

    Koz-11 Action Points

    Sanji-30 Action Points

    Wycor-30 Action Points

    Armenies-22 Action Points

    Iva-10 Action Points

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Bara confined himself to his realm as the others started to create their races, however successful that may be. All he knew is that no life they had created could survive in the desert he created. There was no water, the plants, and the baking heat in the day and freezing temperatures at night. It was unlivable to all life that had been created, and would remain so if the other gods kept their way of thinking. Luckily, Bara often thought outside the box.

Looking at the base of the mountain, where all the sands converged, Bara began to imagine the race that he would create. This race would be long lived for sure, as well as quite large. This, of course, would be because he would shape them from rock.

He focused his mind, envisioning what they would look like, till he had an idea. Why could their forms not vary upon what they were made? He could bless life into the first, upon which it would construct the others out of whatever material it could find. If it happened to find metal, a metal golem could be born. Nothing but sand, a sand golem would be birthed. Crystal, rock, dirt? All could be birthed by the other golems. Yes, the perfect race for the god of creation. A race that could create itself in many forms.

And with that, Bara sculpted the first golem. It was rugged and showed where the stones had fused. Humanoid so as to allow it to manipulate matter without magic. Bara carved channels within the first of the golem race. He breathed in life to the creature, giving it a sole and mind. Creativity and a strive to make. It knew who had created it, and it knew why. And thus, the first golem set off to make more of his race, so that they may create great monuments and cities. Create things that were once naught but possible machinations of the mind. For he was the race of Bara, god of creation.

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As the world aged further armenies started to fill in with his son ryse and showed him of the fascination of the humans. Ryse had to agree, the humans were slowly growing and had developed writing and maybe more if they were to be given a push. "My son I have task that I believe your worthy of doing." Ryse quickly turned to him at attention and looked to him with curiosity. "What might it be father?" He asked. Armenies smiled and swung his arm around him and pointed at a new race that had now appeared, they were a new species that his sister had created. They were somewhat similar to the humans but with pointed ears and more beuty. "I need you to tell the humans to allow the elves to live with them, both must work together in order to do so...As for the other species tell them to remain cautious and observe for now. Also if you could teach the runoms a couple of knew things or something." Ryse smiled and grabs his fathers arm and shakes it (yes his arm), "I would be honored to do so father." With that said ryse opened a teleporter and entered the mortal world.

The first thing he saw were the elves and they seemed afraid at the sight of this man with shiny armor and weapons. He walked off and gestured to them to come. At first they seemed they hesistated but eventually followed him. After many days they arrived to the runoms where ryse explained the situation to the leader. A compromise was made and the elves and humans had known grown stronger in numbers. Ryse also decided to stick around and help with the civilization for a couple hundred years. His father watched from above and let his son learn from the two species.
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Qan’cath looked out upon her race they lived but they had to organize they needed to join together and she already knew how they would work, each of the massive caverns would be a city state completely self sufficient but they would band together should anything go wrong with the cities or even the other races. Their location would keep them safe and their minds would make them a challenge for even the mightiest of armies. She had this all planned from the start and knew how she would organize her people to make them strong in their own way, that was the advantage of seeing though time. And so it was that the city states of the illithid were made.
Yandere stood in her realm calmly, it was currently blank since she never decided to change it at all. She was dressed in a dark cloak and spoke to herself, "I suppose its time to make my big appearance." She threw off her cloak, it disintegrated in the air vanishing from sight. She raised he hand and pink and black energy swirled together into a ball in front of it. "A race of creatures which will be noticed by gods, but not by men; a race that will sew tragedy across civilizations as they appear. They will fit into humanity and influence it from within. I hope he notices them, but if he falls in love with them, I'll destroy them! They shall be named succubi but few will notice them among those they hide in." The orb of energy she had formed shot down from the sky and formed the first of these creatures. A beautiful woman with large wings, horns, and a tail. Almost immediately after stretching the woman's tail, wings, and horns vanished making her appear as a normal human. She walked into the civilization of Runom and started living as a human.
Not long after Iva had set her people into the mortal race they had been welcomed into the human civilization of Rumon, she had hoped that a miracle like this would take place and she knew she had her brother to take for this. As a symbol of strength and perception Iva fashioned a bow of white would and silver string and gave it to the eldest among the elves. It would show them the righteous path and teach them to be strong not only for their selves but also for humans. The bow contained a great strength with in it, however, the bow was not to be used and could not be for destruction useless a great issue called for it. It would remove any veil of deceit they would encounter. The elves held it among the most precious elements that the world could provide and placed it at the foot of a temple dedicated to the gods. Iva then went back to her immortal realm and organized her thought while she watched the humans and elves grow and thrive together. She was thinking what she would create next, already the burden of moving decease souls from the mortal realm to their after life in her realm was growing to be a hardship on her and she needed a servant, and yet she felt as though her energies would be need else were.
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Abaddon watched over his race created by him with the help of koz. He smiled in glee at what they had created. Now they even had a civilization built thanks to koz and Quan helping in, and the other gods race had joined in. Humans he believed they where called,"what a interesting development I wonder what sort of conflict this will bring ". He said folding his arm and watching. I'm glad that the others decided to allow this merge .
As ryse helped out the chieftains plan out there city and there small military, he sensed an odd energy nearby. He had never felt this dark energy before and had no choice but to excuse himself from the elves and men decided to continue it together. Ryse ran outside and looked around the large town. There people bustling everywhere and it seemed hard at first to sense it. But then he picked up its trail and chased after it. A women had a dark essence coming out of ther that only beings like him could see. He approached the woman and tapped her shoulder, holding his shield tight and putting up a act, "excuse me mam but I couldn't help but notice your beuty."

Koz did not make life easy for the Wrath of the Raktor civilization. From the moment they first joined together he had hounded them with storms. Lightning struck all over the swamps. the earth shook, and the skies remained darkened by clouds even when Noctis' veil shifted away in daytime. Such terror did Koz unleash upon his creation, one would think he despised them.

Nothing was further from the truth.

Though many fell to the storms, the ones that didn't were the strongest of the strongest. Capable of adapting even to these extreme conditions. And eventually, thrive.

The storms forced the Wrath to cooperate in ways previously unheard of. And the Raktor as a civilization grew stronger for it. As well as being instilled with an even stronger desire for survival and challenge.

Eventually the storms ceased in intensity, though never completely waning, and the Raktor were left with a world that held nothing for them to fear. For when you survived the assault of a god, one had earned the name of Wrath.
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"Well hello there, you big hunk of man." The succubus spoke in return from the compliment, she could sense the power radiating from him and so she was sure he was just trying to figure out the situation rather than being serious. "Should we take this conversation elsewhere, or should we just do it right here?" On purpose she toyed with him acting flirtatious whilst staying on her guard. Her red hair blew in the wind as she spoke adding to her beauty and she got rather close to the mans face. She kissed him on the cheek and whispered in his ear, "I hope we can get to know each other."
Abaddon laughed as he watched koz work putting his people through hardship so that they could adapt and become stronger.Yes my brother is very wise indeed and interesting to see what he did with his rule over the wrath. Once the wrath became strong enough they would move out searching the lands beyond pillaging any the meet with exception to those abaddon had made deals with. But until the abaddon watched and waited until the other required him or he bad new ideas for the world
Ryse seemed somewhat confused and didn't move a muscle but watched carefully at her actions. She seemed to not posses any dangerous feats but his father warned of his siblings random creations that could either be good or bad. "Well I suppose we can talk somewhere in private." He escorts her to the outside of the palisade wall that surrounded the town. "Alright speak your purpose, why do you carry dark essence and walk amongst my fathers creation?"


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