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Fantasy The God Game

" I want you to lend me some of your power so that I can create a powerful race , the other plan to combine their powers on their own great races and considering I plan to place them within the dark depths I thought you would like to have the chance to be worshiped by them for your darkness" She said expecting him to not want to fall behind the others, and to her it was a good offer he would get some power from the race and he would know that they would be powerful.
Iva had been busy making her realm. She had filled it with light and beauty preparing it for those who would die. However, she had a problem there was not a vessel worthy of carrying life. She has secretly given light to the other gods creation without them know and she felt as though this realm should be able to carry life now. Iva then went to the other gods and she ask the god of creation and the god of sanity. "Will you help me make a vessel worthy of life, one that will learn and grow as it lives? One that will be able to make its own mistakes and thrive by its self?" Her voice was great and filled with power as she spoke. She saw already, something being done by the god of honor.
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Armenies was somewhat saddened that know one took the step to finish his creation. But then suddenly a light shined somewhat bright in the room and another sister had arrived. He stared at her and then an idea popped up. He marched to her and kneeled before her with the two creations raised up, "Sister of light I beg of you to consider giving these creatures a chance. If you wish to help of your own will of course."
The two creations were dull, yet unique. However the could never flourish with out a mind and a again she ask the god of sanity for help, "if I give these creatures life will you give them a mind of there own?" As she was waiting for an answer she continue to shape the creations until a suitable form had appeared and then she turned to the god of creation, "If I give these creatures life would you reproduce them and make them stronger as time progressed?"
Armenies looked up to her with a determined face, "I shall give them free reign of there own will, a mind to make there own choices. They will be able to reproduce and grow over time." He watched in fascination as the humans were being formed alittle differently but quite better then what he had done.
"Then brother it shall be your duty to ensure that these beings have a mind such as our own and it shall be your duty to ensure that they reproduce. And since it is your duty, I shall give you the honor of naming them." She then laid the two beings down and filled them with life, and as she did so the whole realm was filled with an unending light, one that encouraged growth and life.
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The god was staring at the two humans and then turned to the world that his brothers and sisters had created. he whispers to his small little creations, "With my power and the help of my brothers and sisters, I bestow you my blessing....Farewell Humans." and with that he released them onto the world. The humans floated down and down and down, They then started to slow down as they started to descend on the grassy plains of this strange continent. The two creatures laid still on the ground for a few minutes and then started breathing. They started to struggle at first to stand but then in no time flat started to walk normally. They looked at each with curiosity, but then smiled and walked together to a nearby river to explore it and then to start a small family and then a civilization.
Iva watched the humans from a far, they had began making a civilization and she wished to help as much as she could. She knew they would need food in order to survive and she made livestock, chickens, cows, and pigs as she named them. Then she placed them near the humans.
After a long moment of thinking Noctis finally responded, "Very well. I will help you." He said to Qan'cath, "All you need of me is to use some of my power in creating them, correct?" He said, playing with a little bit of his shadow essence in his hands. Suddenly something caught his eye, he turned and looked into the projected image of the planet, which he had taken to calling 'Deus'. He watched the humans that had just been created, "What an interesting idea." He said as more ideas of his own appeared in his head.

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" Yes and as I wish to make us equals in their eyes let me know if you wish for them to have any specific traits so that your touch will be with them always " She said though she did mean they would worship him as well they would be her children in the end, her race but she would make sure noctis would receive his portion of praise from them.
Aqua smiled, before saying farewell to her siblings. She thought it was wise to go back to her own domain and have abit of time to herself, so she clicked her fingers and evaporated into a puddle on the floor, which soon disappeared. She arose once again from another puddle in her own realm, and she sighed deeply as she walked over to the window and looked out upon the world.
He turned back to Qan'cath, "I have no request. As long as I receive half of their praise I will be content." He turned to look back to the world, "Tell me, what are your plans for these creatures?" He looked back to the projected image "While this image is useful it does not show the full splendor of this world we are creating. I may have to add another room to my tower." He mumbled to himself.

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The more and more these deities thought, pondered, and created entities that did the same, Wycor felt it's power grow and grow until it had reached a manifestation in this existence. "Consciousness, finally." Wycor took in it's surroundings, clearly other higher powers were at work. As each one thought, Wycor looked about in their minds, seeing how these deities mental patters differed, how they interacted, and how strong a mental capacity each one had. After Wycor believed it had enough findings, it made it's way to the group.
" That is acceptable enough though know that they will be my children and bear my domains " She said willing to split praise as this was at least the start of a good enough alliance should the race of warriors she foresaw come to pass " I plan for them to dwell in the depths of the world they will use magic and use mental powers instead of great strength they will be made into a great civilization that will match or dwarf any of those on the surface " She said though they would most likely need more power for that " We will need as much power as we can get together" She said being honest about intentions of forming this alliance to get powerful races to make sure the more blood thirsty gods would be held at bay.
Abaddon stood and teleported to koz the god of change for a proposition" oh brother where are you I have a offer that only you could assist me with well at the moment anyways," he said smiling amused by his words he waited for his brother and fellow destroyer to appear before him
It was indeed a sight to be scene. The two humans were able to grow there population and thrive on the continent. But he was saddened that his first two creations had died of old age, things grow and wither like plants. He disappeared to his realm which was covered in a shiny yellow color and at the end stood a throne for him to sit that he created. He sat and watched the humans from his shield that he hanged on the other side of the room. The humans seemed to be forming different groups and that he did not want, so he decided to send three normal spears made of the same metal alloys (gold) that he wore himself and sent it to the three largest villages. The humans were shocked and scared at first, but then they found it as a sign of there creator. The three chieftains of the villages gathered together to form a civilization. Over the years they thrived even more and started to learn to cooperate with one another. Quite surprising that they could build so many things with there bare hands and tools that they had forged. One invention he liked was the wheel. "eheheheh.....Wheels."
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"Indeed." Noctis replied "We will. Is that all you require of me? If so I would prefer if I be left alone." He said, staring at Qan'cath with a sort of cold expression, "I must rest. It was not an easy task, creating Ausar."
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]Abaddon stood and teleported to koz the god of change for a proposition" oh brother where are you I have a offer that only you could assist me with well at the moment anyways," he said smiling amused by his words he waited for his brother and fellow destroyer to appear before him

"Oh, what is it brother?" Koz had spend his time watching the puddle, except it wasn't a puddle anymore. The proto-life inside of it had developed, diversified and multiplied. Now what was once a puddle was now an entire ecosystem. Plants and animals filled the lands (not a few without some divine intervention). And Koz was happy. He even lend some of his power to his siblings newest creation. Humans, he believed they were called.
" Yes that will be all, should you need aid in your own races do not hesitate to ask" Qan'cath said as she vanished from Noctis's realm and moved between planes back to the meeting room with all the others.
"Well I have something in the making,"Abaddon smiled excited about his future creation he looked over koz shoulder and at the puddle now changing" Ahh how interesting I know you adore change brother so I bring to you a offer of a new concept I call them a warrior race I already have a name as well the wrath," I look at koz in hopes that he will indulge me and assist In the creation of my army" Now it will take some time to create them but it is well worth the effort," he stood his arms crossed and a blood thirsty smile on his scarred face
@Tylor guillory

"I have no real interest in war, brother, I hope that is not all you plan to use them for."

He looked back at the puddle, and thought of the many beings that had formed from it. He had already helped make a race, the humans. He looked forward to what they got up to.

Then again, one race, that might be a bit boring for the mortals. If they were the only sentient race, they might grow complacent, start infighting, stagnate. That was unacceptable. Would more difference mean more interaction? More the different races could learn from one another, even if one of them was a warrior race? But then again, who was he? Change. So what if they were created to be warriors, if they didn't like it they could just change. Every sentient race had that power, especially those blessed by Koz.

"I have conditions. Tell me more."
"Well of course Brother,"I spread my hands out welcomingly and show images of what I they will be like" They will have the ability to adapt to any environment or situation,except magic that is my powers only go so far of course, I need you for there adaptability powers I can handle most of the other things, " scene's flash of the future race of warriors that would soon be feared as the wrath " So brother what are your conditions
@Tylor guillory

Koz approved of the image projected to him. Strong, tough, with a strong drive to survive. A race after his own heart.

"I don't want much, just an equal part in the race's formation. I will pour the same amount of power into this race as you do. That way you won't have a monopoly on them. Don't worry, I won't bother commanding them, that is not my way. But I will grant freedom to those who ask for it, and who can survive my trials."

He grinned. The conditions only existed to give the Wrath the choice of freedom, but Koz certainly wasn't going to hand it to them on a platter. Freedom had to be earned.
"Hahahaha yes I do appreciate your way of thinking brother," I held out my firm hand he was pleased to hear that his brother was for the new race and interested to see what the wrath would do with there freedom he laughed as he waited for his brother to seal the deal with a hand shake so that they may begin the creating of the wrath "Well brother a deals a deal I accept".
Hmmm, Koz hadn't actually tried assuming a solid form yet. But now Abaddon held out a hand to him. Amusing, the hand was only recently invented, but already all the gods knew what we are supposed to do with them. Are we creating the world, or is the world creating us?

In any case, it'd be rude to 'leave his brother hanging' so Koz better figure out this hand thing quick.

Well, here goes nothing...


Meh, good enough.

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