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Fantasy The God Game

Armenies however came up with an idea. He stepped forward and used his powers to create a large continent. It wasn't complicated but with those caves formed from one of his siblings he was able to use the element to create a single continent. It had mostly planes but also hills. He then decided to carve the continent and allow water to fill in. So with his spear he started to carve out lines and such. It actually didn't look half bad in his opinion, "if any of you would like to pitch in I could use some ideas."
Bara was not paying attention to what his fellow gods were squabbling about. He had his own ideas to work towards. He looked down at the small world covered in storm clouds and oceans. There needed to be land for his ideas to truly manifest themselves. His body shifted into a swirling mass of sand and rocks. Yes, that would be good, a land that is arid and the sun beats upon the ground.

He searched for the best location of his work. It did not take long. In his design, the planet's equator and Southern Hemisphere received a greater portion of light than the rest. The equator, however, would receive the majority of the rainfall, as the air rising from both the north and south would meet above their in the greatest quantities, causing massive rainfall. However, he could seperate a portion of the land mass with massive mountains, ones which would block the rainfall from the equator. Yes. That would work. While a small portion would receive great rains, everything below that was blocked off by the mountains would be dry. He just needed to decide on how everything would look.

Thousands of possibilities flashed through his head, until finally he settled on one. Calling upon his power, he raised land from the sea. Huge mountains continued upward, cutting off the top third from the lower two thirds. But he wasn't done yet. Causing other mountains to spring up sparsely throughout the land scale, he had the earth below turned to vast quantities of sand. The sand was at first just one yellow color throughout, so he changed it. Red, black, white, grey, and orange sand joined the yellow, each in their own arm of a giant spiral that all joined together at the base of a mountain. However, this was not just an ordinary mountain, it was by far the largest one he had created, dwarfing all but the tallest of the others.

He sat back from his creation and marveled at its beauty, and yet it was so simple. But it filled him with greater accomplishment than anything he had done in his own realm. He was happy.
Aqua, who had been quiet for the entire time, smiled. She was planning on adding some water, but it seemed that there was plenty already. She was slightly annoyed that someone else had created the water, when she was the person who had thought of the idea originally, but she could still claim the water as her domain. Suddenly, Aqua had a wonderful idea. She gave a slight blow, and the water began to move, creating small bumps, which she would call 'waves'. They began to crash against the sand, and gave the world a peaceful sound.
Koz was scanning the surface of the new world for anything interesting he might use. Those volcanos he accidentally made sure spewed a lot of neat stuff. His mind fell on a small puddle in the middle of nowhere. Oh hello, what have we here?

"Guys, guys, come look at this. See this puddle, look really closely. The tiny wriggly things. Somehow all the stuff we made combined into itself and is now doing stuff on its own. Isn't that neat?"
Aqua giggled. "Cool! So we don't have to do eveything, do we?" she said, excited that the world was growing by itself.
Armenies was impressed at all these so called chain of reactions that are now happening. Now that there was land he wanted to experiment on something, he wanted something or anything to share the same ideas and feelings as he does. He swishes his spear and started to use the water and dirt to create something he would call homon...or hunon...he'll think about it later. He continues to form the shape but he seemed to feel alittle weak then usual. "Qan'cath if you can help me shape this creation. Also Aqua could you make something in the water, something that these things could consume for energy or something?" He then uses the left over of his powers to crest small little green things to grow from the ground to very large brown things with arms that came with even more green things. He nodded in aproval and his continent seemed to have been filled with these he called trees. The land was 2/3 covered in trees and with the rivers he carved it helped them stay healthy. He then started planting more of these trees all over this small world.
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Koz tore his gaze away from the proto-life he had found. He was sure it would turn into something interesting, but not for a long time. Instead he thought about the superstorm he created earlier. That was impressive, how could he make it better?

Koz metaphorically crackled his fingerjoints and got to work. He imbued some part of the atmosphere with his own essence, allowing significantly strong currents to tap into it. The result was that any storm had the potential to evolve into a magically charged superstorm, were the elemental forces of nature and magic would swirl together.

This should be good.
While he was at it, Koz decided to use some of his remaining power to flatten a decent chunk of the land, mountains were nice and all, but it'd be boring if everything was rocky. Some nice little steppes would give it some flair.
Aqua nodded to Armenies and set off to work. She thoyght for a moment about what she could make, and whether it would be alive or not. She wanted the people to have abit if a challenge, so having something that is alive would be good. She thought about the small creatures that were in the puddle, liking the idea of them. What if she were to recreate them, but bigger? She summon some water to her hand and began to mould it into some form of snake, before breathing life into it. It wiggled around in her hand, slowly turning from blue to purple. Smiling, she threw it into the ocean, and tons more began to appear around it. They swam around near the shore, happy with their new lives. If only they knew what their fate was...

"How are these?" Aqua asked him, pointing towards the 'snikles'. Yes, that is what she shall call them, snikles.
Armenies looked at the strange new creaures and smiled, "Yes sister these will work well. Now that there is life on water and land, maybe we should create something that is life in the skys. If any of our brothers or sisters would like to create another." Armenies then continues to forge his life but it seemed to take even more time then he expected.
Noctis waited and watched the other gods quietly, regaining the power he had spent, ever slowly. He watched as land began to form on the surface of the planet, as the first life forms began, as magical storms, trees, and all kinds of other creative creations began popping into existence, from the powers of his siblings. As he watched this, he grew bored, and tired of being around all of his siblings. He had never really liked any of them, and as such he always tended to stay away from them as much as he could, "I will be returning to my own realm now. From there I will continue to work on the project we have begun, just away from all of you." Dark smoke began to surround him, until he was no longer visible. Soon the smoke disappeared with Noctis himself.

Noctis appeared in his room of creation, a large, circular room made out of a dark metal substance. The walls were jagged, and the middle of the room had a magical image appear above the table that showed the whole universe. The large, circular table was surrounded with chairs, one of which was much taller and nicer than the others. Noctis sat in this, which he called his 'Thronus'. He sat in the chair and stared at the massive universe, pondering.
Abaddon stood up finally making his presence known" I have a few ideas myself," the big muscular god said In his deep baritone voice." Lets make this place more interesting perhaps add a element of danger desolate lands maybe a wet area a swamp I believe,"he smiled amused at his idea the idea of whatever beings that came to be fighting to survive in such area's." Oh and I think a magical pit would be a nice touch to the swamp surrounded by a boiling lake of course,"abbadon said as he said down waiting for some feed back
Turn 2:"First Creations"

World : Kinda Habitable , races below 30 points are now allowed(plus 2 because of early creation, extraordinary race 28+2=30) , Creatures of 5 points and below are allowed

Aqua Blubini-16 Action Points

Yandere-20 Action Points

Noctis-10 Action Points

Nissenia-16 Action Points

Bara-12 Action Points

Qan'cath-18 Action Points

Abaddon-15 Action Points

Koz-10 Action Points

Sanji-10 Action Points

Wycor-10 Action Points

Armenies-14 Action Points

Iva-10 Action Points

@Reddrection and @TheRPingMudkip can post now.
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Aqua looked over at Abaddon, thinking about his idea. A swamp would be interesting, and a little bit of danger would surely add some excitement to the creatures lives. "I fully support your idea."
I awaken. "Huh?" I'd look around and then look at the world. "What the crap?" I'd say. "ANYONE OUT THERE? THERE.... THERE.... THERE....." I'd screech loudly, my voice echoing and not noticing the gods around me. "Oh well," I'd say looking at the creation. "How's it like this if I'm the only god?" I'd say in my mind, thinking I was the only god there.
Aqua turned to the newcomer, who had obviously not seen the others. She smiled and moved over, gently tapping him on the shoulder. "Hey, welcome to the new world."
Armenies looked with all his strength managed to finish his the arms, face, and torso. But it was missing its legs and needed some new adjustments to make the specie look like him. He turns to Aqua, "If you would be kind enough sister, I would be honored to have you help me make this creatures partner." he gestures her to come and to take a look at this small being in his hand. he thought about a name for its species and called it in his head a "Human". He also takes his attention to the newcomer, "Oh welcome young one, if you could also help I would appreciate it." He gives out a reassuring smile.
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"Huh? Oh- I'm NOT the only one. Well, hello m'lady." I'd say, focusing my speech towards Aqua. "How long has this creation been here? Most of the beauty in this creation must certainly come from you."
Aqua giggled. "I'll tell you more about it in a few minutes, after I help my brother." She turns towards Armenies, smiling at the tiny thing in his hands. "I'd be honered to help," she said, trying to form and exact copy of the creature. It was difficult, and took a few minutes of frustration, but she finally managed by mixing the sand with the water and moulding it into shape. She summoned some more water and placed it on the girls hand, creating some sort of strands of the color yellow. Strange how she could make this happen... She handed the girl to Armenies to see if he could do anything else to it.
When Noctis finally regained his power he realized how tiring his work would be if he had to do all of it alone. He thought and thought, trying to come up with something, until he finally had an idea, as his magic swelled up inside of him shadow essence shot out of him and began to spiral around a spot in front of him. Slowly it turned into a man covered in dark plate armor, with a torn dark cloak on his back and a greatsword, "Welcome to the immortal realm of the gods, servant. You will be the gate keeper to my realm, and carry out any tasks I give you, as I am your lord and creator. With my authority as your creator, you shall be named 'Ausar'." The dark knight bowed, and used his shadow magic Noctis had bestowed upon him to teleport to the gate of the Realm of Noctis.
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Qan'cath looked over the world then under it to her dark caverns, they would need more than just water to live . Yes plants would be needed to support more advanced life than the animals the others had made. She already saw the creation whole and knew what she would make and what would be needed. It would also be nice to give the darkness a little light as it only went to reinforce the darkness and sometimes only in the dark did beauty come out. This also gave her an idea, she would split her power to make a race she planned with another god one who might enjoy a species that lived in the dark eternally with only a dim glow for light at the best, though she planned on giving them powerful vision to compensate.

" it seems the others are waking but well time runs short” Qan'cath said as she reached out into the depth of the world and brought forth plants but not just any plants they were giant mushrooms that glowed a pale blue and grew multiple stories high that were surrounded with their smaller spawn giving the darkness clusters of light. Then she looked to the damp places and spread a tiny plant that would cover many spaces a lichen that glowed a pale green giving the roof of the caverns their own stars.

Qan'cath looked over this new light that she had made and was pleased with it, she would add more but first she had someone to speak with " I must speak with our brother Noctis" She said and then she vanished going off to make a proposal.
Armenies was taken back by the beauty of the small creature that his sister had bestowed on his right hand. He smiled and now had two of the humans, but there was something missing and unfortunately he was lacking energy and couldn't do much. He was suprised that one of his brothers decided to help out. turned around to the nearby gods, "Fellow brothers and sisters we have finally created...Humans....But before I release them they are missing one more thing but I just can't put my tongue on it. If any of you would like to participate then feel free."
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Qan'cath appeared at the gate of Noctis' realm. The realm was built in a way so that only servants of noctis and Noctis himself could teleport freely in his own realm, all other beings always appeared at the gate. The gate was on a long, empty, path made of basalt, that seemed to never end. Standing in front of the gate was Ausar, silent and foreboding, he blocked the goddess' path and waited to hear her purpose.
" So he has made a pet already " Qan'cath mused as she looked the knight over she would need some latter but for now she would focus on the mortal realm and dealing with the abominations the others were going to make, she could easily get past the shadowy night but easier to just play along.

" I have come with proposition for your master so that he does not fall behind the other gods and what they are planning" She said already knowing what would happen thanks to her control over time it was now a race.
Smoke began to surround Qan'cath, swirling around her until it finally disappeared, and she was in Noctis' thronus room, "Let me hear this proposition of yours."

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