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Fantasy The God Game

I follow quickly behind." So what kind of creature are we making and how may I be of any assistance? " abaddon asked in a polite and almost joyful tone quite unusual for him he winked at Aqua smiling as he did. Maybe I Could give it some destructive aspect or wrathful trait I do doubt a sea creature has much use for war though." @amybri18 @LeviathanL
"Nobody has much use for war, but nothing screams 'struggle for survival' more than a sea-monster attacking your boat.

These civilizations, they are growing in strenght and culture, which is great. But they can always use an extra challenge to overcome.

So, if you don't mind me saying. Release the Kraken!"

@Tylor guillory @amybri18
Abaddon laughs and breathes a heavy sigh." Well I think this is going to be quite a fun experience. So I guess wrath is what I'll add and a hint of destruction maybe perhap?"
Aqua thought for a moment. She turned to Abaddon. "Yes, a destructive aspect would be good." She smiles, before turning to Koz. "Maybe you could create some sort of an atmosphere around it, so it is stormy wherever it is? Is that even possible?" she asks. "I guess I can give it a thirst for blood."
amybri18 said:
Aqua thought for a moment. She turned to Abaddon. "Yes, a destructive aspect would be good." She smiles, before turning to Koz. "Maybe you could create some sort of an atmosphere around it, so it is stormy wherever it is? Is that even possible?" she asks. "I guess I can give it a thirst for blood."
"Please, have you forgotten who you were talking to? If I can make a storm that is capable of spawning dragons, I think I can make a little tempest that follows this dear beastie around."
LeviathanL said:
"Please, have you forgotten who you were talking to? If I can make a storm that is capable of spawning dragons, I think I can make a little tempest that follows this dear beastie around."
Aqua smiled. "Fantastic!"
Bara looked down on the world, watching as the Golems built up their civilization. They grew and prospered, showing a level of creativity in their creations that surpassed the others. They did not have to focus on magic, weapons, or farming, only the machinations of shaping stone, sand, crystal, and metal into massive buildings and living tools. Carts that were alive and rolled themselves, tools that used the power of life to move themselves and finely cut rocks. Some have even made pets out of the non-sentient rocks. Everything was going well.

However, when he focused the feelings of creation outward of his focus on the Golems, he could feel things going differently. Other species were focusing on weapons and warmongering, and his brothers creation of dragons would eventually threaten the Golems. Bara had to create a defender of the land. Something beautiful yet deadly. Elegant yet powerful. Something that would inspire both feelings of awe, and terror.

Bara set to work making his creation. It would be massive, yet capable of flight. It would be incredibly strong, yet intelligent as well. It would absorb energy to survive and perform its duties. It would the Guardian of the Desert. He spoke it's name.


Consciousness came to light. It's form solidified and shifted. It felt a great pressure above itself. It needed to be rid of that feeling. It needed to feed.

With a great force to massive being erupted out of the desert below, its wings blotted out the sun. It's felt the warm Rays of the sun feed into it. It was wonderful. Landing with a force that would create a massive sandstorm, it wrapped it's wings around itself and settled down to slumber. It would need to absorb the sun's energy to fill it's hunger. Then it would set off into the night.
Iva put her hands to work making something for the civilization Ilar, they were behind the others and she wished to make them stronger minded then the other species. The elves them selves already knew much of the history of the earth, but now they would have an endless fountain of knowledge. Iva had made a book that could contain knowledge of everything that had been and everything that was. The book could write its self as the world progressed gathering more knowledge, and it came to be known that the only species that could read it were the elves, for there minds could remember everything and survive. Once Iva had finished making the magical book she sent it to Sister Ira to give to the Citizens of Ilar. Once Ira had received the book she took it to the center of the city and played it on top of a stone pillar.
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amybri18 said:
Aqua thought for a moment. She turned to Abaddon. "Yes, a destructive aspect would be good." She smiles, before turning to Koz. "Maybe you could create some sort of an atmosphere around it, so it is stormy wherever it is? Is that even possible?" she asks. "I guess I can give it a thirst for blood."
" very well I shall do so but destruction is more than things being destroyed so I shall need more specifics to what trait the creature will get from me."
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]" very well I shall do so but destruction is more than things being destroyed so I shall need more specifics to what trait the creature will get from me."

Aqua nodded politely, however, she didn't understand what he meant. How was destruction more than destroying things? "Ok then, well, obviously you can give it wrath, and maybe just a destructive nature? Like, it feels the need to destroy everything in it's path?"
Noctis emerged from his deep slumber. He had grown tired, and needed to build up more of his power, and as such he decided to take a long sleep. However, he was finally strong enough to create what he had been wanting, and got to work. First he turned to his cold, empty continent, "While the lengthened nights and cold may be beautiful to look at, there are too few spectators. Who best to view the beauty of my land, but inhabitants?" He knew that to host a civilization, his continent would need a source of food and warmth. He used his dark powers to create a new, large, edible creature, one in which he named the 'Grey Striders'. However, one creature wouldn't do. He needed more, so he created a race of massive, horned creatures that are covered in meat and fur, these he named 'Mormot'. Now, he had a creature that could thrive on his new land, however without a way for their population to stay in-check they would quickly overpopulate and possibly die out, "Humans are interesting. Perhaps later I can add my own race, but for now I must settle for humans." Using his godly powers he created a new civilization on his continent, one that could rely on his grey striders and any other creatures he might add later on to survive, one that was made entirely out of humans. He named it the Civilization of Corbora.
Aqua sighed deeply. "So, shall we get too it?" she asked the other two.

@Tylor guillory

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