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Fantasy The God Game

Aqua blinked and turned around in confusion. She was wondering what Abaddon wanted, but she knew she couldn't just let it go. He was the god of destruction and war, so things wouldn't go to well if she ignored him. She melted into a puddled, then rose from another puddle next to him. "What is it, Abaddon?" she asked. It looked like she would have to put the sea monster on hold whilst she chatted to her brother.
"What is this you've done to me my chest hurts whence I gaze at you. Why is this?"Abaddon said as he turned to his sister he wasn't in a rage more of a irritated and confused way." I'd like answers and I'd like them right away." Abaddon eyes Turned to that of mortals and his scars seemed to heal he didn't know why but he felt a need to change appearance to what he felt Aqua would approve of, without completely cha ging his look. @amybri18
Turn 7:"Rise

World : Totally Habitable

Special Turn Rules: N/A

Reminder: Rules are in the Overview they will change with the time to make the game fair and fun

Description of the turn: N/A Yet

Special note: From now on gods cant create races of 30 points.

Any error notify me tomorrow

  • Aqua Blubini-56 Action Points Esras-38 Action Points

    Yandere-15 Action Points Zyncturial-10 Action Points

    Noctis-28 Action Points Morlon-10 Action Points

    Nissenia-66 Action Points

    Bara-33 Action Points

    Qan'cath-25 Action Points

    Abaddon-36 Action Points

    Koz-30 Action Points

    Sanji-60 Action Points

    Wycor-60 Action Points

    Armenies-29 Action Points

    Iva-18 Action Points

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Quest: The First Dragon Hunt

Kyra sat in one of Runam's pubs. Nursing a stiff drink. She was drawing quite some attention with her tattoos and her spear leaning against the bar. But not nearly as much attention as her two companions drew. She wondered if the people in this city had ever seen one of the Wrath before. By the looks they gave her companions, they didn't.

What a group they must look to them, Kyra mused, first you had two giant Wrath warriors:

Appolyon the Invincible, from Abbador tribe (and the Wrath name someone invincible, you know stuff just got real)

Shevah the Skinner, from Raktor tribe (Who didn't get her war-name for her tanning skills)

And then there was her, Kyra from Kozul tribe, a tiny human woman who doesn't even have a war-name. She should thank her stars that full-fledged warriors would so much as give her the time of day, let alone travel with her to the heart of human civilization, far away from their native continent.

But then again, nobody seemed to like a good challenge as much as the Wrath.

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Apollyon looked down at kyra had look down being as he was so much taller than her Shevah stood next to him they didn't speak much they where quiter than most wraths. "So Kyra you really think this will work we have never faced such a foe before and while me and Shevah are wrath you are only human you could die." Apollyon smiled amused by the thought of battle with these new beast. "Yes it could be very dangerous for you plus who knows if " he" will catch on to us." Shevah said quietly worried about the one who this quest was originally meant to deal with. @LeviathanL
Kyra glared at the large Wrath. Though she wasn't as big or as tough as the Wrath, she was still Kozul, and she did not care for Appolyon's implication she couldn't handle herself. So she smiled, that is to say, her teeth were visible. Everything was a challenge with Wrath, and you always had to win if you wanted to earn their respect.

"And you are only Wrath, my dear friend, and you could die just as well, regardless of what your war-name says. I doubt the monsters we'll be hunting will care that some of the bugs on it's tail are bigger than the others, or the many victories one bug achieved over other bugs. We all get squashed just as easily.

Or at least, that is what I hope they will think, assuming they think at all."

Kyra shifted in her seat, this was a good drink, not as strong as back home, but very good nonetheless.

"As for 'him', I doubt he has ears in a random tavern in another civilization in a different continent. But even if he did, so what? We are just gathering a hunting party, just as all the other participants. Nobody said we could only recruit in Wrath civilizations."

At least, that's what I tell anyone who asks, Kyra added silently.
Qan'cath felt her power return and decided to correct a minor problem she had noticed her people were suffering from a lack of proper clothing, not that they needed much but there was something odd about a race as advanced as they were not having a proper way to make clothes. The best solution to that was to make an animal that they could use to make clothing, but she would not make one that was there to be killed and used for its skin, no she had a better idea.

Qan'cath shaped what at first looked like a pale white worm but it was given a hard head an jaws and many little legs along its sides there were small blue spots that would glow if in the dark of a cave. The caterpillar as it would called grew in her mind till it was 15 feet long and several round. She made many of these species before seeding them in her Illithids cities they would eat the mushrooms and grow then when they grew enough they would spin a thread and their bodies would become hard in this thread cocoon. It was then that the thread would be harvested and spun into clothes, but the creature was not done yet it would come out completely changed into a flying creature with glowing wings that would be 20 feet across. Yes this great moth would make an excellent addition to the caverns.

She also increased her peoples great knowledge of society letting them build and use magic to a greater degree. They would be able to defend themselves no matter the threat they were a race that stretched from continent to continent so they needed to be defended against all threats.
Apollyon laughed and patted Kyra hard on the back smiling his big fanged smile. " I admire your spunk but he is not to be jested with he is more deadly then you could possibly know." Shevah began. To walk out the tavern then stopped and turned to them. "I'm going to prepare to move out maybe I'll have a drink with you later Apollyon share stories of battle." Shevah said in a flirtatious manner smiling at him." Yes I'd enjoy that very much." Apollyon said returning the tone she then walked out to prepare. "So tell me who else are we looking to join us on this journey before we begin the hunt. Apollyon asked a hint of curiosity and impatients in his voice. @LeviathanL
"Well instead of an all-Wrath party, like all the others are doing, I figured having a party of as many different races as possible will have better succes. They might not be as individually strong as the Wrath, but with more diversity comes a much greater range of options. We will be able to execute strategies and battle formations that are simply impossible for a one-race party. That's my plan, and I'm confident in it."
Apollyon laughed. "Ahh good plan but question? How do you plan on getting other races to join in on this quest to slay a giant fire breathing beast? Your the only human who would do such a crazy thing and I don't know if there are other races who are as brave or adventerous as the wrath." @LeviathanL
amybri18 said:
Aqua frowned. "You have- feelings- for me?" she asked in confusion. How was this so? She was so confused, why would the god of destruction have any kind of feelings towards her? There were like the polar opposites! She was peace and he was chaos, pretty much.
"Feelings? The only feeling I feel is wrath but maybe.....we could go I don't know maybe watch the races at work sometime maybe create something." As Abaddon said this his face seemed to turn red slightly in the cheek area.

"I mean umm ahhh..... gah I'm the god of destruction ,wrath, and war I don't know what I'm doing I should leave. Abaddon said preparing for Aqua to agree with him so he might leave .
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]"Feelings? The only feeling I feel is wrath but maybe.....we could go I don't know maybe watch the races at work sometime maybe create something." As Abaddon said this his face seemed to turn red slightly in the cheek area.
"I mean umm ahhh..... gah I'm the god of destruction ,wrath, and war I don't know what I'm doing I should leave. Abaddon said preparing for Aqua to agree with him so he might leave .

Aqua sighed. "If you want to hang out, just ask, ok?" she said gently, forcing a smile. She really didn't want to hang out with him, but maybe refusing wouldn't be such a good idea. She thought for a moment. "Hey, I was going to create a sea monster, you could help out if you want. I was actually about to call on Koz, but I wouldn't mind if you came along as well." She smiled, for real this time.
Kyra blinked at Appolyon, not quite grasping what the Wrath was saying. Since when did anyone need a reason to go hunt a dragon? It was a dragon, hunting it was its own reward.

Not having an answer to the question, she just shrugged.

"Let's go find out then. I'll go walk around town for a bit, try not to pillage the town while I'm gone."
Wycor looks throughout the lands these gods have created, all the beings they have made. Wycor's interests have begun to peak. "These gods have made their own tools and servants. It is time I made my own." Wycor pulls a Shard of fragmented thought from his aura and gives it a mind of its own, bound to its master Wycor. "My child of Insanity, Crth'inath. Go now and bore into the earth of their precious world, warm their home, ward them from outsiders, grow throughout their planet, and test for me their underling's will. Sew insanity among them, my servant. Increase my favor in this their world." Wycor then teleports the elder god servant into the core of the planet, where it will grow into the planet, and send massages of Insanity throughout all beings of consciousness in the realm, all for Wycor's testing.
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Zyncturial went back to what he was originally working on between his creatures and his servant he was probably going to have to ask for a bit of help with at least one of them, the servant he had planned was probably going to be the one he needed help with the most, so, now the question of who to ask.

He messed with his little people for a bit and a bit to his idea for a floating island / city, but he was more focused on figuring out who to ask, and then he came to a conclusion, it would be best to ask Armenies and ........ Abbadon...... That was going to be a trick, getting abbadon to help him out, how to do it.

Zyncturial was thinking on that as he made his way over to Armenies and tapped his shoulder and showed him his servant and he ' spoke ' once again asking Armenies to see what kind of armor he might be able to come up with to put on his servant, of course whenever he had the chance to. Though whatever his answer was he still needed to get over to Abbadon and see if he could try and get him to help make his servant more, war ready, to say. @Tylor guillory
amybri18 said:
Aqua sighed. "If you want to hang out, just ask, ok?" she said gently, forcing a smile. She really didn't want to hang out with him, but maybe refusing wouldn't be such a good idea. She thought for a moment. "Hey, I was going to create a sea monster, you could help out if you want. I was actually about to call on Koz, but I wouldn't mind if you came along as well." She smiled, for real this time.
Abaddon smiled his huge smile. "That sounds fun im more than happy to assist you in this but first let me speak with Zyncturial he seems to want my assistance and I'd like to see what it is he wants." Abaddon turned to Zyn." Now how may I assist you today brother?" Apollyon laughed at the humans words" I can't promise anything but I'll try my best to do as you requested. " Apollyon went back to drinking and talking to others at the tavern.
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]Abaddon smiled his huge smile. "That sounds fun im more than happy to assist you in this but first let me speak with Zyncturial he seems to want my assistance and I'd like to see what it is he wants." Abaddon turned to Zyn." Now how may I assist you today brother?" Apollyon laughed at the humans words" I can't promise anything but I'll try my best to do as you requested. " Apollyon went back to drinking and talking to others at the tavern.

Aqua nodded. "Ok," she said, and then she waited for him to return.
Iva had spent some time to her self in her realm. She noticed that mortals souls could not enter into her realm and spent a great amount of her power to fix this. At this point her realm was grand, it had flowing rivers that had a faint glow. It had perfectly white flowers and the skies were a golden color. Now that she had spent her power, mortal souls could join her in her realm. Children could play endless if they want, they no longer had hardships and could enjoy her realm. After she had done this, she turned her focus to her civilization of Valkyries. She now wish to join elves to the mix. So Iva turn to Sister Ira and instructed her to lead a small party of elves to this new land. Once Ira made it to the civilization of Ruman, she lead a small party of elves away and whenever they reach an obstacle they could not pass, Ira would carry each of them individually. Until they finally reach the Valkyries who welcome them with open arms.
Turn 8:"DnD

World : Totally Habitable

Special Turn Rules: N/A

Reminder: Rules are in the Overview they will change with the time to make the game fair and fun

Description of the turn: N/A Yet

Special note:

Any error notify me

  • Aqua Blubini-66 Action Points Esras-48 Action Points

    Yandere-27 Action Points Zyncturial-10 Action Points

    Noctis-42 Action Points Morlon-20 Action Points

    Nissenia-76 Action Points

    Bara-46 Action Points

    Qan'cath-25 Action Points

    Abaddon-36 Action Points

    Koz-48 Action Points

    Sanji-70 Action Points

    Wycor-70 Action Points

    Armenies-44 Action Points

    Iva-20 Action Points

Kyra wandered around the town with a disappointed look on her face. She'd thought people would be thrilled to hunt down giant flying reptiles, but the people in this town seemed to have an uhealthy attachment to warmth and safety. You know, boring stuff.

She took a turn and suddenly saw a large metal building with a giant orb for a roof. She heard of that structure before, the first temple to Koz to survive its god's blessing. And in the knowledge that Koz showed his favour by throwing lightning bolts at you, the fact that the temple was still standing was testament to it's builders.

Koz was not known for lending aid to his worshippers, except in the way that a plague cures a food shortage. But still Kyra entered the temple to show respect to her tribe's patron god.
After receiving the much appreciated help from Abbadon, Zyncturial decided he should probably have some of his people advance with the servant as well, though that was a lot easier said than done, after all Abbadon just help tremendously with his servant, more so than he had anticipated, though, a debt like that mustn't go being ill repaid of course, it will be much easier to help out once he gets a few followers of his own to worship him, after all that is how Sync will survive, just like any other god. Even so aside from having quite the debt to pay off he still has to do it, but that may have to wait, more so than he might like. Zyncturial started working on his people once again and putting all efforts into completing them as efficiently as he could, due to his excessive sleep he had quite a bit to do in order to even come close to being on par with the others, Sync had quite the plate full to deal with if he wanted to be able to say he was able to keep up with the others and not be called slow, that would probably irritate Sync more than he would want to admit, though it's not all about being first, at least, some of it isn't, he wanted to be further ahead than the others, but still help the others, this was Sync's biggest flaw, sympathetic competition, help the friends and the enemies.
Tylor guillory]Abaddon returned to Aqua." Hello now what was it we were doing? Shall we get back to it?" Abaddon asked as he appeared behind the goddess. @Tylor guillory [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14401-leviathanl/ said:

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