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Fantasy The God Game

Artifact Name: The swords of Speed

Description: It allows a warrior of honor to fight his foes with tremendous speed and flexible to keep attacking.two short swords that also absorbs the blood of its enemy's. When it starts to glow red the user can activate it to either: A. Increase his speed and reaction time even further by three folds, B. Send shockwave of lightning to the users surrounding and kill foes. Range is 10 meters.

Requisite for use or activation: A warrior of the runoms who has only one purpose. To defend his people and allies.

Armenies and ryse finished the last finishing touch of the twin swords and sent it to a warrior of true honor named Leonids.
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The wrath jumped grabbing the human leaders head and thrusting his knee into the humans face a fee times before jumping back and watching him for his next move
The human felt somewhat immense pain in his face but had recovered the shock. He observes the creatures huge size and decided take advantage of its lack of flexibility. He charges at the wrath and pretending to go for the legs again. But as he got in range he made a faint move and swung to the wraths right side and grabbing it along as well. As the creature fell to one knee he would grapple both arms and pull back as hard as he could. The wraths large arms would have some limited flexibility to reach his back. The human clings into the back of the wraths back and starts to wrap his arms on his "wrath Adams apple" and pulls with all his strength to chicle it out.
The wrath struggled for air and slowly got to his feet the human still choking him he then leaped up and slammed into the ground crushing the human between his massive body and the ground he did so in hope of loosening the humans grip- abaddon watched impressed by the humans reselliance and his wraths power- well this is quite the match
The human was sent body slamming the ground. He felt a lot of pain coming from his left side. But he didn't show his face of weakness, not until death. He rises again and slowly makes his way to the wrath. He then attempts to test the creatures pride by using taunting tactics, of course the wrath would succumb to his taunts and come bull dozing towards him he steps to the side as quickly as possible and trips the wrath, but the weight of the creature also cause him to stumble alittle and lean to his bad side while the creature face planted onto the ground. Both were most likely sustaining annoying injurys.
The wrath snarled and stood up towering over the human he slowly walked over to the human a look of anger or maybe disgust on his face which then turned into a respectful look he held out his hand to the human waiting for him to take it
The wrath lifted the human to his feet then turned to his wrath brother and raised his hands in the air roaring a kind of cheer as he did and the rest of the wrath did the same welcoming there new brothers and sisters into there homes "ahh its seems we don't have a problem after all my brother," Abaddon said to Armanies impressed by the display given between the two races.
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Turn 6:"News"

World : Totally Habitable

Special Turn Rules: N/A

Reminder: Rules are in the Overview they will change with the time to make the game fair and fun

Description of the turn: N/A Yet

Special note: The Era of the oldest races will stop soon .

Any error notify me tomorrow

  • Aqua Blubini-46 Action Points Esras-28 Action Points

    Yandere-13 Action Points Zyncturial-10 Action Points

    Noctis-33 Action Points

    Nissenia-56 Action Points

    Bara-16 Action Points

    Qan'cath-24 Action Points

    Abaddon-34 Action Points

    Koz-33 Action Points

    Sanji-50 Action Points

    Wycor-50 Action Points

    Armenies-29 Action Points

    Iva-12 Action Points

Iva took her brothers gift for this new species and began to sculpt it into a being. She turned to her brothers and sisters waiting for their gifts. Already a bright light held the place where there would be a powerful being. She waved her hand to welcome creativity, "brothers and sisters now is the time for you give your gifts and fill this being with your energies."

@Tylor guillory @Karcen @Evanw1256 @LeviathanL
Abaddon opened his hands and gave the valkarys the gift of great skill with blades and strategy in battle," I hope they use this skill well brother. I'm thrilled to see what they contribute to the world
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Noctis, who hadn't been paying much attention, looked back at Iva, "Very well." Noctis poured some of his power into the being, using it to help mold the new being they were creating, "Now these new beings will have a piece of me with them wherever they go." He smiled as he thought of the possibilities of these new kinds of creations that had become so popular among the gods, these creations called 'races' and 'creatures'.
" Very well " Qan'cath sighed more interested in her creature than these than the beings her brothers and sisters made, but with each race she felt more powerful so blessing another race or two would be a great boon.

" Since it seems we are being dramatic about it I guess I have to be as well." She said though she obviously didn't mind the idea of being so " For my gift I give them reign to break the laws that govern flight despite the need for larger wings and lighter fragile frames they shall remain as they are and not fall to the grounds as a stone would and as they should reality itself shall know this exception " she said giving some of her power to these new beings. " Now I shall return to my people" She said turning and taking a few steps before looking at the world once more.

Qan'cath reached down once more to her illithids and brought them more knowledge gifting them more knowledge of magic, the idea of proper numbers, and how to live together in closer communities. With this the city states would be one step closer to becoming the vision she had in her mind for them.
Abaddon looked down at the wrath and humans civilization smiling. They had advanced there civilization even further thanks to there combined efforts, and a tad bit of help from him. Even two groups of the nomads had split off and made civilizations. He was sum what proud of his race and the other races aswell. Abaddon had always been the god of destruction but seeing what the gods had created in there combined efforts he couldnt help but smile and watch as the world went on
Zyncturial had focused on what he had been working on for a bit longer and decidided to go see what someone else was doing, after all he needed to give his mind a break for a second.

He made his way over to Koz and looked at what he had his fingers dipped into, and something in particular caught Sync's attention, and that was a creature being made, it seemed big and powerful, but did it have the energy to keep going for as long as it needed to, probably not. Zyncturial looked over to Koz and started to speak but all that came out was a bunch of clockwork noises, that is if anyone was listening with their ears, had he listened with the mind he would know that Sync had bestowed a little, but very important, gift to the dragons. He lifted the head of the dragon that was still being made and put a little orb of energy in its head, though it looked like fireworks exploding rapidly. Now this creature can last quite some time, but of course not without taking a few naps here and there.
Koz was tinkering with his next big idea when one of they younger gods, Zyncturial, gave him a visit. Right now his project was just a model, a dream within a dream, but Koz was very enthusiastic about it. Then Zyncturial added a little spice to the works.

"Ooh, pretty lights," Koz said with the sound of rumbling clouds. Lighting and fire parted his assumed form in a smile. "That gives me an interesting idea."
Iva gathers her siblings power and gifts, then she began to created a spectacular creature. A creature with wings unseen before capable of withstanding anystorm the faced. A creature with the skills of a hundred warriors and unmatched in combat. A creature that would be wise as it was powerful. Together the gods decide to name this new speices The Valkries. Then Iva felt her storm brother's need for help in making something new and gave him a portion of her power.
Abaddon heard of his brothers interest in creating a new creature and decided to assist in the creation himself he has to save some power but he spared what little he could,"brother I shall also assist I suppose these beast could uses a bit of wrath to them don't you?" He asked enthralled by the new beast
Noctis turned his attention back to the world, realizing how it had no visible marks made by him, and felt left out, "I suppose some more land won't be too bad." He said, as he used his dark powers to raise a large continent near the northmost point of the world. The continent was filled with ice, snow, and jagged terrain that is difficult to traverse, "This continent shall hereby be called 'Broia' " Noctis spoke, staring at the cold beauty of the land he had created.
Yandere finished terramorphing the planet into its hellish landscape and putting simple life on it she smiled. "Now to get some the power the others are getting." She raised a massive black citadel out of the world and placed her succubi within it. "This shall be the society which worships me." The succubi explored their location and started forming a civilization with the help of Yandere. Yandere taught them how to live in this world and how to fight, as she saw her brothers creations doing.
Over the steppes of the world, within the endless sky, Koz stirred. Immediately the winds changed, clouds that were headed for the lush farmlands diverted their course, the pressure difference in the surrounding atmosphere spiked to heights not felt in an age. Tremors originated from within the earth, spreading wide to cover half the continent, even reaching the deep caves of the Illithids. The same tremors reached the sea, were they met the waves caused by another godly act, the birth of a new continent, at this meeting giant maelstroms were formed, if only for a moment. A moment to a god, that is. From Koz's perspective, it took no time at all to gather a storm, and even less for it to naturally develop into a godstorm. Only when the godstrom reached its peak did Koz make his move.

He took the dream he had been working on, perfected by the powers and ideas given him by his brothers and sister, and thrust it into the very heart of the storm. For an instant the storm stopped, no lightning, no thunder, no wind. An instant for a god was more than enough time for every living being near it to flee as fast as its legs, wings or scales could carry it.

The instant passed, and the storm exploded.

From within the storm's heart creatures emerged. Large, flying creatures whose wings roared like thunder and whose breath sparked like lightning. From this moment forward, the godstorms were more than just magically charged lightning, now it was the hatchery of dragons.


Koz smiled, this was his challenge to the natural order, a plea to the mortals to rise to even greater heights. For dragons flew in the sky, and they were hungry.
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The Valkyries were just born and great people. Iva had never organized any one and she saw that the Valkyries were disorganized without help. With some help she organized the Valkyries on the island closest to the south. There they began to form a great and mighty civilization, although the failed in comparison to the others.
Aqua had been resting for a while, thinking about what could make the world ore interesting. Perhaps a challenge for the humans of whom she had helped to create? She had always been fascinated with blood, so maybe a monster who felt a certain amount of love for human blood, one who would feed upon them like that of a vampire would? However, she also wanted world peace, so maybe it would know when to stop? It couldn't be a blood-thirsty psychopath, it would simply be a challenge. How about a sea monster?...
"Abaddon sat back for a while watching the wrath. He had grown very fond of them they were like his children but even so he had decided to check in on the other gods and see what they where up to. Abaddon had never really showed interest in the other gods unless it was for a battle, and even then being as none of them could die the battles where never really pleasing. He looked over into the other gods realms and saw all they where working on or had created. When his eye caught the sight of Aqua she was creating or planning to create some sort of serpent, for some reason he couldn't look away from her it was a strange feeling he had never felt before. His chest hurt as if someone had a visce grip on his heart." Ugh! What is this sorcery I must confront Aqua about this." Abaddon teleported into Aquas realm and called her name." Aqua I must speak with you at once!" @amybri18

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