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Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

Finally spotting his prey, he waited in the brush, wishing he still had his antlers. Instead he would just have to do without, so he readjusted his throat and made an elk call. The doe immediately looked his way, but not spotting anything, it slowly approached.
Evangeline sighed, "Either way, what are we going to do next. We've all become allies, but what exactly is our goal?"
The doe approached cautiously until ten feet away, when he pounced and began tearing and the does throat and belly. The cries could be heard throughout the forest and invigorated him so. The blood, covering him was enough to bring him pure bliss.
Evangeline sighed and stood. "I'm going for a walk. Sleep well." She muttered, before turning and walking away. She sighed and walked until she found a nearby stream. She sat and dipped her toes into the water. She leaned back and closed her eyes.
Blue appeared next to him watching him tear into the deer , he was so dark ,stark in contrast to her light loving side but something deep and dark in her twitched when the smell of fresh blood reached her nose
The moment, his maw tearing into the doe, that she appeared behind him his eyes dilated and he lashed out behind him at her. Until he seen whom it, was, then went back to feeding. His hunger was too much. Preying on the sick for so long made this kill extra invigorating for him.
Evangeline wrinkled her nose as the stench of blood filled the forest. She sighed and stood before walking onwards, towards the carnage. She paused before she reached them though and watched as he lashed out at the shapeshifter.
Evangeline snorted at Blue's comment. She doubted he'd appreciate being called poor. She remained where she was though, not feeling the need to intervene.
He stopped when she spoke, beginning to laugh bubbles into the bloody mess. He then mumbled, "Wendigos are of hunger, we are always starving." However, in that moment, he stopped and remembered, he had others to think about, he backed away from the meal and took on a regular shape again before heading off and saying, "Help yourself, I've got to find the others."
Evangeline rose an eyebrow, that went better than she would have thought. She sighed and turned back, intent on returning ot the stream she'd found earlier. It was better than she would have though, she half expected him to kill the shapeshifter. With a shrug she continued walking back to the stream. She sat down again and watched as the water swept past.
Eventually, in mask again, Odstarva came across Evangeline near a stream. Blood was dripping from his black garb and he cleared his throat to get her attention. "I found food."
"I noticed." She commented dryly, glancing up at him. "Care to clean off a bit?" She pointed at the water beside her. "Not that the blood stained look..." She trailed off with a small smile, "I'm kinda suprised you came back. You could have just left."
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He sat down next to her near the creak and began to clean himself off, adding, "When I lost my true form, I had to enter civilization to survive. I learned a lot there... Stasis is what the cities knew me as."
"See, being around people isn't all that bad." She leaned back and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "Although humanity is typically pretty unaccepting. I prefer the company of the supernatural," She was quiet for a moment, "Why did you lose your true form?" She asked, opening her eyes once more to look at him.
"I ran out of things to eat in the western mountain range. I went without feeding for so long that I entered a... Stasis." He smiled at his last word, but then mentioned, "They thought I was human, just a cursed one. You say humanity like your not part of it..."
"Ah." Evangeline sat up and ran a hand through her hair. "Oh, I might as well be one. My kind aren't anything special. I'm just a siren." She sighed, truly she couldn't do much in the end. "Although it's at least a step up from being human."
"We're known for our singing voices, typically used to seduce men and kill them." She said with mock cheerfullness. "I can get anybody to do whatever I want by singing, I mean it's pretty useful I guess. But in a fight I can't add much." She scowled
"Seduction is useful in any scenario I can think of." Putting down his mask again, "Do you want anything to eat?"
Evangeline shrugged, feeling oddly encouraged by his words. "Sure, although I'm not sure if we have the same tastes persay."
He stood and led her to the doe silently. In this manner, it could be seen his years as a doctor of the plague.
Evangeline followed and hesitated a moment at the sight of the deer. She gathered her resolve and walked over to it. She bfriefly wondered the best way to go about this. "I- I don't suppose you have knife on you?"

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