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Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

Blues ears flattened and backed up once they noticed her she scampered a few feet away , then shifted to a bird high up in a tree watching them again silently her eyes locked on the 3 waiting for one to make a move.
Odstarva had to shake himself out of it before he began to walk away deeper into the forest. He couldn't risk killing theses girls or having them know what he was. Anyways, one of them seemed very temperamental. If only they hadn't been there, then he'd be eating fox.
"Oh how nice! It's a shapeshifter. I haven't seen one of those in a while!"

Evangeline sighed, "I'll be right back." She turned and ran after the man. "Wait! You don't to join, but answer me this. What are you? I know you aren't human, but..." She trailed off.
Blue flew down and shifted to her human self , standing a few yard away she zipped up her hoodie " hello" she said in a small voice , looking at them hoping no one attacked
"Hi Shapeshifter....As I said i havent seen your people in a while." *Maria smirked*
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He stopped dead in his tracks and looked back at her. He guessed he could let her know, nobody had ever slain his kind before. If she knew anything about a wendigo, she would know he was one after his next action. He pulled off his mask and locked eyes with her and saying the word, "Hunger." Before putting on his mask and continuing. If she was a being susceptible to the wendigo's curse, she would suddenly crave the flesh of others.
"Evangeline! *Maria runs to her* Oh my god.... What have you done?!" Maria screamed.

"Revenge is the only world in my vocabulary..."
Evangeline froze and stared after him. She hadn't expected that. "Maria, I'm fine... Just a bit shocked I guess. " She sighed and sat down, running a hand through her hair.
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He approached a nearby tree and turned towards them, leaning on it, "Did I not warn you. You should leave. I'm not a being to befriend, nobody has before, and what makes you any different."
"hi... Im Blue " she said watching the other two run off and then the third and sighed she turned on her heal and walked off, finding a comfy tree and curling up against it and grew a field of flowers with her powers ignoring the chaos happening
"You don't have to be friends with us, all we-" She paused and glanced at Maria, " I ask is should any of us need the help you be there to help. But I did say you didn't have to join us, I just think your... abilities would be useful." She stood and brushed off her clothes. "If I really wanted I could just make him join." She muttered quietly to herself. Annoyed that she couldn't pursuade someone without her powers.
"That name brings me back. Though I don't remember mentioning it to you. Nomatter, like me or hate me, I live on." Then looking up, "Did you see where that fox went?" Completely ignoring the arrogance of the one whom could make him join. Wendigos never had contact with sirens.
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" Well Odstrava I will never forget your name. Plus why would I want to tell you anything... I never even trusted wendigos."

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He got up and shrugged before passing them, adding, "Fine, I've already it's scent, now its only a matter of." Looking back at her, "If you'd like to join me for a meal."
Evangeline scowled at being ignored and leaned watching their conversation. What exactly was a Wendigo, they didn't have any where she was from. She sighed and began humming softly trying to lure out some of the nearby animal. A small mouse scurried out of the undergrowth and climbed onto her palm. Noticing his movement she glanced up again."Surely you could go for different prey, I think Maria already befriended it."
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*she smirks* "Not until you catch her first. *laughs*" Maria races toward the section where we saw blue, Maria whispered to her, "Escape Blue! Run as far as you can! don't let him get you!"

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He looked between the two and weighed his options with a visible gesture and asked, "Why not both." Then in a hollow toned demonic tongue, he spoke to Maria, "Feed." He couldn't control her directly in his dormant stated, but he could give her the hunger. After he turned to the Siren and rodent before approaching and asking it, "Well this escalated when it really wasn't necessary, didn't it."
*Maria smirked* "HA! You think your feed thing will work on me?? Thanks to my mom, i can resist evil magic! Now, Run Blue! Run!"

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"That's a bit of an understatement. If you'd like I help you find something better, I think the fox is a bit off limits." She set mouse down and watched and it ran away again.
Blue stood and wandered off , finding a meadow with a stream next to it , blue smiled and a few large trees grew in a circle , vines weaving inbeween , making a small forest house for herself she heard the shouting and shifted to a rabbit and scurried off hiding away from them

( dont mess up my charecter)

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