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Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

He hums in thought while continuing to stare at the embers. "The only Exception by Paramore, Beauty in the Breakdown by The Scene Aesthetic, Remembering Sunday by All-time low, mostly acoustic or rock music are my favorite. I don't mind other generas but these are just the top of my head. How about you?" Jack started to enjoy and relax himself just talking to someone. Back home he was never accepted or given the chance to talk long like this regardless of what subject.

@Love You to Death
Evangeline hummed thoughfully. Her family had made sure she had extensive musical knowledge. "Umm Remembering sunday would work. That used to be my sisters favorite song." She smiled sadly, if there was one thing she missed about home it was her sister. She was the only reason Evangeline had stuck around so long.

Jack nods and takes out his guitar from its case and holds it in place trying to recall it's notes as he adjusts the tune. After a few strums and tuning he was ready. "I'll be honest. I've never done this before." He chuckles a bit nervous. "Ready?"

@Love You to Death
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Evangeline nodded and shot him an encouraging smile. Singing felt natural, she couldn't imagine what it was like to be nervous. But she supposed it was something that came with what she was. She took a deep breath and went over the words in her head. "It'll be fine, you've got this."

Jack taps his foot making a rhythm and counting under his breath getting into the beat. He starts stumming making the melody echo through the woods. Focused on the cords and the beat before getting the pattern then waits and listens for Evangeline to sing.

@Love You to Death
Evangeline grinned and started humming along with Jack's playing. After a seconds she started, "He woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes." She started off a little quiet, but as she got into the groove of it her singing got louder and more confident. It was just like the old days, when she and her sister would go and sing.

Jack watches her sing a minute into the song. Focused on the girl and how she sings with passion. As predicted he admires Sirens. He admires her. A genuine smile crawls on his lips in awe. Eyes pasted. He starts humming and muttering the words. He was actually a good singer but not a great one. There were certain notes he cannot reach. He saddens listening to the lyrics. How he would go home after an argument on a rainy day. He never meant to be a burden to his mother. Him lacking communication is what got him in this mess. He just wanted acceptance but all he Colan get are scoldings.

@Love You to Death
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Evangeline let her eyes drift shut as she sang. After a while she heard him and she slowly opened her eyes again. She grinned, it was always fun to see someone else involved in a song. Swaying along to the music she let the words wash over her. Filling her with memories of what it used to be. It was rather nostalgic and she couldn't help but wonder about her sister. It had been months since she left, did anyone miss her? "The neighbors said she moved away, funny how it rained all day." She shut her eyes tightly, pushing the thoughts of her family away. It would do her no good to keep remembering.

Jack watches Evangeline change her expression to wonder look. The last part of the lyrics started getting to him. "I'm not coming back. I've done something so terrible, I'm terrified to speak to speak but you'd expect that from me. I'm mixed up I'll be blunt now the rain is just washing out of my hair..." The song felt like he was saying goodbye to his mother and his brother. It felt so upsetting yet relieved. Maybe he needs to get away and follow Evangeline's example. "I guess I'll go home now...I guess I'll go home." His eyes focus on the fire once more before sighing.

@Love You to Death
Evangeline sang the last few note of the song and finally opened her eyes again. Oddly enough she felt almost better after singing. It had been so much more than just a song, to them both it seemed. "You play really well." She said, eyeing his guitar.

Jack removes his instrument and places it in its case then throwing them over his shoulder with a strap. He stood up. "Thanks. It's a little thought but practice makes perfect. You sing beautifully just as suspected. It was better than any voice I've ever had the pleasure of playing with." He starts walking away. "As much as I'd like to be allies and sit here, I prefer to get out of here as soon as possible. I'll be heading off."

@Love You to Death
Blue sat up on the tree realizing she drifted off she turned to a small pink canary wth her bright green eyes and flew to a lower branch watched every one below
Evangeline jumped to her feet and grabbed his wrist, "Wait, I'm sure if we asked Maria, we could leave now. We really could use all the help we can get. " Hoping that he would stay she turned and ran over towards Maria. "Do you think we can leave now?" She paused, "I mean we have been here for a while already."


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