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Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

He put away his blade and seemed rather disinterested, "I'm not here to postulate the evil behind the act." Then he gestured to the space in front on him and leaned back, saying, "Well I've never been one for cards, but you seem into it. Can I ask you what your plans are for me then?"
"Very well, then." She handed him the Queen of Hearts and placed the King of Hearts in her other palm. "Whatever plans I have for you - no they are not my plans - don't involve killing you. Although the chase was incredibly fun, it was only to strike some fear into you." Kyra waved her hand above her card, watching as it folded it self into a crown. "I'm supposed to make reports on you, study you. Something like that." She let out a breath and gave him an irritated look. "And these aren't ordinary cards. Each one holds a purpose and that purpose is shown during the choices you make when you play my game. I won't ask you any questions unless you want me to, but I can be very convincing."

Kyra smirked before dropping her card on the ground. As it fluttered down, it caused the ground in the clearing to change into black and white tile. "So, are you interested in my game?"
"Fear. Well, I guess you could call it that. I never felt it until I became," Gesturing to his form. He was also quite unsure about what was unfolding, or rather folding in front of him. This sorcery was obscure and he had seen nothing like it before. He wasn't sure about her, but he felt very tense at the moment, still, he nodded and stated, "I don't know why you've come to study me, but I would rather get that out of the way than to play a game."
"A shame, really. Fear is such a beautiful emotion. And the game is my way of studying you. I wouldn't have suggested it anyway." She walked around, scattering four cards around the edge of the clearing. They morphed into columns, each designed to match the card designs: Club, Spade, Heart, and Diamond. "And loosen up. This won't hurt you unless you choose it to. And speaking of choices, pick a column before I have to drag you to one." She gestured to the columns, her body relaxed against the one she had claimed herself, the column representing Diamond.
He shook his head at her comment and exhaustively accepted, "Yes, fine, but the hunger is getting a tad bit hard to deal with." He said, approaching the spade column.
"Good choice. And your hunger will be fixed soon, don't you worry. I'll see to it." As he touched the Spade Column, the ground before him rumbled. A sentinel appeared in front of him, covered with vines and leaves. It was shaped much like a storm cloud, a symbol of death and deception. She stepped forward, placing her head on the object and giving him a questioning look. "What do you think this is?"
His eye twitched and he snarled at the figure, taking on a predatory stance before answering, "I'm too fond of this "game" of yours, just tell me and let's get it over with." He was very upset by all these confusing occurrences and felt overwhelmed by the urge to attack.
She raised an eyebrow and let out a laugh. "You really are a bore." The field before them disappeared and she smirked. "You lost your chance to talk to the person behind this. I almost feel bad." Kyra threw a vial at him before turning around, a bit disappointed. "That vial should keep you going for a month or so. It's small, so don't overfeed yourself on accident. This doesn't mean I'm leaving you alone. I still have things to study, your behavior when hungry, your behavior when full, things like that. And what you really are. Keep the card. Think of it as your own personal souvenir." Kyra walked off, knowing tonight she would sleep inthe trees.
"Like you'll get a chance." He said, completely aggravated. letting the vial fall to the ground and dropping the card in the grass, turning the other way and leaving. No, he wouldn't be doing this any longer, heading into the forest and searched for prey. Stupid girl. He was the spirit of hunger, among other things. His thirst would never be quenched.
As she stepped into the shadows, Kyra summoned her reaper as her eyes glowed softly. It seems that his soul would not be claimed easily, and as she retreated, she smiled, knowing full well that this was not over.

No hunger can be quenched. But the source of said hunger can.
Evangeline sighed and stepped out of the trees. She turned towards Jack, "I think the plan was to go out and level up...But we're still missing someone. One of our members wandered off earlier." She paused, "Oh, I'm Evangeline by the way."

Jack turns to Evangeline and gives a half smile. He wasn't use to friendly people. "Mine is Jack. A pleasure to meet you. As for level up. That's a but strange. You make it sound like a video game. Is it easy?"

@Love You to Death
Evangeline sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "To be honest I have no clue. I wandered into the forest by chance." She paused, "Maria is the one who knows all of this." She frowned and glanced down at the ground. "But anyways, I don't think we'll be leaving for a little while. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself?" To be honest, Evangeline didn't trust the newcomer. She would have prefered a smaller group, but nothing could be done now. The best she could do was try to understand him and maybe come to trust him. Truthfully she didn't trust any of them, not even Maria. But the only way she could change that was to get to know them.

Jack nods listening intently. He sighs when he hears there is no way out. He shoves his hands in his pockets and stares at the bind fire in front of him. Stuck in the woods. Great. This sounded straight from not only a game but a story like Hansel and Gretel or even Red Rhiding hood. His eyes move back to Evangeline and hesitates to answer. He didn't want to get close to anyone but...he always manages to give in.

"Not much I can say about myself. I'm not that interesting.....what....about you?" He sheepishly asks.

@Love You to Death
Evangeline rose an eyebrow at the lack of a story. It was clear that she would have to keep working at him, if she planned to get anything useful out of him. "Well, I guess you could say I'm a run away. I used to live with my family on the coast but I decided to leave and travel the world. My family didn't agree with it though. So I ran... and then I ended up in here."

To this, Jack perks up to her story interested. You could see a glint in his eyes for a second before slouching in his seat. "I see. And was it worth it? To be away from everything stressful? Don't you miss your family?" In a way he too came here to run away from his life but before he could ever think those things he would always have time to himself to clear his mind and think thing over. He was a bit scared to leave but his drive to leave was bigger than his family. Sad to say he doesn't feel like a normal human being but apart of his monster side.

@Love You to Death
She tilted her head slightly. "It was more than worth it," She paused thoughtfully, "To be away from it all is rather peaceful. I no longer have the expectations of my family resing on my shoulders and I can be my own person." She sat next to him. "Even if I wanted to go back, I can't until we get out of this forest." She made a face. Who knew how long this was going to take.

Jack nods in agreement and walks over to her. "This may sound weird but...do you mind if I sniff you? If we all get lost I'll be able to track you down with scent. That's how I found you girls." Of course it was a weird question to ask and it seemed to probably freak anyone out. Evangeline so is a person he wouldn't mind befriending and an Allie in these woods. He sighs. "I'm..." He pauses. "A werewolf." He mutters.

@Love You to Death
Evangeline rose an eyebrow but nodded, "I suppose. Although why do you sound so ashamed of what you are?" Being a werewolf isn't necessarily a bad thing, expescially in a place like this. Evangeline was sure that they'd need all the help they could get.

Jack moves his face to the crook of her neck where the scent is usually stronger. He sniffs and does his best to lock it in his mind. He looks at her and for a brief moment showed a hint of sadness. "Oh. Well being a werewolf isn't exactly easy for someone who doesn't have a parent to teach you how to control yourself. It has its perks I admit but it also comes with a lot of trouble. Like any animal, male especially, we can't control how we feel and it takes over. It's a lot stronger than a human will. All its done for me is cause difficulties to me and most importantly my mother. Trying to control your inner beast, emotions or hormones is hard. It takes everything I have to be stable."

Jack turns back to focus on the embers of the fire and scoffs. "I don't usually tell people what I am but...judging by everyone's scent you are all not human. You all smell like one but a with a unique scent. Just like mine. Am I wrong?"

@Love You to Death
Evangeline winced at his sudden closeness and was relieved when he finally backed away. "You know, every species has it struggles. Try not to let it get you down." She gave a slight smile. "And you're right, I'm not human. I'm a siren."

"A siren? You mean like a beautiful mermaid with alluring voices? Can you sing?" He smiles a bit brighter. He always did like music such. His favorite is acoustic music as lame as it sounds.

His tail wags for an instant behind them before it vanishes.

@Love You to Death
Evangeline's eyes widened at the sight of the tail, but she refrained from commenting. "Uh yeah, although you make it sound so nice. Keep in mind sirens in mythology use their powers kill to people" She grinned playfull, "But singing is kind of my trademark,"

(Sorry for the wait I was away catching Pokemon @Love You to Death)

Jack scoffs closing his eyes. "Yeah I know. But aside from that I believe they beautiful creatures who can sing their cares away. Not a lot of people can sing. I admire them for that. They are not known as much and taken as evil characters. Never a good one or even have a popular story of their own." He turns to Evangeline and smiles a bit. "If you can sing I would like to do a duet with you. I can play but I don't think I can sing that well."
Evangeline laughed, "I'm sure you aren't that bad. But it would be pretty cool to do a duet I suppose. What songs do you know?" She asked. It seems they would have a little time before they left, and it would be a fun way to pass the time. Although she'd have to be careful not to enchant him in the process.


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