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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

LunaCrosby said:
(Alrighty, probably not gonna use a bbcode for both, it'd be a cluster of madness xDD)
Misaki crossed her arm's and looked to the side, "it's not my fault, it's not like I ended up hitting her or anything" she said and puffed out her cheek's, "Why does Seraph have to tell you everything..." she muttered.

Mal shook her head, "it doesn't change the fact you skipped a class, and got in an agrument with another girl while you were at it" she said, putting something on a counter before looking at Misaki, "Bedside's, if it had gone on any longer, I bet you would have attacked her, you seriously need to control your temper."
(((( I'm not using it because I don't feel like it xD ))))

It had been awhile since Roman had come home, so he figured today would be the day. Kaori was still at the apartment, and she seemed like she was okay so he decided it'd be a good time to go home and check on his family. He slowly opened the door of the mansion, ready to tell Mal and Misaki that he had finally found a place for them to move into, along with other members of the Ishida family. Once he was inside the mansion, he could hear what sounded like fussing. It was definetly Mal's voice, and he could hear Misaki also. Humming quietly, he made his way to the direction their voices were coming from, hoping to surprise them. "Mal? Misaki?" He said as he quietly walked towards them. He put his hands on Mal's eyes and spoke happily, "Guess who?" He asked, telling Misaki to not say a word.
Mei Junchi[/URL]



"For now, let's stick to eating. After that we can watch something, and after THAT, we can go outside" Fricka exclaimed, smiling softly at Junchi, as she was slowly finishing up her pizza
JJKab said:
Lena sighed, and patted her stomach softly
"Can't you see? I'm carrying this lil' bastard" She joked, lightly shivering when she felt his hands on her shoulders
Roy grinned, "I see. Well, take it easy." he frowns for a split moment, wondering what Lena's age was. Being in high school was much too young to be pregnant. His smile reappears after the moment of curiosity, "Where are you heading?"
JJKab said:
"For now, let's stick to eating. After that we can watch something, and after THAT, we can go outside" Fricka exclaimed, smiling softly at Junchi, as she was slowly finishing up her pizza

Mei Junchi

"Hmm, sure. Are we going to talk in between our bites of food, or are we just going to quietly eat? Personally, I find eating quietly to be a bore."

Extra Information


Female Dorms, Fricka's Dorm




Talking to Fricka


Relax, Talk to Fricka

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

"I was just curious how a human defends himself against people who have powers. Most humans would exchange combat class for something else " she replied.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Salvador nodded as he entered the taxi, "Yes. I have to use martial arts instead of swords and shields." He gave the taxi driver the location, then turned back to Kagami, "Why do you ask?"

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy grinned, "I see. Well, take it easy." he frowns for a split moment, wondering what Lena's age was. Being in high school was much too young to be pregnant. His smile reappears after the moment of curiosity, "Where are you heading?"

"I was heading towards the.... Physics class, actually. I am forbidden from doing anything physical, so I will focus on something more tolerant for my mind" Lena explained, smiling lightly at the boy

"What's your name?" She asked.

Cody reached the castle, and made his way through the door, "Alright you ye old hag! I'm here!" he shouted, his voice echoing off the walls, "Never caught your name, could have been a nice hello if you told me!" he said, stabbing a demon guard that rushed him, Cody ducked and pushed it over his back, the sword sizzled with the blood that was left behind, "I'm getting real tired of this crap! Come on already!" he shouted as a demon guard got a jump on him, stabbing him in the back, but the armor slowed the blade down, Cody spun around and cut the demon in half. Then pulled the sword out, it only poked his back, not really getting him, "My name, is Samantha. But, you can call me...Serena..." she said, appearing before him in a school uniform, and a different look...Serena. Cody stopped moving and stared at her, "What? Can't you tell who I am?" she said, now using her voice, "W...Why?! Why did you pick her?" he shouted, "Because, I know that you'd never hurt me." she said, now trying to act like her, giggling and all, "Now, I'm waiting." she said, holding her arms out, tilting her head with a smile. 'She's not her. She's not her. She's not Serena!' he shouted in his head as he charged forward, slashing both blades at her as she dodged them and kneed him in the gut, his armor was gone again, plus the swords, "Now, I said a hand, now didn't I, big bro?" she said, He dropped to his knees gasping for some air, and looking up at her, 'she truly was evil.' he thought to himself, getting back up. "You bitch!" he shouted, throwing a punch and getting her square in the face, she fell and cried...just like Serena, 'It's not Serena!' he said again, kicking her in the face as she flipped to the ground looking up at him with the same brown eyes as her, 'Not. Her!' he said again.

He saw a blade on her belt, and took it from her, and brought it to her throat, 'Do it! It's not the real Serena!' "
Don't do it brother!" she screamed, Cody was slowly breaking, on the inside. Her face was curled up, like she was scared, "You're not her!" he shouted before driving the knife into her throat, but she didn't die, she looked upset, "Shame, I thought that would work. Oh well." she said, no longer using Serena's voice. The body slowly faded, and then a heel was jammed into his back, he had the knife in his hand and swung backwards and caught Samantha in the leg, but was frozen and brought into the air, "My you're a fast little wolf." she said, "Do you want your armor back? Or should we settle this without those silly things?" she said, "I'd like to cut your head off..." he said in a growl. She snapped her fingers and he had his swords and armor back.

He was dropped and he stood back up, holding the swords in his hands and charging her, he jabbed, and he caught her, then he shoved the other one into her shoulder, "My...You are very fast..." she said, blood coming from her mouth, Cody was pissed, and he focused his rage into speed and sheer might, "I guess I'll fight you again some day...How about that? Let me live, and I'll grant you the armor, and the ability to call upon any fire weapon I have...The book will have the answers Cody." she said, Cody calmed a bit, he didn't like easy fights, so he slid the blades out, "Fine! But if you try that again, I will cut you in half." he said, still mad. She snapped her fingers again, and she was healed up, just like that. She was going easy on him, she could have killed him at anytime, but let him walk. "I'll be sending my champion to be with you. Do not expect to be fully alone." she said. Cody felt tired, his eyes heavy. He fell, and then he woke up in bed, gasping for air, and sweating a waterfall. Was it a dream?

(Weapons will be in the updated character sheet when I find the weapons, new character coming soon, Cody...is now free)
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]
"Fuckin'," Leo shot the bomb, punching a hole straight through it into the ground. "I don't fuckin' know man you really got me put in a box here uh..." Out of instinct, he teleported back to the cake shop to grab the triple chocolate fudge and began absentmindedly plucking a few handfuls from the cake. He knocked twice on the bomb, making a 'clunk' sound. It would have killed him to actually make the plutonium requirements before the bomb would be created. "So what the fuck are you gonna do now numbah one terrorist? Shoot me? Is that how you want to spend your night in some shitty empty mall? 'Cause I already know exactly what the hell i'm gonna do." He 'ported himself to the in-mall gamestop, unlatching the store's shutters. Actually walking over to the rest of the game equipment for customers to play with for an hourly rate at the back, he threw himself onto one of the chairs. Remembering the threat outside, he called out the him again. Him? Them? It? Eh, there's probably an Overwatch server full of them, all playing as Soldier: 76. "You wanna play sum vidya? They have a few more seats back here since you would probably like playing with yourself a lot." This'll never get old for the next 33 seconds of his life. He feels the bullet coming.

Suuy smirked, he could probably get info out of this guy and mess around but still classify it as "Work". besides, it had been a few days since one of them had gotten to sit down and play video games. "Nah, your mom is much more fun than playing alone." laughing the rest of the Suuys offed themselves either by shooting themselves in the head or by slitting their throats, and the "original" followed the guy up to the game stop. "say... you ever seen anyone wearing a sombrero around here?"
Roman said:
(((( I'm not using it because I don't feel like it xD ))))
It had been awhile since Roman had come home, so he figured today would be the day. Kaori was still at the apartment, and she seemed like she was okay so he decided it'd be a good time to go home and check on his family. He slowly opened the door of the mansion, ready to tell Mal and Misaki that he had finally found a place for them to move into, along with other members of the Ishida family. Once he was inside the mansion, he could hear what sounded like fussing. It was definetly Mal's voice, and he could hear Misaki also. Humming quietly, he made his way to the direction their voices were coming from, hoping to surprise them. "Mal? Misaki?" He said as he quietly walked towards them. He put his hands on Mal's eyes and spoke happily, "Guess who?" He asked, telling Misaki to not say a word.
Misaki blinked when she saw her dad, having to hide her excitement when had had told her not to say a word, since getting excited would only give it away.

Mal was confused for only a split second before recognizing his voice, completely dropping the whole Misaki ordeal and excitedly turned around. "Roman!" she said happily once she saw him, almost immediately hugging him, she was really happy to finally see him.

Misaki grinned, seeing as her mom had gotten distracted from the whole ordeal and she wouldn't be punished, hopefully.
CERBERUS177 said:

Cody reached the castle, and made his way through the door, "Alright you ye old hag! I'm here!" he shouted, his voice echoing off the walls, "Never caught your name, could have been a nice hello if you told me!" he said, stabbing a demon guard that rushed him, Cody ducked and pushed it over his back, the sword sizzled with the blood that was left behind, "I'm getting real tired of this crap! Come on already!" he shouted as a demon guard got a jump on him, stabbing him in the back, but the armor slowed the blade down, Cody spun around and cut the demon in half. Then pulled the sword out, it only poked his back, not really getting him, "My name, is Samantha. But, you can call me...Serena..." she said, appearing before him in a school uniform, and a different look...Serena. Cody stopped moving and stared at her, "What? Can't you tell who I am?" she said, now using her voice, "W...Why?! Why did you pick her?" he shouted, "Because, I know that you'd never hurt me." she said, now trying to act like her, giggling and all, "Now, I'm waiting." she said, holding her arms out, tilting her head with a smile. 'She's not her. She's not her. She's not Serena!' he shouted in his head as he charged forward, slashing both blades at her as she dodged them and kneed him in the gut, his armor was gone again, plus the swords, "Now, I said a hand, now didn't I, big bro?" she said, He dropped to his knees gasping for some air, and looking up at her, 'she truly was evil.' he thought to himself, getting back up. "You bitch!" he shouted, throwing a punch and getting her square in the face, she fell and cried...just like Serena, 'It's not Serena!' he said again, kicking her in the face as she flipped to the ground looking up at him with the same brown eyes as her, 'Not. Her!' he said again.

He saw a blade on her belt, and took it from her, and brought it to her throat, 'Do it! It's not the real Serena!' "
Don't do it brother!" she screamed, Cody was slowly breaking, on the inside. Her face was curled up, like she was scared, "You're not her!" he shouted before driving the knife into her throat, but she didn't die, she looked upset, "Shame, I thought that would work. Oh well." she said, no longer using Serena's voice. The body slowly faded, and then a heel was jammed into his back, he had the knife in his hand and swung backwards and caught Samantha in the leg, but was frozen and brought into the air, "My you're a fast little wolf." she said, "Do you want your armor back? Or should we settle this without those silly things?" she said, "I'd like to cut your head off..." he said in a growl. She snapped her fingers and he had his swords and armor back.

He was dropped and he stood back up, holding the swords in his hands and charging her, he jabbed, and he caught her, then he shoved the other one into her shoulder, "My...You are very fast..." she said, blood coming from her mouth, Cody was pissed, and he focused his rage into speed and sheer might, "I guess I'll fight you again some day...How about that? Let me live, and I'll grant you the armor, and the ability to call upon any fire weapon I have...The book will have the answers Cody." she said, Cody calmed a bit, he didn't like easy fights, so he slid the blades out, "Fine! But if you try that again, I will cut you in half." he said, still mad. She snapped her fingers again, and she was healed up, just like that. She was going easy on him, she could have killed him at anytime, but let him walk. "I'll be sending my champion to be with you. Do not expect to be fully alone." she said. Cody felt tired, his eyes heavy. He fell, and then he woke up in bed, gasping for air, and sweating a waterfall. Was it a dream?

(Weapons will be in the updated character sheet when I find the weapons, new character coming soon, Cody...is now free)

((I decided to free up Moonstone since my partner sort of disappeared for two days. Would you like to rp with them?))
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((I decided to free up Moonstone since my partner sort of disappeared for two days. Would you like to rp with them?))

(Sure! Where would you like Cody to be? Still in his dorm, or just wondering?)
LunaCrosby said:
Misaki blinked when she saw her dad, having to hide her excitement when had had told her not to say a word, since getting excited would only give it away.
Mal was confused for only a split second before recognizing his voice, completely dropping the whole Misaki ordeal and excitedly turned around. "Roman!" she said happily once she saw him, almost immediately hugging him, she was really happy to finally see him.

Misaki grinned, seeing as her mom had gotten distracted from the whole ordeal and she wouldn't be punished, hopefully.

Roman was about to tell Mal something, but before he could say anything, he found himself being hugged by his wife. He panicked lightly since it was unexpected but overall he was happy yo see she was glad to see him. Roman laughed lightly and soon hugged Mal back. "I missed you.. You too Misaki. Oh and you're not off the hook. I heard your mother. ' he told her with a smile.
JJKab said:
"I was heading towards the.... Physics class, actually. I am forbidden from doing anything physical, so I will focus on something more tolerant for my mind" Lena explained, smiling lightly at the boy
"What's your name?" She asked.
"You can call me Roy," He opens the door with his free hand and helps Lena inside the school building.
[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"You can call me Roy," He opens the door with his free hand and helps Lena inside the school building.

"Thanks, Roy... I'm Lena.... Can you sit me there, I'll have a quick rest" Lena exclaimed, her smile slowly turning into an exausted frown. She pointed towards the seats that were positioned in the main hallway, for anyone to sit down
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((I could have Moonstone walked towards their dorm, and maybe Cody could come out and see them?))


Cody donned a shirt, and put the necklace on, since it was a dream, nothing to be scared of. He heard a giggle and spun around looking at everything, 'Must be a repercussion' he thought to himself, walking out of his dorm and locking it, then headed outside. When he got outside, he saw Moonstone walking by, "Hey Moonstone!" he said with a smile and a wave.
(Part 6 : Blood and Ice cream )

After finishing eating ,Jack stood up from the table. His mother walked him to his room. "Bed time , little one " she tucked him into his bed and kissed him on his forehead. She went off to put Kagami to bed . Leaving him in the darkness. He couldn't remeber what will happen next. He drifted off to sleep until to be awakened in the middle of the night. He sensed that something was wrong. He slowly opened his door and walked down the hallway. A red substance was on the floor "Blood "He muttered. He followed it until he looked up to see a horrifying image. His mother was lying on the floor with a knife in her stomach. "Mother!"he ran to her. Kagami was behind him , rubbing her eyes "What's with the noi- M-mom!" she her eyes widened. Nao slowly opened her eyes , she looked up to Jack and smiled. "Sorry ... it s...seems that he had got-ten to me. I'm so ...sorry. "As she took her last breath. Tears started to pour down both of the children's eyes. "It can't be...."he cried. Kagami pulled him away from the dead woman. "We have to find that bastard who killed her. We will make him suffer!" she said. Her eyes were glowing red. Jack nodded and wiped the tears from his face. He can now remeber this day. If had of been awake ...he could of saved her. The memory started to fade. A new surronding started to appear.
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Roman said:

Akane Ishida

~ Sanctum of Weapons and Amour


Akane had slowed down so the boy could keep up. Her feet began to lift off thr ground and she was soon floating, turning around to face the boy as she floated backward, somehow still being able to avoid those walking along the sidewalk. "A grey building with a blue door." Akane repeated to herself quietly. For all she knew, there could be thousands of buildings like that, especially in a city this big. She soon began speaking once more, "Okay, when we leave the store, we'll retrace your steps and hopefully thry lead us to your home. Also, my name is Akane. Akane Ishida."

More Info

Location: Out and about

Mood: Happy

Status: Helping

Objective: Help this kid

Interacting with: Arbitz


Arbitz smile lessened slightly as she said they would retrace his steps. "uhhh." checking his watch he did the mental math. He had been walking around for around 6 hours and had completely lost his way. "My names Arbitz, most people just call me bitz though, but um... retracing my steps might be kinda hard... I haven't been paying attention to where I've been walking, and I've been walking for around 6 hours now."
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody donned a shirt, and put the necklace on, since it was a dream, nothing to be scared of. He heard a giggle and spun around looking at everything, 'Must be a repercussion' he thought to himself, walking out of his dorm and locking it, then headed outside. When he got outside, he saw Moonstone walking by, "Hey Moonstone!" he said with a smile and a wave.


Moonstone was walking to get to their dorm when they heard Cody's voice. Turning to see him, they cheerfully greeted him. "Hello Cody, I see you're doing better now." they told him as they walked closer to him. "How are you feeling though?"

no slide
no slide
Extra Information


Fantasy High School




Talking to Cody



Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


Kisaki said:
"I was just curious how a human defends himself against people who have powers. Most humans would exchange combat class for something else " she replied.
"I can see that," Salvador admitted, "But I kinda feel like I need it."

((Time lapse, or do you need Kagami to ask Salvador anything else?))
Roman said:

Roman was about to tell Mal something, but before he could say anything, he found himself being hugged by his wife. He panicked lightly since it was unexpected but overall he was happy yo see she was glad to see him. Roman laughed lightly and soon hugged Mal back. "I missed you.. You too Misaki. Oh and you're not off the hook. I heard your mother. ' he told her with a smile.
(That gif was perfect xDD)

Misaki went wide eye'd when he said he had heard what Mal had said, "I just can't win..." she said with a look of defeat.

Mal looked back at Misaki, "Oh yeah... you're still getting punished" she said, realizing she had gotten completely distracted from the topic, though you can't blame her, since Misaki got her own dorm she was bored by herself.
JJKab said:
"Thanks, Roy... I'm Lena.... Can you sit me there, I'll have a quick rest" Lena exclaimed, her smile slowly turning into an exausted frown. She pointed towards the seats that were positioned in the main hallway, for anyone to sit down
Roy nods, and leads Lena to the seats. He's unsure what to say, so he keeps quiet.
[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy nods, and leads Lena to the seats. He's unsure what to say, so he keeps quiet.

Lena sat down with a grunt, and leaned on the chair, taking slow breaths

"Say.... A sight of a girl who is pregnant... is pretty weird for you, huh?" She asked, looking at Roy with a sly smirk

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