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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Arbitz smile lessened slightly as she said they would retrace his steps. "uhhh." checking his watch he did the mental math. He had been walking around for around 6 hours and had completely lost his way. "My names Arbitz, most people just call me bitz though, but um... retracing my steps might be kinda hard... I haven't been paying attention to where I've been walking, and I've been walking for around 6 hours now."

"So you've been out that long and you paid no attention to where you were headed... Geez kid. That isn't good at all. You could haven been taken by someone who wouldn't risk helping you and instead harm you." Akane said, shaking her head at Arbitz. "You need to pay attention to that stuff next time kid." She said, pointing her finger at him. "Understand?"
Kagami Investigation!

Kagami asked the students around the school when they saw him last.

"A date!With some girl ! My dear little brother I'll save you!" she yelled as she ran out of the school.

(Part 8: Fall festival and the nine tailed fox)

Jack blinked his eyes again. Another memory. This time he's in the festival.

"Damn you Kuro! What are you doing right now " he muttered. Jack took a deep breath observing the festival. He spotted Hisaki as he walked up the road. He had 9 tails instead of his usual one. "Hello Alistar! Enjoying the festival,".

"Yes it's fine."he replied. He put over the bunny mask over his face.

"I have a mask too! A special designed one!"he pulled down his fox mask.

"Enjoy the festival , okay. And talk to some people " Hisaki bowed and walked away.

Jack sighed and walked around the festival. He did eat some dangos and two plates of funnel cake . "It tastes like home. " He had to think about a way how to get his body back. He guessed he had to finish dream sequences to get to his exit. He just hopes Kuro isn't doing anything bad.

"Who am I kidding. He's probably embarrassing me in front of my date."

As he walked his surroundings started to change again. "Another memory , huh?". This time he was in a libary.

A human girl in front of him bowed.

"I really l-like you!"she said with a flushed face.

"E..eeeeeee!" Jack was suprised by this random confession. He didn't remeber this. He was sure that must of the humans at school hated his guts.

To be Continued...

(I have a lot to update. Adding two characters too.)
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Kisaki said:
Kagami Investigation!
Kagami asked the students around the school when they saw him last.

"A date!With some girl ! My dear little brother I'll save you!" she yelled as she ran out of the school.

(Part 8: Fall festival and the nine tailed fox)

Jack blinked his eyes again. Another memory. This time he's in the festival.

"Damn you Kuro! What are you doing right now " he muttered. Jack took a deep breath observing the festival. He spotted Hisaki as he walked up the road. He had 9 tails instead of his usual one. "Hello Alistar! Enjoying the festival,".

"Yes it's fine."he replied. He put over the bunny mask over his face.

"I have a mask too! A special designed one!"he pulled down his fox mask.

"Enjoy the festival , okay. And talk to some people " Hisaki bowed and walked away.

Jack sighed and walked around the festival. He did eat some dangos and two plates of funnel cake . "It tastes like home. " He had to think about a way how to get his body back. He guessed he had to finish dream sequences to get to his exit. He just hopes Kuro isn't doing anything bad.

"Who am I kidding. He's probably embarrassing me in front of my date."

As he walked his surroundings started to change again. "Another memory , huh?". This time he was in a libary.

A human girl in front of him bowed.

"I really l-like you!"she said with a flushed face.

"E..eeeeeee!" Jack was suprised by this random confession. He didn't remeber this. He was sure that must of the humans at school hated his guts.

To be Continued...

(I have a lot to update. Adding two characters too.)
Um... What's Kagami doing? xD ))
CERBERUS177 said:
"True...but...Hitting her, and the fact that she looked like my little sister...I just..." he said, losing the words and wanting to cry a bit, he only saw Serena, even though she wasn't her, it hurt just punching her and not hesitating about it.


Seeing how distressed Cody was about the dream, Moonstone tried to light then conversation. "I understand, experiencing something like that can be horribly scary. Want to talk about something else? How about what we'll do once we get to town? Only place in town I've been to is the spa, so I don't know what else to expect there." They then realized how self-centered their attempt could be, since they were moving the conversation from him to themself. "If you'd like to keep talking about it though... I'm alright with it."

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Extra Information


Fantasy High School




Trying to lighten the conversation with Cody


Walk to town with Cody

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


LunaCrosby said:
(That gif was perfect xDD)
Misaki went wide eye'd when he said he had heard what Mal had said, "I just can't win..." she said with a look of defeat.

Mal looked back at Misaki, "Oh yeah... you're still getting punished" she said, realizing she had gotten completely distracted from the topic, though you can't blame her, since Misaki got her own dorm she was bored by herself.

Roman looked at Misaki, his smile still remaining after he finished speaking to her and still remaining after Mal spoke. "You'd rather your mother give you the punishment too. I really don't want to punish my princess, but school is no joke and it wont be treated like one." He told her. "That being said, you can head to your room now. We'll talk later." He ordered her.



"The spa? I don't think I've been there before..." he said, "Well, Jack kicked my..butt yesterday, so I guess that'd be nice...want me to pay for it? I won't mind, older sister just texted me a few days ago that she just gave me some money..." he said, being nice and a gentle man as ever.
(Yep. I'll just do a recap what happened last time.)

Kisaki said:
Kuro slightly flushed when she grabbed his hand. "It's been intresting. ..really intresting "he said while giving her a small smile. He smirked to himself. 'She really can't tell the difference'. As he walked with her, he couldn't help to have a grin on his face. 'This is going to be fun'.
CERBERUS177 said:
"The spa? I don't think I've been there before..." he said, "Well, Jack kicked my..butt yesterday, so I guess that'd be nice...want me to pay for it? I won't mind, older sister just texted me a few days ago that she just gave me some money..." he said, being nice and a gentle man as ever.


"Nico paid for me last time. I'll pay for us both this time." Moonstone said as they neared the exit of the school. They were about to offer just teleporting the two there, but they wanted to walk more and talk, and maybe when the conversation died down they would do the quick way. It felt a bit risky using their powers so much in just one day though, so they decided to tone it down a bit. "Also, why did you get into a fight? You seem to be good at doing that." they said, joking a bit at the last part.

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Extra Information


Fantasy High School




Talking to Cody


Walk to town with Cody

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


Kisaki said:
(Yep. I'll just do a recap what happened last time.)
Serena smiled, "Well that's good." she said giggling a bit, "So, I was thinking, maybe after the skating, we can go get something to eat...?" she said, almost as if she was asking.



He chuckled, "Nah, it was a spar. Me and Jack had a show down, Jack proved to be better, but I'd like a rematch someday." he said, he saw Serena walking with Jack, but thought nothing of it, and ignored it, "So, what do they have at the spa?" he asked, "I've never been to one, that's why I'm asking..." he said, though that wouldn't be much of a surprise, since never really see a guy like him in a spa, ever...until today though.
Roman said:

Mayumi Ishida

~ Coping With New Things


Mayumi chuckled lightly and sat down at the kitchen's little island. "Oh. I was sleep early so I didn't hear you come up." She said with a smile. "Where's mama on the other hand? I haven't seen her all day."

More Info

Location: Home

Mood: Curious

Status: Talking with Aselia

Objective: N/A

Interacting with: Aselia


''Hahaha...well, it is morning. She's probably in her room sleeping.''
"Eh, sure. I'll pay for it for this time" Kuro smiled. It's so hard , being nice is not really his thing. However he can't blow his cover yet. Kuro suddenly felt someone jump on him. "Jack! I was worried about you" she grabbed him into a bear hug. "Ugg.."Kuro gasped for air. Kagami quickly sniffed him.

"Waiiit...Kur-"Kuro quickly put his hand over mouth. "Shut it !you brat."

He got up from the floor and wiped off his clothes. "Sorry about my sister." he glared down at Kagami.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena smiled, "Well that's good." she said giggling a bit, "So, I was thinking, maybe after the skating, we can go get something to eat...?" she said, almost as if she was asking.
Kisaki said:
"Eh, sure. I'll pay for it for this time" Kuro smiled. It's so hard , being nice is not really his thing. However he can't blow his cover yet. Kuro suddenly felt someone jump on him. "Jack! I was worried about you" she grabbed him into a bear hug. "Ugg.."Kuro gasped for air. Kagami quickly sniffed him.
"Waiiit...Kur-"Kuro quickly put his hand over mouth. "Shut it !you brat."

He got up from the floor and wiped off his clothes. "Sorry about my sister." he glared down at Kagami.
"Kagami! What's wrong with you? And who's this Kuire person?" she asked confused as to what she said, now a tad bit upset, but she does remember doing that to Cody when he came back from a long trip with his aunt when he went to California...
CERBERUS177 said:
He chuckled, "Nah, it was a spar. Me and Jack had a show down, Jack proved to be better, but I'd like a rematch someday." he said, he saw Serena walking with Jack, but thought nothing of it, and ignored it, "So, what do they have at the spa?" he asked, "I've never been to one, that's why I'm asking..." he said, though that wouldn't be much of a surprise, since never really see a guy like him in a spa, ever...until today though.


"Well," Moonstone started off, not even hesitating to show off their galaxy nail painting. "I got my nails painted, and even had the starts be painted with small fake jewels. Beautiful, isn't it? I don't think I'll be getting anything else done when I get there though. I hate being touched by strangers and I was taught natural beauty is the best type of beauty."

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Extra Information


Near Fantasy High School




Talking to Cody while showing off their nails


Go to the spa with Cody

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


"Nothing is wrong with me brother stealer ! May I metion that this is K-" Kuro interrupted her again. "Kagami , go back to school." Kagami shook her head. "No!"

CERBERUS177 said:
"Kagami! What's wrong with you? And who's this Kuire person?" she asked confused as to what she said, now a tad bit upset, but she does remember doing that to Cody when he came back from a long trip with his aunt when he went to California...



"Yeah...when you're planning to join the military...let's just say that, the exams is...painful and very very...thorough..." he said, the thought of the medicine they have to put into you so you don't get sick when you go overseas. It made his shiver. "But, my back does hurt a bit, and I wouldn't mind trying a...mud bath..." he said, not saying sauna yet.

(I've never spelled sauna, and I knew exactly how to spell it...alrighty then, that's a plus for me)
Kisaki said:
"Nothing is wrong with me brother stealer ! May I metion that this is K-" Kuro interrupted her again. "Kagami , go back to school." Kagami shook her head. "No!"
"Stop it!" she shouted, "Kagami, please, explain." she said, as fear of making her mad was hiding in the back of her head, Serena, was now a bit afraid of vampires, since she saw a movie last night that scared the hell out of her, and didn't want to make this one mad.
CERBERUS177 said:
"Yeah...when you're planning to join the military...let's just say that, the exams is...painful and very very...thorough..." he said, the thought of the medicine they have to put into you so you don't get sick when you go overseas. It made his shiver. "But, my back does hurt a bit, and I wouldn't mind trying a...mud bath..." he said, not saying sauna yet.
(I've never spelled sauna, and I knew exactly how to spell it...alrighty then, that's a plus for me)


"I never really liked the military, but I used to want to join it or work for the police. Sounds action packed and fun, and I'm sure I could be helpful to them. I won't join if the exams are like that though..." Moonstone explained. When Cody brought up the sauna, their mind switched from one topic to the next. "A mud bath? Sounds gross, I don't see the point in putting yourself in mud."

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Extra Information


Near/Leaving Fantasy High School, Approaching the town


Happy, Slightly grossed out


Talking to Cody


Go to the spa with Cody

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:





Cody shrugged, "The nails are alright. I'm not much for painted anything on a person, unless it's tattoos, then I would say more, which reminds me...I'd love a tattoo..." he said scratching his chin, "Is there a tattoo parlor near the spa?" he said, he always wanted one, and if there was one near by, then he'd love to get his favorite bands logo on his back and have a military branches motto tatted down his forearm.
She looked at Kuro. Kuro was glaring at her. She smirked and turned to Serena. "There was once a prince. A very kind on to be exact. However, he had 5 faces . Each had different cases.

One was named black and never left anything intake. One was named white ,he was afraid to fight. However , I cant tell you the rest of the truth because you will have to find the clues:" she spoke in riddles. "Now your speaking in riddles, huh! Come on Serena we should go "Kuro sneered. He grabbed Serena's hand.

"The prince , his heart is dark as the void.".Kagami grinned even more at Kuro.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Stop it!" she shouted, "Kagami, please, explain." she said, as fear of making her mad was hiding in the back of her head, Serena, was now a bit afraid of vampires, since she saw a movie last night that scared the hell out of her, and didn't want to make this one mad.
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Angelostar4 said:
"Yes actually." Sophia says to answer one of Elaena's many questions. "I think someone long ago actually had this before. And I just so happen to be the next one in line." She just rubs the under part of her nose. "Also, don't be sorry."
Elaena nodded "That's pretty intersting~" she said softly with a smile before Sophia mentioned her not being sorry. Elaena sat up straighter and shook her head "Nope, I should be, I ask too many questions at times, my brother taught me that can be rude."
Angelostar4 said:
"Yes actually." Sophia says to answer one of Elaena's many questions. "I think someone long ago actually had this before. And I just so happen to be the next one in line." She just rubs the under part of her nose. "Also, don't be sorry."
Elaena nodded "That's pretty intersting~" she said softly with a smile before Sophia mentioned her not being sorry. Elaena sat up straighter and shook her head "Nope, I should be, I ask too many questions at times, my brother taught me that can be rude."

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