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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
(((( Wow xD ))))

Akane Ishida

~ Sanctum of Weapons and Amour


Akane quickly was standing up, eager to help just like she always is. She didn't mind helping, and enjoyed it a lot especially when she got to meet new people. When the kid said he had to find his house afterwards, Akane turned and looked at him with a smile, "I'll help you. I love helping." She said, though in the back of her mind, she thought about how someone could lose their home. All he would have to do it retrace his steps, nothing too over the top.

More Info

Location: Out and about

Mood: Happy, thinking

Status: Helping Arbotz

Objective: Help Arbitz

Interacting with: Arbitz

@Wicked Jester (my son)

((well I mean he did walk around for like 6 hours without paying attention to where he was going xD and he rarely goes outside so he doesn't know streetnames or anything ))

Arbitz nodded happily, this woman really was helpful! He might actually be able to find his house with her help! Realizing this Arbitz happily hopped up and chased after her, speaking clearly for the first time in a soft voice, "Its a grey building with a blue door and the numbers on it are 6358!"

(i dont know if the housing system in Japan is like americas)
@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]





Lance growled in annoyance in her head. She still couldn't believe she lost to this idiot. Calming herself almost immediately she spoke once more. "Maybe I'm a guy masquerading as a girl. I'm the assassin with a thousand faces." Leaning in towards Haruo she pointed a finger at him. "How do you know if you've ever seen my true appearance?" dropping her hand she continued speaking. "Anyway master, I want to make another bet with you, but this time I want to raise the stakes a little. what do you say? interested?" She spoke with the sarcasm dripping from her voice, obviously discontent to have to call Haruo "master"
JJKab said:
Ollene sighed, and nodded.
"I... At least think they do... My lock to my house is... Uhm.. B-broken..." Her tone of voice was uncertain, almost sounding scared

They were slowly walking towards the house in which Ollene resided... As they walked, the houses became more and more deterioated, with some missing their paintjob.
Ariel followed along behind Ollene, feeling a little uneasy as they came closer, the neighbourhood actually seemed kind of scary to her to be honest. "O-Oh right, I'm sure once you get on your feet you can get a new lock and fix the place up, I'll even help out with the best painting and stuff if you want" she offered, even if the street kind of scared her.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]C4 blinked sadly as the hug separated, it really had been a comfy hug, but he couldn't let other people see he was attached to her in some way. Lightly jogging after her, C4 caught up to Yuna and followed along closely behind, not wanting to get separated from her. There he managed to fix some of his disheveled clothing and make himself appear more normal.

When he had caught up Yuna she was already arriving at the arcade. Hearing footsteps behind her she looked over her shoulder at C4. Smiling somewhat sheepishly when she realised she had walked ahead she then spoke "Ah, sorry, I didn't realise I had traveled that far ahead." She said now at the entrance "Well~ we're here~" she said happily as she stepped inside. Looking at all the games her eyes scanned for one that may interest them.
A few moments later, they were standing in front of a medium sized brick house. It's paiting was gone, one of the windows were busted, and her entrance door was..... Uhm.... Damaged.. To say the least.. Through the window, Ariel could see a... campfire, as well as a kettle lying next to it. The fire was out.

Ollene sighed softly, and opened the door, it making a pretty loud squeak. After she entered, she made her way towards the campfire, and sat down by it. She closed her eyes, calming herself down, and a bit later, Ollene exhaled her air, which turned into spark, effectively lighting the fire

Nona said:
Ariel followed along behind Ollene, feeling a little uneasy as they came closer, the neighbourhood actually seemed kind of scary to her to be honest. "O-Oh right, I'm sure once you get on your feet you can get a new lock and fix the place up, I'll even help out with the best painting and stuff if you want" she offered, even if the street kind of scared her.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Hmmm...well I fell asleep here on the couch. It was a comfy couch. But yeah, I guess I slept a little earlier than usual so I could wake up early.''
...?She replied with a giggle?...

Mayumi Ishida

~ Coping With New Things


Mayumi nodded and looked bacl towards the living room where she could see the couch. It did look comfortable, so she understood why Aselia would fall asleep in there. "I didn't even know you were down here. I thought you went up to your room.." She said, looking at Aselia again.

More Info

Location: Kitchen

Mood: Happy

Status: Talking to Aselia

Objective: N/A

Interacting with: Aselia


charleen said:
Nico pretended to feel triumph. She stood over him and put both of her hands on her hips for good measure.
"Fear me.."

She whispered, leaning in and smirking at him. Nico held out her hand, so she can help him get up. Well she hopes to try, she's not that strong.
Drakon took her hand with a heavy sigh. Surprisingly, his hands were soft and warm. He wasn't very 'physically strong' so he relies mostly on his magical attack power.
Roman said:

Mayumi Ishida

~ Coping With New Things


Mayumi nodded and looked bacl towards the living room where she could see the couch. It did look comfortable, so she understood why Aselia would fall asleep in there. "I didn't even know you were down here. I thought you went up to your room.." She said, looking at Aselia again.

More Info

Location: Kitchen

Mood: Happy

Status: Talking to Aselia

Objective: N/A

Interacting with: Aselia


''I did go up to my room. Though I woke up in the middle of the night hearing some banging noises on the walls...It's just a tree hitting the side of the house.''

...?She said with a giggle?...
@Wicked Jester[/URL]
Suuy glanced down at the man dangling from his leg and sighed. The man wasn't wearing a night security guard outfit so he probably wasnt a guard, and he defiantly wasn't wearing a sombrero so probably not mexican cartel. Sighing yet again, a dozen more Suuy's appeared around the one on the roof holding an assortment of weapons, with them all pointing at Leo. Smirking Suuy looked down at leo and began to shake his leg as he spoke.

"I wouldn't exactly call this a standoff... But we will accept your unconditional surrender."

at this moment one of the other Suuys piped in.

"Wait! Why do we have to surrender? we have him out numbered!"

The Suuy with leo dangling from his leg merely sighed and began to shake his leg even harder.
@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]





Lance smirked. She had Haruo right where she wanted him now. Leaning in she smiled. "We'll up the stakes a little bit. Give me until midnight tonight. If you're not dead by then, I'll serve you for the rest of my life. So you win? You get a life long servant. You lose? well you're dead. What do you say "Master" are you willing to take the wager?"
Nona said:
When he had caught up Yuna she was already arriving at the arcade. Hearing footsteps behind her she looked over her shoulder at C4. Smiling somewhat sheepishly when she realised she had walked ahead she then spoke "Ah, sorry, I didn't realise I had traveled that far ahead." She said now at the entrance "Well~ we're here~" she said happily as she stepped inside. Looking at all the games her eyes scanned for one that may interest them.
C4 smiled and patted Yuna's head out of instinct. "Its fine, I'm pretty quick so I caught up in no time." Looking around the arcade he was surprised by the variety and number of games in the building. Most of them looked fairly simple and quite entertaining, but others he had absolutely no idea how they would be played. Looking around he then looked back down at Yuna. "So what do you wanna play first?"
JJKab said:
@The Royal Keen
"Thanks.." Fricka said with a smile, as she took the pizza in her hand, but hissed, putting it back down

"Damn thing is still hot" She explained, blowing on her fingers

Mei Junchi

Junchi giggled slightly at Fricka's mistake. "Sorry, sorry. I thought you would've known that so I didn't warn you. Just give it a minute and I'm sure it'll be fine by then. Are you okay? Want some water?"

Extra Information


Female Dorms, Fricka's Dorm


Happy, Concerned


Talking to Fricka


Take care of Fricka

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

TheDragoon said:
Drakon took her hand with a heavy sigh. Surprisingly, his hands were soft and warm. He wasn't very 'physically strong' so he relies mostly on his magical attack power.
Nico took a hold of his hand and pulled him into standing up again. It took a lot energy and effort from Nico, but she still managed which made her feel awesome. She was holding his hand still. She realized softness of it and warmth. She was fascinated by them that she held against her face to make sure it was that soft and warm. Correct, it was.
Mei Junchi[/URL]



Fricka laughed softly, shaking her head.

"Alright, thanks, but I'll be okay."She explained, giving Junchi a soft smile

"It smells nice"
(Part 3)

Kuro got up from the seat and healed his hand. He looked around in Jack's closet, looking for some clothes that match his style. "Mm... there! I'll wear thus" taking out the outfit and putting it on.He walked out the dorm and headed outside. It's been many years since he felt the sun. It was warm against his cold skin. "It's warm " he muttered to himself.

(Just using the outfit, not the appearance )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/c2eb90f3e580c7127284ccd973d60c56.jpg.07e43f15010da60ed5e97ee85ba4c770.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144984" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/c2eb90f3e580c7127284ccd973d60c56.jpg.07e43f15010da60ed5e97ee85ba4c770.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • c2eb90f3e580c7127284ccd973d60c56.jpg
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charleen said:
Nico took a hold of his hand and pulled him into standing up again. It took a lot energy and effort from Nico, but she still managed which made her feel awesome. She was holding his hand still. She realized softness of it and warmth. She was fascinated by them that she held against her face to make sure it was that soft and warm. Correct, it was.
Drakon blinked a few times, thinking it was cute and weird at the same time. His hand brushed her cheek softly before he took it back, wondering what he was doing. He then quickly shook his head and looked around for something to do again.
TheDragoon said:
Hiro was trying to keep the girls calm the entire time but that's when he started to freak out too as they went down.
Harper laughed at the two, she held onto Lillith and cheered

Lillith continued to freak out. "I want off I want off!" She cried
JJKab said:
Fricka laughed softly, shaking her head.
"Alright, thanks, but I'll be okay."She explained, giving Junchi a soft smile

"It smells nice"

Mei Junchi

"What crazy person doesn't think pizza smells nice?' Junchi laughed. "If anything, it's one of the best smells in the world. Too bad whenever I smell it I get really hungry." They then took a small bite out of their pizza to test the temperature, and when they figured it was warm enough, they ate some more.

Extra Information


Female Dorms, Fricka's Dorm




Eating their pizza


Take care of Fricka, Eat

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

TheDragoon said:
Drakon blinked a few times, thinking it was cute and weird at the same time. His hand brushed her cheek softly before he took it back, wondering what he was doing. He then quickly shook his head and looked around for something to do again.

Nico let out a nervous laugh, taking back her hand. She felt shy for some reason. She tucked another strand of hair behind her ear. Nico sighed softly, not knowing what else to do in a park.

"We can still fly kites, if you want to..?"

She suggested her idea again. She crossed her arms, hoping that he would say yes.
charleen said:
Nico let out a nervous laugh, taking back her hand. She felt shy for some reason. She tucked another strand of hair behind her ear. Nico sighed softly, not knowing what else to do in a park.

"We can still fly kites, if you want to..?"

She suggested her idea again. She crossed her arms, hoping that he would say yes.
Drakon went into deep thought for a second before he gave her a slow nod. "Sure... I'm down for it." He said to her. "But... I don't have any money, let alone a kite..." He admitted before he remembered a more embarrassing secret. On earth, he didn't have a place to live because he currently lived at Ineur's castle... So... There was a problem there.
TheDragoon said:
Drakon went into deep thought for a second before he gave her a slow nod. "Sure... I'm down for it." He said to her. "But... I don't have any money, let alone a kite..." He admitted before he remembered a more embarrassing secret. On earth, he didn't have a place to live because he currently lived at Ineur's castle... So... There was a problem there.
Nico shook her head slightly.

"Oh don't worry about that,"

She said, smiling softly at him.

"I have extras from the time I went flying kites with my friend, Moonstone."

She explained briefly.

"But their just in my car, so just stay here ok.."

She nodded towards before backing up slowly. Luckily, the park was near the school grounds, so the walk there wasn't too bad. She went straight to the parking where her car was parked, duh. She clicked her car keys and the back trunk opened. It revealed two kites, and it was still fairly new. She grabbed it immediately, and closed the trunk. She clicked her car keys once more to lock it. Then, she ran towards the park again. Somehow her enthusiasm on flying kites made her push through the physical endurance. She finally arrived at park where Drakon was. She was practically jumping up and down when she approached him. She was beaming from ear to ear like a little boy in a 8th grade photo.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/358_S1Ep5.png.80b0394d954a524fbe63688d709b5c4a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145051" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/358_S1Ep5.png.80b0394d954a524fbe63688d709b5c4a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kisaki said:
(Google translation. Not the most accurate , but it will do)
"Yep, that too!" Kagami said as she finished the last of her food.

"I don't know about being wise and all , ,but I guess I have some good advice instore."Hisaki shrugged.

Kagami muttered to Hisaki in her their natural langauge "Ne,かわいい彼はありえません?私は本当に今、人間が好き!"she smirked.

Hisaki tilted his head "あなたは半分人間のあなたが知っています".

Kagami finally switched back to English "Yes , I guess so".
Understanding none of it, but not really caring Salvador nods. It seemed slightly weird how Kagami and Hisaki used Japanese at this point of time. He swirls his straw in his drink, then takes a sip.
Kagami looked at Salvador. "What's your special talents?"she asked.

"I can smell human blood , so are your ..like a super human?".

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Understanding none of it, but not really caring Salvador nods. It seemed slightly weird how Kagami and Hisaki used Japanese at this point of time. He swirls his straw in his drink, then takes a sip.


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