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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:
"Is he about to fight? Cause if so I wanna watch" she says looking over at Len and then to a picture on the wall
Len shook his head "No you don't, dad is extremely dangerous." he said softly.
Mayyflower said:
"But I will" she says playfully before she created a really tall wave that wiped them both out
Jasper went under then came up and laughed at her before he grabed her and pulled her under with him
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Shira giggked at her question before shaking her head. "No sweet heart, this is also a way for us to make sure we still love each other very much so we do it and it even helps make us love each other even more." She said as she held yuki close knowing she was really embarased that there child was staring at them

*Yuki still just kept silent but smiled since Shira's answer was true*

''ah...i see. then thats good~''

*Airi said as she thought of it as a good way rather than...the other way*

''well, ima go to my room. good night~''

*She said before she walked out closing the door behind her* (last post until 4ish hours)
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len shook his head "No you don't, dad is extremely dangerous." he said softly.

"So is mom and she looked like she was gonna rip me into pieces if she wasn't weak right now" she says "I'm not scared"
HimeragiSeiker said:
*Yuki still just kept silent but smiled since Shira's answer was true*
''ah...i see. then thats good~''

*Airi said as she thought of it as a good way rather than...the other way*

''well, ima go to my room. good night~''

*She said before she walked out closing the door behind her* (last post until 4ish hours)
Shira sighed in releife as airi left the room before she sat up still holding yukis head to her upper chest before letting her go. "Well that went well." She said to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Jasper went under then came up and laughed at her before he grabed her and pulled her under with him

Raven held her breath and wrapped her arms around jasper
Mayyflower said:
"So is mom and she looked like she was gonna rip me into pieces if she wasn't weak right now" she says "I'm not scared"
Len sighed "I'd rather face mom like that than dad any day." he said softly.
Mayyflower said:
Raven held her breath and wrapped her arms around jasper
Jasper happilt held her close as they just drifted there in the water as he made a small bubble around there heads so they could breath
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len sighed "I'd rather face mom like that than dad any day." he said softly.

"You underestimate mom a lot, I've noticed" she says
Nonalaka said:
"Thats a cool name, I like it!" she said with a nod, offering a handshake

Dakota nearly choked on her food from what he said as her face went bright red "U-uhm, w-well" she couldnt really respond to that, she was caught completely off guard by his response.


Moriko eventually woke up, her eyes fluttering open as she looked over, spotting Madoka "Hi there~" she said tiredly as she rubbed her eyes and sat up.


Camilla looked at him with a puzzled expression, leaning forward a little to inspect his face, why was he all red like that all of a sudden? she couldnt understand it really, though the fact he didnt answer her question made her more persistent in finding the answer "Are you?" she asked, reffering to her last question "You're face is awfully red, are you having trouble breathing?, Is that why you choked?" she questioned, knowing she hadnt done anything to prompt such a response from him, nor had anything embarrassing happened... well as far as she had seen anyways.
Kaname could barely register the questions of which he was asked. His attention was completely grasped by her gaze, finding himself captivated by the way she looked at him. Kaname wasn't expecting any of this, and it was truly shown just how much he focused on her. Attempting to relax himself and clear his throat, Kaname found himself hugging Camilla in a tight embrace, hovering his lips around the outer edges of her ear. "I....love...you..~" Kaname was barely even half aware of his words, and hadn't meant to even say it audibly, and rather whispered in a barely heard tone. His gaze being shaded away by his hair.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Jasper happilt held her close as they just drifted there in the water as he made a small bubble around there heads so they could breath

Raven pressed her face against his neck and hugged him close
Mayyflower said:
"You underestimate mom a lot, I've noticed" she says
Len shook his head "Don't get me wrong, i wouldn't want to face mom either, but dad has torn gods apart in the past." he said as he looked at her.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len shook his head "Don't get me wrong, i wouldn't want to face mom either, but dad has torn gods apart in the past." he said as he looked at her.

"Hm I'm not scared of dad or mom" she says with a shrug. "Dad isn't what he used to be anymore and mom isn't what she used to be anymore either" she says
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Jasper just smiled more as he held her close while they just floated there in the ocean away from anyone else

Raven let out a soft sigh. "I could be down here all day" she says softly
Mayyflower said:
"Hm I'm not scared of dad or mom" she says with a shrug. "Dad isn't what he used to be anymore and mom isn't what she used to be anymore either" she says
Len sighed then shook his head "If my natural instinct tells me something, i won't argue, and as for dad, think of a hibernating bear, his powers aren't lesser, just resting, and like a hibernating bear, their more dangerous if you interrupt their rest."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"It is peacful down here especialy when I'm with you." He said softly to her

Raven smiled and kissed his chin. "I love you jasper" she says softly
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"You two get reakuanted." The now massive black not walked in. And looked at them

Dex kissed away Hina's tears and laughed lightly. "With pleasure~" He said sweetly.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Ayen drops his stuff then places a hand on Lilliana's back, sending healing magick into her body, curing the paralysis while healing her injures before taking off his cloak and placing it on her "It's gonna be okay, Ayen will keep ya safe." he said before facing the man and his face going cold "You!" he said as he started walking towards him "You have some never attacking innocent children!" he said as power started flowing from him.

The man growled. "Stay out of my way, the operation is almost complete." He said before he resummoned his gun blades, firing 2 shots of light at him.
TheDragoon said:
Dex kissed away Hina's tears and laughed lightly. "With pleasure~" He said sweetly.
"I'll call when you two are needed ok." The robot said before he waved his hand and they both disapered from the tomb soon appearing on the bed of dexes old dorm room with dex holding Hina tighrly to his chest
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka slowly nodded before speaking, understanding now why they seemed to train so much. She noticed his eyes had dropped down to her stomach and her gaze followed as she felt another kick before feeling a sharp pain, soon wincing slightly❦...
"I remember that Sanctums are a warrior race, it just seems like a lot to train most of time. Or maybe that's just me thinking that it's a lot... I'd get tired training so much..."
...♅Akira continued looking at Asuka's stomach as he spoke♅...

“ Training is more like a lifestyle to us. It's natural~ ”


Lumina said:
...♤Lumina nodded, slightly comforted, but the thought of the picnic still made her mind wander to his... disappearnce. Speaking of that...Lumina picked up a sandwhich, looking over at Kenji before biting into it♤...
"Hey, um... what did you do in Euphoria while you were gone...?"
...ΨKenji laughed lightly and replied as he picked up a sandwichΨ...

“ I worried about you. And I trained the younglings in combat. ”
TheDragoon said:
The man growled. "Stay out of my way, the operation is almost complete." He said before he resummoned his gun blades, firing 2 shots of light at him.
Ayen frowned as he flicked his wrist and the fog moved in front of him and formed into an ice shield that blocked the shots "Tell me, though it will mean nothing soon, what was your name?" he asked as he continued walking towards the man, leaking out enough power to equal an high god now, but it kept flowing out as Ayen continued his overly calm walk towards the man.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I'll call when you two are needed ok." The robot said before he waved his hand and they both disapered from the tomb soon appearing on the bed of dexes old dorm room with dex holding Hina tighrly to his chest

Dex blushed lightly and laughed nervously. "H-Heh, I remember we spent a lot of time here..." He said, remembering all times they had 'fun' in here.

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