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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:
(Time skip)
Amaya put the plates on the table and sat down in her chair and started eating

Rin washed her hands, because she had helped Amaya cook, she then went to the living room and went to Len "Len wake up... Dinner is ready" she says shaking him lightly
Len snapped awake "Yeah, thank you Rin." he said as he got up off the couch with a yawn before looking at Rin "Are you truly you this time?" he asked.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len snapped awake "Yeah, thank you Rin." he said as he got up off the couch with a yawn before looking at Rin "Are you truly you this time?" he asked.

"Yea I'm really Rin this time" she says before going into the dinning room and sitting across from Amaya
Nonalaka said:
Moriko laughed lightly as she looked over at him and smiled in response "Did you sleep well?~" she asked as she stretched a bit.

"Why dont you go rest then?, I saw you yawn a bit ago~" she asked as she sat beside her.
Madoka nodded. "Better than I have in quite some time...thanks to you, of course. I always enjoyed lying down with you at my side...or front. " he said, laughing to himself. He then brushed a hand through his hair, before frowning slightly.
Mayyflower said:
"Yea I'm really Rin this time" she says before going into the dinning room and sitting across from Amaya
Len followed her and stole a glance at Amaya before sitting next to Rin then he didn't look away from the table for a moment.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''i dun wannu!''
Kairassi laughed, "Well why not?"


[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu](i guess im going to have to timeskip past the meal, since my last post is officially buried.)

((Probably :'3 I was waiting on Lumina's post before I posted Sorry ;- ;) )


[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland chuckled then smirked "And am i adorable now?" he asked as he smiled at her and ate some more with out looking away from her "Miss easily flustered~" he teased playfully.

"W-Well since you mentioned such a thing so sudden not so much" she said quietly as she poked at her food, her cheeks still pink "You caught me by surprise..."


[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Madoka nodded. "Better than I have in quite some time...thanks to you, of course. I always enjoyed lying down with you at my side...or front. " he said, laughing to himself. He then brushed a hand through his hair, before frowning slightly.

"Well thats good~ I slept well too!~" she said happily, a smile on her face, her smiled then quickly dropped as she noticed Madoka's frown "...Is something wrong?" she asked
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len followed her and stole a glance at Amaya before sitting next to Rin then he didn't look away from the table for a moment.

Amaya didn't bother looking at Len or Rin, she just ate her dinner quietly

Rin took a bite of her food. "Well then" she mumbled
Nonalaka said:
Kairassi laughed, "Well why not?"

((Probably :'3 I was waiting on Lumina's post before I posted Sorry ;- ;) )


"W-Well since you mentioned such a thing so sudden not so much" she said quietly as she poked at her food, her cheeks still pink "You caught me by surprise..."


"Well thats good~ I slept well too!~" she said happily, a smile on her face, her smiled then quickly dropped as she noticed Madoka's frown "...Is something wrong?" she asked
Madoka looked at her, and grinned. "Oh. No, nothing important. I was just thinking about whether or not to change ~"
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Madoka looked at her, and grinned. "Oh. No, nothing important. I was just thinking about whether or not to change ~"

Moriko blinked "Whether or not to change?" she repeated "Change what?" she asked, not 100% sure what he was on about.
TheDragoon said:
Ken just sighed, realizing he had been found out. "Ok... I'm having a lot of fun with you... But something really bad happened..." He said with a sad look.
Kelsey looked at him, listening to what he was saying
Later, after filling up on ramen, beer, and finding the sweetshop, amassing a small fortune in candy, enough to string a sugar high for years......

"Man, im getting tired, how about you girls?" she asked, yawning, her belly fully, so she was mostly satisfied. What she needed now was a root beer float. "Any icecream shops in the area?" she asked sheepishly.

WeirdPrincess said:
...☁︎Autumn laughed again and shook her head. Reading a book wasn't lame at all to her, it would usually depend on who you were talking to. Though when she thought about it, she didn't really know if it was lame or not. Autumn soon spoke☁︎...
"Not to me no. Being lame is like you get invited to a party, but instead you just stay home. That's pretty lame. Or you're asked to hang out with friends, but you just hang out with little kids instead. That's lame too, but fun."
"Oh well then nevermind I don't do lame things" he says with a slight laugh
Nonalaka said:
"W-Well since you mentioned such a thing so sudden not so much" she said quietly as she poked at her food, her cheeks still pink "You caught me by surprise..."
Roland chuckled "Isn't that the way we met, by surprise?" he asked teasingly as he poked at his food as well while smiling at her "Y'know, your really cute like that." he said before reaching over and stealing a spoonful of her food.
Mayyflower said:
Amaya didn't bother looking at Len or Rin, she just ate her dinner quietly
Rin took a bite of her food. "Well then" she mumbled
Len sighed then looked over at Amanda "Mom." he said as he rested his hands on the table.
Nonalaka said:
Moriko blinked "Whether or not to change?" she repeated "Change what?" she asked, not 100% sure what he was on about.
Madoka stretched hisnarmsboit wide, grinning. "Change me! My form, Meowriko. I still haven't found a good shape yet, but this one was close...I guess I should probably keep the teenage look for the next one..." He said, stroking his chin as he contemplated. "Hmm, what do you think? "
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]Later, after filling up on ramen, beer, and finding the sweetshop, amassing a small fortune in candy, enough to string a sugar high for years......
"Man, im getting tired, how about you girls?" she asked, yawning, her belly fully, so she was mostly satisfied. What she needed now was a root beer float. "Any icecream shops in the area?" she asked sheepishly.


Rini had been quietly walking along slightly behind the two other girls, she supposed she was a bit tired too, she had been walking around all day and such, she finally spoke up when the notion of icecream was mentioned, she remembered going for icecream with her older sister loads of times "W-Well I know of one..thats if its still standing that is" she said with a small smile and a nod
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len sighed then looked over at Amanda "Mom." he said as he rested his hands on the table.

Amaya took a drink of her water. "What?" She asks a hint of irritation in her voice

Rin stayed quiet and ate
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland chuckled "Isn't that the way we met, by surprise?" he asked teasingly as he poked at his food as well while smiling at her "Y'know, your really cute like that." he said before reaching over and stealing a spoonful of her food.

She blew air from her cheeks as she blushed again "T-That not fair how you just turned everything back at me again..I-It was me calling you that"
Mayyflower said:
Amaya took a drink of her water. "What?" She asks a hint of irritation in her voice
Rin stayed quiet and ate
Len kept a calm look on his face "You realize that we probably wouldn't even be having this meal if i didn't know some secrets about this house."
Nonalaka said:
Kairassi laughed, "Well why not?"

((Probably :'3 I was waiting on Lumina's post before I posted Sorry ;- ;) )


"W-Well since you mentioned such a thing so sudden not so much" she said quietly as she poked at her food, her cheeks still pink "You caught me by surprise..."


"Well thats good~ I slept well too!~" she said happily, a smile on her face, her smiled then quickly dropped as she noticed Madoka's frown "...Is something wrong?" she asked
''i must grow stronger! especially in this form...''

*She said as she whined a little*
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Madoka stretched hisnarmsboit wide, grinning. "Change me! My form, Meowriko. I still haven't found a good shape yet, but this one was close...I guess I should probably keep the teenage look for the next one..." He said, stroking his chin as he contemplated. "Hmm, what do you think? "

Moriko looked at him, tilting her head "Well I suppose, you should be whatever form you are most comfortable in and if that means changing your form a few more times then go ahead, youll still be my Madoka~" she said with a giggle.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''i must grow stronger! especially in this form...''
*She said as she whined a little*
"You do know you need rest for a body to become stronger right? If you dont rest your body tires out and gets nowhere cause you rent working your hardest~" she explained "Atleast thats what I was told"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len kept a calm look on his face "You realize that we probably wouldn't even be having this meal if i didn't know some secrets about this house."

"I realized that Len" she sighs not taking her eyes off of her food
Nonalaka said:
She blew air from her cheeks as she blushed again "T-That not fair how you just turned everything back at me again..I-It was me calling you that"
Roland smiled innocently at her "Why, i would never do such a thing!" he joked as he ate the spoonful he took from her plate "I mean, turning the tables on you? is that even possible?" he teased
Mayyflower said:
"I realized that Len" she sighs not taking her eyes off of her food
Len sighed "And do you know what happens if you use magic your not powerful enough for?" he asked softly.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len sighed "And do you know what happens if you use magic your not powerful enough for?" he asked softly.

"Nope.. but I bet your gonna tell me" she says resting her head on her fist

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