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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:
Rin nods and went back to the kitchen and put strawberry in the jug and shook it up, she then went out and sat in a chair next to the couch and drank her milk
Len looked over at her and chuckled "Thirsty?" he asked as he flipped through the channels.
TheDragoon said:
Axel walked out of the stadium with her, a arm around her shoulder. He smiled to himself. She's so warm... He thought before kissing her head and continuing to walk.
Kotori wrapped her arm around his back. I can't believe we did it here.. She thought as she looked around
Roman said:
Han sat across from Mari, inspecting the table for any flaws in the food he made. "After this I'm pretty sure you'll wanna do something. I can already tell you wouldn't want to stay in one spot for long."
Mari nodded furiously with enthusiasm. "Uh huh! What should we go and do daddy?" She asked him.
Mayyflower said:
Kotori wrapped her arm around his back. I can't believe we did it here.. She thought as she looked around
Axel summoned his cycle outside and put on his helmet, handing her a spare so they wouldn't get as hurt if they fell off the cycle. He got on and smiled at her. "Heh, I dunno why but you seem to be especially beautiful today~" He said happily before waving her onto the cycle.
Roman said:
Nodding in agreement to, Yumi's statement, Akane smile. "A place so big... But so empty is sort of... Sad. Y'know? I just hope one day people show up."
"I'll pay to see a day like that happen. It gets lonely here without so many people, I'm usually by myself the whole time I'm here. It's pretty sad." Yumi said quietly as she shifted her gaze towards the courtyard, her eyes now falling on a fountain. "If you want, I can show you around so you won't get lost the next time you come here."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len looked over at her and chuckled "Thirsty?" he asked as he flipped through the channels.

Rin nods and takes a drink of milk. "It feels like I haven't had milk in forever" she says
TheDragoon said:
Axel summoned his cycle outside and put on his helmet, handing her a spare so they wouldn't get as hurt if they fell off the cycle. He got on and smiled at her. "Heh, I dunno why but you seem to be especially beautiful today~" He said happily before waving her onto the cycle.
Kotori took the helmet and put it on before blushing "I-I do? Thank you" she says getting on the cycle
Mayyflower said:
Rin nods and takes a drink of milk. "It feels like I haven't had milk in forever" she says
Len sighed "Probably because you haven't, tell me, do you remember drinking my blood?"
Mayyflower said:
Kotori took the helmet and put it on before blushing "I-I do? Thank you" she says getting on the cycle
Axel laughed and started the cycle's engine. "Let's rev it up!" He said before speeding off down the street with it.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len sighed "Probably because you haven't, tell me, do you remember drinking my blood?"

"I remember that" she says shaking the jug
TheDragoon said:
Axel laughed and started the cycle's engine. "Let's rev it up!" He said before speeding off down the street with it.
Kotori smiled and held on tightly, the side of her face pressed against his back
Mayyflower said:
"I remember that" she says shaking the jug
Len nodded then rubbed his chin "And before i dragged you out of that room, what is the last thing you remember?" he asked curiously.
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka stopped short, leaving her shirt half buttoned as she thought about it for a moment, soon closing her eyes as she spoke❦...
"Well you can't really put all the blame on humans. Though it's not as much as our fault as it is theirs for Earths problems. And I'm sure they want to try and stop of these disasters and epidemics. I believe they're trying to stop obesity by putting a high price on soda's to prevent them from buying it so easily. I think humans said that they believed that the high sugar and calories helps with obesity. I can't be to sure about that. Then there was the Mayans or, what I'd rather focus on, the Mayan Calendar, the Bible, and asteroid crashing into Earth. Humans were skeptical about the Mayan calendar, it was a long time ago. If I were human, I wouldn't believe something like that either. Thinking that one day the world might end or something bad might happen, I really didn't focus on the details, is scary I'll admit and by hiding their fear of the future, because their scared deep down, they just won't admit it, humans make jokes out of the apocalypse. Then there's the Bible, which doesn't account for everyone. There are atheist who don't believe in any God and wouldn't know any of the problems that were foreseen in it. Their are people who are part of a religion and still don't read the Bible, so what would they know? I suppose it's those humans being ignorant, but ignorance is bliss. I'll say that humans do want a better future for themselves, it'll just take a lot of work and effort to get that better future."

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...❦Asuka blew out a breath before walking over to her closet and rummaging through it, now looking for something else to wear❦...
...♅Akira sighed and sat down on a chair, manifesting a piece of Euphorian paperwork within his hands. His hair flattened over of his head and turned blonde, along with his irises turning a green colour. He replied to Asuka as he began reading the combat training report♅...

“ Why increase the price of sodas? Why not just stop with them all together? Let's imagine... if you glimpsed the future, you were frightened by what you saw, what would you do with that information? You would go to the politicians, captains of industry? And how would you convince them? Data? Facts? The only facts they won't challenge are the ones that keep the wheels greased and the dollars rolling in. But what if... what if there was a way of skipping the middle man and putting the critical news directly into everyone's head? The probability of wide-spread annihilation kept going up. The only way to stop it was to show it, to scare people straight. Because what reasonable human being wouldn't be galvanized by the potential destruction of everything they've ever known or loved? To save civilization, I would show it's collapse. However, the Humans glorified it, made it desirable, then they blame their creator, because they're too immature to accept the fact that they're the one that caused it. ”



Lumina said:
...♤Lumina blinked, looking at Kenji. Could he read her mind or something? Or maybe her expression was just easy to read... either way Lumina kept her forced smile, though she did relax a bit. Of course she knew he wasn't going to leave, just thinking about the picnic had brought her mind back to that day, was all. She looked over at Kenji with an apologetic expression as she responded♤...
"I-I know that. I'm sorry."

...ΨKenji laughed once more and replied as he ruffled her hairΨ...

“ You don't have to apologize, silly~ ”
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len nodded then rubbed his chin "And before i dragged you out of that room, what is the last thing you remember?" he asked curiously.

"When did you drag me out of a room and why?" She asks
Mayyflower said:
"When did you drag me out of a room and why?" She asks
Len sighed "just before mom made you come up the stairs, as for why, you passed out and if i hadn't dragged you out you'd be stuck in there."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len sighed "just before mom made you come up the stairs, as for why, you passed out and if i hadn't dragged you out you'd be stuck in there."

"Oh I don't remember that" she says thinking
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len nodded "Yeah, i figured, so before waking up what do you think your last memory?"

"In the basement reading" she says
Mayyflower said:
Kotori smiled and held on tightly, the side of her face pressed against his back
Axel pulled to a stop in front of a dominos with a smile. "Hey... Isn't this the first place we hung out?" He asked, knowing that he met Kotori at the courtyard, but felt like he really got to know her here...
TheDragoon said:
Axel pulled to a stop in front of a dominos with a smile. "Hey... Isn't this the first place we hung out?" He asked, knowing that he met Kotori at the courtyard, but felt like he really got to know her here...
Kotori smiled and nods "yea it is" she chuckled as she takes the helmet off "well this is the place we first got to know each other" she says
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len nodded "Before you went blind..." he said as he rubbed his chin as he looked over at her.

"Yea before I went blind" she huffed before taking a drink
Mayyflower said:
"Yea before I went blind" she huffed before taking a drink
Len nodded "But you don't remember being blind, do you?" he asked as he moved to the side of the couch that was closest to her.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len nodded "But you don't remember being blind, do you?" he asked as he moved to the side of the couch that was closest to her.

"I remember the first half of the day but never the last part" she says "like mornings only" she says looking over at Len

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