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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

NeoClassical said:
Ansom nodded and took the last muffin. "This place is closing soon." He said as he looked around at the nearly empty cafe. "This was fun...for me, at least." He chuckled. "If you still want to hang out, I've got time." He shrugged. "But you probably want to get home, don't you?"
Elaena smiled "It was fun for me too" she said with a nod before checking the time "As I said earlier, I have no time limit for when I go home so I can still hang out" she said as she looked up at him "unless you rather I go home instead" she shrugged lightly.
Nonalaka said:
Moriko smiled at him and nodded before giggling at his second statement "Good, you do that" she said quietly to him, the flowers in her hair turning all different colours from being happy. "Do you want to go Inside? I was going to go on a walk to cheer myself up, but thats already been accomplished now" she said happily as she glanced toward the door of her home briefly then back to him.
"Im happy to go anywhere, as long as my Moriko is with me..." He said, hopping into a crouch, his tail appearing as he purred. "Let's go!~"
LunaCrosby said:
(I'm wasn't sure if you replied or not, unless I missed it...)
"your blushing" she called out to him, shaking her head and resting it on the palm of her hand.
(Yeah, I kinda sorta replied a while ago...and tagged you to it again about a week ago ^_^ " stupid notifs...)

Leon frowned, rubbing his cheeks after dumping her clothes into the machine, and setting it to start. He walked back out to Scarlet, and nodded. "Yes, I was. I'm slightly surprised you aren't...you said these things made you "uncomfortable.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira smiled and continued kissing her neck, soon placing his hands on her thighs and lifting Asuka up, his kisses soon moving to the top of her chest, directly below her throat. He spoke as he walked out of the room, carrying her within his arms♅...
“ Let's take it to another bed, then~ ”

...❦Her legs instantly wrapped around his waist as Akira picked her up. As his kisses descended to the top of her chest, her eyes closed and she gave out a sigh in bliss. Asuka barely caught what he had said and nodded. It would be odd or just down right wrong if this happened in Lumina's room... and she would probably never want to sleep in her own room again❦...

"Downstairs and to the left, close to the back of the house. That's where my room is or go to any other room. I don't care at this point."
Mayyflower said:
"Not at all what I expected" he huffs
...☁︎Autumn laughed lightly as he huffed before looking up at the sky, watching as the clouds drifted by before she stood up. She remembered she had originally come to the park to ride the swings (like a little kid) and that's what she was going to do. Autumn stretched a little before she looked back at Kyo and spoke, soon making her way towards the swings that wasn't that far away. She sat down upon reaching one and began swinging☁︎...

"Sorry to hear that. I'm guessing you didn't like how it was?"
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[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"Im happy to go anywhere, as long as my Moriko is with me..." He said, hopping into a crouch, his tail appearing as he purred. "Let's go!~"

Moriko smiled at him before standing as they then went to the door, opening it and going inside "I didnt want to go in here earlier cause here is so full of memories" she said as she looked around the dorm "I thought you had really gone, you know, I even went up and sat in your napping spot on the roof to see if you would arrive most days...obviously you didnt" she said with a quiet laugh as she sat down on the couch taking off her jacket and leaving it to one side "After a while I got a call to go home to care for my dad because he was sick....and thats where ive been ever since...I only got back today" she explained as she glanced over at him.
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Her legs instantly wrapped around his waist as Akira picked her up. As his kisses descended to the top of her chest, her eyes closed and she gave out a sigh in bliss. Asuka barely caught what he had said and nodded. It would be odd or just down right wrong if this happened in Lumina's room... and she would probably never want to sleep in her own room again❦...
"Downstairs and to the left, close to the back of the house. That's where my room is or go to any other room. I don't care at this point."
...♅Akira nodded and followed Asuka's directions, making sure he didn't trip down the stairs, nor bump into anything. Instead of releasing his hold on her to open the door, he used his feet to push down the handle and open it, doing the same motion to close it behind them. He laughed lightly and gently placed Asuka down onto the bed, following her so that he remained leaning ontop. He continued to kiss the same spot as he did so, his hands soon caressing her thighs as he spoke♅...

“ Let's get right down to it, honey~ ”

((( Fade now or after your post? xD )))
Nonalaka said:
"You're welcome~" she said happily as she began serving the food into two plates and carrying them over to the table to be eaten.
Roland followed her over to the table, smiling at her as he did so, then sat down and waited for the plates to be set down as his stomach growled once again.
LunaCrosby said:
Kelsey nodded "ok, hmm.. what's your favorite color?" she ask's.
Ken laughed lightly and winked. "It's yellow! Because yellow is the color of the sun that always brightens every day!" He said happily.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](Yeah, I kinda sorta replied a while ago...and tagged you to it again about a week ago ^_^ " stupid notifs...)
Leon frowned, rubbing his cheeks after dumping her clothes into the machine, and setting it to start. He walked back out to Scarlet, and nodded. "Yes, I was. I'm slightly surprised you aren't...you said these things made you "uncomfortable.

"just because im blushing doesn't mean they didn't make me uncomftorable, i'm trying hard not to blush" she said.
TheDragoon said:
Ken laughed lightly and winked. "It's yellow! Because yellow is the color of the sun that always brightens every day!" He said happily.
"that make's sense, you do seem like you'd like it" she said and giggled.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland followed her over to the table, smiling at her as he did so, then sat down and waited for the plates to be set down as his stomach growled once again.

Dakota set down his plate then her own "There you go~" she said with a smile, noticing his stomach growling again and giggling lightly before sitting at the table.
WeirdPrincess said:
...☁︎Autumn laughed lightly as he huffed before looking up at the sky, watching as the clouds drifted by before she stood up. She remembered she had originally come to the park to ride the swings (like a little kid) and that's what she was going to do. Autumn stretched a little before she looked back at Kyo and spoke, soon making her way towards the swings that wasn't that far away. She sat down upon reaching one and began swinging☁︎...
"Sorry to hear that. I'm guessing you didn't like how it was?"
Kyo got up and went to the swings too "Not really, I didn't like the ending that much" he says looking down at the turf
Nonalaka said:
Elaena smiled "It was fun for me too" she said with a nod before checking the time "As I said earlier, I have no time limit for when I go home so I can still hang out" she said as she looked up at him "unless you rather I go home instead" she shrugged lightly.
"Well of course I don't want you to go home." Ansom smiled. "It's just that a lot of places are closing around this time." He stood up. "I don't know of any place. Do you?" He asked.
Nonalaka said:
Dakota set down his plate then her own "There you go~" she said with a smile, noticing his stomach growling again and giggling lightly before sitting at the table.
Roland smirked at her "Something funny?" he asked as he reached for a spoon then took a spoon full of curry and shoveled into his mouth while looking over at her.
LunaCrosby said:
"just because im blushing doesn't mean they didn't make me uncomftorable, i'm trying hard not to blush" she said.
"I guess that's fair..." He replied, leaning against the table. He gripped it firmly to hold his tongue, but let go, and realized he couldn't hold back his thoughts always. "Actually, its not fair. I told you that this is about sharing feelings, didn't I? If you're concentrated on not showing your emotion, you're not expressing yourself properly...n-now, this time, you try it...without worrying about it too much..." He said, as his form shifted slightly, and he blushed.


'Damn it, why is this so awkward for me? Is it...is it because she's a dragon, and I'm part dragon? Gah, this is stupid! Pull yourself together... '

NeoClassical said:
"Well of course I don't want you to go home." Ansom smiled. "It's just that a lot of places are closing around this time." He stood up. "I don't know of any place. Do you?" He asked.
--- Else Where ---

''it was at that time i knew...one of my students are hanging out with my ex''

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c560074e4_BraveFrontierFeeva6.png.a7b53c9c3c9a98ec00eac434b48eb4c4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82755" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c560074e4_BraveFrontierFeeva6.png.a7b53c9c3c9a98ec00eac434b48eb4c4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Nonalaka (just for shits and giggles
xD )



  • BraveFrontier Feeva6.png
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