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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:
"What do you mean off the radar?" She asks worriedly
Len sighed "Like, umm, not anywhere within a hundred miles or so, as if he, well, teleported." he says looking over at her.
TheDragoon said:
Dex glared at the bot angrily. Sure he was glad Hina was back, but he brought her back without his or her consent. Not only that, he was going to kill HIS Hina once again as seperate them once more. "I won't let you take Hina from me though... Hina is everything to me, be she human, robot, zombie, anything! She will always be Hina, so I'll protect her till the very end! Besides, I don't need to kill you..." He said. "All I need to do is keep Hina out of danger... Even if it means putting life on the line, that or even my existence." He finished, still standing in the bots way.
"Well what I meant to say was that she's connected to me so if you destroy me she will die." He said to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Jasper happily let her pull him to the surface before he smiled and kissed her cheek just before they broke the surface

Raven smiled at jasper when they reached the surface before splashing him again and swimming away
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She quickly dodged and swiped her sword at euloria again

Euloria went to dodge, the sword still hit her front leg, cutting it but barely, grunting a bit before blasting fire at her and swiping again with her claws
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Shira kissed her neck again then sat up and smiled. "Where should we go for our date?" She asked her

''hmmm...maybe..we could go to the beach?''

*Yuki asked Shira as she smiled up at her a little more*
Nonalaka said:
Euloria went to dodge, the sword still hit her front leg, cutting it but barely, grunting a bit before blasting fire at her and swiping again with her claws
She got hit by one fire ball but managed to dodge every thing else and launched into the air
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len sighed "Like, umm, not anywhere within a hundred miles or so, as if he, well, teleported." he says looking over at her.

"Oh, well like I said whenever he comes home we will get answers" she says "or you will cause I don't care it's over and done with" she says
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland chuckled at what she said "So, what would fall under distracting you too much? Hmm Dakota?" he asked playfully as he looked down at the curry.

Dakota shrugged a bit "..Oooh, I dunno~ I cant really think on something off the top of my head right now" she said, giggling a bit
HimeragiSeiker said:
''hmmm...maybe..we could go to the beach?''
*Yuki asked Shira as she smiled up at her a little more*
"Hmm I can't wait, it'll be fun seing you in a swim suit again." She said lovingly to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Jasper wiped his face after the splash then jumped after her

Raven laughed and looked back at jasper as she swam
Mayyflower said:
"Oh, well like I said whenever he comes home we will get answers" she says "or you will cause I don't care it's over and done with" she says
Len sighed then shook his head "And you're not worried that it could happen again? whats wrong with you, don't you care to learn anything?" he asked with a concerned look on his face,
WeirdPrincess said:
...☁︎Autumn nodded before speaking again, now leaning back on the palms of her hands☁︎...
"Wasn't what you expected?"
"Not at all what I expected" he huffs
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Hmm I can't wait, it'll be fun seing you in a swim suit again." She said lovingly to her

*Yuki giggled*

''me too~ i wanna see your swim suit again~''
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Well what I meant to say was that she's connected to me so if you destroy me she will die." He said to her

Dex shook his head. "I know, but if you try to take Hina away from me again, I will not hesitate to destroy you." He said.
Nonalaka said:
Dakota shrugged a bit "..Oooh, I dunno~ I cant really think on something off the top of my head right now" she said, giggling a bit
Roland smiled then moved to nuzzle her neck "You are just to good for me." he said quietly as he slightly tightened his hug on her before chuckling "I mean, how does someone like me end up with someone as great as you?"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len sighed then shook his head "And you're not worried that it could happen again? whats wrong with you, don't you care to learn anything?" he asked with a concerned look on his face,

"I know it won't" she says "visions Len visions " she huffs
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She got hit by one fire ball but managed to dodge every thing else and launched into the air

As she jumped into the air Euloria realised although dragon skin was much tougher, shed need to be quicker, she transferred her conciousness back to her own body and teleported herself there, now wielding a blade of her own as she carefully watched where she had launched herself to. the dragon Euloria had been controlling moved to protect Ariel.
Mayyflower said:
"I know it won't" she says "visions Len visions " she huffs
Len narrowed his eyes "Isn't that how this whole thing started? your visions." he said unconvinced.
Nonalaka said:
As she jumped into the air Euloria realised although dragon skin was much tougher, shed need to be quicker, she transferred her conciousness back to her own body and teleported herself there, now wielding a blade of her own as she carefully watched where she had launched herself to. the dragon Euloria had been controlling moved to protect Ariel.
She hasn't been expecting for euloria to be there so she just blocked her attack as best she could stil taking some damage
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I think I'm going to need a new one." She said to yuki

''how come?''

*Yuki asked as she tilted her head*

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