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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I'm the one that brought you back." He said coldly to him as he walked around him slowly. "I also brought a certain some one you died for back." He said to him

Dex didn't know what he was talking about. Most of his memories were buried deep in his brain. "Who are you talking about?" He asked. "All I remember is being in the middle of a courtyard... And now I'm here."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Shira gladly kissed her back lovingly as she closed her eyes and brough her other hand to yukis cheek

*Yuki soon brought her hands to Shira's shoulders and closed her eyes as well*
TheDragoon said:
Dex didn't know what he was talking about. Most of his memories were buried deep in his brain. "Who are you talking about?" He asked. "All I remember is being in the middle of a courtyard... And now I'm here."
"So you don't remember her." He asked as the doors to the tomb opened up and Hina walked in before seeing him and going wide eyed. "D-dex?" She said in shock as she watched him before the old boy walked over to her
HimeragiSeiker said:
*Natsume sighed before she jumped off the bed. She soon walked to the garden and examined it. She was slightly heart broken but the garden seemed to keep her mind off Akiba*
Akiba laid in his room, heart broken as well. He looked around the room before getting up and writing. He thought it might be a interesting pursuit, considering he had read so many books and it helped keep his mind off of Natsume. The book mostly contained in his feelings and a list of recent events. You could say it was his diary.
Nonalaka said:
Moriko stumbled a little bit but caught herself, Instead of speaking she just froze, she recognised the voice that spoke to her right away, staring at the person she had bumped into "M-Madoka?" was about the only thing she managed to stammer out as her mind was cycling through a handful of different emotions, looking him up and down making sure she wasnt just hallucinating or something but she wasnt, that had to be him, she couldnt be wrong about such a thing.
Madoka's ears perked up, and his body went stiff when he heard her voice. He was hesitant to look at her, thinking he might look up only to see an illusion. But he also wanted to believe that he wasn't being lied to. He wanted that more than anything. Slowly, he pulled his hands apart, staring up at her with shock still clear in his eyes. He slowly brought his hands away, as his breath slowed.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Shira smiled before she broke the kiss. "Airis in our room." She said softly

''oh...? is she sleeping?''

*Yuki asked a bit surprised. She thought she just had deja vu for a second because in their past life, she did find Airi sleeping in her room*
TheDragoon said:
Akiba laid in his room, heart broken as well. He looked around the room before getting up and writing. He thought it might be a interesting pursuit, considering he had read so many books and it helped keep his mind off of Natsume. The book mostly contained in his feelings and a list of recent events. You could say it was his diary.
(pretty much good from there)
HimeragiSeiker said:
''oh...? is she sleeping?''
*Yuki asked a bit surprised. She thought she just had deja vu for a second because in their past life, she did find Airi sleeping in her room*
"Yeah she is." She said to her before reading her head on yukis upper chest and lower neck
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Ohhh now I can't leave my family alone." She said before she swiped her blade barely cutting eulorias cheek

Euloria glared at her not flincing when she was cut "Youve done it for long enough, and Id appreciate if you continued to leave us be".


[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland chuckled and smiled as he rested his head on hers "Yeah, though i'm sure i could get the stain out if i needed to, but i'd still feel bad about staining something..." he said as he started to ramble on about how to remove any stain.

Dakota simply laughed "Alright if that happens Ill trust you to fix it" she said when his rambling was done.
Nonalaka said:
Euloria glared at her not flincing when she was cut "Youve done it for long enough, and Id appreciate if you continued to leave us be".

Dakota simply laughed "Alright if that happens Ill trust you to fix it" she said when his rambling was done.
"Actualy Its only because some one had destroyed heaven and hell." She said to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Yeah she is." She said to her before reading her head on yukis upper chest and lower neck

*Yuki giggled before she started to brush her fingers through Shira's hair*

''ah..i see..''
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"So you don't remember her." He asked as the doors to the tomb opened up and Hina walked in before seeing him and going wide eyed. "D-dex?" She said in shock as she watched him before the old boy walked over to her

Dex was shocked as well as suddenly memories of Hina unearthed in his mind. "H-Hina..." He said. Tears started falling from his face as he remained there, just saying: "Hina..."
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]
Madoka's ears perked up, and his body went stiff when he heard her voice. He was hesitant to look at her, thinking he might look up only to see an illusion. But he also wanted to believe that he wasn't being lied to. He wanted that more than anything. Slowly, he pulled his hands apart, staring up at her with shock still clear in his eyes. He slowly brought his hands away, as his breath slowed.

Moriko slowly nodded "Y-Yeah, Its me" she said as she slowly kneeled down to his level looking straight at him still shaking a little as she began to calm down a smile soon began to spread across her face.
Nonalaka said:
Dakota simply laughed "Alright if that happens Ill trust you to fix it" she said when his rambling was done.
Roland smiled "So, does cooking this takes awhile?" he asked as he rested his hands over her stomach and continued watching "Isn't curry just like a stew with a bunch of spices?"
TheDragoon said:
Dex was shocked as well as suddenly memories of Hina unearthed in his mind. "H-Hina..." He said. Tears started falling from his face as he remained there, just saying: "Hina..."
Hina ran over to him falling onto her knees infront of him and hugginf him tightly a the robot spoke. "It's to bad though, she won't live long." He said as he picked up yet another robot carcas and crushed its head then threw it at them


It landing close to them showing the consciousness that was in the body had still Ben alive. "Say hello to your mother dex." The bot said to them
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Yeah... She almost made me fall asleep as well." She said before giggling

*Yuki giggled a little more before she kissed Shira's forehead*
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Shira smiled before she moved her head and kissed yukis neck in return before she curled up with her again

*Yuki giggled before curling up with her as well*
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira smiled slightly and replied as he lowered his hands and placed them onto Asuka's waist♅...
“ Ah, okay~ So.. uh.. what do you wanna do?~ ”


...ΨKenji smiled and noticed Lumina's blush, causing him to recalling the previous events. He blushed lightly and looked around the area as he spokeΨ...

“ It looks like we'll need to work on that~ ”

...♤Lumina nodded, noting that Kenji was blushing now too. She sat silently for a few moments, awkwardness hanging in the air for a bit. She glanced at him, still slightly amazed at how bold he had gotten before they were interrupted♤...

"S-Sorry for, uh, disappearing back there..."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Hina ran over to him falling onto her knees infront of him and hugginf him tightly a the robot spoke. "It's to bad though, she won't live long." He said as he picked up yet another robot carcas and crushed its head then threw it at them

It landing close to them showing the consciousness that was in the body had still Ben alive. "Say hello to your mother dex." The bot said to them

Dex hugged her back tightly, crying tears of joy to be reunited with his lost love, until the bot mentioned that she wouldn't live long, protecting Hina from the carcass that the bot it threw at him. "I... I won't let you take Hina from me!" He growled, his arcane flame glowing brighter and dramatically increasing. It was obviously the wrong time to make Dex angry right now.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"What should we do?" She asked her softky before she smiled up at yuki.

''i dunno...wanna eat something? its lunch right now''

*She said as she noticed the time and then smiled at Shira*

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