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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

NeoClassical said:
Ansom laughed. "That is true. Mystery is always fun." He nodded and listened to her question. "To be honest...I do not know what drives me to destroy everything. The best reason I can come up with is this: If you draw a picture in kindergarten, you don't want that drawing to be your only one. In time, that drawing becomes irrelevant. Other pictures come and go. You will never draw the perfect picture." He shook his head. "Sorry. That isn't a good example, but it is the best I can come up with." He smiled as the waitress set a basket of muffins on the center of the table. "The multiverse is like this muffin. Fun to look at....even better to eat." He grabbed a blueberry muffin and took a bite.
"I guess that kind of makes some sense" she said as she looked at the muffin basket "Though I dont think I can ever 100% make sense of it since ive y'know, never created a multiverse, so I guess I cant really relate" she said as she then took a muffin from the basket and smiled a little.
Nonalaka said:
"People who have already eaten thats who" she said to him, the flattery obviously not working "And by a while im guessing you mean breakfast, not the sandwhiches made of air" she said raising her brow at him.
Roland sighed then nodded "Y-yeah, breakfast...." he said looking away again wondering if he even ate breakfast that morning or skipped it because of rushing down to the shop before his stomach growled again.
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka looked up from the book to see Kenji leave, soon making the book disappear. It was a story that Celia had written a long time ago and wanted her to read it. The content was just really... more for adults. She had to try and read the thing with a straight face, which was pretty hard because most of the time she wanted to just stare at it in bewilderment or just keep herself from blushing. Asuka had succeeded, thankfully, but would never touch that book again. She put it where no one else could find it and somewhere where she would most likely forget it was even there. Her glasses had fogged up a bit, so Asuka took them off and pulled out a glass cleaner from her pocket before cleaning the glasses, speaking quietly as she looked off to the side❦...
"That was awkward. I feel bad that we just walked in on them..."

...♅Akira looked down at the ground and replied to Asuka as his confused expression remained♅...

“ Yeah~ I never thought he'd actually do
it, though.. ”



Lumina said:
...♤Lumina looked out at the scene, her blush finally starting to go away, albeit slowly. She glanced back at the house for a moment, wondering if she should go back in. But the bundle of flustered nerves in her stomach told her otherwise. Lumina wasn't sure she was mentally ready to face people again. She turned her head, looking back out at the scenery. The view here always helped center herself. She remembered coming out here a lot back when Kenji was still gone, to look out here when she was starting to feel lost or overwhelmed. So it was definitely helping to calm her nerves now. Maybe in a little bit she could go back inside, considering she just kind of disappeared in front of them♤...
...ΨKenji left the house and looked around for a short while. He soon caught sight of Lumina sitting on the grass, and spoke as he began walking towards herΨ...

“ Lumi-chan, are you okay? ”
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland sighed then nodded "Y-yeah, breakfast...." he said looking away again wondering if he even ate breakfast that morning or skipped it because of rushing down to the shop before his stomach growled again.

Dakota looked at him for a bit before sighing a little "You shouldnt be skipping meals Roy, no-one can work right on an empty stomach" she said before kissing his cheek "I'll go make something" she said before getting up and making her way to the kitchen.


[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](I tink you did)

((oof sorry ;-;...could you repost please?))
Nonalaka said:
Dakota looked at him for a bit before sighing a little "You shouldnt be skipping meals Roy, no-one can work right on an empty stomach" she said before kissing his cheek "I'll go make something" she said before getting up and making her way to the kitchen.

((oof sorry ;-;...could you repost please?))
(Sure I'll look for it)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Do you not understand, he is destened to destroy all dimensions because he won't give the dragon in him up, and Angels are here to protect so he must die," she said coldly to her

(I think this was it or did you reply to that @Nonalaka
Nonalaka said:
Dakota looked at him for a bit before sighing a little "You shouldnt be skipping meals Roy, no-one can work right on an empty stomach" she said before kissing his cheek "I'll go make something" she said before getting up and making her way to the kitchen.
Roland nods then sighs "Yeah, I'm sorry, it's just when i get working i block out other things." he said before watching her go to the kitchen "And i'd like to argue that point! I've made plenty great things while hungry!" he said as he stood up.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](I think this was it or did you reply to that @Nonalaka

((nope i mustve missed it :'I))

"Of course I understand that, except I know that he doesnt want to destroy anything!" she said shaking her head "The only difference is that I am willing to try my best to see if there is anyway to help him to make it so he wont have to destroy anything without hurting him!" she said as she glared at her "And if you ever had any heart in you you would have tried to help him as a child, instead of letting people cast your own son off and you wouldn't be hurting his child like this" she said as her gaze moved to Ariel laying there but beginning to move a bit "If you couldn't care less about your son, then why do you want your granddaughter, what business do you have taking her from us."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland nods then sighs "Yeah, I'm sorry, it's just when i get working i block out other things." he said before watching her go to the kitchen "And i'd like to argue that point! I've made plenty great things while hungry!" he said as he stood up.

Dakota simply shook her head as she began looking through the cupboards to see what she could make "Yes but if you keep working on an empty stomach everyday youll keep getting less focused until you dont make plenty of great things cause you cant concentrate or worse, youll get ill" she said as she glanced over at him.
Nonalaka said:
Dakota simply shook her head as she began looking through the cupboards to see what she could make "Yes but if you keep working on an empty stomach everyday youll keep getting less focused until you dont make plenty of great things cause you cant concentrate or worse, youll get ill" she said as she glanced over at him.
Roland huffed and crossed his arms as he walked into the kitchen "Well, it's never gotten to that point." he said as he looked around in the cupboards "And my focus when it comes to crafting it's all that natural either." he said before walking over to the fridge with his stomach growling yet again as he opened the fridge "And ideas yet?"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Roland huffed and crossed his arms as he walked into the kitchen "Well, it's never gotten to that point." he said as he looked around in the cupboards "And my focus when it comes to crafting it's all that natural either." he said before walking over to the fridge with his stomach growling yet again as he opened the fridge "And ideas yet?"

"Well good, I dont want it to and I'll make sure it wont" she said as she continued searching around "Well I mean there some stuff here I can make curry with If youre okay with that" she suggested.
Nonalaka said:
"Well good, I dont want it to and I'll make sure it wont" she said as she continued searching around "Well I mean there some stuff here I can make curry with If youre okay with that" she suggested.
Roland turned his head to her "Curry sound great." he said with a nod then smiled at her "And if you want to makes sure that never happens you'll have to come down to the shop sometimes and drag me out." he said semi-playfully.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''its okay Akiba...its okay''
Akiba frowned even more. "There's no way you'll like me again after this... I should probably get used to being alone." He said in defeat. He then got up and started to leave the room.
Nanne said:
Kanae looked down. "You're right...we can do this together." She was about to get up when she suddenly felt a strong pain. "Ow! I...." she sat back down. "I don't want to ruin this cute which is also a serious moment but I think I should get to a hospital..." she said trying not to feel the strong pain.
Diablo's eyes widened. "The baby is coming?!" He exclaimed before he got up and picked her up bridal style, taking off towards the hospital at extreme speeds before dropping her off at the emergency room, the doctors coming to take her to the nearest room available and setting her on a bed.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland turned his head to her "Curry sound great." he said with a nod then smiled at her "And if you want to makes sure that never happens you'll have to come down to the shop sometimes and drag me out." he said semi-playfully.

Dakota smiled as she began to gather what she needed to start cooking. "Alright then I will" she said with a small laugh "Then again, you might be too focused to even realise im there" she joked
LunaCrosby said:
Kelsey stumbled a little "Yes I will! you might be fast but I can run longer!" she said happily.
Ken suddenly tripped and fell, yelping on impact. "Ow..." He said.

((Ken's crush on Kelsey=Tiny))
Nonalaka said:
Dakota smiled as she began to gather what she needed to start cooking. "Alright then I will" she said with a small laugh "Then again, you might be too focused to even realise im there" she joked
Roland chuckled then smirked over at her "I don't know, your beauty could snap me out of anything~" he said playfully as he walked over to the table and watched her gather what she need.
Nonalaka said:
"I guess that kind of makes some sense" she said as she looked at the muffin basket "Though I dont think I can ever 100% make sense of it since ive y'know, never created a multiverse, so I guess I cant really relate" she said as she then took a muffin from the basket and smiled a little.
Ansom chuckled. "Yes, not many people have." He tilted his head. "So...Illusions, huh?" He nodded. "I love illusions. They're so simple yet so devastating." He finished the muffin and looked at Elaena. "What did you do before coming to the school?"
Lumina said:
...۞Yumi blinked, looking at Kioko for a moment longer before scrambling to look through her belongings to try and find what she was asking for. Digging through, she didn't find either, but she pulled out her phone, and turned on the front facing camera, turning it so the screen was facing Kioko۞...
"Ah, no, I'm sorry, I hope this can help instead..!"
...✿Kioko beamed at the girl before beginning to take out the necessary grass that was tangled in her locks and attempted to fix her hair, but just put it in two pigtails instead. She'd fix it when she got home, so it was no biggy✿...

"That helped a lot~ Thank you!"
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira looked down at the ground and replied to Asuka as his confused expression remained♅...
“ Yeah~ I never thought he'd actually do
it, though.. ”



...ΨKenji left the house and looked around for a short while. He soon caught sight of Lumina sitting on the grass, and spoke as he began walking towards herΨ...

“ Lumi-chan, are you okay? ”

...❦Asuka shook her head and continued to clean her glasses as she spoke, soon finishing as she put the cloth away and put her glasses back on❦...

"It was bound to happen sooner or later. I hope that never happens again... I should've stayed outside..."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len looked over at Rin "And what is the last thing you remember Rin?" he asked as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Your being mean for no reason" she mumbled, then frowned. "I remember going to sleep" she says
WeirdPrincess said:
...??Autumn blinked a few times before laughing lightly. He must have been so absorbed in his book that he hadn't heard the sound of her feet coming towards him or maybe he thought it was going past him. Who knew? She looked down at him and closed one eye, as if winking, before bringing a hand to her mouth and speaking??...
"Sorry if I scared you. I'm Autumn~"

"Oh it's fine, and I'm Kyo, nice to meet you autumn" he says before sitting up and smiling

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