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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River eventualy let go and smiled "shall we continue." He asked referring to there hanging out

"hm? oh yeah, where were we gonna go again?" she ask's.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]The middle spike started to whizz to life as she stared at her. "I'm sorry." Shd said in a female robotic voice before she drove the spike and her talons into the girls chest breaking the bones and lings as the middle spike peirced the heart while her fingers grabed it severing each artery from her heart then pulling hard ripping it from the girls body and letting her fall to the ground. "I'm sorry." She whispered again as she stared down at the girl

this is... how I die? my life's just over? she thought as she fell to the ground, her life fading.
Roman said:
(( Guessing this is after the fade now. ))
Alex laid there, in bed next to Yuki. He yawned a little, soon turning over, "I'm gonna get some sleep. I'll be woke in a few hours at most." He said, tiredly.
Yuki woke and quietly left his side. She then grabbed some of her stuff and an extra change of clothes. "I'm sure he won't mind...get some rest Alex..." she whispered to herself. She ran out and headed towards the lake in the forest.
TheDragoon said:
Diablo put and hand on Kanae's cheek before placing a gentle kiss on her lips. "Don't think I'm not worried. Being a father or mother is a big responsibility. I'm worried I'll fail as a father... But I don't need to be worried though. Because I have you, and you have me. We can do this together." He said, completely serious.
Kanae looked down. "You're right...we can do this together." She was about to get up when she suddenly felt a strong pain. "Ow! I...." she sat back down. "I don't want to ruin this cute which is also a serious moment but I think I should get to a hospital..." she said trying not to feel the strong pain.
Lumina said:
...?Yumi was out walking around the campus, slightly bored. Kanon was asleep back in the dorm, like usual. She always seemed to sleep in on nice days like today. But not Yumi. She wasn't that confident traveling without her sister, but the day was too nice to not take a walk around at least. Besides, she honestly hadn't done much aside from helping Kanon study, and they usually only stuck to themselves either in the classroom or in the dorm. It was lonely, if she was being honest. But Kanon always had the stronger personality, and she didn't really trust anyone, so Yumi just kinda went along with it. She eventually found herself sitting on a bench outside the school, looking up at the clouds floating in the sky above her?...
...?Kioko had left Nanase's classroom to get herself lunch or a snack rather. She'd been in that class for a while and hadn't really eaten much except for a piece of bread this morning. Her eating habits were a bit off since she was worried about her parents, having not seen either of them for at least a month or more. Kioko didn't even know where they disappeared too and since she didn't know what exactly she could and couldn't do, she didn't try to sense either of them (if she could do that anyways). Her stomach growled a little as she headed for the cafeteria before she suddenly stopped. The cafeteria never really had food she wanted and most food she would actually eat was either at home or just out somewhere around the city. Kioko tapped her foot on the ground, deciding whether she should stay on campus or go home for a quick stop to eat. The latter seemed like the better option, so she turned around to walk out of the school gates?...


...?As Kioko turned around, her hair had blown into her face from the wind and she had to use her hand to move that piece of hair back over her shoulder. Though Kioko did get annoyed sometimes by her long hair, she did like it and probably wouldn't change it for anything. She smiled lightly as she walked, her eyes glancing around to see if anyone else was at school, soon seeing a girl sitting on a bench by herself. Curiosity over hunger seemed to get the better of Kioko and her feet dragged her over towards the girl. She wondered why she was alone really. Not that there was anything wrong with being alone, it was completely fine. Just as Kioko had taken a step, her other foot seemed to get caught on something (a crack or root most likely) and she ended up falling to the ground in front of the girl with her face on the ground. Kioko soon spoke, her voice muffled by the grass?...

"Ow... This is why I should never try and be elegant..."

WeirdPrincess said:
...?Kioko had left Nanase's classroom to get herself lunch or a snack rather. She'd been in that class for a while and hadn't really eaten much except for a piece of bread this morning. Her eating habits were a bit off since she was worried about her parents, having not seen either of them for at least a month or more. Kioko didn't even know where they disappeared too and since she didn't know what exactly she could and couldn't do, she didn't try to sense either of them (if she could do that anyways). Her stomach growled a little as she headed for the cafeteria before she suddenly stopped. The cafeteria never really had food she wanted and most food she would actually eat was either at home or just out somewhere around the city. Kioko tapped her foot on the ground, deciding whether she should stay on campus or go home for a quick stop to eat. The latter seemed like the better option, so she turned around to walk out of the school gates?...

...?As Kioko turned around, her hair had blown into her face from the wind and she had to use her hand to move that piece of hair back over her shoulder. Though Kioko did get annoyed sometimes by her long hair, she did like it and probably wouldn't change it for anything. She smiled lightly as she walked, her eyes glancing around to see if anyone else was at school, soon seeing a girl sitting on a bench by herself. Curiosity over hunger seemed to get the better of Kioko and her feet dragged her over towards the girl. She wondered why she was alone really. Not that there was anything wrong with being alone, it was completely fine. Just as Kioko had taken a step, her other foot seemed to get caught on something (a crack or root most likely) and she ended up falling to the ground in front of the girl with her face on the ground. Kioko soon spoke, her voice muffled by the grass?...

"Ow... This is why I should never try and be elegant..."

...?Yumi looked down as suddenly a girl she had never seen before tripped in front of her. She wasn't sure if she was a student or a visitor, but now there was a girl face down in the grass in front of her. With a bit of hesitancy Yumi looked at this stranger, with a look of confusion and concern on her face?...

"Um... are you okay?"

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I don't know." Mika awnsered Her

''well, ya need one. you havent bathed at all today. nor yesterday. nor the day before''

*She said as she picked up Mika and carried her upstairs so she could bathe Mika*
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]"Ah well, more for me." she said as she took her beer and drank deep of it. It actually tasted horrible. But she was her own woman, and society had apparently fallen apart, so who cared if she drank. Their food came, and she dug into her bowl ravenously. "So after food, anything you ladies want to do next?" she said as she slurped her noodles. "Btw, he is a nice guy, though I bag on him, he can and will help you if needed. But he is completely women dumb. Like zero experience with the opposite sex, so be easy and gentle on him." she had to confide to her friends as they ate.

...☼Chiharu didn't say anything to the waitress as they brought her food to her. They looked slightly sheepish from Miyaka's yelling earlier, and just kinda dropped off her drink and food without saying anything or really looking at her. It made her feel slightly awkward and she stared down at her noodles as she ate, glancing up only when Miyaka spoke again. Asking what they wanted to do when they were done eating. She didn't really have an answer. Chiharu only continued to eat as Miyaka talked about some guy, who she assumed was Misafune. All she did was nod at her remark☼...

"Ah, okay..."

Lumina said:
...?Yumi looked down as suddenly a girl she had never seen before tripped in front of her. She wasn't sure if she was a student or a visitor, but now there was a girl face down in the grass in front of her. With a bit of hesitancy Yumi looked at this stranger, with a look of confusion and concern on her face?...

"Um... are you okay?"

...?Kioko pushed herself up so that she was kneeling instead before dusting off her clothes. Pieces of grass were stuck to her clothing and hair (which was now a mess), so she had to try and get at least all of it off. Though she couldn't really see the ones that were in her hair and she didn't have a mirror to look at either, so it was mostly guessing. Kioko ran her hands through her fingers in attempt to fix it and get some of the grass out, but it only seems to get further in there. She sighed in frustration before looking at the girl she had originally come over to talk to, soon speaking?...

"I'm fine, just clumsy is all. Do you happen to have a mirror or a brush on you?"
Nonalaka said:
Hearing his stomach growl Dakota began giggling "Oh? then i guess if I made dinner or something, you wouldnt want any, y'know, since your stomach is full of sandwhiches, riiight?~" she asked, smiling over at him and poking his stomach.

Elaena nodded and sat across from him "Okay lets see..." huh, what was there to say?, she was always bad at this... realising her mind was drifting as she thought she gave herself a shake and began to answer "My name is Elaena Rillas, uhm, Im 18 years old, Ive just moved here to join FHS not too long ago, so im still getting used to the place...." she tapped her chin in thought "Erhm, I can control and manipulate dreams as well as create illusions and.." he stomach then growled, causing her to laugh lightly "...and all Ive had to eat today so far was an apple, so the mention of pastries has now made me hungry" she said as she glanced at her stomach then at him "Does that count as enough info?~"
Ansom nodded as Elaena talke. When she was done, he chuckled. "Pretty vague but that's okay." He cleared his throat. "I am Ansom. I am 18 as well....multiplied by infinity." He smiled. "I helped create the multiverse and now I yearn to destroy it." He waved over a waitress. "Can we get a basket of muffins?" The waitress nodded and walked away. Ansom propped his elbows on the table and rested his head on his palms, staring at Elaena.
HimeragiSeiker said:
*Levya was still drunk with Vanille*
...◇Vanille smiled down at Levya, quite comfortable in their snuggled position. She laid her cheek on top of Levya's head, closing her eyes to relax◇...

"Have I ever told you you're comfortable?"
Lumina said:
...◇Vanille smiled down at Levya, quite comfortable in their snuggled position. She laid her cheek on top of Levya's head, closing her eyes to relax◇...
"Have I ever told you you're comfortable?"
''n-no...you never told me that...''

*Levya replied as the drunk effect started to wear off*
WeirdPrincess said:
...✿Kioko pushed herself up so that she was kneeling instead before dusting off her clothes. Pieces of grass were stuck to her clothing and hair (which was now a mess), so she had to try and get at least all of it off. Though she couldn't really see the ones that were in her hair and she didn't have a mirror to look at either, so it was mostly guessing. Kioko ran her hands through her fingers in attempt to fix it and get some of the grass out, but it only seems to get further in there. She sighed in frustration before looking at the girl she had originally come over to talk to, soon speaking✿...
"I'm fine, just clumsy is all. Do you happen to have a mirror or a brush on you?"
...۞Yumi blinked, looking at Kioko for a moment longer before scrambling to look through her belongings to try and find what she was asking for. Digging through, she didn't find either, but she pulled out her phone, and turned on the front facing camera, turning it so the screen was facing Kioko۞...

"Ah, no, I'm sorry, I hope this can help instead..!"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''n-no...you never told me that...''
*Levya replied as the drunk effect started to wear off*
...◇Vanille laughed, enjoying how comfortable she was. Levya was a lot softer than she realized at first◇...

"Well you are... oh!"

...◇Vanille seemed to recoil back for a second, having poked her cheek on one of Levya's horns. She brought a finger to her cheek, realizing it was bleeding◇...

"Well then. Oopsies."
Lumina said:
...◇Vanille laughed, enjoying how comfortable she was. Levya was a lot softer than she realized at first◇...
"Well you are... oh!"

...◇Vanille seemed to recoil back for a second, having poked her cheek on one of Levya's horns. She brought a finger to her cheek, realizing it was bleeding◇...

"Well then. Oopsies."
''V-Vanille..! uh...hold still..alright?''

*Levya said before she came close to Vanille with a worried expression and licked the wound as it healed quickly*
HimeragiSeiker said:
''V-Vanille..! uh...hold still..alright?''
*Levya said before she came close to Vanille with a worried expression and licked the wound as it healed quickly*
...◇Vanille was about to get up to get a bandaid when Levya suddenly came closer. From slight shock and from feeling a sense of intimacy Vanille's cheeks began to turn red, and they flushed dark for a moment when Levya licked the wound. The sting of the wound disappeared, and Vanille just looked at Levya with the same blushing expression◇...

"A-ah, well, uh, thank you."
Lumina said:
...◇Vanille was about to get up to get a bandaid when Levya suddenly came closer. From slight shock and from feeling a sense of intimacy Vanille's cheeks began to turn red, and they flushed dark for a moment when Levya licked the wound. The sting of the wound disappeared, and Vanille just looked at Levya with the same blushing expression◇...
"A-ah, well, uh, thank you."
''y-your welcome...sorry about my horns...''

*Levya said as she looked down a little*
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland blushed and attempted to say something but only stuttered then looked away flustered and huffed before for taking a breath "Well, i guess it might of been awhile since i last ate..." he said quietly before looking back to her, still slightly blushing "Besides, who can pass up a meal made by you?" he asked trying to change the subject with flattery.

"People who have already eaten thats who" she said to him, the flattery obviously not working "And by a while im guessing you mean breakfast, not the sandwhiches made of air" she said raising her brow at him.
NeoClassical said:
Ansom nodded as Elaena talke. When she was done, he chuckled. "Pretty vague but that's okay." He cleared his throat. "I am Ansom. I am 18 as well....multiplied by infinity." He smiled. "I helped create the multiverse and now I yearn to destroy it." He waved over a waitress. "Can we get a basket of muffins?" The waitress nodded and walked away. Ansom propped his elbows on the table and rested his head on his palms, staring at Elaena.
"Well if what I told wasnt vague, then you'd know everything about me all in one go and thats no fun is it" she said with a smile "And its not like what you just said wasnt also vague" she said after listening to his words "So... why do you wish to destroy what you made?" she asked, curiously tilting her head as she stared back "Are you not proud of your work? or do you see it as, say toy building bricks, you make creations with them, but when youre done admiring what you made, you find fun in knocking them down?"
Nonalaka said:
"Well if what I told wasnt vague, then you'd know everything about me all in one go and thats no fun is it" she said with a smile "And its not like what you just said wasnt also vague" she said after listening to his words "So... why do you wish to destroy what you made?" she asked, curiously tilting her head as she stared back "Are you not proud of your work? or do you see it as, say toy building bricks, you make creations with them, but when youre done admiring what you made, you find fun in knocking them down?"
Ansom laughed. "That is true. Mystery is always fun." He nodded and listened to her question. "To be honest...I do not know what drives me to destroy everything. The best reason I can come up with is this: If you draw a picture in kindergarten, you don't want that drawing to be your only one. In time, that drawing becomes irrelevant. Other pictures come and go. You will never draw the perfect picture." He shook his head. "Sorry. That isn't a good example, but it is the best I can come up with." He smiled as the waitress set a basket of muffins on the center of the table. "The multiverse is like this muffin. Fun to look at....even better to eat." He grabbed a blueberry muffin and took a bite.
LunaCrosby said:
this is... how I die? my life's just over? she thought as she fell to the ground, her life fading.
Hina just stood there staring down at the body that she held the heart to a cold a ruthles look on her face before she started to change the metal being hidden under a human face that had a look of regret

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