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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

After leaving Maya to talk with Cecil in the forest, Moriko eventually made her way back to her dorm, exausted both physically from her long trip home and mentally from dealing with the whole Maya thing she opened the door to her home and flopped her body onto the couch and just lay there, dropping whatever bags she was carrying at the door when she came in. She looked around at the dorm from where she lay, sighing a little It felt so lonely there to her, already remembering why she left here in the first place, for that exact reason, she just couldnt deal with being on her own anymore and it had prompted her to leave, that and her father was ill, and he needed her to care for him, she was a healer and such she needed to help him recover. As tired as she was, she sat up and glanced over to where she left her jacket, maybe she could go on a calming walk, or even just sit outside for a bit, she didnt like the atmosphere in there now and outside was where she felt most comfortable after all.

((Not the best of starts but here~~ :'D))

@Kalin Scarlet
TheDragoon said:
Diablo nodded. "I did, I was dreaming about our child..." He said with a soft smile. "I couldn't see it, but I could hear it... It sounded beautiful." He said with small laugh.
Kanae smiled at him. "That's adorable...haha" she giggled a bit.
Nonalaka said:
Dakota laughed "Why are you apologising?, its just some oil" she said as she watched him search for a cloth.
Roland stopped then looked at Dakota "Are you sure?" he asked before moving scratching his head the remembering the bracelet "Oh! i made this for you!" he said as he walked back over to her and showed it to her.
NeoClassical said:
(Well...he is currently admiring his destruction of a building in the city.)
((Alright then))

After Elaena had left her class with Nanase she had went to the park and ended up falling asleep on a bench, as usual, randomly flling asleep was more than common to the poor girl after all, After waking up from her nap she sat up and tiredly rubbed her eyes before getting up "I should probably get home..." she muttered to herself as she began walking, leaving the park she began to walk down the street, her eyes lazily drifting over toward a destroyed building, she blinked a few times, how on earth did she manage to sleep through a building crashing down? she continued to stare at the building as she walked past the rubble and people panicking...
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu](seriously? i posted...)

((I was waiting for Lumina to post first but i can go ahead and post now if youd like :'I sorry))
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland stopped then looked at Dakota "Are you sure?" he asked before moving scratching his head the remembering the bracelet "Oh! i made this for you!" he said as he walked back over to her and showed it to her.

Dakota giggled "Yes Roy, its not like my hand is going to melt away.." she then looked at the bracelet "Oh?, Its lovely~" she said happily her eyes flickering a bit before she looked up at him "Though....what if i break this one too..." she said with a slight frown.
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[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu](its okay, ill wait for lumina too. :P no worries)

((Ah okay~ :3))
Nonalaka said:
((Alright then))
After Elaena had left her class with Nanase she had went to the park and ended up falling asleep on a bench, as usual, randomly flling asleep was more than common to the poor girl after all, After waking up from her nap she sat up and tiredly rubbed her eyes before getting up "I should probably get home..." she muttered to herself as she began walking, leaving the park she began to walk down the street, her eyes lazily drifting over toward a destroyed building, she blinked a few times, how on earth did she manage to sleep through a building crashing down? she continued to stare at the building as she walked past the rubble and people panicking...
Ansom watched as people ran for their lives. He was quite entertained until he saw one girl....walking. He appeared in front of her, brushing dust out of his hair before pushing the hair back. "You know.....normal people run from danger." He chuckled and motioned around. "Yet you walk." He slowly looked the girl up and down. "You must be very brave, confident, or entirely idiotic." He smirked. "Not to be rude, but I believe the latter."
NeoClassical said:
Ansom watched as people ran for their lives. He was quite entertained until he saw one girl....walking. He appeared in front of her, brushing dust out of his hair before pushing the hair back. "You know.....normal people run from danger." He chuckled and motioned around. "Yet you walk." He slowly looked the girl up and down. "You must be very brave, confident, or entirely idiotic." He smirked. "Not to be rude, but I believe the latter."
Elaena looked at the male that appeared infront of her, blinking a few times before speaking "When people say 'not to be rude' they tend to be rude after saying it, making that saying quite idiotic, you say you dont mean to, but you do, not that that matters, im not offended" she said as she rubbed her eye a bit "I dont think im any of those things really, I just dont see the point in panicking when the building is already destroyed and i wasnt there for the initial panic and panicking wont get me to my destination quicker either" she said as she tilted her head a bit.
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Nonalaka said:
Elaena looked at the male that appeared infront of her, blinking a few times before speaking "When people say 'not to be rude' they tend to be rude after saying it, making that saying quite idiotic, you say you dont mean to, but you do, not that that matters, im not offended" she said as she rubbed her eye a bit "I dont think im any of those things really, I just dont see the point in panicking when the building is already destroyed and i wasnt there for the initial panic and panicking wont get me to my destination quicker either" she said as she tilted her head a bit.
Ansom raised an eyebrow. "Ah, I see. A wise girl....almost philosophical." He laughed. "That is a rare trait in the inhabitants of this planet." He cocked his head to the side. "If I were to destroy another building....would you panic?" He scratched his chin. "Or would you be the one to try to stop any collateral damage." He shrugged. "Don't answer out loud."
NeoClassical said:
Ansom raised an eyebrow. "Ah, I see. A wise girl....almost philosophical." He laughed. "That is a rare trait in the inhabitants of this planet." He cocked his head to the side. "If I were to destroy another building....would you panic?" He scratched his chin. "Or would you be the one to try to stop any collateral damage." He shrugged. "Don't answer out loud."
She shrugged her shoulders "I guess you could say that" she said as she laughed softly, of course, she didnt think she was any of those things either, she just spoke her mind is all. she was just about to open her mouth to answer when he told her not to, she stopped and simply stared at him.
Nonalaka said:
She shrugged her shoulders "I guess you could say that" she said as she laughed softly, of course, she didnt think she was any of those things either, she just spoke her mind is all. she was just about to open her mouth to answer when he told her not to, she stopped and simply stared at him.
Ansom stretched his arms into the air and put them back to his side. "Don't worry...I'm not going to take down another building." He nodded before slapping his forehead. "Oh, right! Wher are my manners?" He chuckled and extended his arm. "I am Ansom. God of Chaos and everything bad."
LunaCrosby said:
Kyoko noticed river's stare and looked up "yes?" she said.
River quickly responded to her to try and make her beleive it was nothing. "N-nothing! R-ready to go?" He asked quickly hopping she wouldn't pry into why hehad been staring
TheDragoon said:
Ken suddenly skidded to a stop, turning around and catching in a hug with a smile. "Caught you!" He laughed.
Kelsey's eye's widened "The seeker got caught?" she said before smiling "did you plan that?"
Nonalaka said:
Euloria nodded "Yeah I can" she said to him before she was lifted into the air by him.
Ariel smiled a little, still looking a bit nervous but not so much as before "Okay"
Daniel nodded to her. "Then do it, I need you to bring them to war." He said to her knowing if she didn't this would be a death sentence

Ariels grandmother led her to the altar and softly layed her down on it
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River quickly responded to her to try and make her beleive it was nothing. "N-nothing! R-ready to go?" He asked quickly hopping she wouldn't pry into why hehad been staring

Kyoko looked at him curiously for a bit before standing up and nodding "yes I am" she said.
LunaCrosby said:
Kyoko looked at him curiously for a bit before standing up and nodding "yes I am" she said.
Rivee nodded before standing up as well and setting the appropriate anouth of money for both there meals on the table then turning to her. "Lead the way." He said soflty to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Rivee nodded before standing up as well and setting the appropriate anouth of money for both there meals on the table then turning to her. "Lead the way." He said soflty to her

Kyoko nodded and walked out of the restaurant, making her way to her house "it's not that far away" she said.
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu](its okay, ill wait for lumina too. :P no worries)

((Sorry I keep getting distracted ;- ;) )

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