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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira replied, a smile forming on his face as he explained♅...
“ The powers allow me to grant them temporary access to Euphoria. Without access, it'd be literally impossible for them to reach it. ”

"So then everyone attending has given you a small amount of their power so you can allow them temporary access to Euphoria..." Asuka said slowly and tilted her head slightly. "Do I have to do that too?"
Nonalaka said:
Moriko giggled "See?, we'll stop teasing you now, I promise" she said as he slowly emerged from behind her where he was hiding.
Asuna smiled and petted Peaches, "Yep, no more teasing from, Asuna!"

shortyshot8 said:
Cam nodded "I know that much"
"How do you feel about this marriage?"
SoulofTobi said:
Roland nodded "what I'm going to make is a bracelet that absorbs and dispels any magic or energy the wearer can't handle or use." he said as he also got out a chisel "i may not be able to use magic myself, but i can easily make any magic item." he said as he sat at his desk and got to work.
Colin nodded "Oh, right, well that sounds promising" he said as he watched him work occasionally looking over at Dakota, checking on her as she still was still out, her body sparking and shaking a bit.
WeirdPrincess said:
"So then everyone attending has given you a small amount of their power so you can allow them temporary access to Euphoria..." Asuka said slowly and tilted her head slightly. "Do I have to do that too?"
...♅Akira replied, soon walking over and taking a seat beside her♅...

“ No, I granted you access when I proposed~ ”


TheRebelliousDragon said:
((Waiiiittttt throw in Kite on the invite list! Kite's a friend on Akira's and Asuka's since they met xD ))
@Fukushima Akira @WeirdPrincess

((( Sure~ Just have him receive the invite
xD )))
TheRebelliousDragon said:
Oliver looked back at her slightly before a single bullet pierced his skull. He said nothing as his eyes widened and he fell to the ground in a state of shock. The bullets direction was unknown.
Anna's eyes widened before she dropped to the ground beside him. "Oli? Oliver?" She asked as she cradled his head in her hands.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira replied, soon walking over and taking a seat beside her♅...
“ No, I granted you access when I proposed~ ”


((( Sure~ Just have him receive the invite
xD )))

((Mmk, I'll just have him find it in his mail... Is it ok if he brings Ollie, his pet hippo he takes everywhere with him? xD ))

Kite searched through his mailbox that was piling with letters and when he stumbled upon a invitation to Akira's and Asuka's wedding. "Cool! I'll be there!" He said happily as he snapped his fingers, causing a portal to open as he stepped through with the envelope.


WeirdPrincess said:
Anna's eyes widened before she dropped to the ground beside him. "Oli? Oliver?" She asked as she cradled his head in her hands.
No response... Blood tricked from his mouth as his wide eyes stared up at her.
((Oh, its past 12:00am...Its my birthday! :D that reminds me I might no be on a lot today cause I'll be out celebrating))
Nonalaka said:
Colin nodded "Oh, right, well that sounds promising" he said as he watched him work occasionally looking over at Dakota, checking on her as she still was still out, her body sparking and shaking a bit.
Roland finished the bracelet then walked over to Dakota then placed it on her wrist causing it to glow briefly before it went to looking normal again "that should help her until she learns to control her powers" he said softly not realizing that the ends of his sleeves were now burnt.
Nonalaka said:
((Oh, its past 12:00am...Its my birthday! :D that reminds me I might no be on a lot today cause I'll be out celebrating))
((Happy Birthday Nona-senpai-chan~))
Roman said:
Taylor smiled, "Yep! I'll even make you breakfast sometimes. How about blueberry muffins? I make those pretty well~"
"Blueberries are really good! Not as much as chocolate but good none the less." Celia stated before she sneezed lightly.
TheRebelliousDragon said:
((Mmk, I'll just have him find it in his mail... Is it ok if he brings Ollie, his pet hippo he takes everywhere with him? xD ))
((( . . . I.. guess? )))
shortyshot8 said:
Cam nodded "Yes we.....Are close you could say"
Emiya chuckled, "You guys probably bonded more than he and I did!" He said jokingly.
SoulofTobi said:
Ayen started reading the letter out loud "The pleasure of your company is requested at the marriage of Asuka Yuriko Hinamori to Akira Fukushima on this day. If accepted, this invitation will transport you to the meeting location at the appropriate time." he said before his eyes widen "Akira? the only Akira i know is...." he looked at Amaya "can we go? please Amaya!" he pleaded almost like a child.
((@Fukushima Akira he will be respectful, till the after party, then he's gonna try to get some answers...))
"You can go, I don't know any of them, so it wouldn't be right plus I can stay here with the kids" she says

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