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Fantasy The Divide

Johanna had been flying through the air now, twirling above Ophi's head like she was the end of a lasso. She held on tightly too stubborn to let go, it was the scarf SHE took not this silly demon. Yet she didn't know what to do,"Whatttt ammmm IIII gonnnnaaa doooo" she yelled as she found herself slipping down the scarf because of the centripetal force Ophi was using.

Hanzo had been watching.and had grown amused with the situation. He would see how his descendant would react in this situation, so he tossed the sheath with his sword in it at an exact time that would allow her to catch it. She had been moving at high speeds all her life, she would be able to perceive everything perfectly if she had any potential.

The weapon flew through the air, and it caught Johanna's eye, and what seemed like slow motion, she caught the blade by the hilt with a free hand sliding the blade out of the sheath. Taking the sword and twirling through the air at an angle, that was headed AT ophi but only close enough to cut the cloth, she felt her body flying through the air before she landed on the ground on her feet sliding a few feet as the blade went through the air and found itself in a tree. There Johanna stood with MOST of the blue scarf in her hand, and a triumphant smirk.
Akio ran into the seen but had been so horror struck that he hadent tried to catch Johanna. He just looked at the scarf. "Johanna...... That scarf was a gift from sapphires dad and you just cut it." He said deadpan, there was no reason for him to get angry, saphire would probably not take this quietly.
Ophi stared wide-eyed at the demon girl, his mind already racing to process what just happened. "What. Have. You. Done?" He bit back a snarl, trying to restrain his rage. The fallen's words only made his mood worse. "You just ruined one of the only solid things that keep that girl's parents in her memory. What the hell is your problem? Do you realize that this girl has likely held onto this scarf for years, fooling herself into thinking that her parents have loved her and been watching out for her? The same girl who is inches away from completely collapsing under the strain of other peoples' burdens that she tries so hard to bear? As soon as she sees this, her tiny mind will completely shatter into thousands of itty-bitty pieces! At least let her hold onto the fragile lie that children and their parents care for one another...feh, just hand me the other piece of this scarf and I'll see if I can sew it up or make a new one. If either of you ket her know of this, I swear...." Ophi's words trailed off into a grumbled as he reached out to take the majority of the scarf from Johanna.
Saphire had been looking, hard, and barely flinched when she heard screaming. And then she processed it. That was Johanna. Who rarely asked anyone for anything. Oh dear... that was a bit more important than looking for her hopefully intact scarf. She stood up, stretched, and walked over to the source of it. Not ran, walked. Since she was certain that whatever it was was not going to be good. In fact, she had the odd sense that she should probably not go on. Still, whatever the problem was it was there... and she walked in on Akio-sensei looking disapproving, Johanna-san on the floor holding most of her scarf, and Ophidius-san holding the rest. And grumbling. Ok, this was not.... she couldn't hear anything. Barely saw anything. She covered her eyes, sat down, and said aloud "I must have hit something again. Fallen asleep. Yeah, let's go with that." She promptly fell over, hair splaying everywhere, eyes closed, fainting as her mind tried very hard not to accept that this is reality.
Johanna stepped back when Ophi had come near her and took the piece of cloth.She looked over to Akio and offered a bit of a shrug, not really too concerned. It was a cloth, and as sentimental as it must've been for her, Johanna didn't put much stock into material items. Though, she had the pendant from her father with her at all times, but that was more like a motivation things versus sentimental.

She gazed over to Ophi had been seeming more serious than ever before she froze a bit watching Saphire enter to the scene. She was sure she would be devastated, and felt back just a slight bit. Hanzo moved to the tree where his sword was lodged in, and removed it, both the sword and the sheath disappearing. He was now going to watch how his descendant handled this situation.
Akio glanced at saphire and then at Johanna and orphi. There were a couple ways he could try and tackle this situation and all of them had their own problems. Saphire looked so heartbroken that after a moment he decided to play along. He walked over to saphire kneeling next to her. "Yeah this is just a dream, you hit your head earlier. I was just taking you back to the house." He shot orphi and Johanna a look that said fix this.
Producing a needle and spool of thread from his pockets, Ophi began to cautiously examine the scarf before he set to work. A gentle stitch here, another there, and his task was soon done. Eyeballing the result of his needlework meticulously, he decided that he had done a good enough job. When you live as long as he has, you tend to pick up a few things, namely sewing and cooking. He skillfully layered a thin demonic spell over the scarf, rendering the repairs invisible. "Hold up, Fallen. Make sure she has this when she wakes up." Ophidius said, handing the repaired scarf to the angel comforting an unconscious Saphire.
THe first thing she noticed was sound. One voice, something about making sure she woke up with an object. Tail end, the very end of the words... and then there was smell. Forestry, with some flowers and dirt, a bit of wind... and cold. Some snow still on the ground, so next was touch. Her clothes were getting wet, as she melted the snow under her... and then there was an impression of light. Her eyes were closed... why? Oh well, cold though it was it was comfortable, and this time she listened to her sense of danger and just dropped back into the depths of sleep.

She'd deal with whatever was going on later, when she wasn't feeling sore.
Johanna shrugged a bit moving her hand in the air. She raised as if to say halt everything, but had decided after a while that she did not care either way. So, she put her hands together and sat in the snow, her legs folded her eyes closed. The cold didn't bother her much, but being outside was starting to get a bit irritated. How long was it before she got to fight....she was itching to destroy something. So much anger was building up inside of her, and she just couldn't take it anymore.
Akio took the scarf with a grateful nod and picked saphire up, looking at johanna for a moment before rushing off getting to the house incredibly quickly and laying saphire on a bed. He looked at the scarf, impressed with orphi's handy work, still he would look it over later. For now her just laid the scarf on saphire tenderly then left again to go find johanna.
Hanzo glanced at the sitting half breed, then off to the other demon,"Why do you care about that girl...you have more important things to concern yourself with." This statement had caught Johanna's attention, but she didn't open her eyes, but continued to sit and listen. Soon, she felt the ground rumble beneath her as Hanzo's aura around him had begun to turn black,"Shall we continue our spar....."
Akio walked over to Johanna having come back. He saw her sitting in the snow and sat next to her. "I thought you were afraid of getting hypothermia earlier."
"Hm? Oh, right. The spar, how silly of me! Let's get back to business. As challenger, you get the whole 'courtesy of the first blow' thing." Ophidius said as he shifted back into a somewhat relaxed combat stance. While to the untrained eye he appeared to be calm, he was truly focused and ready to strike with hidden speed and precision, like a coiled snake prepared to kill.
Johanna rose a brow,"I wasn't fearful for me, I don't even wear a jacket in the winter time. Fearful for everyone else." she told him remaining in her position,"I need to think a bit..." she said trailing off.

Hanzo nodded, placing his hand on his side again as if he was to draw an invisible blade,"Let'see if you can keep up serpent..." he said gently, not moving, well it seemed like he didn't move, but trees around them started to explode into thousands of splinters. This continued to happen until finally, what seemed like 1000 blade strikes was coming towards Ophi. He was sure Ophi would be able to predict it, he telegraphed his position, but wasn't sure if Ophi would be quick enough to respond.
Ophi looked at the oncoming storm of blade strikes soaring through the air. By his count, there had to at least be....a bajillion of them, give or take a few hundred. Running through a swift mental analysis, he realized that he wouldn't be able to dodge all the slashes. If that was the case, it was time to throw old Okurigami for a loop. Ophi just stood there, hands in his pockets as he smiled at the maelstrom of bladed death that completely tore through him, ripping up the ground and kicking up a large cloud of dust that obscured his body. His body and all of its remnants were shredded to nothing more than dust by the attack, prompting Ophi to rise from where his body once was in the form of an ethereal demonic serpent. The serpent quickly molded its shape into that of a new, flawless shell that Ophidius had been wearing under his previous one. With a spinning kick, he blew away the cloud of dust in a miniature cyclone. His work completed, he shot Hanzo a shit-eating grin and a look that said 'I know something you don't know.'
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Hanzo smiled a wee bit, before readying himself again,"Well ya' still got it." He made his sword appear in his hand, let it glow red for a bit, before he snapped his fingers. He and Ophi were transported into a different plane of time, though everything around them remained the same, just froze in position to the two,"Well, let's play a game. Every five minutes, one of us gets to choose an element that isn't oxygen or hydrogen. When we choose that element, it disappears from our little area. The first person to die, loses, trust me, I won't let you die. You do get to go first though."
"Think about what." He said crouching down next to her in the snow. He could see she was troubled and he had a feeling it was his fault but he wasent sure how to fix it.
".....What." Ophi stated more than he asked. "I don't even...not oxygen or hydrogen? Okay, I can play that game. I'm not sure what purpose this is supposed to serve, but I can be a good sport. First element to go would have to be....calcium?"
"Clever," Hanzo uttered as some of his sword disappeared, and he fell to a knee. His mouth had started bleeding, since teeth were made of largely calcium it left big holes in his teeth, and since his sword was forged from a canine tooth, it also had holes. His bones had holes too, and he was laughing on the inside. The same effect would take its toll on Ophi.

Yet, soon, Hanzo was to his feet laughing. His mouth had stopped bleeding, and his sword looked whole again,"You should know better. I can replace the elements in my bones with suitable replacements." And that's what he had done, he had replaced all the holes in his bones and teeth with a malleable titanium. With a shrug, he vanished and appeared in front of Ophi, kicking at him.
"OW OW OW OW THISH FERKIN SHUCKSH" Ophi screamed as best as he could as he was reduced to a boneless writhing mass on the ground while being beaten by titanium kicks. "I CALL HA- OW OW OW PLEASH SHTOP VREAKIN MAH MONEH MAKER" He exclaimed, trying to slither into a position where his face was less of a target. Knowing Okurigami, that bastard would make the extra effort to bash his face in for the next five minutes. Maybe next time he should choose something that would bite him in the ass less, like gold. If there was any gold around, he would know where the gold would be so he could snatch it when this torment ended.
Hanzo sat on the ground next to Ophi and placed the hilt of his blade into the back of his head,"C'mon Meph. You're a serpent. I'm sure you can do without Calcium. You're a lot smarter than that, this won't be fun if you don't put up a fight..." he trailed off sighing gently before shrugging,"By the way you might want to learn the game is meant to weaken your opponent not yourself. " he reached behind him and put a an air mask around Ophi,"It's been five minutes, nitrogen." He put an air mask around his own face, getting to his feet and stretching his arms out.

Johanna took the moment to gaze at Akio,"Just to think Akio....just to think." She stretched her arms out and laid back pushing the snow around her. Her long strands of black her went everywhere in the snow, as if they had no interest in being proper.
Ophidius growled at the mention of his name. So they knew, didn't they? Perhaps they were just leading him on, pretending to not recognize him up to this point. Bastards. The damned dog even put a mask on him to see him squirm some more. If they knew, their purpose for being here was undoubtedly the termination of the snake. Ophi's next move would have to be something that could turn the wolf's own game against him and kill him, even if he took himself out in the process. He sure would want to see the look on Lucifer's face if he killed his pet mutt in front of him. Once his mind stopped racing, he had nearly finished counting another five minutes.

"Alright, you son of a bitch." Heh, dog jokes were always funny, even if Ophi received an ass beating each time he made one. "Smarter? It isn't so much intellect as it is twisting things around and looking underneath, no matter the risks, even if it damn near kills you. Checkmate, you damn dog."

"Your upset." He observed sitting next to her and ignoring the fact unlike her he could get a cold laying down next to her, he looked at her. "Are you thinking about me, at least in part?"
"You sleezy bastard," Hanzo said sighing with a gentle chuckle as everything around them began to disintegrate, and in a flash they were back to the regular time plane. Hanzo took in a deep breath holding the sword out and it disappearing, before stuffing his hands into his jacket and walking away,"You've gotten soft, but you're still an Idiot." And soon, Hanzo vanished.

She looked over to him, and took in a deep breath,"You do know you'll freeze your balls out here. I'm sure even a wolf will eventually get cold enough to go in too." she sighed and closed her eyes reaching her hand in the air abit,"Wh-, we don't love each other, no?"
"Ill bare it." He said not moving till she spoke. He scooted a bit closer to her but not close enough to touch yet easily unless she reached out. "I cant say if you love me." He said quietly. "But i know i love you."

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