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Fantasy The Divide

"You met me all of a couple weeks ago," she told him taking in a rather exaggerated deep breath. She thought for a moment, before returning her attention to him,"I suppose you could love me, being so old you'd have to know love, but. I guess..."
He laughs. "Trust me i dont understand understand love completely if at all, age doesent change that. Love is a force of nature, as uncontrollable and unpredictable as fire or lightning. But..... I do know how to recognize it and i know i love you. If i didnt im not sure id be laying in a snow think right now." He said both amused and serious.
"Snow is comforting," she told him and smiled. She let a chuckle out,"You'd know if you had any wolf in your blood." She took in a deep breath, wishing she could be a wolf right now and just run through the woods, even wolf demon would do. She was just a human at the moment, and it wasn't quite the same.
"That may be true but im not a wolf." He said looking at her. "You and i are different, and you may interpret things differently then i. What i might see as a small thing may seem bigger to you and visa versa. So i want you to tell me what hurts you or scares you so i can allay your fears and help you, in turn i will tell you what hurts me and scares me so you can help me me too. Me and you, we got to help each other alight?"
She scoffed a bit cracking her knuckles, before sighing the last bit,"Yeah, sure. I got it." she told him in an honest, yet half-hearted response. She used a bit of her strenght to get herself on to her feet, and took in another exaggerated deep breath,"Come now, before you get sick. Can't have ya sneezing all around my bed room. Germs can still get me sick. "
He sat up and rolled to his feet looking at her with a dazzling smile. "Are you inviting me to stay with you this time?" He asked half surprised, sure he had crashed there last night but that had been of his own violation.
"You're a moment ruiner," she said rolling her eyes and walking slowly back towards the mansion,"Just can't accept what's good, has to make it all extra not romantic or sweet." She tossed her hands in the air and sighed gently,"Why me!"
His face fell and he strode over. "Hey i was just teasing, whats wrong?" He asked stepping in front of her. "If i offended you or made you think im making fun of you im sorry, i didnt mean to hurt you."
She looked over to him, before folding her arms across her abdomen before looking him into the eyes. Her green eyes looked through his for a moment trying to find if she could find an answer, but she couldn't so she just sighed again. She poked his cheek a bit before kissing his lips,"Can we...just go home for a while?"
He bit the inside of his cheek thinking. In truth he should say no, they had very limited time to train anymore to leave and waste a few hours would be the difference between life or death for all he knew. But then again Saphire was out for the count so perhaps he had no choice to wait anyway. "Yeah we can go home." He said finally. Then he softened. "Yeah lets go home."
She smiled and sighed gently,"For an old man, you're not so grumpy afterall" she teased before she pointed her finger up at the sky, signaling she kind of wanted to fly. Well it wasn't really kind of, more like she definitely did.
"When have i ever been grumpy." He said rolling his eyes. He took her into his arms, not carrying her the usual way this time but carrying her against his chest so it was almost like she was standing in air pressed up to him and he took off.
Twitched fingers, a slight shortening of her breathing, and this time she woke up in a bedroom. IN her building, and... wasn't she looking for her scarf? One hand reached to the side, and there it was. Good. Now she could live and act and... dad's scarf was safe. She almost thought about leaving it here since the new mission was dangerous, but no.... she loved it too much to risk loosing it to the various guests. At least if it broke it might result in a level 5 OP scene or some such thing.
After narrowly surviving his encounter with Hanzo, Ophi made a mad dash through the halls to Saphire's room. He kicked down the door (despite it being a shoji) and crawled up to Saphire, clinging to her tightly. "Saaaaphiiiiirrrreee!!" He sobbed pitifully, "Make the bad men go awaaaaaaayyyy!"
"Bad men?" Ophi was... oddly calm for him. She had a feeling that he would have been angry as... stuff, but he was perfectly normal. Despite the fact that he was acting cute again. She awkwardly patted his back, expression mirroring her confusion as she got out a perfectly normal "There there, Ophi. I'm sure the bad men won't attack you right now." Not while she was in the room, since witnesses were typically not a Good Thing. And she was (technically) an ally of the heir to the Demon world. Even though she was confused as to whether that would work out or no, and if they even really counted as allys. The Johanna didn't seem to much care for Saphire, after all....
"You don't understaaaaand, they want to kill the shit out of meeeeee..." He cried into the girl's shoulder. "One of them made me play a game and now I feel scared." He whispered in a hushed tone for dramatic emphasis.
Kill the... "Fecal matter is not alive, Ophidius-san." And yes, she was aware that he wasn't talking about that. she refused to let him off the hook that easily. It had been a beating axe. Thrown at her. Which she'd lost her pace because of. And then made a newly formed couple have a fight because of. Still... "And I.... don't see how you can be scared of a game, but if being next to me is so comforting you can have the room on the other side of my own. After you fix that shoji." Where was that list of things he wanted to keep?
"Oh, it was a scary game, without a doubt. Try playing a game where the air suddenly loses all nitrogen and not being scared. Do you have any idea how much of the atmosphere is nitrogen? A lot." Ophi said with a hint of fear to his voice. "Thank you for the offer of a room, I will get to work on that shoji as soon as I can. I think I'm just going to let the monsters keep my room and all the stuff in it, they seem not to mind anyway." His mind was on a roller coaster, shifting between appreciation and apprehension.
"A-ah...." Oh dear. "Yes. That would be scary." Just to hear of it was scary. "Good bo- Thank you." Had she really almost called him a good boy? At least he'd calmed down, and wasn't acting as... cutsy as before. That was already hard enough to not remember over and over while hiding and blushing, reveling in the cu- STOP. Mentally slapping herself she nodded, "Now then... do you want to hang around while I check for any other overly-dirty rooms? Or are you going to use my room as a hiding spot?"
"I....I think I'm going to hide here for a while." Ophidius mumbled meekly. He raced around for a bit, producing a bundle of blankets from somewhere and swaddled himself in them. Like a caterpillar, he inched his way into a closet and sat down. "I'll probably take a nap or something. Yes, a nap. That will be nice...." The red demon soon fell asleep and snored softly.
"Goodnight, Ophidius-san. I'll wake you up when it's time for us to start dinner." No way was she leaving him alone, though. Forget going off to make sure the house was clean, aside from his room everything should still be fine, she'd go out and practice in the yard right in front of her room. She took her naginata, and bow, and walked outside, taking her snowshoes with her. SHe kept a pair everywhere, since she never knew when she would need to go outside.
If you want this roleplay to continue..this timeskip becomes Canon.

The team, Johanna, her cousin, and Saphire are approached by the Knight of the supreme 4. The three take him down easily. They then go on to fight the supreme 4, and "beat the first three" and then are utterly destroyed by the leader who says "he had his men lose to gauge their strength, and that he will kill them if they don't enter the dark tournament and for Johanna to get stronger so it will be fun when they fight again."

They train, train, and train. It is the tournament time. It is Johanna, her cousin (who i will play temporarily), Saphire...but they are missing two members. Akio and Ophi agree to join the team, but promise to not interfere with any matches per rule......so now....here we are....day 1 of the tournament...and the first round of the tournament.

Note. You can pick and describe your opponent, but please, if you fight a rank B or something, even if you win, make it interesting please. Remember the ranks, if your character is Rank C, you can beat a B-, but it will take more than your power.

Johanna stood outside of the ring watching as they carried the remains of the last loser from the stage. She was nervous, her black hair flowing in the light breeze of the stadium. A sheath sat in her left hand, and her green eyes stared out before her. Her black judogi had the sleeves cut short to give her more room, and a black obi set round her waist and one in her hand. She looked over to what seemed to look like visiual twin, her cousin, and nodded to each other.

(her name slips me mind atm) stood with her throwing scythe like weapons in her hands, also nervous. Unlike Johanna she had been through several dangerous situations but she couldn't ignore the fight she just watch. These demons weren't all strong, but they were crafty, and they wanted the prize of the fight. Yet all she wanted was to show that she could keep up with if not pass Johanna.

So Johanna took the obi that was in her hand, and tied her hair slowly into a pony tail letting her sheath rest between her thighs,"All this training....I'm not sure I'm ready."
Akio was watching the arena chewing his lip nervously. "You have too." He said bluntly though he was obviously nervous as he looked at her before his face softened. "You'll be fine, you learned faster and more then any student ive ever taught, besides i wont let anything happen to you." he said looking at the leader, that demon was still powerful, he wasent sure johanna could beat him yet. He but the inside of his cheek nervously.
Johanna took in a deep breath again biting her lip as she followed Akio's gaze over to the leader of the Supreme 4. She was happy she wouldn't have to fight them in the first round, and was fine with whatever they did to set it up where they fought them in the last round -if they made it that far- so she turned her attention back to Akio and moved to him and placed her face in his chest, and her arms around his abdomen her eyes closed tightly. She wouldn't lie, she had gotten stronger, but the sheer energy of the leader....gave her the shivers.
Saphire, as always, was hidden in the background. Ophideus had given her some training, sporadically, and she had learnt from Akio as well, but as always she felt just a bit behind Johanna. Nerves danced under her calm exterior, hands lay on the weapon she currently held in her hands. Johanna was a wonder, growing so skilled, but she was not. If her partner was seen as nothing to their foes she held no illusions that she would be able to fight them, but... she had learned much. Weak points were easier for her to find, and it was easier to see just which combat style might be useful, more importantly... she had learnt that it didn't matter how strong her opponent was. If she could find that one weakness then she had a chance, and if they found out hers she was as good as defeated. But also that any battle she walked away from was a victory.

True, Johanna's demonic heritage made her more powerful, but Saphire's support-based skills might tip the balance in their favor. And thus she began to hum, sitting down with her miko-like kimono settled around her, hair tied back in her scarf, instead of it being around her neck, and her eyes were closed, for all the world it looked like she was simply humming, but she was wrapping her energy around her weapons, and if she were allowed to Johannas, knowing that she wasn't likely to be put on the spot until after her partner had weakened. "Good luck, Johanna," She said, meaning it.

((Stupid computer messing up when I needed to reply and leave...))

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