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Fantasy The Divide

Okurigami, well, Hanzo had found himself in the woods chasing the three energies before he came upon Ophi. He landed gently on the grand before him, his left hand resting on the hilt of his sword that was on the side of his waist. His white eyes glanced to the demon before him, but Hanzo emitted no satanic, nor devil energy. His aura, was undeniably powerful just off of the stance he took up alone. He glanced at the demon before smiling brightly,"You're stronger than you let off....might I test your strength a bit?"

Johanna had her armed pulled, and had she not have the skills to deduce the situation before she reacted she would have struck him, well attempted to. Instead, she jumped back a few feet away from him and looked away from him,"You can't protect us both. Just protect her. She needs it, I don't need anyone."
"Oh," Ophi asked, "Little old me? Well, I'm flattered that someone as strong as yourself recognizes me as more powerful than others think, it really boosts my self-esteem." That was an outright lie, Ophi was struggling not to shit his pants. "So....should we spar right here or move somewhere else? That's a nice-looking sword you've got there, by the way. Masterful craftsmanship if I ever saw it. Is that an antique or do you know a smith?"
"Thats debatable." He said softly taking a step towards her but not going any farther forward yet. "And right now you both need me, nethier of you are strong enough yet to fight the forces against you yet, isnt that why you asked me to make you strong." He said referring to earlier in the house. "But i know its not just that. Why are you so jealous of saphire, and why cant you trust me." He said letting a bit of hurt slip into his tone.
"I forged it myself," he responded smoothly, bending his legs a bit and turning his body to the side. He looked the demon over before he purposely allowed for multiple images of himself to surround Ophi. They weren't really multiple versions of himself, he was just going at a speed incomprehensible by the eye, even a demon eye, that it just appeared that he was in multiple places at once. He had his blade drawn, and in the air, each version of himself wrote the kanji for fire with the tip of the blade, the red character pulsating once. After it pulsed, fire shot from what seem like every angle at Ophi.

This attack itself wasn't very strong, well, it wasn't anything the demon he was attacking couldn't survive. He just never got to use that and he wanted to do so for once.

"You're a fallen..." she said bluntly staring at his face. She shrugged her shoulders,"And why are exactly are you a fallen again? Because you followed God ever so loyally, that you are just the perfect person that anyone should trust?"
Akio laughed bitterly. "The reason I fell is the same reason I'm here with you now, I fell in love." He falls silent for a moment then looking at her. "100's of years ago in the dawn of Rome there was a courtison by the name of Mari." He hoped she knew what a courtison was as it would be awkward to explain. "Not to understand why I was exiled you have to understand while she believed in the gods she thought them cruel, often times to harsh. While there are many human religions they are all actually one. Like the roman pantheon at the time was god and some of his arch angels though the tails of their deeds were greatly exaterated as the archangels almost never leave heaven and the reason the gods seemed so fickle is that they were based in the deeds of several lesser angels. I first saw her when looking down from the heavens because I wanted to observe human society. I was soon to become a arch angel, yes that's how powerful I was and since arch angels are rarely free and always with god I wanted to understand humans before then. She caught my eye for some reason. She was smart, beautiful, and clever. She occupied a low position in society but used it to her advantage to protect her family and those around her. She was kind to those less fortunate and even when she didn't have much she have what she had. I found myself falling in love from above and eventually went to meet her. I acted human for a time and spent a lot of time with her. She didn't know my identity till much later but to make a long story short we fell in love. I stayed with her for days and months at a time till the arch angels became supisious. There had been instances where angels have fallen in love with mortals but most were small daliences or were with those who were faith full and of high birth. Mari was nethier and my status was higher then other angels. I was asked to say that I loved god more then anyone and anything else and if I did it would be forgiven and I would ascend to my position." He sighed. "You don't know what it was like to feel god with you as a angel, before it was one of the most important things to me. But I had never met god or spoke to him, only felt his presence and I loved her more then anything else. And so I was cast out. But I was delayed on perpouse for many hours after, I didn't know what till I go to mari's house. Her throat had been slit, a thief that I chased down afterwards. I had been delayed perpously so she would die.... To punish me. Such is the glory of heaven." He said sarcastically all but spitting out the last sentence. "That's why I fell."
She took in a deep breath, listening to every word of his before she shrugged her shoulders,"And why would you think you could protect me if they wanted to punish you again...."

(jesus sorry this is short)
He paused question and shook his head. "I am beneath thier notice now, the reason they punished me back then was because i was one of them. Now im just a fallen. But in all honesty if they decided to kill me they could, the arc angels are extraordinarily powerful. The same as lucifer who is currently a few miles from us though he is infinitely more so powerful but thanks to the divide which is the contract they made they cant interfere to much with this realm. If they do the other side could easily declare war which despite contrary believe is helpful to no one. Both the angels and demons are find with this stalemate mostly, few try now to want to eradicate the other side." He closed his eyes. "I havent had anything ive wanted to protect in 1000's of years so in some ways my strength has stagnated but now even as i train you im gonna train myself as well. Then perhaps at least on this plane we may have a chance. There's only one thing i am worried about truly.... I believe lucifers attentions are mostly pure though thats one of the strangest sentences ive ever said but Okurigami shows a special interest in you, he might try to bring you to hell... After you die and perhaps even before."
She glanced at him before letting a slow sigh out and raising her arms above her head. Hell? Couldn't be that bad of a place could it? Demons lived there happily afterall, it wasn't like she wasn't half demon. Demon World, Hell, Spirit World, Human World, Heaven. They were all places, and one could find happiness anywhere if it fit them correct,"Maybe I should go with him then...."
"Hell is not all fiery marsh pits as some would have you believe but dont mistake while heaven and hell are both homes for demons and angels they are both military camps of massive armies waiting for the other to blink first. While they dont go into open wars demons and angels skirmish from time to time so it will force you to chose a side and they will force you to become a soldier and then the fighting wont end... Though eventually you will have to chose a side after you die, and no matter where you go i will follow you." He said looking at her. "But not yet, The politics of the demon world and heaven for that matter and complicated, your not the only heir to the throne and its possible one of them may kill you for it. besides if you go now you'll have to work under your father till your strong enough to beat him."
Then she was reminded. She couldn't go to hell yet. She had to go to Demon World first, and smash the person they claim is her father's face in. That was her motivation to train, and she remembered it greatly at this point. With a few steps, she moved back towards Akio, and rested her head on his chest,"What if I choose the side you don't agree with..."
She'd been out of their sight for a while now, and shrugged, stood up... and discovered that she was able to move again. This time there wasn't a beating axe, so she turned around and began to jog back home, where she would proceed to circle it until they got back. It was training, she was obviously the one in need of it the most, and she was not going to stop this time. She would, however, try not to get caught by Ophidius-san again. Obviously there was something not right about him. WHen I get back I'll start work on my Archery, it's been a while...
"Heaven or hell, i dont care for neither. I got reasons to support one side or the other but whoever you chose to serve i will follow, you wont get rid of me that easy." he said resting his chin on her head lightly while one of his hands absently ran through her hair.
She shrugged her shoulders a bit, and looked at him,"I will stop caring for you if you don't follow what you believe is right Akio..." Her voice was stern, threatening even, but it was sincere. "I rather die to your sword, than you to go against what you believe because you love me.....Mark my words Akio, I will never stop fighting for what I believe in..."
He looked down at her, with surprise and a bit of pride, she already knew about honer. "I believe in you, but i will prevent you from doing anything too reckless or wrong, that is my duty as a teacher and i wont forsake the duty." he said honestly, there was a old saying his master used to say to him. 'If you misuse the blade you will die apon it.' While he hoped she wouldnt do wrong while he was there it was never guaranteed. "But i promise that i will stop you if it comes to that." He said, his body shivered once though he his voice did not shake.
"Good," she said gently before offering a slight smile. She tried to search the area for Saphire's energy, but it seemed to be moving away from their location so she looked back to Akio and rose a brow,"Should we catch up with her?"
Akio smiled and nodded. "Hide your energy i want to surprise her." He said with a grin guestering with his head in saphires direction. They would catch her easily with their speed.
Johanna nodded, hiding her energy and immediately taking off. It was nice to have someone as fast or faster than her, even though she was sure lucifer and okurigami were much faster than the both, but sometimes, it was ncie not having to hold back. Her speed was something she got from her bloodline, most of the bloodline had extraordinary speed.
Akio nodded and took off, while johanna could probably maintain her speed better than he could since akios move was mainly meant to move in a short distance incredibly quickly then run a race he saved much of his speed till he could see saphire then he shot forard moving so fast for the remaining couple meters and flicked her nech as he passed before sliding into a bush in such away and at such speeds it shook no more then t would shake for a rabbit going threw it.
Saphire froze, tripping slightly, but caught herself before hitting the floor. And then she gripped her neck, looking around for the source of her neck suddenly hurting. Rustling like a rabbit.... she couldn't have been hit by one of those. It wasn't the weird beating axe, since she wasn't hurt, but... but.... deep breaths, and then she continued to run back to the building, keeping a better eye on the area, hoping to prevent it again.
Johanna had giggled inside of her head when she saw what occurred to Saphire from Akio, and noted she would do something similar. So, with a quick step she found herself behind Saphire, snatching the scarf she had, taking care to not get it caught on anything, and disappearing immediately. Unlike akio, she did not go to a bush, but instead to a tree, and then to another and to one far off.
Saphire didn't notice immediately... until the regular swishing of cloth on cloth stopped. Then she looked down, grabbing at her scarf to see if it was caught on something... and noticed that no it wasn't. It wasn't even on her anymore. Her blue scarf that her father had gotten for her... was missing. A sigh, it must have falle- falle- her father's gift was missing. HER GIFT FROM HER FATHER IS MISSING. She tried to keep taking regular breaths, turning around and walking in search of it... where did it end up? Was it caught on something? It had to be, had to... "Please be here, please...."
Akio heard her talking and he realized the scarf might have been more important then johanna may have thought. He used his speed and flew out again only this time standing on top of her head but saphire would feel no weight at all due to him lightly flapping so technically he was covering on her head. anyway he head turned akio would move with it so if she looked up he would be straight as a plank still on the top of her head out of sight.
Ophi paused to count the number of afterimages Okurigami produced. "One...two...three..dear lord, he can math!" Ophi exclaimed, genuinely terrified by the what seemed to be clones. "Ha, not even your math can triumph over-" He cut off by the oncoming storm of fire, quickly moving to dodge. "Hoo! Ha! Yeah!" He called out as he rolled, sidestepped and evaded wave after wave of rolling flames, somehow turning his spar into a dance. "Hehe, you think your moves are hotter than mine? Sorry to disappoint you, but nobody is hotter than me!" Ophi switched from his fluid fire dance to a famous routine by Michael Jackson. "'Cause this is thriller, thriller ni- OHGODFIRE!!!" HE exclaimed, having not noticed that one of the initial fireballs ignited the tip of his last clean red jacket.

Which was now completely ablaze. Delightful.

"GETITOFFGETITOFFAAAAGH!!!" He screamed as he rolled around on the ground away from 'Hanzo' and into some bushes, thankfully no longer covered in flames that could spread to the foliage. As he stopped his agonized thrashing, he found a blue scrap of cloth that had been hanging on a low tree branch, the rest of it inside a mess of leaves. "Hmm..." He pondered as he examined it. "This is blue. And clothes. By application of deductive reasoning, it must belong to someone who likes blue clothes. Hm." He tugged on the piece of the blue cloth, noting that there was some resistance. In fact, it felt like something was pulling back! Ergo, it must have been some sort of haunted scarf, which would go rather nicely with his demonic axe. Now grabbing the scarf with both hands, Ophi tapped into his demonic power, pulling back the scarf with superhuman strength.
Hanzo blinked as he watched Ophi dance and dodge the moves. Clearly, he was skilled enough to dodge the attack, even if it was weaker, but he made it a dance and wasn't serious about it. He managed to sigh, placing the blade in his sheath, the after images fading away,"damn it me-.." he stopped before looking off to see exactly what he was doing.

Johanna hadn't heard Saphire's distraught but instead she had been sitting on a low branch before she felt some pull the scarf she had taken,"what the.." she muttered slowly tugging back on the cloth. Then she felt herself being launched from her hidden position and into the air holding on to the scarf still.
"Oh hi there." Ophi said to the girl....Johanna, was it? Bah, that was irrelevant. "That's a nice scarf you've got there. Why, I think I might get Safaia-chan to train more vigorously if I had it as a hostage. Imma just take that now." Ophi tightened his grip on the scarf and began to spin it around like a lasso, trying to shake Johanna off the cloth by applying centripetal force. "Just let go and this will go much easier!"

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