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Fantasy The Divide

Lucifer didn't move but instead smiled brightly when he was lifted up. The smile was very awkward, though it was genuine, it made him seem like one of those polish or russian egg toys. He took a deep breath and looked to Hanzo,"Ohayoo gozaimasu Hanzo-sama, hajimemashite. Yoroshiku." That awkward smiled remained as he turned from Hanzo to Saphire and nodded,"Hanzo is a friendly fellow."

This brought a growl to Hanzo who threw the lord of hell into the ground, in the smelly room before jumping through the hole himself. He looked over to Saphire and to the hole in the roof and now the crater on the ground, before sighing as everything returned to how it was. The ceiling was fixed, and through Lucifer still lay limp on the floor, there was no crater,"Excuse the disturbance."

His reasons, caused her to smile. She didn't think much of herself in the way he did, and she always felt she had something to prove to everyone, that she needed to be liked by everyone. That she had to be the best....But. She was slowly starting to feel like none of that mattered as long as she was the best to Akio. She had maneuvered to where she could kiss him when she felt another aura, similar but different to Lucifer's, and she used her speed to go investigate appearing next to Saphire....but everything seemed normal,"Ah...Saphire?"
Akio for a moment was confused as to why she left till he finally began to realize his surroundings. Another demon had showed up, powerful one too. He used his own speed and appeared next to Johanna. "I swear your timing is getting worse." He said with in a tone that was half amusement half exasperation.
A blink... the mansion was back to normal? Already? One: He's way powerful, Two: he is now one of her favorite people. She quickly moved into a formal bow, "No, it's quite alright. As long as no one was injured. My name is Tsuki Saphire, owner and proprietor of this inn." If she didn't think it would be a bad idea she'd have done so deeper. Anyway, no harm no foul.... her home was still in one piece.
Lucifer raised his arms in a daze,"Ah, Injured person, right here!" he shook his head a bit before getting to his feet and brushing himself off. He began to float again and continued to play games on the computer,"Besides, this place is better than the apartment. It's perfect fora NEET."

This only brought Hanzo to sigh as he listened to Lucifer speak and glanced to the bowing Saphire and did the same,"Hanzo..." he offered, only giving his first name. Formality was a bit an odd thing for him, for he floated between the line of the two. A smile grew on his face,"Might I request board here, my companion here has gotten us evicted from our home..though I must insist on a better smelling room."

"It doesn't smell that bad," Lucifer remarked in an immediate response.

"That's because you're making the room smell like peaches, you know my nose can smell right through that.." Hanzo could only sigh before looking to Akio and Johanna,"Hello."

Johanna blinked and looked to Akio, and (anime time) a large sweat drop appeared on her head as her face went straight,"You're kidding me...." was the only thing she said throwing her arms up in frustration,"I giveth up!"
"This isn't exactly his room... unless Ophidius-san decided to move to a different one. And yes, you may board here. Either pay rent or help with the household chores. You'll both have a turn at cooking dinner. No wearing shoes inside, no fighting inside." Though she doubted that'd last for very long. The two of them didn't seem to get along very well. "And I do apologize for the smell... it's going to take a bit of work to get that out." She was determined to do that. At this point her mind was so tired that she didn't even recognize that Akio had entered the room... I think I need a vacation. It's not happening, but I'm probably in need of one.
As soon as he felt that incoming malevolent force, Ophidius' first plan of action was to slither behind Saphire stealthily, trying not to be noticed. He struggled not to audibly hiss when he saw it was the other bane of his existence, 'Hanzo.' He latched on to Saphire's back and said, "Mou, why does this kind of thing always happen to me? You'll keep me safe, right, Safaia-chan? You can stay in this room, just don't touch my stuff. You can use the Slip 'N Slide when I set it up, though. I'm cooking tonight, so you don't need to worry about that just yet. Eh....I don't mind the peach smell and punching holes through the place so long as they get fixed, but I prefer apples over peaches. Also, can you not flood the place with that evil-feeling energy? Pretty please?" Ophi asked, his eyes big and watery like some kind of extremely moe anime character. "Hey, do you think repairing the mansion will be easier with these guys around?"
Sooo cute... now I do want to protect him. I'm almost positive that it's on purpose. "As long as it's in my house I'll try, Ophidius-san." A soft pat of his head, her trying hard to keep from squealing in joy. It was rare to see someone come to her for protection, and he must have somehow known that cute things were her weakness... no, she would not hug him randomly. "Though I'm not sure there's much to be afraid of, Hanzo-san seems like a perfectly polite demon." Even if there was a swirl of get-out-of-here around him, he'd cleaned up his mess, so she'd just stay off of his bad side.
Akio chuckled. "I was mainly talking to my aquittance and his companion considering they interrupted twice, well once for Hanzo is it?" He asked before turning the majority of his attention back to Johanna the sides of his mouth twitching, he thought she was frustrated at him thinking he was referring to her. "Though you keep leaving so its partly your fault too since ive wanted to kiss you for the better part of 20 minutes." He said playfully. Akio seemed rather giddy and happy right now. "Or is something else frustrating you?"

((well i crashed xD ))
Hanzo could only sigh in response to saphire, as Lucifer managed to ignore the entire situation. That demon...was something familiar about him. With a free hand, Hanzo ran his hand through his white hair before raising a brow,"You..creepy one....what be your name?"

With a slight whine Johanna looked to Akio and flailed her arms in a violent manner. (going to do this in a complete anime fashion to gather my scene) Tears began streaming from her eyes as she sat on the floor in the middle of the hall way,"I'm so weak! Everyone is stronger than me. How I'm suppose to defeat my father like this!" After a few more moments of tears, she began banging her head on the wall a bunch of times before taking in a slow deep breath.
"Safaia-chan, I think he wants to know your..." his comment was stopped short by a withering glare from the blue-haired human. "...address? Anyway.." Ophi suddenly put on a eyepatch and a fake hook for a hand. "Yarr, matey! My name be Ophidius of the clan O'Mestles, the greatest swashbucklers to ever sail the seas!" He then resumed hugging Saphire and started purring loudly like a cat, until he noticed Johanna's little outburst. "If you want to get stronger, I can always train you in using those demon powers of yours. I can't teach you the secrets of my masters since Safaia-chan is already my chosen student. Hehehe...."
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A blink... total confusion. "You... is everything ok, Ophidius-san?" She was almost certain that he was talking about the now purring demon. Purring? More cute stu- No, now wasn't the time for her to enjoy thinking about cute things... now was the time for her to figure out if something was wrong. And fix it. And obviously nothing she was doing was helping, so she settled for just getting quiet. And awkwardly patting Ophidius' back, shifting her expression to the most sympathetic one she could make... "There there, I'm sure it'll be all ok."
Akio sighed and sat next to Johanna. "Your being to hard on yourself. Even among the greater warriors of this time and others the people here are special." He said looking at lucifer and his retainer. "Even I who are currently no more then a fallen was once considered for arch angel. It addition our experience far out strips your currently so it makes sense that currently we are stronger. But you are strong, as a warrior you can surpass almost everyone in this room including myself. You are not weak Johanna so don't say you are, I will train you until you are ethier stronger then me or you become my equal. You've had less then a month of training so it may not see that way now but your will is strong and so are you. I will help you become strong enough to defeat your father."
Johanna took a moment from banging her head against the wall and wiped the blood from her forehead. She looked to Akio, eyes still watering and listened to his words. They were kind of course, though she couldn't discern whether they were true or he was merely trying to make her feel better. So she sat there and looked at him before wrapping her arms around him and rubbing her face against his shoulder,"Aki-chan! Make me strong!" She looked him over before placing her lips on his,"Arigato."

Hanzo tapped his chin before looking Ophi over,"I swear I've met you before...but that's impossible, I killed that guy." His smile was huge as if the thought of killing said person brought him genuine pleasure.

Chiba (Lucifer), didn't bother to look up from his game to speak to Hanzo,"No, I killed Mephistopheles. Stop taking my credit."

This brought a growl to the wolf demon as he turned around and flailed his arms,"Stop spreading your lies you arrogant old coot!"

"You're almost as old as me....." Lucifer retorted calmly as a chocobee flew into his mouth, still typing furiously on his keyboard.
"Aki-chan?" He questioned with amusement as he wrapped his arms around her as well. He returned her kiss before breaking apart smiling. "Well thats my job as your trainer isnt it? Speaking of training i was planning on starting earlier but a lot of things delayed us but we should start soon." He placed another kiss on her lips, quick but passionate. "Though im certainly gonna mourn losing this position."
"Erm, excuse me super demons who are apparently eternally young," Ophidius started, hoping to not incur their wrath, "But what are these Mephoosawhatsit? Do they taste good?" He asked. Hopefully he could get more information on what the two thought of him.
"Annoying," started Hanzo before he sighed a bit,"Annoying, lazy? Bothersome? So no, they don't taste well..."

"Mind your tongue Hanzo, he was one of our better soldiers despite how annoying he was," Lucifer commented taking in another chocobee, before stopping,"Intelligent, resourceful, which is why I I took so much pleasure in killing him."

"Stop Sutame-dono, I killed him, and how annoying he was why
I toook pleasure in killing him," Hanzo nodded to himself.

"Training?" she questioned a bit, seeming irritated by the idea. She was still sore from her demon form from earlier, though she hadn't yet trained today. She couldn't quite reassure Akio that she could muster up the energy to train much, but she would train until she collapsed again,"Well...let's get to it then..."
Saphire had been listening to the conversation... stubbornly refusing to curl in. They were talking about killing so easily... arguing about the person in question, even. The raw power the two of them possessed was enough to put her on edge, and a very tiny trembling took place for a few seconds. Luckily enough she was a good actor, and managed to get out "I suppose we can leave the two of you be. Ophidius-san? If you'll let me move?" Once she could she calmly walked out of the room, looking for all the world as though this was normal. And while yes, demons talking about previous kills was normal... doing so almost cheerfully, with the amount of power and danger she could feel, was not.
((give me like 10 minutes to come back, dont run anywhere aku)) 
Akio laughed. "What did you think you were gonna get out of training because you almost killed me today. No i only got a weak to work with so i got to work you hard." He said with a chipper tone before giving her a peck on the lips and standings up.
Ophi slid to the floor when Saphire escaped his grip, landing on his chin. He then scooted over toward the floating Lucifer, kicking forward with his legs like a caterpillar. "Sooo....what is this League of Legends like? Also, do you guys like pizza?"
Johanna got to her feet and managed to brush herself off. She fiddled with her long strands of black hair before taking the obi she wore around her waist, and trying her hair up in a neat ponytail with a neat bow. She looked at her waist a bit and (cuz i don't remember exactly what I said she was wearing) looked at the gi pants she was wearing, and sighed a bit removing the obi from her hair and placing it around her waist again. Thsi caused her hair to fall around her shoulders, and she blew it the hair a bit out of her face.

"League of Legends is," Sutame started before looking at his box with things watching an 30 inch hd monitor float from the box. It did landed on the ground in front of Ophi with an hdmi cord floating and inserting into the laptop. The monitor's other cord flew and plugged into a wall, the monitor illuminating and showing a duplicate of what was on his screen,"There...now n-" right when he was about to say no more questions he was cut off by another question.

"Yes," answered Sutame. Simultaneously, Hanzo answered "No." and the two shot a glare at each other as bolts of electrcity seemed to shoot from their eyes and clash.
Akio watched her hair fall before turning and yelling. "Saphire we are starting training! Come with us outside." He said striding out, while he would train them he wouldnt focus so much on physical with johanna exhausted from her transformation. Instead he would work on thier minds.
Saphire nodded, "Right." And she walked to the nearest outside-facing Shouji. It would be faster to walk around than through the almost-maze of her house. To the large part of the yard, next to the Sakura, and she sat there. And it was then that she realized that she'd forgotten her naginata and bow... so she jumped up to get them, "My weapons are in my room...." She didn't realize that the way her hair was sticking out in places seemed to indicate her own frazzled state of mind... still a bit rattled from the two strong demons. A small shake of her head, and she used the time to calm down, taking deep breaths.
"Hrm...I sense some belligerent sexual tension between the two of you. I'll be making some delicious pizza for dinner tonight, but I'm sure some Eastern cuisine will make a delightful alternative for you, mister...Hanzo, I think it was. So, this League of Legends is one of those new-age video games people are always talking about? I haven't really played any of those since Pong. Now that was a good game." Ophi gazed in awe at the game that was being played on the monitor. "Aaah, it has so many colors! All the lights and sounds are so distracting, but under that it seems to be some kind of war game. Fascinati-" He was cut off by the Fallen Angel's announcement of training. "Ooh, this I've got to see!" The nimble red demon got jumped to his feet and crawled out a nearby window, hoping to reach the site of the group's practice before he missed any of the mayhem training.
"You know that's..." Hanzo started as he watched Ophi disappear out the window after commenting ont he video game that Chiba was playing.

"I know," Chiba responded gently, yet another chocobee entering his mouth,"But he fears us, we can enjoy this a bit longer before we drag him back to hell."

This only brought a shrug to Hanzo's shoulders,"Well I'm going to watch that descendant of mine train...which begs the question. " he started before his image started to slowly fade out as he finished off,"Where are your's...." Hanzo was using teleportation this time, distorting matter around him and light to have him self appear where the others would be headed to train.

Johanna moved her hands to her hair, beginning to braid the long strands slowly as she walked. She was heading towards the yard where they would be trained, and she managed to pick up her sword along the way. If this sword stabilized her demon energy, she figured maybe it would be possible she could channel her demonic energy through it.
"Alright for now we are gonna start with a small 5 mile sprint." He said cheerfully. "Also johanna your not allowed to use your speed unless i say otherwise. Alright lets go." He said setting off at a full sprint, he wasent using his speed but akio was fit and fast and flew over the ground like a deer.

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