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Fantasy The Divide

Akio sighed. "I'll pay for your stay, since I owe you a favor." For a minute he thought about what he was gonna say. It was impossible to pass lucifer off as anything but a demon, his energy was too strong. "This man is a friend of mine, he is a high demon." He said deciding on his answer. He glanced at orphi. "I don't remember allowing you to do that yet or hearing her accept you." He said sternly though he knew the demon would probably get his way. He went the kitchen and saw Johanna having already come back from dropping off the stuff. He walked next to her, he had been unwillingly to be a bit more affectionate since he wasent sure what they were but now he had no such inhibitions.
"I think he means to say he's decided to teach me certain things, and has decided that that automatically means I'm an underling." For just the time it took to say that her expression was decidedly bored, but she quickly shook it off and sighed. "I've never had the money to fully integrate the mansion with internet, but there's some in a few rooms, like Orphidius-san's room and my own." Ignoring that random 'I killed someone' thing for the sake of NOT FREAKING OUT.
"Oh, I remind you of someone?" Ophidius asked, masking his fear with curiosity. "Well, it's kind of a thing I get from my line of masters. The techniques they teach kinda does weird stuff to people's energies after a long period of time. They push life energy into you so many times and you start to feel like them. I'm not really sure when it started, but my master, Pai Mei, said it was a really old practice that was invented by a demon a long time ago. If you killed someone, it was definitely old man Pai, the guy was a grouchy bastard that killed people for not tipping their hats to him when he passed them in the streets. Why are old people so damn angry all the time, anyway?" Ophidius asked, not really understanding himself. Being as old as dirt, one would think he would have a bad case of 'old man grouchyness,' yet he didn't. Maybe it was just a human thing.
Johanna looked up when Akio joined her, and shrugged his shoulders just a bit, before closing her eyes. A yawn escaped her lips before she finally figured what she would say,"What's the deal with that guy...and don't lie to me." she said sternly to Akio glaring at him while her eyes seemed to contain a fiery concern.

"A favor?" he questioned to himself and shrugged his shoulders watching Akio walk away, and glancing back to the younger woman,"Tell me something. Why is your mind so busy? What's all the activity going on up there? Is it anxiety? Are you afraid of something?"

He stopped himself as he listened to the other demon start go on and on about one thing or another,"Eh. I suppose, Perhaps I should kill you too mate, just to be sure." Lucifer smiled genuinely at his joke closing his eyes and humming the empire song from Star Wars.
Akio looked at Johanna with some surprise and amusement as he smiled. Wasent she observant. Of course he was probably one of the only people brave enough to smile under her powerful glare. "You are correct he isn't normal. That is lucifer, lord of hell and first of the fallen." Be said quiet enough so that only she could hear.
"Fuck." Ophi said, clear as crystal. "Er, I mean, no!" He exclaimed, switching to the backup plan. He jumped in front of Saphire and spread out his arms to defend her. "You can't kill my underling, she's just a child! Have you no shame, monster?!" When he heard the Imperial March, he knew he was either going to die or experience serious anal bruising.
(I APOLOGIZE! I can't remember his alias.)

Something is seriously wrong with this picture.
She thought to herself, expression quickly shifting to one of confusion. "Mind... busy? Are you saying you can read minds, Samoto-san?" And she somehow felt like moving out from behind Ophidius' back was a bad idea, so she just took a step back. Something wasn't right.... what was this odd sense of incredible danger? Should she start running? No, that wouldn't be any help.
Johanna sighed gently, reaching her hands up to rub her temples. Akio had just told her that the Lord of Hell was here. A strike of fear shot through her spine, followed by chills, but she shook it off and stretched her arms,"Ah, well. That's fucking fantastic. Intense training, and the Lord of Hell." She looked over to Akio again and walked up to him poking his chest,"You know you oughta tell me more things..."

"Sutame," Lucifer said gently looking over Ophi with a rose brow,"Bah, monster? You all are the monsters, keeping me from my match with your questions and responses and breathing...and..I need chocobees!" he took in a deep breath waving slowly at Saphire,"I don't read minds, but anyone with half the bit of hearing can hear your heart about jumping out of your chest."
"Safaia-chan." Ophi said, putting his hands on the girl's shoulders and giving her a serious look in her eyes. "Go get the chocobees. Now." He turned 180 degrees to face the Lord High Master of Hell. "Alright, lets go get those internets, right this way, no oxygen at all! Please don't kill me..."
The jitters that had been bothering her were all but gone, and she was rushing past them to get the chocobees right away. Whatever the reasoning was, whatever was making her instincts scream get-out-of-there-now she wasn't about to let them lay there, dead. Not when he'd made what she assumed was a joke about killing someone. Down the hall, to the kitchen, that box he'd put away... back, now she was running back. If anyone saw her they'd see her look like someone running for her life... and then it would be gone. Replaced by a calm look as she took in deep breaths to try and calm down her breath.
After a few minutes of walking, Ophi led Lucifer to his room's door. Holding it open like a professional doorman, he sported a pained smile on his face. Here you go, Sutame-sama, all the Wi-Fis are in this room. Mind the mess, its full of garbage and junk passed down from my teachers." One would only have to look inside and be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of useless memorabilia that filled the room, ranging from clothes to small bits of dinosaur bone.
"I was gonna tell you but I didn't expect him to show up again so soon. Not to mention its not news for everyone's ears. He came here incognito and id like to keep it that way for the most part." He looking at him. "He won't harm us however, he has interest in you and saphire." He said looking at him, or at least he thought he didn't. "Though if your worried jump remember I'm here." He said half joking half serious.
Lucifer took in a deep breath as he watched the two work, and tilted his head to one side. Well, at the very least he now would have the chocobees, and when Saphire returned he immediately grabbed them and waved his arms in the air, when Ophi opened the door, he rose a brow before he covered his nose,"Do you live in sewage mate?" the man didn't seem to move at all as all the things in the room seemed to move to the walls, and took in a deepbreath as a laptop appeared under his arms.

Johanna could only sigh as she looked at Akio,"I can handle myself..." she said sternly looking at him,"I'm not afraid of him. I don't want you hiding things from me..."
[QUOTE="The Out Of World]Blasting the manhole cover off with a pulse of his demonic energy, Ophidius emerged from the sewer, coated in sizzling blue demon blood and several....unmentionable human fluids.
"Free at last!" he hissed gleefully, "We will lay waste to the surface-dwellers! Gollum! Gollum!"

Ophi's mind wandered for a bit before returning his focus to the guest present in his room. "Funny thing you should mention sewage....just a couple weeks ago, I....never mind."
He nodded and then suddenly used his intense speed to appear behind her and wrapped his arms around her smaller frame from behind. "I can see that." He said teasingly before remarking seriously, her voice low in her ear. "Alright I won't hide things from you, ask me anything and I will tell you alright?" He said enjoying thier closeness.
IT WAS WORSE THAN I THOUGHT! Fear dropped to the lowest of her worries as she looked at the horribly stinking room... "Make a list, Ophidius-san. I'm cleaning in here tonight." She sounded oddly calm. "Everything you don't want thrown out MUST be on that list." She'd need to scrub every inch of this place... And a few pairs of clothes would need to go. "I also suggest you buy a few more sets of clothing... some of these aren't salvageable." One foot kicked an example of it, since it smelled like actual sewage...
"But mooooooooooom!" Ophi whined loudly. "Fine. I'll show you bratty humans how a real demon organizes things: with decorative altars to, erm, that guy-" he pointed to Satan awkwardly, "and a Slip-'N-Slide. You can't be a proper demon without a Slip-'N-Slide. Getting all the water without running up the bills is gonna be a pain in the ass, though. I'm pretty sure I had a few bars of Nazi gold in here, maybe that'll cover the costs. Oooh" He started as an idea popped into his head. "I know what to do! I'm making pizza tooooniiiiight~" Ophi screeched in a horrible attempt at singing. "Remind me to never sing again, underling." He coughed, with his throat now a bit dry.
Lucifer opened his laptop and sat there as the chocobees floated next to him, and each would come to his mouth slowly. He folded his legs under him sitting as he began to levitate off the ground, and the laptop joined him in the air. Lucifer began to type furiously on the keyboard before the League of Legends game appeared on the screen, and a sweet ..peach scent filled the room overpowering the sewage smell,"Guys guys, shush. It's game time."

Johanna blinked, before her cheeks flared red when she felt his arms around her waist. At first, she wasn't sure how to react -to be honest though she had boyfriends, she wasn't the most affectionate las- , but after a while she just went with it and listened to his words,"Anything...?"
"I'm your landlord, not your underling." One eyebrow up at the albino-looking demon. Hand shot out, grabbed his ear, and she started walking out the door, attempting to actually drag him by said ear. "And I am not happy with this mess. So you will make that list, I will clean it... and you will not modify my home in such a way. The yard maybe, but not my house."
Saphire tried to drag Ophi by the ear like some child. Cute. He wasn't letting any of that slide, especially if he wanted to be respected and feared around here. You would be so impertinent as to command me, whelp? Ophidius asked, his voice now deep and carrying a threatening tone he rarely used. Perhaps I should... give you a hug!" He suddenly pulled his head back, taking advantage of Saphire's grip on his ear and pulling her toward him to hug her, then he spun her like a top, sending her down the hallway. "First lesson, underling: Always act smoothly and gracefully!" He hollered down the corridor, "You'll get your list, just be patient!"
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He smiled and kissed her neck once, twice, with feather like kisses on her skin. "Anything you wish, will that satisfy you?" He said half serious half teasing as he held her close to him.
"Smoothly and gracefully?" The look on her face was priceless... she was surprised and just a bit confused. Wasn't he going to start messing around with her? Something along the lines of starting another fight? But no... he'd hugged her, spinning her... and she'd barely managed to catch herself before hitting the Shoji that served as a wall. It was close... and that just added to her surprise. Her arms rested limply at her sides, and she finally just dropped down onto her but.
Johanna's cheeks burned a bright red through the caramel skin that covered her face. She was shaking a little, and her heart rate had picked up quite a bit. A few chills went through her spine again with each kiss, as she felt pleasure from each one. She managed to close her eyes, taking in a deep breath trying to calm her body, but that wasn't working the best either,"Why me then, Akio? " 
Hanzo had spent much of his time in the woods, playing with the wolves. He was in a different part of Japan, having left the Hokkaido region to go experience the other parts that he didn't frequent often, and had found a lot of his time spent enjoying the presences of the Japanese Wolf. They seemed overjoyed from his presence, recognizing the wolf god's energy as a familiarity and authority. They felt safe, and while he was with thme, he made sure they were fed well.

He was making his way back, wings spread wide, hair black as he had taken up his fallen form to make travel quicker. He neede to make sure that Lucifer paid the rent they had to pay and didn't spend it on an xbox one or sometihng, because he knew he would. When he arrived to the apartment he couldn't sense Lucifer's energy, nor did his key work, but the land lord walked by and started yelling,"You don't live here anymore, now go!" Which caused a bit of anger in the wolf spirit before he took flight again.

He searched the air for Lucifer's aura, before he finally found it. With a gentle thug he landed on the roof of Saphire's mansion and he pulled his arm back which seemed to be surrounded in a pure satanic energy. He thrust it forward, a phantom of a much larger and demonic arm crashing through the roof and grabbing Lucifer and picking him up from the room and holding him in the air,"Milord.....did you...not...pay rent?"
Akio was surprised by the question but did not hesitate in answering. "There are several reasons, one you are determined and strong though sometimes it masks it sometimes I believe you have a kind heart, Though it has been hurt many times. You are beautiful, your skin, your hair, your eyes... Beautiful. Why you? It's because you are you, everything about you draws me closer like a month to a flame and if I were to sit here and say all the things I like and love about you we'd be here for hours on end." He punctuated each statement with light feather like kisses on her neck, cheek, and forehead. It was a mushy and wordy comparison to many more modern proposals of love but Akio was old and often fell somewhere in between the old customs and the new. "Though if my answer if not satisfactory I can stop now if you like and name a few more." He said both teasingly and fondly his breath hot on her skin.
She jumped, rushed past him... that was the distinct sound of a ceiling crashing. Again. That wasn't good.... "Please don't let anyone be hurt, please don't let anyone be hurt...." THe stinky room, she took in a deep breath, and open the Shoji went. Only for her to stare at some stranger holding Sutame-san! I-is everything alright?" She'd think about that now rather large hole in her house later. For now her guests' safety was more important. Who was it that was holding him up? That same sense of danger as earlier seemed to swirl around him....

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