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Fantasy The Divide

It didn't take much light, but she eventually could get a more appropriate view of his body. She examined each wound with a close scrutiny, and realized this must have been from her. If the battle was so intense, why'd she come away without any injuries? Or maybe....her demon form healed herself before....

Her eyes shifted to saphire when she made way and started speaking and also noticed the wounds. Johanna assume she would try and heal him, and soe she just shrugged her shoulders.

She once again looked at his wounds and felt conflicted. Half of her felt sorrow for hurting him, despite how slight, yet half of her felt pleasure in seeing her work. It must have been her human and demon halves conflicting with each other, but she listened to what she knew. She wanted to walk to him, and embrace him tightly but didn't, she just took in a deep sigh.
He saw them both looking at his his wounds, while saphire was more vocal about them he could see Johanna looking at them. He smiled at them. "Both of you worried about such slight wounds." He said fondly. "I'm fine saphire, we will have training so don't waste your energy on me. If anything we'll just bind them up regularly." He said with fond insistence. "Besides I'm more hungry then hurt." He said trying to get the conversation off his wounds.
Johanna threw her hands behind her head and moved away from everyone into a corner of the place they ate last time. She didn't speak anymore, but instead closed her eyes and leaned against the wall carefully. She wasn't sure how sturdy it was or that it could even be sturdy.
Akio watched Johanna walk off by herself and looked at saphire. "Be right back." He said walking over till he was beside Johanna. "Still tired?" He asked quietly but in good humor. "I was the one who carried you to bed you know."
Saphire nodded, going into the room as well. She itched to start work on him, but refrained for the simple fact that he'd said no. Even if she wanted to she wouldn't force it on him... and so she instead set about getting the now finished meals out for everyone, plates and drinks, her hands a flurry of what could be called nervous energy, if she didn't look so concentrated on her task. In truth it was such, but she'd never let that get in the way of being a normal, helpful human being.
Ophidius was awoken from his power nap by the smell of food. Not food as in humans, souls, or skinned animals roasting over a spit, but that delicious stuff the humans were so good at making. He rolled out of his bed and landed in a painful heap on the filthy floor of his room, grunting as he did so. Ophi meandered over to his closet and began to change out of his pajamas and sleeping cap and into his last clean set of clothes left. 'Better make this last, because doing my own laundry is too much work.' Ophi gently brushed his hand against the fabric, observing the care with which the mix of human and reptilian skin was finely woven. "Damn, I sure make a fine jacket. I suppose I ought to go down and eat before I miss out on any intriguing conversations. Heh heh." After wandering around aimlessly for a bit, Ophidius finally the Blue Pe- er, Safaia, rushing about and frantically to get everything in order.

"Need some help?" he offered uncharacteristically.
Her head shot up towards the sound of someone offe- "Ophidius-san?" He wanted to what? Wait... those clothes... he didn't seem to like working on keeping his clothes clean. Which was not a good thing... maybe later she'd take pity on him and clean the source of stink in his room. If she could still move, that is... "Umm... sure? Thank you." Because as much as she'd like to finish setting everything up... she was starting to feel a bit too energetic, and the plate she was holding was starting to shake a bit. Deep breaths, done through her nose, and the shaking stopped. Idly she wondered what was wrong with her, as even getting life-energy sucked into her shouldn't have had that kind of effect.
Hearing her accept his offer, Ophi finished the remaining fineries of proper breakfast placement in a mess a red speed. The way the girl was shaking around didn't seem particularly good. In fact, he hadn't seen something like that since...

"Oooh, looks like you've got the jitters. I haven't seen someone react to life energy like that since Fau-" he said before cutting himself off. The less people knew about that, the better.
A tilt of her head, and now her foot was tapping... at least she was wearing slippers, so it didn't make all that much noise. At least her hands had stopped... well, mostly. "U-umm.... Akio-sensei? Johanna-san? It's time to ea- breakfast's on the table." Something about her earlier bout of authority had made her slightly shy, withdrawing into herself. Or maybe she was just self-conscious about her being... well, seeming to shake in some kind of either nerves or hyperactivity. Maybe it had to do with her being given life-energy, as Ophidius-san said, but she didn't know.
"Oh a regular knight in shining armor," she responded to him teasingly. A deep sigh was the only thing to secede her response as she lowered her arms to around her waist, and just let them sit there. A few thoughts ran through her head before she looked back to Akio,"So...about what happened in the air..."
He smiled at her tease before leaning against the wall close to her. "I'm told I'm a fabulous looking knight to, though I don't wear armor." He said grinning before growing serious. "You don't need to say anything now if you don't want too. You can spend some time deciding what it meant to you. I'll be here and I'll wait, till you have decided for yourself. Alright?" He said said softly to her with a smile.
She smiled to him when he went on about being a knight sans the armor, and she folded her arms. His words continued as she let each one hit her ears, and she nodded slowly trying to decide how she wanted to respond..or if she did. He clearly didn't want to rush the conversation, but she wanted to figure out an answer soon. She reached for his hand and looked up at him.
He looked down at her hand and took it in his, his grip was firm and strong yet gentle. In a way he was scared, he was immortal and she was not. Even he could not protect her from age. "Johanna... I'm worried. You take me so readily but at the same time I'm immortal. Are you sure you want to spend your life with someone who can't age with you, someone like me." He asked quietly, his fear spilling over. "I already know how I feel about you but I'm not sure of its fair to you..."
She couldn't do much but lean her head on to his shoulder and take a deep breath. He was immortal, and she was your typical human. She figured she'd age and die at around 75-80, well she didn't know once she turned demon her aging process would slow exponentially. She could only answer on what she did know, and that was she would die long before Akio,"I don't know where I'm going to end up, but I do know now, I don't mind dying before you....Just long as you're here."
"Then I'm here." He said quietly wrapping one arm around her and resting his chin on the top of her head lightly takin in her scent. While thretoically it was possible for him to find her after her soul was judged but it would involve searching most of heaven and hell and then throwing himself finally into this power struggle. 'Id do it, without a doubt.' He thought to himself as he lightly kissed her forehead. "I'll always be here." He said quietly, his voice caring and soft.
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So. They were ignoring her... for their own moment. She wasn't actually upset, since they were having said moment... and it was an important one. Who would have thought they'd fall in love so fast? She sat down, still a bit shaky but trying to calm down, and smiled gently. Inwardly she wondered if ever there'd be someone like that for her, but she didn't grudge her probably-partner the connection. She deserved it, Saphire was sure...
So, today wasn't going well today for the lord of Hell. He had just been evicted from his apartment from failing to pay rent.So there he walked through the streets, with a box of stuff (his current attire being the only clothes he actually owned) and the box was full of video games, PS4, Xbox One, Desktop pc, laptop, PS vita. It was a heavy load for a normal human, but he handled it well. He couldn't fathom where to go, until it hit him,"Ah, that blue haired one. Mmm. Michael you bastard." With the gentle words, his black wings shot from his back and flapped once shooting into the air.

It would be only moments as he glided through the air before landing lightly in the yard of the mansion. "Right, act human..." with a deep breath he pretended to struggle with the boxes,"Can someone help me please!!!" he yelled loudly at the top of his lungs.

Johanna was smiling up to Akio when her ears twitched,"...that aura." she muttered gently before disappearing into the darkness, and reappearing in front of the man, with her arms folded across her abdomen.
Akio saw her move swiftly, he had felt the aura as well though lucifer had said he would drop by when bored he didn't expect so soon. He sent a helpless look at saphire then disappeared and stopped in front of lucifer. "Help?" He asked, The Lord of hell asking for help. Never thought he would see that before.
He nodded slowly looking up to akio,"I think it's rude to see someone struggling and not offer any help. Take this box!" he said before he thrust it into Johanna's abdomen. The young woman let a slight oof out, as the box hit her arms before she grabbed it. It wasn't that heavy to her, but that wasn't fair because she was an athlete,"What a weak guy.." she muttered before turning and walking slowly inside,"Sap....sap....saphire! you got a visistor.."
Her head shot up. A visitor? Oh dear... and she wasn't in her Ki- oh, that felt familiar. Sasamoto-san? No, that wasn't right... she was really out of it if she couldn't remember his name. Up to her feet she walked to the entrance, tripping once as her shaking knocked her off balance, but she stood up straight again. I need to burn off this excess energy... "Right, I'm coming!" To the place, and there he was... "Hello again. Did something happen? I thought you had something to do?" She almost grabbed the box from Johanna's arms, but something about her expression warned her off.
Akio rolled his eyes, of course considering The Lord of hell could easily take care of this himself but decided not two meant he was still in hiding. He didn't offer to take the box from Johanna, she probably wouldn't appreciate it if he tried. Instead he walked next to lucifer. "You know your timing is inconvenient right?"
Hearing some commotion, which was probably just another visitor, coupled with Saphire getting called out, Ophidius decided to join in and see what all the hubbub was about. Unfortunately, it was Lucifer again, and Ophidius had to restrain his urge to pull out his secret weapons and gouge out the devil's eyes then and there. "Oh, it's you again. How's it going? We were about to have breakfast, so if you want some free grub, there's always a place for visitors here at my underling's mansion."
Johanna looked at everything in the box as she walked through the halls, before taking in a deep breath. It was a bunch of video games, the box looked like it belonged to her brother. She only scoffed before finding an empty room, and assuming that's where the new guest would board. She gently placed the box down before returning back to where breakfast was supposed to be.

"Underling?" quesitoned the fallen angel, before he shrugged his shoulders,"Eh, free food..but is there wifi? And is it fast? I have League match to tend to soon..." he said trailing off and looking to Saphire,"Well...I kind of got kicked out of my apartment for not paying rent...But it's not my fault. I don't have job. " he said nodding to his own statement.
"Yes, I have chosen her to be taught the secrets passed down to me from my teacher and his teacher before him. Luckily for you, I happen to have a router set up in my room. The hunk of technology was a pain to set up, that's for sure. Let me show you the way....and..uh, what League is this? Is it a labor union of some sort? Or is it some kind of fight club?" Ophi asked, confused by Lucifer's use of the word league.
With a bit of a yawn, Lucifer looked over to Ophi, and examined him,"That sounds cool. League...of Legends mate." was the only thing he offered as he sighed gently. He glanced at him,"You know, you remind me of someone. But that can't be true, I killed him. I'm sure of it. took pleasure in it that I did, but was a bit sore. The chap was quite useful in the combat area."

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