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Fantasy The Divide

Somewhat fuming at the manhandling she'd received from Ophidious, it didn't help Seranna's mood in the slightest when John stepped out and decided to note everyone outside except for the kitty with the cannon. Still, now that everyone had their hackles raised, instead of just a few, things were starting to look a lot more dangerous. It was time to try and cool things down. Leaning her rifle back over her shoulder, she stepped in between John's sidearm and the new girl.

"Let's put it this way. You say it's a family matter, but being in this mansion? It seems they all kind of consider themselves such in some manner or another. Anyway, no one's had breakfast yet, I'm actually hungry, and things are getting a bit excitable for this early. So, I present two options. We all calm down and go eat... Or you and I go discuss things in private. If the latter is a real discussion or a Demon's Discussion is your choice though."
Lucifer looked to John, savoring the last couple of chocobees before holding the box upside down crumbs coming out. He looked around, before walking next to John and everyone else,"I'll help but...y'all kind of pissed that one off..." he said pointing to Johanna. He laughed a bit before taking a seat on the porch,"I don't think y'all should've gotten involved, Tsuki-san's house or not."

Johanna had been standing there, now outside, not saying anything. Her face didn't have any color in it, and her right hand was clinched in the fist, and her left was clutching the scabbard holding her new blade. A red aura began to surround it, as some of the demonic energy from the sword began to flow into Johanna. Her eyes seemed blank, devoid of emotion, and the aura in her sword kept getting stronger,"S-....shut up. All of...you. Just...sh-shutup."

The red aura had now started to surround her, demonic energy rising. Her hair started to flash between black and white, before it became white completely. Her eyes then turned grey, canines extending from her mouth. Claws were now where her nails were suppose to be, a white tail from her lower back, and white wolf ears.

She looked around at all of them, fighting the urge to kill them all, her right hand reaching for the hilt of the sword.

Lucifer clapped his hand, finally offering a smile all day,"Ahh, so this is the power of the bloodline." he sighed a bit and his smile faded.'Too bad this will only be a temporary change right now. She'll need more than this'.
Stepping back, Seranna half-raised her rifle, only now in the direction of Saphire's friend. This was so far from good it wasn't funny. And since her skills at sensing others was about as useful as ice water for warming oneself, she hadn't even realised that the girl was demonic in any way. And a change like this only meant that the stakes had been raised.

Needless to say, she was not looking forward to if she found herself in conflict with her, because while she knew she would need to protect herself, she knew too, that she wished for none of the others to be her enemy either.
The second lucifer said none of them had gotten involved he felt the distinct power raise from Johanna. He cursed and turned meeting her eyes as he looked on the stabilized version of her demon form. This was closer to A class, no one here would survive very long other then him if she tried honestly to kill them. The difference in raw power was far too much.

Throwing the cousin one last look he turned and on his sword hilt. "None of you interfere, depending on how long this last I may have to get serious, I can't guarantee you'll survive." He looked at Johanna. "Last time I beat you without a weapon, I don't think it will go so smoothly this time." He smiled as the energy in his sheath began to grow. "Why don't you turn you anger on me, and see how that goes for you." He said striding forward trying to keep her attention.
Aika looked at Johanna is her new found state. "Finally, what I really came here to see," she placed her right hand under her chin as if she were a detective analyzing a crime scene. "Well first of all, she's going to go berserk, that needs work. Plus it's this whole 'blank state thing' that needs to change. Overall Ms. Heir. You pass!"

Aika gave a look to Johanna's companions, "So about that demon form, you all care to do something about it?"
Johanna managed to growl at aika, but ignored her for the most part because of the person before her, was the only thing she felt was a threat at this moment. She was holding the scabbard tightly in her left hand before drawing it slowly,"Don't regret your life fallen." Soon the scabbard was on the floor, and her sword was in her hands. She held it up high, and brought a single slash downward, a wave of demonic energy emitting from the blade.
He saw her drop her scabbard and frowned a bit sadly already. "Leaving your style behind already, you usually always hold your sheath." She truly was different in this form, he couldn't hold back. The first time she came he almost underestimated her and was killed in a instant. He drew his blade using the move arc of the gods 5 second charge of spiritual energy with more then enough to cut threw rock and went for a direct block. It had been the wrong choice as he blade almost instantly over powered him, it was only his instincts the saved him by realizing the blow was to heavy before his mind and shifted the full block to a deflect to the side and he spun in the opposite direction escaping death by no more the a few moments. Rocks pelted him and scratched his face and his arms were numbed slightly by trying to block a single blow. But he was alive. "Huh I'm underestimating you already, it nearly got me killed too. It's been to long since I've taken on a opponent stronger then me. Very well." With that he suddenly shot forward raising his blade making it seem like he was going for a over hand slash with the blade but stopped mid air as a feint and shot forward with his opposite hand cloaked in satanic energy, the same move he used to cut down sapphire in the training session and stabbed forward to try and pierce her shoulder.
She had brought her own sword up to block his attack but there was now over head slash, instead she was being attack straight a head. She moved to create a barrier with her demonic energy, to block his hand but ultimately had to jump back to avoid a direct attack. When she had landed and had her balance, a cut appeared on her shoulder letting a bit of blood trickle out. She smirked draining a bit of her demon energy to heal the cut. It wasn't much because it was a small cut, but that was the first time she ever used Death's Embrace.

She stepped forward, slashing across quickly to her strong side, before firing off a bit of demonic energy at him.
'Her style was sloppy.' He thought to himself as he watched her step back and heal that wound. Healing the wound was unnecessary and only wasted energy needlessly. Then again that was good for him, the more used her energy the easier time he would have this battle. He reactions were fast but berserk like this her strategy's were basic. She wouldn't try to many clever tricks though he couldn't throw out the idea entirely she would probably try to be brute force him.

As she sliced at him he stepped his front foot back and then leaned back back on it to avoid he range while still maintaining striking distance seemingly just barley dodging the blade. When she blasted energy at him it wasent to much this time he his wing fell in front of him like a shield enhanced with dark energy. A few feathers were blown off and fluttered to the floor but the force was negated. He however played like the force staggered him and he stepped backwards seemingly off balanced but if she tried to step forward and make a move from it he would suddenly trust his sword forward suddenly recovering his balance. to run her threw mid chest just away from any vital organs. At the same time his feathers came into play as he used dark body to lift them and sharpen them with energy and shot them at her back like miniature arrows, if they did hit the sudden hit from the back may distract her. Even if they didn't since Akio controlled them with energy they wouldn't pierce him and instead arc around him forming a small circle behind him of about 14 feathers.
She didn't move when he had lost his balance, not because she believed it or not, but because she was focusing energy into her left hand. The feathers would strike her, causing blood to splatter but it seemed as if she didn't mind. She took her sword and let blood from her wounds run on it, before three small diamond like runes appeared on her sword. One disappeared, healing half of her wounds. Another disappeared and multiple copies of her sword appeared around her, at this point about 15. The final one disappeared, and her sword began to glow with a demonic red aura and turned blood red. This was the nature of her bloodrune.

She at that moment, she smirked,"You're my prey now...Hunter's Quarry..." with that the blades immediately went after Akio, and while jumping back, she slashed in the air several times to send multiple waves of demonic energy at Akio.
Ophidius stepped out onto the porch, surveying the fight that was currently going on.

'Great, another one of those damned dogs. If the mutt had some control to go with that power, the Fallen might not last long, but he has some serious skill.'

The red demon grew nervous from the torrent of the wolf demon's familiar energy and cautiously reached into his jacket to find one of his special tools. As he grasped the object, one of his fingertips began to burn, his flesh audibly hissing and boiling.

'Owowow! The cloth bindings must have come loose. That's going to take a week or two to heal, even if I drain some life energy.' Ophi looked back at the skirmish to contemplate his next course of action. 'I could jump in, but I'll just get ripped to shreds. Maybe if I wait it out, I could find an opening...'
The feather had pierced her quickly, drawing out of her with slow movements but getting faster as they got closer to akio. Many of her wounds healed but her blood still fell on the dirt. However this was getting dangerous, still this kind of battle suited him. He had to waste as much of her power as possible, while akio's move were dead precise on how much energy they used this being the first time johanna transformed and actually fought she would most likely lose energy faster then he would. And while johanna's physical abilities were developed as his she did not have his stamina as she wasent used to long engagements as he was. There had been instances where he had fought for multiple days in a row.

As the new swords appeared akio's 14 feathers made a rough defensive circle around him. Bringing his blade up he cut his wrist and his blood began to flow though it stopped in the air and floated. When a sufficient amount had fallen he instantly cloted the wound while the blood that had spilled rised up and wrapped around his feathers giving them a shiny red color, increasing the power in each individual feather. Meanwhile he sheathed his sword as he began gathering energy. As the swords flew at him he rushed to meet them, his feathers slammed into the the swords diverting and keeping off about 10 of them but since they had less power they sometimes required two for one blade leaving 4 for him to deal with with only one hand as one had to pour power in sheath and blade. As they came at him he leaped over one enhancing his head with dark energy to knock the second one to the side before it could pierce him. The third came at him swiftly but he flapped suddenly gained no more then a few feet of height in a instant just before the blade could hit full speed and knocked the fourth away by spinning and smacking it with his wing ehanced with dark energy. However it wasent enough to protect completely and his wing bled some as johanna wounded akio for the first time.

The 4 blades were not indisposed permanently by any means and would probably be chasing him within a few moment but it gave him time to contend with the next obstacle fully. As the waves of demon energy flew at him only a moment away after he cleared the blades he finally drew his sword. Arc of the gods was actually usually a weak move, even saphire a whole rank below him could match a 3 second charge easily with her move. What made The Arc so useful at times was the amount of time he could throw it making it versatile. However in the times between 7-9 seconds the arc became a hitting force to be reckoned with as ethier a ranged projectile or keeping it on his blade as a powerful enhancement, and now he had charged for 8. Getting threw her blades without drawing his own would pay off here. As he drew this blade he overhand cut the first wave of energy in half as she fired off multiple waves in a instant making them weaker then his charged blade. Shooting forward with all his speed low and fast he held the tip of his sword the the ground ripping it to peaces and creating a small dust storm where he was making it hard to see him as she shot forward, dodging some waves and cutting threw others with his hands of destruction. He appeared in front of her in a instant and sliced up from the ground bringing dust and pulverized gravel with his sword in a upward cut to blind and pummel her with rocks while he tried to give her a medium depth cut from hip to shoulder. Non fatal and no where near enough to cut down to her vital organs but enough to be a serious blow. However he all but expected for to block the slightly obvious blow so from his low position he twisted and balanced on his hand kicking out full strength at her stomach.
Johanna watched, as Akio avoided all of the attacks, charging up the energy in her left hand the whole while. She kept her sword in her right, watching him closely, trying to time everything perfectly. That was until rocks, and bits of dirt was thrown into her eyes. She used the arm with her sword to cover them before closing them altogether. She would have to sense him, and she did using the sword to block the strike, but not enough time to deflect it which could have thrown him off balance and gave her enough time to react. Instead, she was caught with her arm in the air, and a leg in the stomach.

She doubled over a bit, her features returning to human for a split second before they turned to normal. She was losing control over the ability to hold this form. When she returned to her demon form, from her doubled over position she dropped the blade grabbing at the foot as his left her vicinity. If she was successful, she would let the blast full of all her remaining demon energy in her left hand go at Akio, if not, she'd be open for another attack.
Akio had expected her to go for his leg if she was hit, while many would have been sent flying by the blow it would not be able to to send johanna flying threw the air. Her body was fit and after years of sword fighting and soccer her stance was good. This kick opened his up for counter attack if he didnt hit but if he did then it would interrupt her rhythm. For a moment he saw her human features and almost hesitated in his next move not wanting to have to hurt her more then necessary.

However she returned to demon form and his eyes harden, one more good blow may do it. As he reached for him he jumped on his one foot and spun and brought the heel of his foot directly at her face full strength going for the ending blow.
(Eh was hoping OOW would get a chance...debated on waiting on him. But it's not imperative..)

The kick, met her face and landed with full force knocking her of her feet. She flew through the air for a bit, before landing a few feet away. Has she been in her human form, even her bracing as she did, the heel kick would have sent her flying much farther. Her body landed with a couple thumps, before she had came to a still. She lie motionless for a few moments....and all she heard was "weak" through her head.

This caused her to get to her feet, still in demon form, but barely standing holding both of her hands out, red Aura surrounded both of them. Her hair was now black, her demon feature gone but fury remained in her eyes. She glared at Akio,"I will kill you father....now.."

(eh I guess that still provides OOW a chance if Akio doesn't respond TOO quickly :3)
In a blur of red, Ophi sped across the yard to reach the downed demon heiress. With a single swift motion, he pulled one of his two tools out of his jacket and unraveled some of the cloth it was wrapped, revealing a metal tip of some sort. With a great deal of haste, he jammed the obscured metal object into one of Johanna's hands deep enough to only break skin and cause some bleeding. Ophidius rapidly pulled the metal object back into his jacket and watched its effect take hold, searing at flesh the object made contact with and hissing like acid. The wolf demon would survive, but would likely be rendered unconcious from the material's power.

He took a look at Akio, then back to Johanna, and back to Akio again. "That should be enough to stop this fight of yours, Fallen. Also, don't kill me if she starts screaming, okay?"
(( hey give me time damn you 
He stopped and looked at orphi and suddenly dashed forward and came next to johanna so if she fall he would catch her. He looked at orphi slightly confused, who was this guy. He was obviously demon but whatever he did was not normal.
(OK! As I'm the more active GM at the moment, I'll take over narratives and NPC's aside from Lucifer. Meaning Koharu. Of course, if Runci needs Koharu, he can use him. If he needs to do narrative stuff, he can, but let me know ok? Veirrianna can also use NPC's, though if she's doing something she hasn't talked to Aku about I'd like to know what's going on there. Ok? No problems? Then let's get on with it. Any problems from Runci or Veirrianna PM me privately about it, ok? Actually, same with any problems period.)

As the morning sun beat down on the scene in front of them, Johanna's hand seemed to burn, and the girl herself? She began to drop, the pain quite enough to render her unconscious, the additive effect of having finally used up all of her energy and returning to normal sealing the deal. Her eyes closed, even as they lolled to the back of her head, and the only unusual thing was that she didn't let go of the sword which had started the whole thing, though her hands dropped as well almost immediately.
Akio immediately strode forward and caught johanna as she fainted like he was used to catching fainting girls. Perhaps he was and he looked behind him at orphi. That demon was not normal in any sense of the word. "What did you d." He asked calmly.
"Oh, little old me?" Ophidius smiled coyly as he replied, "Well, I used a little something-something to suppress all that demonic energy that was clearly driving her berserk. I keep it on hand in case I ever get attacked by a particularly powerful demon. Though....it might cause a conflict in her energies. She seems to be the type that uses spiritual energy more than demonic, so her body may need to....dilute...the more caustic of the two. By the way, what is the ninja doing here?"
"Ahem" she said with a fake cough. "This ninja, " she said with emphasis on ninja slightly annoyed, "is here to check on her cousin. I mean she is the future head of the byakurou clan. I was just making sure she's at least able to fight. I took it upon myself to see her progress." She walked towards Ophidius and did a slight bow as if she were a princess at a ball. "My name is Klose Aika, feel free to call me Aika or 'My liege or queen' whichever suits your fancy. Any who I'll be joining Johanna and I assume your group from this point further."
Ophidius looked at the Aika girl with scrutiny, something was very familiar about.....ah. "I'll just call you 'dog.' It suits your clan just fine. If the girl truly needs to fight, the Fallen and I are perfectly capable of training her. I mean, she has a lot of potential, and I don't complement dogs lightly." Ophidius suddenly broke out giggling. "Hehehehe....you were the one who quoted Shakespeare, weren't you? Ha! Oh, that is just too funny..." He turned back to Akio and spoke, "You might want to find her a bed or something, she'll be unconscious for a while."

Lucifer narrowed his eyes at the sight of the peculiar demon in red. He seemed so familiar, yet he could not recall how for the life of him. That object he used on the scion of the Byakurou clan, however, was undoubtedly a object of holy power. The old master of Hell could feel the raw divinity pouring out of that thing, even when only the tip of it was exposed to the air. Whatever that object was, it was clearly some kind of relic. Nothing else could possess such an ancient aura. "It has been nice overseeing this debacle," Lucifer said as he strolled off the porch and onto the now calm battlefield. "But I must be going. I have some things to discuss with my friend." He gave a curt nod to Akio, who was present at the bar and was one of the few aware of his compatriot's identity. "I'll drop by every now and when I feel in the mood for some company, so expect guests often. Oh, and Akio..." He moved directly next to the Fallen with speed that could not even be discerned by the trained eyes of the parties present. "He speaks the truth; she will likely be in a small coma for some time. Don't trust the red one, whatever he had was a holy relic of a high caliber." His statement complete, Lucifer unfurled his wings and flew off into the sky.
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He glanced at Akira, part of the byakurou clan. Obviously one of their junior agents however, still she may be reporting back to Okirugami. When lucifer appeared in front of him he didnt even flinch, if the lord of hell ever decided to kill him he wouldnt have much of a chance anyway. He listened to his words carefully, a warning from him wasent something to be taken lightly. He watched them fly was before looking at Orphi. "I dont remember asking you to help with training." He said calmly holding johanna.
Ophidius gave a sly smile to the Fallen Angel. "No, you didn't ask, but as the most experienced demon on this property at the moment, I am more than capable of teaching her to use her demonic energy in small enough quantities and with sufficient precision to stay in control of herself. Plus, I can teach her a thing or two I learned from an old snake....when she wakes up, of course. Anyway, what did Lugh Rhodes tell you? I bet it was a secret! Come on, tell me tell me tellmetellmetellme! I'm really good at keeping secrets! I promise I won't tell!" He begged all too cheerfully, but made sure not to divulge Lucifer's name in the presence of the Byakurou visitor. Whatever that devil was scheming, it would be best to keep as few variables as possible in his plans. Old Helel was certainly a wily one when he wanted to be.
(Now for the obligatory Saph's return. xD )

Saphire had, once everyone but Sutame-san, or was it Rhodes-san, left the room she took a seat. Deep breaths to calm down... her muscles tightened again, but she nodded when Lucifer left the room. The entire time she was fighting with an intense, irrational, dislike for the cousin of Johanna. It was probably because said cousin had attacked Johanna... in front of her. No, it was best that she get this feeling out of the way. A small shake of her head, and then... yes, she was an innkeeper, and maybe the girl wasn't as bad as she'd shown? By the time the fight had ended... she was in control of herself. This rude stranger would get a chance, if only because she'd not made a fuss when leaving the room.

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