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Fantasy The Divide

Akio was for one in the few times in his long life was lost for words as well. He wanted to say something, to express how he felt but he his tongue didnt seem to be working right now so he did the only thing he could do and he leaned in and kissed her again, gentle still but this time with more passion as he deepened the kiss, holding it for a few seconds before separating though he didnt move to far back ethier. His breath was a bit faster now.
Having heard the conversation between the Priest and that monster the guest who was playing some silly human game, Ophi decided to roll with what he had.

"Lugh Rhodes.....I haven't seen you since you left me high and dry back in the Summer of '83. I'm not one to hold a grudge, so I won't yell at you or anything."

The demon strode over to a cupboard and reached inside, producing two items in his hands: a bag of Spicy Chex Mix and a green box with a purple cartoon creature on the front. He then downed the entire bag, plastic and all, with a great deal of enthusiam. Taking a glance at the others, he held out the box for the bastard visitor to take.

"Chocobees, my man?" He said as he tossed the box toward Lucifer. "Hey, Priest, about that thing I wanted to ask you last night...."
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Saphire blinked in surprise. "I thought your name was Suteme-san? Is that some kind of nickname?" Of course, she said this as she moved towards the fridge, grabbing John-san's arm and absently saying as she moved "I want to help." Maybe if she grabbed him and started moving the group would maybe find regular, calm seats. "Can I ask that any fighting that may be about to start," She had the sense that something was wrong, after all, "Happen OUTSIDE my just yesterday fixed home? Please?"
Akio kissed her again, but this time it was deeper more passionate and she returned the favor. She growled a bit before taking in a deep breath before chuckling a bit before speaking,"You know you hold the princess of demon world in your hands. So you should be careful with me." She nodded to him and poked his cheek,"You're going to just kiss me and then, beat on me. Some guy you are."

Lucifer caught the box of chocobees, almost dropping the vita, but managed to catch them both. He stuffed the vita in his pocket, immediately opening up the box and digging in,"Hell's mercy, these are delicious." He didn't even bother to listen to what anyone else had been saying at the moment, that he just sat and ate the entire box in what seemed like a single instant.
"Well that kiss surprised me so much that i almost forgot to keep flying." He chuckled. "Quite the pleasant surprise." He said kissing her forehead lightly. "As for beating on you, well im just agreeing with all the femistic stuff. Most girls want to be seen equal to guys in everything and in training my master beat me up a lot in order to give me battle experience. So blame him, oh and modern culture." He said with a chuckle. "Though im sure you'll surpass me one day and return the favor." He said grinning while holding her closer to him, snuggling just a bit in the air.
She shrugged her shoulders a bit and put her arms around his neck,"I think we should get to saphire before she starts to wonder where we are." She nodded, not too sure if she really felt that way or she jut had nothing left to say. So with a with a gentle smile she pecked his lips once more.
"Yeah... I guess your right." He said doing a lazy loop in the air before diving a few thousand feet to regain his speed and set off again. He was smiling happily. 'I just kissed my student, if you were here you'd probably laugh master.' He thought to himself. He was happy and as he landed in the mansions yard even from afar they would probably be able to tell something had changed.
Johanna landed on the ground and froze a bit as chills went up her spine,"That aura..." she said looking around and sighed gently. She noted that a lot of the snow was missing, despite it snowing all night and it made her curious. She glanced over to Akio and clutched her sword tightly,"Do you know this aura?"
Ophidius was startled by something vibrating and making noise in his pocket. He pulled the loud thing out.....that phone with the touchscreen. It was displaying some kind of news alert.

"Blah blah blah, exploded in the middle of the Sea of Okhotsk, blah blah. I guess I really dodged a bullet on that one. Thank goodness for hangovers." His head suddenly snapped in another direction. "Great, more visitors." He hissed, letting out some of his dissatisfaction.
Akio had felt the aura on the approach, it was much smaller then when they met the first time but he recognized it. "That man came here?" He questioned to himself before looking at johanna. "Well i do.... I cant believe he came her but ill introduce you when we go inside." With that he walked in and soon his eyes fell to the man he knew was lucifer. "So you decided to come here this time?" He said conversationally.
Seranna's ear twitched and tweaked about as she listened through the door. It seemed like everyone and their mum's aunt Sue was arriving for a visit. Keeping herself on guard, she hefted her rifle over a shoulder and slipped through the door and into the room. Since it seemed that the two newest arrivals were holding everyone's attention, she took this chance to observe everyone.

Saphire seemed the least likely to be problem, as Sera knew she didn't enjoy fighting in her home. Phiphe and the new guy seemed like potentially volatile mix. Next to Saphire was John, seemingly pouring himself into making breakfast.

Past them was the fallen angel and Saphire's other friend. The only one missing was the human from the prior night, the one that helped her out, after seeming like he was going to hit her.

Angling her rifle so that she could balance it across her shoulders, one hand resting over the barrel, the other over the buttstock, Seranna made herself known.

"Well, for such a massive party seeming to be brewed, am I the only one who thought to wear party clothes or bringing a noise maker?"

(Enter serious business Seranna. Cause you have a few facets. Shy, friendly, 'how-do-make-friends' Sera, and serious and hardened 'Put-em-two-metres-below' .)
Ophi merely remained silent, taking a noise maker out of his jacket and blowing into it as red balloons and a large banner reading "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" unfurled from the ceiling and confetti rained down, all while the red demon began to slowly unzip his pants...
Saphire, seeing Orphi's pants being unzipped... hurriedly stepped in front of him, back to the demon, and looked confusedly at Seranna. "Umm.... I have a feeling that there's some kind of misunderstanding here. no one's broken into a fight yet." And if she managed to get food into their stomachs as a result of John's cooking... then she'd be glad for it.
"Wait......shit, I was supposed to jump out of the cake before doing this. Darn." Ophidius said dejectedly as he zipped his fly back up. "Wait a minute! I almost forgot about the presents! I'll be right back!" The party animal said as he bolted down a hallway.
Akio was just looking on in absolute confusion. When Ophi started unzipping his pants he had raised a eyebrow and put his hand in front of johanna's eyes for a moment near instinctually not even realzing he had till the moment was done and he ran off. With a sigh akio sat next to lucifer. "Quite the place im living in huh."
Klose Aika stealthy walked up to the side of the party right next to Johanna. She started speaking as if she were an actress performing a Shakespearean monologue, "Ah Johanna Mizoto," she paused making sure she grabbed her attention. "To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune," she quickly bawled her fists and sent a hay maker punch at Johanna to send her flying, "Or to take arms against a sea of troubles."

She stretched for a bit and smiled at Johanna on the ground, "Hello Cousin!" she said with an insincere smile, "You really should look into Shakespeare, he has some amazing work," she said with emphasis on 'amazing'.
He had felt someone walking behind them, a new aura, ever since Klose arrived on the scene. Feeling her energy rather then seeing her. However what made him frown and pause was the energy was not peaceful, but vicious. He felt her energy become aggressive and her punch johanna and with speeds way over that of a normal human he appeared behind johanna before she even finished falling caught her and with speeds most couldnt see demon or otherwise drew his sword and had it pointed at the new comer. She looked almost exactly like johanna but different. "There is a limit on how rude you can be, attacking someone unsuspecting. Who are you?"
Similarly displeased with the new arrival that attacked Saphire's friend, Seranna, spun her rifle around before pulling the buttstock snug to her shoulder.

"I'm with the fallen one here, fräulein. A friendly punch on the shoulder is one thing. Giving me reason to tear you in half, on the other hand, is foolish."
"Hmph," she examined the man up and down to make her own judgement, "I don't know you and am not obligated to tell," she replied.

She looked the one threatening her to 'tear her in half', "In the words of Shakespeare," she lifted her hands as an actress, "I do desire we may be better strangers. His work, 'As You Like it' a fine piece. I encourage you to look it up," she said walking away.

"This is a family matter so outsiders are not welcome into our business," she begun to walking towards Johanna.
Akio made sure johanna was steady on her feet and turned eyeing the girl coldly before stepping in front of johanna. "Actually it is my business, i am her teacher and anyone suddenly attacking my student is my problem." His eyes flashed and his power filled the room for a moment, at the moment it was far above johanna's and possibly the new comers as well. "Now i asked, who are you." He said as his wings fluttering as if expecting flight.
Envisioning a tree she remembered from near the coffee shoppe in the city, Sera growled out 'Guiding Light' before firing off a shell from her XM109. The concussive force and noise alone were probably enough to deter just about anyone, but with the way she angled the rifle, the 25mm shell whipped past the new arrival's face before speeding out the door and leaving the building unscathed as it tore through sound waves to go find the tree.

"You want a fight, you take it outside, just like that round, or we have problems..."

(OOC: Dammit, it only just let me know the page was updated after I posted >.< )
Saphire sighed, walked over to the door, and asked in a very loud, very upset tone of voice: "I give my guests three rules. And you, in front of me, just broke one... no fighting in my house! Now, if you're not going to solve this in a peaceful manner, which I figure you're not, take it outside. I don't know what your problem is, and normally I would take the time to find out, but right now... I'm hungry, I'm tired, and you just slugged someone who may or may not be my partner. My Sensei, and guest, are mad at you... and I just want this over with now! So fight whomever you're fighting, OUTSIDE, and get it overwith. Once you're calm again I'll talk to you, miss Cousin of Johanna-san." Her expression, as she opened the door, was that of a storm just before it broke, she was glaring, scowling, and generally looking un-Saphire-like. For once... if anyone noticed her, they'd be unable to forget the look on her face.
Aika looked at Saphire after her yelling 'no fighting my house'. She quickly rearranged herself to a more meek demeanor and lightened her voice to match a polite girl. "Ah, where are my manners? My apologies for fighting in your home, I shall take my leave outside." She begun to walk more like upscale royalty with poise and posture. She walked past Akio, Johanna's teacher, and said, "My cousin's a fool, and thou art another," then chucked, "Much Ado About Nothing another Shakespearean piece. I highly recommend it for you." She continued her walk to be the first outside.
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Ophidius rounded a corner, entering the dining room full of guests, invited or otherwise, as he was laughing hysterically.

"Did I seriously just hear somebody quoting Shakespeare?! Bwahahaha! Oh God, this is just too rich! It hurts to breathe!" After a few moments, he ceased his raucous laughter.

"Now then.....let's go outside." The demon said with a menacing aura before grabbing on to Johanna and the Fallen Angel. The three disappeared in a red blur, only to appear at the Mansion's entrance with minutes to spare. Bolting away in another burst of obscene speed, Ophidius returned to the dining room and picked up Seranna by the scruff of her neck. Another split-second later, the two were outside with the demon and the fallen, likely with a few minutes to spare before the unwanted houseguest caught up with them.

As he gently placed the cat demon back on the ground, he said, "Alright, give 'em hell, darling. Be sure not to get too wild, I wouldn't want anything to happen to that pretty face of yours." And with that, he ran back into the dining room.
John looked at Lucifer a small smile on his face, "Yo, you mind helping with breakfast? I think I have to play the role of bodyguard at the moment." John stepped outside and looked at Akio as he pulled out a large metal .45 from his coat and clicked it as he pointed it to the newcomer. "Few rules. Don't give a shit who you are, bottom line is it doesn't matter. If Akio and I can keep from killing each other than you can stop with the violent outbursts. You wanna know a secret? The guy in there? The one who was eating the chocolate? You don't wanna make him mad. See that guy over there, Akio? You wanna know what he does to people who make him mad?" John shook his head and didn't wait for an answer, "You don't wanna know what he does to people who make him mad. That girl over there, Johanna? Yeah don't hurt her too much. That guy over there, Ophidius? Don't make him mad either. Me? If you make me mad then chances are you've already pissed off at least 10 other people, so don't worry about it. Any questions or objections? If you have objections I would express my desire that you keep them to yourself for now."

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