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Fantasy The Divide

John looked back in confusion, "Lugh, what the hell you doin here? Came up to get yourself some pancakes? If so no prob, I was about to head to the store to get some mix for it. If ya want you can tag along. Though Saph has some training to worry about." John shrugged, "No idea where the fuck Akio is, I'm sure he'd get you a drink. But hey, least you got me right? Has to count for something. The question now is omelets or pancakes?"
'So she is not a part of this world, seems like the king of hell never found the need to remove his mask. Then again its understandable, most humans would freak or laugh him out of their house. Still he would have killed her and took them to hell if he was going for soldiers did he perhaps truly fall in love?' He thought to himself soon considering that would be the only reason that johanna was allowed to live as a guardian. Honestly if her mother was similar to johanna in anyway other then looks he would be able to blame the demon lord. He looked behind him as johanna entered the room having obviously just bath'd. He ran his eye over her outfit for a moment admiring her before speaking. "I think your mom and dad loved each other. While it was somewhat based on a facade since she's not part of this world humans are beneath him in his eyes. If he was looking for soldiers he would have had a child and killed her then moved on. He would have never have come back to have another or stayed that long otherwise." He said having lined up the facts in his head. ((@AkuNoOkami))
Johanna looked to him before letting a puff of air escape her lips,"Why you couldn't just let me have my fantasy...." she looked him over and went and made herself some tea,"Did you want any?" she questioned before taking a sip and looking up at him,"If not, I can just go get dressed and we can head out for training." She had restored her energy, and was feeling young as vibrant as her age suggested. She had to admit her bum was sore, but that wasn't really much of an issue.
"Ill take some." He said sitting, originally he wouldnt have woken up johanna for a hour so she could recover her energy but since she was up he could relax for awhile. "You take after her, your mother." He said sitting back in his chair, Johanna often found herself lonely because her mother wasent usually around he knew that much but he couldnt help but wonder if there was more behind it as well.
Johanna responded with a scoff making him a cup of tea, and holding it out to him,"If you ever say that again..when I get the power to ...I'm going to rip your wings off." She didn't smile, she just stared at him in the eyes with her own, making sure he understood the glare.
"Does that mean i can say that until you do." He said seriously before drinking some on his tea. "She's been ignoring you that for certain as shes always out but you seemed to dislike her so much." He put down his tea cup and looked at her. "What happened between you two?" He asked looking at her.
"If you want me to have wings as a trophy the day i do, then try it." she sipped her tea again before looking off,"It's nothing I want to talk about." She set the cup down, half empty before heading towards her room,"I'm going to change now." She really didn't like talking about her mother in any capacity, she just wanted to go train at this point.
Taking the proffered towel a wiping herself off, Seranna found that she wasn't sure if the new guy was actually that safe to be a around. Just being near him she felt something familiar, but daunting at the same time, as if her already diminutive size had shrunk again. That and she had the distinct feeling that he was dangerous, but she kinda sorta felt that way about most people.

Pushing these thoughts down, she toweled off and resisted complaining about it. Once satisfied, her attention turned to John, who had walked in and stated his decision to go pick up groceries. She didn't even notice the nickname he'd tossed towards the stranger. But, he did seem to know him, and he wasn't trying to kill him, so maybe that was good.

Then she saw it. Right next to the front door, just behind the stranger. Her bag! It had her clothes, and her shakes, and honestly she could really go for one of the shakes. In fact, it was surprising she hadn't done anything stupid so far.

Scurrying forward, she skirted around the stranger, muttering a near silent 'excuse me' and lifted her bag, quick fetching out one of her three, still chilled, lychee shakes and took a draw from it, humming as the cool liquid calmed her throat.

"So," she asked, "I'm Seranna, but I go by Sera if people are okay with it. May I have your name?"

(OOC: Apparently despite drinking them as often as I can, I spelled Lychee as Lechee, so yea, messed that up xD )
He watched her walk away, in many ways johanna was still a mystery to him thought he was learning a bit more every day. Trying to get past her shell was difficult. He finished his tea in a few moments then got up and waited for her. He would find out why, he wanted to understand johanna and what made her so abrasive to people beyond the loneliness.
Lucifer blinked a bit as he noticed he was suddenly surrounded a bit, and the priest from the bar had approached him, and commented on Akio and drinks. He was relieved he didn't call him by his name, or he was sure it would cause trouble so he just nodded to John,"What's up. I just was dropping by....Akio isn't too far off. I se-.....I'm sure of it."

He looked from John to Saphire nodding to her statement about the snack he had requested as he moved further into the house before he stopped to look at Seranna,"Sutame Chiba." He didn't really care for the reintroduction of himself, and was becoming a bit irritated with all the commotion that was now going, but he only sighed.

When Johanna emerged from her room, she was now wearing something a bit more appropriate. It still wasn't Japanese, nay, it was pretty western. She wore another simple white t shirt, and she had the bottoms of a black gi on with an obi around her waist. In her hands was the top, but on this particularly the sleeves were cut off to have more flexibility. She titled her head looking at Akio before approaching him, and resting her forehead on to his chest,"Come on old man..."
"Umm...." Sensing that something was going to go sour if she didn't act, Saphire decided it was time to draw everyone into the kitchen again. "We have the ingredients for omelet rice, I think..." If there was leftover rice from De Longe-san's Onigiri, that is. Otherwise omelets would be good too, so... yeah. "S-so, anyone who doesn't want cereal can have that if they want. And anyway, this is... not the right place to have a discussion. Might we move to the dining room? Or one of the many larger rooms in the mansion?"
"What you want me to carry you downstairs too." He teased lightly at her before picking her up and got into the elevator, if she protested he wouldnt put her down having already decided to embarrass her a bit by carrying her all the way downstairs before take off. He waved at the lady at the main desk jokingly on the bottom floor before walking out the front door and around the corner before taking off into the sky.
She protested at first, flailing her arms a bit before sighing as she just got comfortable before her face flushed red as she was carried through and out of the lobby. Soon they were in the air, and instead of protesting she just enjoyed the flight. She preferred flying at night better, but the early day time wasn't so bad.
Woods smiled gratefully as he pushed himself off with a whip-like motion of the spine that propelled him forward, riding the momentum a few steps before taking over and walking himself. "Good, good. Now I won't be butchering your language so much..." He muttered, stifling a long yawn, and re-entered the apartment proper. "Ah, older sister? Tall for your age, but I know the feeling..."

"I'll be sure to keep it down..." He chuckled tiredly, taking the sheet and pillow and muttered an automatic "Thank you." in Japanese, something that'd become a habit, and his tired mind hadn't noticed or cared that he'd agreed not to use Japanese.

He sluggishly waltz over to where he'd been directed, each step seeming to take an age, and getting harder to take with each one... Until he finally crossed the threshold of the game room and his body just kind of... gave up.

Woods collapsed in a pile on the floor, maybe two steps in the doorway, with his fall cushioned by the thin sheet and pillow. He was asleep before he hit the ground, it being a deep yet active one, filled with images and thoughts that he wouldn't recall upon waking...
"All done struggling? Though i wouldnt suggest struggling up here anyway, it would hurt if you fell." He said chuckling as he flew his wings beating steadily. The sun was mostly behind them so it wasent blinding even when they were so high up. "This place always looks so much different in the day rather then at night."
Mirsolav blinked a bit raising his brow, before shrugging it off and heading into his own room to retir for the night. Johanna really had some weird friends.. <--- that's what we call writer's block.

Johanna smiled a bit before she reached her hand out and touched his face,"A lot of things look different up here..." she said to him gently, her caramel cheeks flaring up a bit. She didn't understand the sensation she was feeling, but she felt a bit at peace..stable even.
He felt her hand on his face and looked down at her smiling softly, while she was always abrasive to people he always seemed to be able to draw out this soft side especially when flying. He could tell she really loved it up here. "Ive always liked being up here at any time, they have different things about them. In the day like this i can feel the sun warming my back and my wings, it gives me light to see the world below. While i hadent been to earth much before my fall i always loved to watch it from gods kingdom."
She didn't say anything, instead she just silently listened to his words. She always wished she could fly and be away from everybody. In the sky she didn't have any responsibilities, just herself. The same way she felt when she was on top of buildings, sitting over the edge. She bit her bottom lip a bit before readjusting herself and pulling his head towards her, gently pressing her lips on his. \o/
Having long been rid of the dreaded Hangover, Ophidius awoke from his "Throne." This Throne was a mighty chair constructed from all the boxes of pancake mix in the Mansion, all combined into one glorious form....which sat inside a storage closet in one of the hallways.

Ophidius felt the familiar presence touch down on the estate grounds and knew what its approach meant. He slithered quietly into his room and surveyed the mess and devastation that was always present in it. Brushing aside a pile of DVDs, he removed a cardboard box from the filth. Opening the box with great care, he surveyed its contents: two objects wrapped in cloth and vaguely shaped like a needle or a spearhead. Ophidius cautiously placed the two objects inside his jacket's interior before exiting his room and heading for the source.

"Guess I couldn't run forever. I sure as hell won't go down quietly."
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Suddenly he felt johanna move in his arms and he looked down to see why only to fell her hands on his head pulling him towards her as her lips met his. For a moment he was so surprised that he didnt react but as the moment passed he was kissing her back. He kisses her tenderly but with passion as well, his hand moving up her back to give him better leverage to kiss her. All thoughts were banished for his mind in that moment, the only thing he was concerned about was the girl in front of him... Well and staying in the sky though he stopped moving forward so it seemed like she was sitting in his arms while he stood on the sky.
Seranna had walked away from the small group a little while ago, having retreated to one of the many empty rooms to change. Sadly, she had forgotten that her jeans that she'd used to have were ruined. That left her with a short black skirt adorned with a couple chains. It came down to just past the middle of her thighs, and wasn't her first choice. This was something she usually wore when 'hunting' demons that preyed on girls at clubs and raves. But, since she was wearing her skirt, she may as well wear the whole ensemble.

Pulling on her tanktop, which was actually more of a sports bra with a fishnet style at the bottom from the bottom to 'cover' her stomach and lower back, Sera could already imagine the looks. If anything she'd go out hunting later in the day just to save face.

"I don't usually dress like a whore, you see, just when saving people. And I totally don't think that I honestly look pretty good in it either." she giggled to herself, despite a slight blush.

Next came a pair of black, knee high combat boots, and then a pair of fishnet fingerless forearm sleeves. She completed the look with a quick application of eyeliner, more out of habit than anything else, and promptly repacked her other clothes. Lifting up her lychee shake from where she placed it, Seranna made to leave, but stopped as she noticed a full length mirror in the corner. Going to stand in front of it, she made a few small adjustments and combed her fingers through her hair before realising that she didn't actually need to take her bag around everywhere. She was going to stay here, with... well... maybe friends, definitely not enemies though, and that was nice.

Taking her leave from the room, she rounded the first corner, and immediately bumped into Phiphe.
Ophidius gave a long look into the blood drinker's eyes. For a moment, the windows to his soul conveyed something that seemed unusual for the merry demon. Regret, sadness, hatred.....all of these emotions briefly danced through his eyes. He then gave Seranna a hug and sobbed into her shoulder for a few seconds before breaking the sudden attempt at an embrace.

"Kid....you know how the humans say you don't know what you have until you lose it? They're showing some serious wisdom when they say that." Ophidius said as he walked into a dining room and was greeted by the familiar sight of blue hair and.......fear itself in a vaguely human form. Swallowing his terror, the red demon strolled up to the two, hands in his pockets and a tired look on his face.
Shocked, and definitely unnerved by the action, Seranna knew something major was about to happen. Darting back to her room, she detached the 'frame' from the back of her back pack and laid it on its side. Seconds later she had the 'frame', actually a case, open, and had her XM109 assembled less than minute later.

Running back into the halls, Seranna followed Phiphe's path, silent and wary, stopping at the door to the dining room, and waiting for the sound of trouble.
John waved at Saph, "Woah woah woah. Saph, relax I got breakfast, just asking Lugh Rhodes here what he wanted." John shook his head. "Honestly? I think your stage name is so much better. Aside from that I listened to you too often back in Oklahoma." John turned to Saph, "On the radio he was known as Lugh Rhodes. He was on Oklahoma's #1 rock station. We met at a rush concert. Turns out he's as much in tune with all the weird shit as I am so it's only natural we kept in contact. So Lugh, cakes or eggs? Pancakes that is. And eggs as in omlets."
Lucifer smiled laughing a bit at the idea of omelette and rice, or pancakes, or ...."Um, can I just have scrambled eggs and rice? Or even....yeah scrambled eggs and rice sounds just right." He stopped when his ears twitched on Ophi's presence. He rose a brow as he reached into his pockets to pull his vita back out,"Hey it's our friend from last night, feeling better?" he questioned warmly despite the lack of emotion shown in his face. It was a genuine question, but he couldn't help but wonder, why did this aura feel vaguely familiar?

She continued the kiss for a couple of moment before she pulled away, bringing distance between the two's lips but not much. She breathed lightly, her eyes closed. She searched the depths of his mind trying to find something to say,"I...y-....." She couldn't find the words, so she just sat in his arms.

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