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Fantasy The Divide

(Gah. I gave Ariagog a while to Reply. So I am.)

"T-t-they are?" A squeak. Oh dear... whatever it was she should apply to for help. He was serious about that? W-well... "I... I'd better not meet the, then? U-um... why don't we get you something to eat, it'll help with your hangover... if that's what you've got. Then you can go ahead and ask John to do... whatever it was you wanted to do together." She moved so she could help the man up, planning on supporting him as she went to the kitchen. Mildly upset she gave up on the idea of getting any sleep that night.
Suddenly realizing he hadent informed saphire of his return he opened his eyes and took out his phone, he had learned their phone number awhile ago though they themselves may not be aware but it was important. He sent a text to saphire that said. "Its akio, im alive in case you were wondering. I have delivered something to johanna and since its late most likely staying the night. Expect to be up bright and early tomorrow." Looking over his message one last time he hit send after finding himself satisfied with it.
( I work until very late.)

John sighed as he shook his head, "Just send him to bed, I honestly don't want to hear it." He picked up Ophideus from the ground and slung him over his shoulders, "You puke on me, you die. That's a promise." John looked up at him, "You have tripophobia? The fear of holes? If not I bet I can make you have it if I fill you with enough of them, so keep your bodily fluids inside of you until you get to your room." He said walking towards Ophi's room. "Also Lucifer is alright, not bad really. He had a few drinks with me." He said as he walked off, dumped off Ophi and went back sighing. "Demons, what can you do eh?"
Giving a mighty yawn, Sera raised her head up from the makeshift pillow she'd laid it on. Looking up, it didn't take her long to remember that she was in someone elses house, and that, after the arrival of some startlingly loud workers, she'd curled up in the tub under a few towels and taken to sleep.

Standing, Seranna stepped out of the tub to find a comb lying on the sink, and she quickly combed through her hair and tail, as well as making sure her ears looked nice, before looking about. Sadly, outside of her dirtied clothes, she had nothing to wear but her still fairly clean underwear. Out of options, Seranna quickly slid on her underwear and wrapped a towel as modestly as possible before making her way to the door.

A minute or so of wandering the halls later, Seranna was mortified to happen across the demon in red from earlier, and the girl she had, at this point, deduced to be the one who owned the house. Which was also the girl that she'd angered when she broke the ceiling. Letting out a near silent squeak, Seranna attempted to back away quickly, only to back into a table and nearly knock over a lamp.

Desperate to not upset the girl anymore, Seranna's hands shot from their grip on the towel she held around her to steady the table and lamp. She looked up just in time to realise she was standing there, in nothing but her underwear, towel around her ankles on the floor, holding a table and lamp.

Letting out a loud yelp, Sera quickly scooped up her towel and re-covered herself, her cheeks blazing scarlet and her tail wrapped around in front of herself self consciously as she attempted to sputter out something worthwhile in her predicament.

"I... uhm... the.. uh... what I mean... is... um..."

Unable to figure anything out, she dropped her gaze to the floor and lowered her ears back with a hastily muttered 'sorry'.
Saphire just stared at the odd pair... shaking her head slightly. No, she didn't want to think about that... instead she'd just... oh, that was a text-message sound from her phone. Who would be texting her? She'd only gotten the thing so she could call 110 when she got seriously injured. Oh... that's right, she'd given Akio the number. About to walk to the phone she paused, turned around at the sound of a toppling table and a squeaked out apology, and smiled tiredly at the cat-demon. Wasn't she the one who'd messed up the ceiling? "It's quite alright. I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose." Walking over she helped to right the table and vase, "Umm.... I have some spare Yukata and Kimono, if you'd like to borrow them? Might have something in your size." Yup... not getting any sleep. And not going to see the text-message for a while.
John looked at the cat demon, never seeing her ears before, then watched her towel fall. He looked at her as she awkwardly caught the vase, then the towel, back at her, towel again, it suddenly registered she was naked. It was at the moment John blushed bright crimson. It was only a moment later that John's color returned as he noticed that she was completely flat chested so no real worries. He turned around to be polite, "Please Seranna, get some clothes on. I'd rather not have you running about indecently." John said pinching the bridge of his nose, muttering under his breath, "What is it about demons and seducing priests, monks, and exorcists? It's like we're goddamn trophies or something..." John's mind then wandered to what that conversation would be like between three succubi. The imaginary conversation was as follows:

Succubus 1: "HA I stole 4 virginities this month from a couple of priests. Easy prey."

Succubus 2: "Only 4? Amateur."

Succubus 1: "What? you're kidding, 4 is a lot! like a lot a lot!"

Succubus 3: "Actually we've both taken at the very least 20 this month."

Succubus 1 now sulks in the corner realizing she needs to work harder on her seduction.

John nodded. That was definitely how a normal conversation went in hell.
Nodding hurriedly, Seranna scampered over towards the girl, keeping her head down as she did so.

"I, uhm, some spare clothes would be very appreciated... if that's okay and won't cause too much trouble." she rambled, "You seem tired anyway, I can just, uh, figure out what happened to my bag... so you don't have to do anything... unless that's impolite, in which you can do what you want... I.. just.. don't want to be a bother..."

Trailing off, Seranna scuffed her bare foot on the ground and started swishing side to side, trying to make herself seem as un-hittable as possible.

"No, it's alright. It won't take any time at all." She started walking down the hall, for once she was glad she had so many sets of guest clothes. Sure, it was a pain cleaning all of them, but so worth it when her guests were in need of the change. Down the hall a bit, into a wall-closet, and there they were... "Hmm... I'm going to check the sizes until we find one that'll fit you." She'd seen demons in less, so while she had a soft blush... she didn't much react otherwise. And she hadn't checked to see if the demon had followed her, anyway.
"Uhm, anything that covers me up is fine. I don't mind if it's a little big." Seranna explained.

Honestly, she didn't care exactly what she wore, so long as it was more than the simply towel she'd wrapped herself in. Honestly, if anything, she was happy that the girl, Saphire, allowed her even the towel she'd used to preserve her modesty, after the incident with the roof and table. In fact, she had an apology to give for that.

"I'm sorry, by the way. For the table thing. I didn't realise the roof would give out. I can fix it, though, or at least get it fixed, if it hasn't been mended already."

As she finished, she gave a slight yawn. It wasn't a surprise to her that she was still tired. She hadn't been eating properly, though the lechee shakes helped stave things off. It made her drowsy, but it was better than feeding her darker side. But that didn't matter. What did matter was the here and now, and right now Seranna felt she needed to find a way to give Saphire a break from stress.

She just needed to figure out a 'how' to go with her plan.
John looked at Seranna and tilted his head to the side. "Hey, are you okay? You probably should get some rest too ya know, Seranna. I fixed everything, so no worries about that." He thought for a moment, "You never did tell me why you rely on those lechee shakes so much. Care to explain now?"
"T-that... yeah, uhh, John already had some..." Here she snorted, one hand going to her mouth in an attempt at stifling it. She was overtired... normally something like that wouldn't make her laugh. "Some dancing monks fix it." And the rest of the house, but by now she was shaking with held-in laughs, even the obvious tiredness couldn't hide her amusement. A small breath, she was still quivering but was able to move, and she found a nighttime Yukata that was only slightly too big. "U-umm... here. Y-you can use this. I'll help you put it on, if you don't know how."
Holding the foreign designed garment in her hands for a moment, embarrassment flooded through Seranna as she admitted that she, in fact, had not the slightest clue as to how she was supposed to adorn herself with the robe... dress... thing...

Feeling very much like a small child, Seranna let Saphire do as she needed to to get her secured in the garment properly, blushing the whole time. Granted, it said a lot about Saphire's character to put up with so much and still aid her. Yes, yes, she felt she owed Saphire very much indeed.

As Saphire seemed to finish helping her don the article of clothing Seranna noticed that she was shaking a little and practically dead on her feet. Wrapping a hand around the girl's waist to give her at least some form of support, Seranna looked up and down the hall before speaking.

"Where's are your quarters? I'm going to get you to bed. And no arguing. I may not be forward most of the time, but you're literally about to drop... And I'd feel bad if that happened when I could stop it."
(Not describing putting on a yukata cuz I've never done it.)

"We were standing in front of it." Saphire was both relieved and thoroughly embarrassed... she was being escorted to her own room, after all. "B-before I led you off. I think it's the only room on this hall with an open door." Shoji, something reminded her, but she didn't want to remember that at the moment. Actually... she had the feeling there was a lot of things she wasn't thinking about right then... and she wasn't going to go into that mess of junk at the moment. "U-umm... there's an open one right next to it, if you want to stay there for the night." She thought it was one of the ones with a Western bed, but she wasn't too certain.
Nodding, Seranna led the young woman towards what was the only room in the hall that didn't have a closed door. Hopefully it was the right one. Leading her inside, she was quick to notice the japanese style bed, and sat Saphire down on it as best as possible. Before the woman could lie down, though, Seranna shifted the pillow out of the way and foled up the towel from earlier into a neat square, placing it at the head of the bed.

"Lay down on your stomach, use the towel as a pillow. If your lower back was anything to go off of, you're really tense."

Guiding Saphire down, Seranna straddled her back waist and began kneading at her back, deftly locating the tensest muscles and working them until they loosened up. Unsure if Saphire had already fallen asleep, or if she had simply melted at the ministrations. It didn't take much longer for Sera's acute hearing to pick up that the exhausted Saphire had finally drifted off to dreamland.

Rolling off Saphire's back carefully, as to not wake her up, Seranna let out a massive yawn as she realised just how soft the bed was. Taking a moment to indulge her sillier side, Seranna rubbed her face against the down spread, enjoying the way it tickled at her ears.

Seconds later, Seranna was out cold, curled into a ball, her back pressing softly at Saphire's side.

(I will enjoy the ensuing reaction, as I am a larger bundle of evil, despite my physical stature xD )
John shrugged at the two ladies who seemed to be off in their own little world. Instead, he went into the foyer and found himself a nice futon. He didn't really need a room, no need for it. So he plopped down on the futon and hugged a pillow close to his chest. He began to find himself drifting asleep. He looked to the ceiling and tried not to think, but try as hard as he may he found his mind plagued by thoughts. He could hear Wait for Sleep in his head. He pulled out his phone and opened the piano app. He played the main part on it as he felt his consciousness slip away into peaceful darkness.
When Ophidius finally regained control of his arms and legs, he sprung out of bed and reached into his jacket.

"Gotta cure this hangover.....I might need a tree or two..." He slithered through the Mansion corridors, passing by a few people that were late to bed. With practiced precision, he avoided their notice entirely and made his way to a secluded garden area filled with trees. The demon in red placed a hand on one of the trees, a particularly mighty and tall one, before applying the knowledge and power that he had once sacrificed so much for.

"Shinra Banshou." he said, his voice now infinitely deep qnd rich, the power in his words echoing through the air. In a split-second, the entire tree turned a dull grey, its entire body, leaves and all, having been instantly petrified. Ophidius repeated this process with seven more trees before walking back toward his sleeping quarters.

"Well, it cures hangovers after all...."
Woods yawned slightly as "he went through a series of exercises he typically did at home as part of his Kendo practice, he'd gotten bored waiting for Johanna to finish her conversation. It was getting late, but he figured he could do with the practice against a skilled opponent. It was odd that her instructor stopped by so late, but he was probably a private instructor, considering the money she seemed to possess. It wouldn't be so strange to have a private instructor check in, though the time was odd... Woods vaguely toyed with the possibility of asking whether he could take him on as a disciple, but dismissed it quickly, he doubted he could afford it.

He switched over to a single-person Aikido kata he'd improvised once and sort of just stuck with as it seemed to cover the basics. It was around then that Johanna entered the room, who promptly tossed a sheathed sword at his feet. He shrugged picking it up, guess he'd brought his own wooden sword for no reason. He took a brief moment to get a feel for the blade, unsheathing and sheathing it, testing the balance... It was heavy, but balanced. He hadn't used many metal blades in practice or sparring, as he was a beginner in the art... Johanna must have confidence in his abilities, which was mildly encouraging, he supposed. She seemed to give him time to do this much and get ready before saying simply, "Best out of five. Go."

Then it was on.

Woods stepped forward and drew his iaito, the blade sliding out easily to meet Johanna's with a sharp clang! of steel on steel, with the clatter of the scabbard hitting the floor. He'd successfully parried the blow, but his movements were comparably slow and uncoordinated and was unable to get off a counter-attack before her blade hit his back, sending him stumbling forward.

He cursed silently and moved to retrieve his scabbard from the floor, oblivious to her exhausted condition, sheathing it and returning to look at Johanna, fire hot in his eyes. He was a novice, but he was damned sure going to make her work fo-

"Go." was all she said before her sword was out and slashing upward... He barely had enough to time to avoid it, and somehow managed to unbalance himself in the process ending up flat on his ass with the sword at his throat.

-r it...

Well, shit.

They were closer than when they'd started before, which could serve to his advantage... And if he could draw her out into an extended conflict, he was certain that he could outlast her. She looked too exhausted to last, but seemed determined to fight on, so he shrugged off his previous losses, determined to get at least a single point against her, and took his stance. "Go." This time he was ready, his blade out in record time as he stepped forward and went for a sweeping blow to the body, which Johanna managed to parry, despite only having half her blade drawn. He adjusted his footing, and swung his sword low, hooking her right leg out from her, his blade coming to rest on her throat.

"Point," he said breathing out in relief, he'd gotten at least one point. He was happy with that at least, but he'd been humiliated too much in this match to allow her to get off so lightly. She looked close to the breaking point, he wasn't sure why she was... Guess she'd pushed herself too hard in her training before he'd gotten here, though she'd seemed fine earlier. She was definitely slowing down, considering how she'd started out.

He wasn't going to go for an easy point here, he thought to himself as he grabbed his sheath and reset turning to face her. He was going to make this one last, even if he didn't get a point and lost this round... There was no reason to flaunt her superior skill in such a way, so it was going to cost her.


His blade was out in a flash and he was at her throat like a dog, though his blade knocked to the side by a timely parry by Johanna, creating a wide opening in his defense. But his opponent was slow to react and he problem was solved with a quick turn, taking a two-handed grip and adjusting himself he brought it down in a diagonal arc towards her left shoulder, and was blocked. They held the position for a second or two, both glaring at each other with fierce expressions of determination and the typical mutual aggression one feels when faced with a foe unwilling to surrender, before breaking away, panting.

The next few moves went quickly, both parties exchanging a flurry of blows, none quite able to break the others defense... Not that Woods was exactly trying, he was occupied enough as it was, holding off Johanna's attacks. He pushed forward, knocking aside her weakening attacks with apparent ease, having shifted to a one-handed grip, but his muscles were burning, both from the exertion as well as the heavy impacts of her blade, if he kept this up much longer he'd slip up and the match would be hers... He couldn't let that happen, not with only one point...

It was time to finish it.

They'd ended up on the far side of the room somehow, the match having turned into a "whose better with the blade" round, both participants having dropped almost all pretense of style in their attempts to gain victory or stay afloat. So there was only one option that he could see to get the point... So he pushed onward, his blows gaining more strength with the desperation of imminent victory, each one driving Johanna further and further back against the wall, careful not to corner her completely, if he wanted this to work, and wasn't sure how he even thought it would work... If she was paying attention, it'd be obvious what she could do to win... But something was telling him it would work.

There it was, the opening he needed! He lunged forward with his iaito, Johanna being forced to block with both her blade and sheath, directing his blade down and to the left, leaving him wide open, in the heat of the moment she missed the obvious and went for a turning move, but her blade hit the wall as she turned, surprising her and providing the perfect distraction for when he redirected his sword and planted it gently on her back.

"Point," he said, out of breath. This was ridiculously difficult to maintain... He had no idea how Johanna was still standing, she'd looked utterly exhausted before this match had started... Hopefully she'd-- And she was resetting. you've got to be... He sighed, moving to his place, grabbing the sheath again and reset. He nodded his ready, just before she said "Go." and vanished before his eyes, his blade barely managing the click! of a unlatched blade before she reappeared before him, blade at his neck.

He blinked in surprise and did the only thing a man could do in such a situation, he swore like a sailor in English, and jumped back. He reached out to catch her, but was beat to the punch by her instructor, which caused him to blink in surprise yet again... He'd forgotten he was even there...

He nodded slightly, assuming he was a trustworthy individual, and thanked him for the compliment in shaky Japanese as he left... Both out of surprise and near utter exhaustion.

His vision blurred and he stumbled back to lean against the wall, the iaito dropped and forgotten... His head felt like it was splitting open... "GAH!" he vocalized loud enough for just about anyone in the apartment to hear, sliding to the floor and clutching his head. It passed quickly, fading into a dull throb in the back of his head, but the pain had been truly excruciating... He sat there panting from pain and exhaustion, tears falling from his eyes...
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It was early morning now, akio had not moved a inch since the night began and he had first sat. He never got a text back from saphire so he assumed she had actually rested which was good, today was gonna be a hard day. He would wake Johanna up in a hour or two and take her back to the mansion for training. In truth he had been considering some of the events of the night, he had heard woods yell as he was leaving yesterday and it seemed like his potential had suddenly grown immediately after. Akio would have to be careful around him, he didnt want to drag a kid into this struggle. He was thinking on this was suddenly his early training alarm went off and he opened his eyes slowly and cursed. He had forgot to turn that off before falling into a meditation state, he quickly turned it off trying not to disturb johanna's sleep.
Miroslav was playing some Gundam game on his ps3 minding his business when he heard a CLANG, and then he heard another, and another. Everytime he heard a clank, he turned the sound up on his surround sound. It had gotten to the point where he had finally given up hearing the cut scenes from the game out of pure frustration. So he would simply take a deep breath, and get up and leave out of his room towards the kitchen. Some gatorade would probably ease his pain, and well he was thirsty.

As his feet pulled him across the floor he could hear the sound of Woods and Jojo battling it out with swords. It's bad enough he had to deal with Johanna and her practicing when she was home, and now it was two of them? This late? He had gone into the kitchen and opened the door searching around, before another sigh of frustration left his mouth. There was none left. He had to settle for some water, and as he closed the fridge he walked back to his room.

Having a sister was great right now. After a while, he noticed that the noises had stopped and turned his surround down. He heard a bit of the voices despite the gym being so far, and then heard the sound of footsteps and Johanna's door opening. He shrugged a bit,"Sleep time...." but the prospect of that was canceled when he heard the scream. He moved through the apartment and to the stairwell door, opening it slowly to find woods and raise a brow,"She kick you out for another guy? Pfft...so? She's dumb."


Johanna was dreaming, of nothing particular. It was a lot of random things, like sports, video games and pizza. Oh, Pizza was delicious, and how she loved it. Well, she loved it right until it turned to a giant alarm clock.

"What the..-" her eyes shot open as she sat up in her bed looking around, before seeing Akio shut his alarm off. The only thing that followed was a growl before she found the closest thing near her, a math book, and threw it at him,"Wah dan chu..shut..off.." her anger had caused her to mix japanese and German together, causing it to sound like a mix of trucks crashing and rock music.
He looked up at johanna and cursed seeing her awake, this could be bad. He heard her growl and ducked and jumped forward as he threw her math book at him. "Look i can explain." He said soothingly trying to calm her down, johanna had quite the temper so he knew any moment this could suddenly become a lot worse for him. "I didnt mean to wake you up..... Yet." He said a rubbing the back of his head nervously.
Woods shook his head, scowling as it only brought more pain from. "No, not like it..." He slurred slightly in broken Japanese, too exhausted for anything approaching coherent.

"Get got pain of head." He looked at Miroslav, wiping his eyes. "Hurt bad. Okay now."

He felt like a simpleton, but hopefully he got his message across... He struggled to stand, managing to do so shakily with his hand balancing him on the wall.
"don't you know how to keep quiet! Why would you wake me like that," she yelled again grabbing something else, this time a soccerball and throwing it. After she threw that she stopped and gasped pointing at him,"WHY ARE YOU HERE?" she waved her finger back and forward at him,"Did you touch me? Ah you pervert, ahhhh." she grabbed one of her playstation game cases and threw it at him. She almost threw her phone, but decided it was best not.


Miroslav rose a brow out of confusion he looked over spoon,"Oh Great, you're another drunk american..." He looked him over careful and sighed gently. It wasn't hard to tell Woods wasn't japanese, based on pure size you could assume it. I mean, given, Miroslav was probably a bad example of a japanese male considering his height, but still Woods was as American as they come.

Miroslav could only take a deep breath and follow it with a sigh before holding his hand out,"You can crash here you know. If mom finds out, I'll claim you're my pal. If you hurt so much you can't stand up straight, then you should probably just stay here."

He stopped and rose a brow, as he realized his japanese from just a few seconds ago,"Can you even speak Japanese?" He took in a deep breath before looking away and back, and began to speak in English,"Did you understand me?"

His accent was strong, but his English was clear. Unlike his sister, Miroslav did not spend as much time in Germany as she did. He could hear the language and understand it, but he struggled with pronouncing the words himself. He grew up speaking mainly Japanese and English, and though his English wasn't the greatest in the world, he could claim it was better than his German.
"Im sorry! I forgot i had a early morning alarm." He said panickedly as he knee'd the soccer ball into the air and with impressive control caught and balanced it on his foot before putting it down. When she asked why he was here he chuckled awkwardly. "Well it was really late and you see." He was about to say more when she suggested that he had touched her. This made him blush crimson, one of the first time she would see her teacher do so. "No i didnt!" He said loudly. 'Though considering that outfit earlier.' He thought to himself before shaking his head quickly, if he went down that road he'd never get out. "Im not a pervert!" He said taking cover from the game case.
(assuming if spoon's character decided to chill for the night he'll chill on a couch in the gameroom...)

Johanna had found one of her notebooks and threw it, but all the commotion she was causing she didn't hear the ding of the elevator and her mother entering her room to investigate what was going on. There she was, a splitting image of Johanna. Caramel skin, big green eyes, same facial structure, just more mature. Her hair was a little shorter too, and she looked over to Akio and then to Johanna who had frozen once she noticed her mother's entrance,"....you at least used protection right?"
((well i had a post, then glitched, thanks computer!))

He moved out of the way again and dived forward to catch her arms though he ended up tripping on some discarded cloths falling onto the bed still managing to catch her hands but ending up all but on top of her. "How long are you gonna keep throwing things at me." He said breathless, before he could take into account how this looked someone walked in and he looked behind him, it was like a older johanna. Her next words confirmed it. "Umm.." For once akio was lost for words.

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