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Fantasy The Divide

A blink, and a look of utter surprise... her mouth dropped open and she looked up and down, between John and the box. Was this Giri-choco? For her? Well... that was both unusual and incredibly sweet. She gingerly grabbed the box of chocolates, meeting his eyes again. "Y-you're sure it's for me? I mean... they don't practice giri-choco in... Europe, was it? Do they?"
John laughed a little, "I'm from America and we have a similar holiday called Valentine's Day. I make sure to observe local holidays as it is the best way to fit in. " John put a hand on her head and laughed a little, "I know how hard you've been working, but you're still growing up, so I figured this holiday would be pretty important to you. Aside from that you offered to house me and the others, it's about time someone repaid your kindness." He took his hand off her head. "Unless you don't want em, in that case I'll eat them, to hell if I get fat or not."
Her cheeks turned red, "N-no, I'll take them. Thank you." She bowed to him, trying to show how grateful she was he'd done this. Certainly she'd never expected this, and even more so... she hadn't known that anyone would have been willing to do it. So, it was a wonderful gift for her. "I... Uhh...." Well, she'd have to give him something on White Day, she figured. It'd be an inversion of normality, but... or does it not work like that? I'm confused... maybe my professor will know better.
AkuNoOkami said:
"You think I like him. And I'm not saying that's true or not, but you really think I'm going to let him get away with coming over with intentions to spar? I'm going to make him feel it," she said giving away to another yawn before cutting her eyes away from any direction Akio was in. Her body was still sore from training, she had been running on fumes already from all of her sports, and now she still was about to spar. If she had been a normal human, her body would falling apart right now, but somehow she managed to stay strong. She hadn't even doing some physical workouts on her own.
"Heh alright, though it wont be a fair fight to be honest, your running on fumes." He said, akio never had never slept once in his life, always awake and watching the world so he didnt under stand sleep all that well, came from not being human all the way. "Still you should be able to handle yourself against him with your abilities." 'His potential isnt really realized so even exhausted like this she should be fine.' He thought to himself.
John tilted his head to the side, "Is something wrong Saph? What's on your mind? Did I say something wrong?"
"It's nothing. You're... just the first non-family member to give me chocolate." Even if it wasn't the whole truth it was part of it, so.... she didn't feel entirely guilty about saying so. "I'm... not entirely sure what to say." As tired as she was... it was a wonderful gift, and she just didn't want to be rude about it.
John pulled her close to his chest in a one armed hug, "It's no problem at all, seeing you happy makes me happy. I'm always here for you and you know that right? I'll look out for you."
She nodded, smiling slightly. It was better that she focused on him... truth be told she'd been freaking out about the transportation thing, so... this was a nice change, even if she was still confused about something. "I... think I'm starting to understand that." They'd only met that day, but... he was still being so kind, and whatever had prompted this... she wasn't about to turn away his help, no matter the reason it was given.
John ruffled her hair gently, "You've been through some tough times and honestly? I can't say things are gonna get easier. I can say though you don't gotta head it alone anymore. You got me now, and that has to count for something right?"
"I suppose it does, yes." She tried her hand at teasing him, tone a bit different than normal, a hint of amusement to it. she knew she wasn't alone... at least she had a trainer and a priest who was attempting to be helpful. She moved one hand, the one not holding the candy now, to smooth out the hair he'd ruffled, glad it was too long to get that mussed from his hand. Now sounding as grateful as she felt she told him, eyes and face relaxing slightly, "Thank you, John-san."
John stuck his tongue out at her as he goofily bowed, he may be a dignified exorcist 80% of the time, but that was still only 80%. "Domo arigato Saph-Chan. It is my pleasure to assist the honorable owner of the house." John straightened himself up, a goofy grin on his face.
She covered her mouth as she laughed, trying not to laugh at him. That was certainly a funny choice of reaction, and she couldn't completely stifle her reaction. "Honorable Owner? I just like running the inn." There wasn't anything honorable about that... certainly not if it took so much work and she still couldn't do well. At least she had that paper -which was suspiciously similar to a check- to view as Akio's attempt at helping. She'd check on it tomorrow morning, she figured...
Johanna smiled a bit as she broke away from Akio and headed towards the door,"You know, you can watch. It wouldn't be odd for a martial arts teacher to watch his student spar."

She had eventually made it out of the gameroom and into the gym, twoiaito in hand before tossing the other at Woods' feet. Traditionally, Iaijutsu and iaido, were fought from drawing from the scabbard while it was your side but there were several styles that allowed for the practice of also using the scabbard in combat. Kaze-Ryu, was the style Johanna practiced allowing her to quickly draw from the scabbard but giving her the ability to allow for an extra tool in combat. This style sacrificed power for speed and added versatility but that was better suited for style.

She bent her knees getting into the iai-goshi stance,"Best out of five. Go." She planted her foot forward, the blade quickly sliding from the scabbard with lightning speed. In this first bout, she would overexert herself for her victory, to intimidate him, to let him understand that a week wasn't long enough to defeat someone who had been practicing for years.

She moved quickly to cover the distance between Woods and herself, extremely fast despite not even using any of her energy. The blade went horizontally towards his abdomen, if he chose to parry, she would continue her slash and twirling her body around, using the scabbard to parry any attack he would have before she full turned into a back stab. If he didn't parry, it would be nothing he could that was quicker than Johanna's attack, that attack was simple but it had even worked on master's of the art.

She didn't realize she had overexerted herself until she had returned to her feet, and her knees buckled a bit from lack of energy. At this point, she was on one knee, using the scabbard to keep herself up, but too stubborn to quit. She had proven her point, and gotten the first point, but the rest of the battle would be uphill.

Taking in a deep breath, she got ready for the next bout taking the tachi stance, too tired support her weight on bent knees. Her blade had found its spot back in the scabbard, and her left hand held tightly to it,"Go..." she commanded again, the blade leaving its sheath with the same speed as before, but Johanna was clearly more than a step slower. She had planned for this, if Woods would attack she would parry and side step using her left leg to sweep him off his feet and claim a point with a downward thrust. If he didn't attack, but decided to wait for Johanna to attack so he could parry she would bring the blade up vertically with enough force to knock him off his feet, and come back down to claim another point.

She was breathing hard, body sweating as she returned to her spot. She prepared for the third, comfortable with her lead as she stood in tachi again,"Go.." she iterated, drawing her blade, but this time it did not have the speed it normally did. She had fumbled with getting it out, and only had it half way out by the time Woods would have his fully. With only half of her blade out, she only had time to parry, and she was sure that any attack Woods would come with would be enough to knock her off her balance for the point.

So she would reset, and command "Go" again, this time successfully getting the blade off, but (Spoon you have freedom to say exactly how this one went)

It was tied, 2-2, and Johanna was frustrated. She had no more physical energy, sweat was dripping from her body but frustration was building up. She would not let that oblivious jerk who just started learning the art to come over and beat her, no matter how tired she was. She returned to the iai-gochi stance, using a bit of her spiritual energy to help her stay there. The blade been returned to the sheath on the reset, green eyes full of frustration,"Go." She commanded, immediately using her energy to draw the blade quicker than the normal human eye could keep up with, and using her actual speed to seemingly vanish before Woods and reappear with the blunt edged blade on his neck,"Match."

She stood there breathing hard, green eyes with fury, but lighting up with a bit of happiness. "You're oblivious..." was the only thing she said as the sword fell from her hands, her eyes fell shut, and her body fell forward to Woods. She was unconscious, purely from overexertion of her body.
He nodded and followed her out to watch her battle, as he thought she didnt have the energy for this, while her skill was higher she could barley stand. Still she held her own but it was tied two to two and he wasent sure she had the energy to run a fifth round. Then suddenly she did something a bit foolish honestly and used her true speed, to him in her exhausted state it was slow but to the human well it would be impossible to see. Then she collapsed and akio strode forward and caught her, not having to use his speed as he wasent to far away as he had been watching and he had been ready for her to collapse at any moment since the third bout. "That was a good match woods-kun but as you can see she is tired, i will take her to bed." He knows woods probably would have caught her but he wasent to fond of that idea for some reason (( :P )). He picked her up gently and went and brought her to her room.
John smiled as he waved at her, "Well, I'll let you get to sleep, rest well okay?" He said nodding at her, "No bad dreams. Only good ones. Ones with lots of chocolate. If you eat yourself into a chocolate coma from those by the way, don't worry. I'll finish them for you." He said pointing to the chocolates. "I will definitely do it in honor of your memory!" He gave her a salute.
Another giggle, still hiding her face. "You get some rest as well, John-san." she wouldn't eat the chocolate right away... no, she'd keep it in one of her drawers until the morning. When she ate before she went to bed she had weird nightmares... worse ones than normal. It was also the only time she remembered them, instead of just how bad they were. "I promise to try, though."
When Ophidius came to, he was hungover. Very hungover, as if his dear old father was beating the inside of his skull like a bongo just like the good old days.

"PRIIIIIIIEEEEEEST! Where the fuck are you?! Get out here, Papist!" The irritable demon half-whined half-yelled while crawling through the Mansion like a caterpillar, his arms and legs having experienced serious nerve damage from the Iceberg Buster's 'secret ingredient.' He then crawled in on the Priest and that Blue Person having what seemed to be a heartfelt moment, complete with Valentine chocolates. The red menace stealthily wormed his way toward the Priest and started shaking his pants leg to get his attention.
Saphire jumped a bit at the sound of shouting... her home echoed very well. She looked down to see Orphidius-san... blinked, and gently, quietly, said to John-san... "I think that as nice a moment as this is, we need to stop. It appears that Orphidius-san has... a problem?" A gentle sigh, and she bent down to him, asking gently, "What's the matter, Orphidius-san? Do you need something?" If it was just a hangover, which she'd dealt with before from other demons, she might be able to help, but... somehow she didn't think so.
"My. Name. Is. Ophidius." The demon hissed with great distaste. "If that French guy calls me Phibes again, I will shove a snowshovel so far up his ass, he will taste it. Speaking of snow, did you like the job I did clearing out the yard?"
((Lol, sorry. I didn't even notice I'd misspelled it again. Chalk it up to her being exhausted if you want.))

She blinked, blushed, and stammered out an apologie. "S-s-sorry, Ophidius-san." Holding out her hand she smiled gently, trying hard not to take his anger personally. Well, trying slightly... the comment hand't even been aimed at her, anyway, so the only reason she'd been upset was because she was tired. "That was you? Thank you very much. I truly appreciate the help." Wasn't he going to some meeting? Well, no matter, he was here... and she'd help him if she could. It looked like he was in pain. "Do you... want some water? Something to eat?"
"I wiggled my hungover ass over here to ask the Priest if he wanted to do something with me." Ophi then glanced at the Priest in question. "What was your name, again? I feel like we've met before, but we were talking to other people, and the conversation lasted a month and holy fuck, I think I'm starting to hallucinate."
John looked down at him, "Nope. All that happened. We talked to Lucifer and I gave him a fist bump and I did play Billy Joel on the record machine. All those genuinely and truly happened. You're not hallucinating trust me. Everything really did happen JUST THE WAY you remember it. "
Saphire's face drained of color now, "L-lucifer? Is he a scary person?" Something told her maybe not, so she asked, but still... they'd talked to him? They'd even played some sort of music while doing so? Oh dear... and she was in trouble. There was no way he'd be ok with her, seeing as she regularly killed his children for ending the lives of humans, eating their souls and whatnot. Or, for that matter, bringing them up to face Spirit World Justice. She'd never been religious, so she only knew he was supposedly the enemy of God, and right now... that seemed like a dangerous thing to her, even though normally she didn't care.
"Oh yeah, old man Morningstar is one mean mamma jamma. He and I go way back, but he probably doesn't remember me. If I remember correctly, it was the Summer of '83...."
Akio had taken Johanna to her room and laid her down on her bed gently before walking out of her room and looking at woods. "Its late wood-san, you should go home, Johanna will not wake up until tomorrow most likely." He said pausing for a moment before continuing to speak. "I will be taking Johanna on a training exercise for the entire week and possibly longer so she may not get to see you often for some time i regret to inform you." He said politely, even though he seemed no more then 17 hes was apparently a sword master, if he was johanna who was a incredible swordswomans master. With a bow of his head he walked back into johanna's room. Sitting on the floor next to the door after closing it and since he didnt sleep did what he usually did at night which was enter a state of meditation that gave him the appearance of restfulness and sleep.

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