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Fantasy The Divide

Lucifer glanced at Akio before nodding,"You will learn that Heaven and Hell are each just one side of the same coin. But..." he glanced over to Okurigami who had been thinking,"I think they'll survive." This only brought a nod of agreement from Lucifer,"As I was thinking the same Okami..."

Okurigami managed to smile as he took in a deep breath,"Well, you could possibly keep the alive priest, but you would not add much to fighting against these demons. Not that you don't have the skills, but you will be inside their barrier that they've created over time. It has its effects."
John smiled almost sadly, "I am aware, my job would simply be extraction and ensuring that they stay alive as it seems Akio can't and he can't refuse this mission else cause arousal of suspicion. It would simply be... insurance so to speak. Sort of a if everything goes wrong we can still rely on something." John snapped his fingers as if the idea suddenly hit him. "Failsafe that's it. I think that I would only perhaps be able to take on one. Two would be suicide and I kinda, ya know, like breathing. I'm very good at it."
"Most likely their own lair is enhanced with powerful demonic magic, your magic would suffer there while they only increased. They will also be able to chose the area for fighting that will most likely work in their favor significantly. If i could go i may be able to do it without much trouble as my energy is satanic but you wont stand a chance, especially against their leader. Not in his own domain." Then akio let out a deep sigh and growled as his energy spiked. The though about ethier of those two getting hurt got him in a uproar. "If only i could escape Koharu's sight, i would go and kill them all myself and end this pointless quest. I dont want to see ethier of my students hurt under impossible circumstances." He said with anger in his tone, both of them were already dear to him, that much was clear.
Woods sighed as he finally reached the hotel the military was paying for him to live in. He felt it would have made more sense to hole him up in an apartment, which would have been bigger... And cheaper. But there American government wasn't exactly known for it's wise use of resources, considering the massive shithole of debt they'd managed to find themselves in. Though they may try and comfort themselves that most of it was to themselves, rather than to other countries, debt was debt. And there was a lot of it. But it was more than enough for a single person, especially a student, to live in for a short time.

Well, okay, it was really fucking cramped, but at least it had a pool and a small gym area. So he was at least able to save some of his own cash from a gym membership, not that he actually knew where any gyms in the area were, if they even existed. Japanese weren't exactly, well, they kept fit. But body-building wasn't exactly a wide-spread hobby in the country.

'What would that even look like?' Woods wondered to himself as he made his way through the first floor, still at a jogging pace. It was a weird thought, the Japanese people were, as a rule, shorter than at least the Western nations. They made up for it with a strong work ethic and national pride, he supposed... But he couldn't conjure any image of a Japanese body builder that didn't look absolutely ridiculous in his head.

He shook off the mental image and fought off a grin as he nodded to the proprietor, who nodded in turn, as he ascended the stair case that would take him to his second- floor room. The hotel only had three floors, so it didn't warrant the addition of an elevator, not that he would have used it anyway. Out of everything, it was his cardio and endurance that required the most work, so he needed as much exercise with that as possible... Even if it was just jogging up a flight of stairs.

He passed a number of people on the stair case, all going down, he wasn't concerned. They were probably going out to eat, it was around that time after all. He ignored the strange looks he received, he'd had plenty of time to get used to those over the years. He'd always been tall for his age, not to mention being an American in Japan, especially off of the mainland. Foreigners generally stuck around the mainland, or Okinawa. He'd have preferred the mainland as well, but no matter. He was at his door now, which he opened and entered, dropping his bag of equipment in a corner somewhere. There were a lot of them.

He kept himself busy, constantly training or studying for exams, which led to a lot of scattered equipment leaning every which way. He kept the "Do Not Disturb" sign perpetually hung on his doorknob, just so maids or whatever served as them here would keep their mitts off his stuff. Everything else was neat and orderly, to the point of near-OCD. It wasn't his fault he'd had that sort of tidiness instilled in him since birth, and he didn't mind it. Well, not anymore. He had some awful memories of his mother sternly telling him to rip off the bedsheets and try again...

He shook himself to clear away the memory, and idly brought his phone out and turned it on. He didn't have one of those fancy touchscreen money-suckers that most people had, though he was a step up from the blocks of invincible plastic some of the older models were. His could flip open. He scrolled through his new messages, frowning slightly. He had a lot of them. How the he-... Did somebody pass his number out or write it on a bathroom stall? He couldn't recall giving it to anybody outside of circle of friends. Either way, it'd only been off for a few hours how could they have piled up like this?

He shrugged, skimming through them until he found the one from Johanna. Chocolate, eh? Yeah, he'd had a few people track him down to deliver chocolate to him, usually honmei. It was awkward, seeing as he didn't even know who half of them were, but he tried to let them down as gently as possible.

He sent a reply, "Sure, where should we meet?"
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Ever since Akio left, Johanna had been focusing on her own personal training in the mini gym in her home. Her feet were up on a bench as she lied off of it, palms flat on the ground, arms pushing her body that was hanging off up and down. "154, 155," she counted through clenched teeth, and with a bit of a struggle as her body moved close, and then away from the floor. Sweat dripped from her forehead and off to the ground, a long braid of her hair off to the side. One of her feet lifted from the bench as she continued to push through,"199, 200."

She had actually forgotten that her music was playing in the background off her phone, a pandora station playing American Hip Hop. Well, she had forgotten until the music faded for a second and she heard the ding that the Sonic game made when Sonic collected a ring. The music returned and Johanna was standing next to her phone reading the message.

A smile came to her face as she looked at the time and sighed before finally replying,"It's kind of late, you can just meet me at my place. I'm attaching the address. Just tell the lady at the desk you're here for Jojo and she'll swipe you into the elevator to the top floor" She took a minute to move out of the gym and down the hall to the bathroom and took a quick shower trying to make sure she was clean before Woods would get there, if he did even come. She wasn't sure why she was all too excited. Well she was sure, she just would never admit it.

"I think you should accompany them, but save the heroism. You'll need your energy to get them out of there if needed," Okurigami said to the Priest John before taking in a deep breath. He managed to rub the back of his head before thinking about it,"Don't make any move on Koharu, even if you could defeat him it would be unwise. We need him alive. At least for now. Besides Akio, you may be of use to even beyond informing us on the guardians." he took a moment and held his hand out a blade appearing it. It was a bit shorter than a katana, but not short enough to be a wakizashi, but forged in the same process. The hilt was threaded with red and black, and golden diamonds went up vertically. The scabbard that the sword lay in was black, with Byakurou written on each side of it in Kanji,"Give this to Johanna."
"Cant you just tell the supreme 4 to go somewhere else? Send them on a mission or something, im sure they would listen to you." He could tell what the Okurigami was suggesting, there was two options for a fallen after he fell. Either redeem himself or go lower. He let out a 'Hmph' before looking at the blade curiously, it was a fine blade but obviously of powerful demonic power. "Well isnt this quite the blade." He took it and examined it, turning it in his hand.
Woods raised an eyebrow at the quick response, having dropped the phone on his single bed and taken his shirt off in preparation for a quick shower. He shrugged, picking it up and replying, "Sounds good. JoJo, eh?" He smiles slightly, he'd been around the world with his mother, seen the wonders of the world, and yet there was something about Johanna... He couldn't put his finger on it, so he just shrugged and finished stripping and hopped into the shower.

The water felt good, especially after another long day of practice. Too good, he was pushing himself too hard, and he wasn't sure why... It was almost as if he were attempting to prepare himself physically for something that was coming... Only he wasn't sure what that was. He shook his head, and decided to take the next weekend off, he'd break mentally and physically if he pushed himself without a break every once in a while.

He sighed, stepping out of the shower and dried himself off, and threw on whatever was nearest at hand, that being another plain white tee and some blue jeans. He really needed to upgrade his wardrobe... He was downstairs, out the hotel door, and hailing a cab in no time, after grabbing a wooden sword, of course. Just in case Johanna wanted to do a bit of sparring. Well, it was more of a hope, but who knew.

He hopped in the cab, gave the cabbie the address, and was there in maybe half an hour. He did as he was told, name-dropping JoJo, and rode the elevator to what was explained to him as the penthouse. He was starting to feel a little suspicious that maybe Johanna had forgotten to mention something when the elevator doors ping'd! open...
"If the Supreme 4 are camped up in Human World, it means they have plans to rule human world, not hell. I or Lucifer have no dominion over human world. They won't listen to us, they don't want to rule under someone. And it's not like we can just interfere," Okurigami shrugged and then glanced at the blade himself,"Aye, it's forged with a piece of a fang from my avatar. It has no name, and isn't quite as powerful as the blade Johanna father's has, aptly named after me. His was forged with a full fang. This blade will let her use her demon powers even without her being her demon form. It's power will grow exponentially when she finally does transform."

Miroslav was near the elevator when he heard the ding of it, so he was there to meet Woods, half expecting it to be his mother. When the doors slid open, and it wasn't he could only manage to let out a slow sigh. Looking back at woods now was the same green eyes owned by Johanna, but in that of a male who particularly tall especially considering he was mostly japanese. That 6'1" height and body frame couldn't have been normal for a 14 year old, right?

"Jojo, you got more boys," was what he did next as he moved away from the doors opening of an elevator actually giving sight to the resident. It's modern style wasn't typical of Japan, even those in Japan who catered to the western style. No. This seemed to be right out of a high rise condominium in New York or Los Angeles.

Johanna had just been finishing up her shower moving out of the bathroom into the hall with a towel covering most of her body as she rose a brow, and face flushed red upon sight of Woods noting what her current status of her clothes was,"Damn it Dummkopf, geben ein wenig mehr Warnung!" She rolled her eyes at her brother punching him square in the arm again before disappearing into her room.

It wouldn't be long before she returned, still wet hair sticking to her body, a grey wife beater on that still revealed much of her cleavage and bra -unintentionally- and a pair of black shorts with a bag that seemed a little too finely crafted to be for chocolate in her hand,"Here Woods." Is what she offered, in English this time though muddled by her Japanese and German accent. It sounded like an utter train wreck, but she was trying to impress him...even if he never noticed.

John sighed, "Humanity doesn't need a ruler. From the start humanity was different as they were allowed to choose their own destiny. It matters not if they squander it, so long as they have the opportunity. As for informing you two my only question is will you use the information we give you to make them tools of your own design? Or will you use it to protect them and let them make their own decisions? I will hold no reservations if you merely want to keep tabs on them or perhaps even protect them. However, I cannot give you information constantly if you plan to use it against them or us." John took a drink of bourbon. "I know, quite brazen, and call me crazy if you will but I care bout those two. They are good kids, a little rough sure, but they got heart definitely."
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"Rule the human world? Good luck with that as a B class." He scoffed as he drank a bit of his alcohol. He looked at the blade with interest, this should help her even up the distance between her and the supreme four. He took the blade with a nod and looked at the two, he had to get back soon. If he waited to long saphire might tell someone about his disappearance which could get Koharu suspicious. "Alright i got it, anything else. Saphire saw me disappear so i need to go back soon or she may call Koharu, unlike johanna she has some measure of trust in him." Unlike John he seemed to trust the demons, at least this far.
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Lucifer yawned at the priest,"I am Lucifer Morningstar, Helel ...whatever you want to call me." When Lucifer announced his presence some of the demons and humans in the bar went silent, some raised their glasses in the air with a 'here,here', " I believe in the free will of all..including those two. I won't protect them though. It is not my job, but I will protect their right to free will. Live by one's nature, not by the nature you're suppose to have."

Okurigami nodded to Lucifer before looking at the Fallen and the Priest,"You two would be wise to gauge how much attachment you have to the two. If they lift a sword against you, it would be best if you could lift more than a shield." Though he used a metaphor it was clear what he meant. When a strong foe attacks, they'd need the heart to do more than defend themselves. They would need to attack back,"That makes sense Akio, Might I suggest taking that one with you." He pointed to Ophi, oblivious that he was the traitor that Lucifer had hunted so many years ago,"My descendant will be strong one day, and may even surpass her father. So I'll tell you this in confidence, her father is sick. When she faces him he won't be at his full power. Please keep that hidden from her. She'll need the motivation to survive the Byakurou clan's training. "
John offered his fist to Lucifer in a fist bump as he smiled widely, "When those two kill the four eventually, you and I need to have a drink together again. I have a feeling we have the same goals in mind and I really think we could get along, ya know? I think I'm a little closer to understanding the truth. The Church is great and all, but its important to think for myself I figure."
Woods paused, cautiously eyeing the apparently Japanese male that appeared to be slightly taller than him. He looked to be young and athletic... Older brother perhaps? The height made it difficult to place his age, making the likelihood of a younger brother low. She didn't seem to talk much about her family so he was flying blind here. He mentally shrugged.

'Jojo, you got more boys,' the boy said. Was he not the only male visitor? Odd. But what Johanna did on her own time was her own business. Speaking of Johanna, was tha- You've got to b- Well, that was unexpected, to say the least. And the shouted German was new. He'd known of her Germanic ancestry after he'd asked, but this was the first time he'd heard her actually use the language for more than muttered swears under her breath.

And she definitely forgot to mention she was obviously loaded... You don't get this house-sized apartment without some serious moolah running through your wallet... Or you killed the previous resident and stayed...

Woods eyed Johanna speculatively before deciding that likely wasn't the case, thought his eyes may have lingered in an obvious place more than intended... He needed to stop spacing out like that. He smiled and stepped forward, sword in his left hand resting on his shoulder, and took the chocolate. "Thanks, JoJo," his smile becoming a mischievous grin as he turns his attention to the chocolate literally at hand. He examined it closely, his thoughts running somewhere along the lines of 'Nice bag, I hope they taste as good as the bag makes them out to be...'
He thought about what he was saying, if johanna or saphire attacked him aiming to kill would he have the will to strike back. Against saphire who didnt even know he own worth or johanna.... He looked at the blade in his hand deep thought before nodding understanding what he was saying but at the same time not agreeing. He wasent sure how strongly he felt for them, especially johanna. He thought about her in his arms, deep in the night sky and his grip on the the sword tightened. "Alright if that's all i will take my leave. As for that guy the priest payed him so he can take care of him." He said with a nod as he waited to get sent back.
Johanna rose a brow when she caught Woods' gaze lingering at a obvious place a little longer than what would be appropriate, but her cheeks only blushed red with a mixture of flattery and embarrassment. She had even grown a smile until his words hit her ears Jojo and the apparent smile had formed into a scowl,"Got damn it, don't call me that..." She eyed the sword in his hand sighing a bit before about facing and waving him in. It kind of pissed her off deep in her stomach that he brought a wooden sword, was he that clueless?

She was even more flustered when she realized she actually was pissed off by this little fact. 'Why Do I even care if Woods wants to spar. It's not like I want to have a nice evening, watching movies or something..maybe cuddle up?' Her face had grown an even brighter red at the prospect,"That would be nice..." she said louder than she intended to and immediately brought both hands to her mouth realizing her mistake.

She quickly moved to one side of the hall grabbing one of her training swords off the wall, a carbon fibre blunt katana, scabbard held in the air,"That would be nice if we sparred because you know...you've been practicing iaijutsu..." she said nervously rubbing the back of her head with a free hand. In her head, she was sighing, totally embarrassed that she was acting this way.

Lucifer looked at the priest for a moment tilting his head,"Why were you ever a priest..." he said with a slight chuckle bumping fists with the man but instantly pulling away. His eyes were a bit wide and he managed to smile,"That's why....."

Akio's request was answered by Okurigami as the white haired male bowed,"As you wish." When he returned to his upright position, Akio wouldn't be there anymore. He would have been transferred back to the place that they were last together, but this time sans Okurigami.
Once he found himself back he looked over in the direction of the mansion, really he should go and tell saphire he was out but he wanted to deliver the sword, or so he told himself. He flew in that direction swiftly, he was unsure right now how much he would tell johanna about his in counter but he would tell her at least part. He soon ended up at the building and he entered. He walked in using the fact he was with johanna earlier and was soon in front of her door. He knocked a few times waiting for a response.
John lifted up his left sleeve, showing a brand on his left arm, "It was either join the ranks as an exorcist, or join the ranks of the dead. And quite frankly I am very good at breathing and don't want to quit what I am good at. " He chuckled as he slid his sleeve back down. "Quite frankly, I'm not sure of most things. Now I've met intelligent, even loving demons, now I meet my supposed mortal enemy and I think he makes sense. I must be crazy. Oh well at least it keeps things interesting."
Woods looked at Johanna curiously. She seemed nervous, though for what reason he couldn't tell... And she was beet red. Was she sick? Nah, she was a bit too energetic for that... He shrugged, "Sounds good to me, it's sort of why I came in the first place." He grinned, though leaned his head curiously as he heard knocking from some remote corner of the apartment.
"Life is never as simple as one truth," Lucifer remarked before looking to John and then switching attenton to a clock on the wall,"Jeez. This late already? Well if you'll excuse me, I have a World of Warcraft raid to attend. Pleasure meeting you priest." And with that, Lucifer was soon out of the bar leaving Okurigami with John, which only caused him to sigh.

Johanna only sighed more when she heard Woods talk about it being part of why he came over in the first place. This guy really was clueless. She tightened her grip on the scabbard in a slight fit of anger almost ready to throw it at his head before she heard the knock. "The stairwell?" she questioned turning her attention to the direction of the door,"No one uses the damned stairwell, it's 50 floors up. And another thing who in their right mind is coming this late?"

She growled glancing over to her brother who only met her glare with a shrug of his shoulders,"Don't look at me baka." Johanna scoffed, grip tightening even more on the black material that hid the sword away. She had begun clenching her teeth as she made way to the door, not bothering to look through the peephole or anything, before opening it up,"What the F-..." she stopped herself short once she looked over who it was. "Oh, old man....come on in." she stated to him simply walking away from the door her grip loosening on the sheath not realizing she had called him
old, despite his appearance.

"Follow me..." was the only thing she followed with before moving through the apartment,"Uh, Woods this is my martial arts trainer. You can head to the gym last door on the right. I'll be there shortly." She finished her sentence off before moving into another room. There was a large tv and a couch, a long with several games you'd find in arcade. There was also things like pool tables, air hockey and the like scattered around.
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He looked at woods, he knew who he was at least indirectly. He had learned who he was while looking into the lives of his students at first. He looked at Johanna who had obviously seemingly chosen some choice clothing for him and for a moment a emotion he was almost unfarmiler with rushed threw him, jealousy. After he realized what it was he was completely shocked, the only time he had ever felt jealousy was when some soldier or passing lord had hit on Ari over a 1000 years ago. Did that mean he felt something for johanna beyond just the feelings between teacher and student. "How many times have i told you im not that old." He joked good naturally though his mine was in turmoil and she could tell. He followed her to the game room and said, bluntly as he found himself lacking smooth words. "I just had a conversation with Lucifer lord of hell." He said looking at her. "Oh and i know who your father is."
Johanna eyed the fallen before once they were settled in the game room, taking a seat on the pool table. She clearly did not to take rest on to seats. She had almost started to rage at her teacher for pulling her away from Woods, but stopped when she picked up some distraught in his voice, completely oblivious to it stemming form jealousy. 'What's wrong wi-' her thoughts were interrupted with the mention of Lucifer, and she rose a brow,"You mean...the evil one that rebelled against God? ....You say that all too casually.." she said rolling her eyes a bit.

Her attention was frozen when the mention of her father came,"...You. you do?" a mixture of emotions stirred up in her and she growled a bit. She felt anger, relief, sadness, longing..almost all at once,"Where the hell is he so I can smash his face in..."
"It was a surprisingly casual conversation for one with the lord of the damned." He said matter of factly. Still it still seemed wrong with her usually confident master. "He was surprisingly honorable and a lot of what he said made sense to me. It was a very different view from what i first expected from all the tales of heaven, honestly i can empathize with him. Though i cant expect you to understand that unless you meet him. As for your father, he is the king of hell Byakurou Chiba, who traces his blood line back to Okurigami the third strongest being alive."
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"My father is the king...of demon world? ..wait Byakurou?" she vanished, too quick for Woods to even notice if he was still out there. All he would hear is one opening and closing of TWO doors. Johanna would make it and out each door she went to (the game room and her room) before they had a chance to close. She had returned with a necklace with a pendant on it that had byakurou inscribed on it,"I never understood what this meant. I only kept it because my mother told me it belonged to my father. I don't think she meant for me to keep it...."
He looked at the necklace and looked at the sword comparing the symbols. "Weah thats the seal of the clan, no wonder you have so much potential in your blood line you come from one of the strongest in history. Also your many great great grandfathers told me to give you this." He said holding out the blade to her. "Okurigami told me this blade will help you unlock your satanic potential and will grow as you do, its made from the body of a legendary creature, make sure not to lose it." He said with a small smile.
She took the blade, holding the scabbard in her free hand and comparing it to her pendant. She tucked the pendant away into her bra, absent minded to the fact that she was revealing a little too much in the presence of the man -her mother wasn't exactly around much to teach her /lady/ etiquette- before taking her right hand and slowly tugging at the hilt of the blade. When it clicked, a small pulse of demonic aura went through the room. She slid it out slowly watching the blade slowly inch its way out before it was completely removed. On one side of the blade the words,The Wolf Must Never Shy in hiragana/katakana/kanji and the other ready,Even a Lone Wolf is Dangerous. She smirked, feeling a bit of the ancient demonic power in the blade,"It's perfect...."

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