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Fantasy The Divide

"Really?" She didn't think that seven was all that impressive, but she shifted the naginata so that the but rested on the floor to her left. She refused to wince, but gave it a rest this way. "I... guess if you say so, Sensei. Well... how should I train then?" She wasn't sure why he'd asked about it, but she was sure he wanted to know. Should she tell him about the Spirit Hymn ability she had? When she'd started calling her ability that wasn't clear, but... it felt right to call it that. And she was being distracted again, she couldn't afford to do that.
"You will train that move every morning and night, before you go to bed you do as many of those as possible before sleeping and the same with waking up for the next week, in this way you should be able to raise your limit." He said with a nod, the only way to raise ones limit was practice, he knew that from experience. "By the end of the week you should see some improvement."
"I'm going to the Human world..." came an ominous voice that seemed to fade into the background.

"Again?" returned another voice, quite distinct from the other, but still with that similar ominous aura,"For fifty years again?"

"You question yer lord?" returned the first as red eyes seemed to flash in the distance in the dark, before they turned a bright violet. The other voice did not respond for a moment, but after a slow passage of time it finally did,"Aye, that I am." Across from those now violet eyes, flashed another set of red eyes that would soon turn to a grey that seemed to glow in the darkness.

"I have to make a visit, I want to talk to the child and her training before the meeting with Koharu," the first voice continued, no different than he had started. No change in emotion.

A sigh slowly escaped the mouth of the other voice before shrugging,"Well, I'll go with you. Azazel can take charge for now, or mayhaps one of the several other Dark Princes." That was the last thing said before the sets of orbs disappeared.


A young man, appearing no older than 18 at the latest, stood on top of a building. A dark leather jacket, with a circus of zippers with no apparent use set neatly over a pullover hoodie made from white cotton. The hood set on his upper back, held up neatly by the collar of the exterior jacket, allowing his white hair to move slowly with the wind if the two were dance mates. Those grey orbs of his looked over the city of Sapporo, zooming in to each of the faces that decided to be out on this cold night with the vision of an eagle. He could not find what he was looking for, so instead, he titled his head back and sniffed the air with the delicacy of a wolf.

"My descendant trail ends at a building 5 kilometers west," he took another sniff before covering his nose,"She has the scent of a fallen near her scent, but I can't pick up a trail in-between. They must have flown." He inhaled deeply, taking the air and exhaled slowly a cloud forming from a mixture of the warm air from his body, and the cold air outside. Though, something was off about this cloud. It began to move around, seeming like it was fighting its own existence before in a quick flash of red light, it took the form of a wolf....but it was a cloud of.....dah well.

The wolf cloud howled a bit, before running off into the city. His hands were sitting inside of the pocket of the leather jacket, but he slowly removed his right hand from one of the pockets to reveal a cell phone illuminated with the time. After nodding to the confirmation of time, he returned his hand and phone to the pocket as he watched the wolf return.

With an inhale, he breathed in the wolf cloud and smirked,"Oh, that's where you are..." and almost immediately as he finished the sentence, he stepped off the building vanishing.

Unlike his descendant, Johanna, he had more than just speed in his human form. He could actually manipulate physics using his devil energy, so that he could teleport himself. So almost as instantaneously as he vanished, he had appeared a few metres away from Akio and Saphire, brushing himself free of any snow that collected from his perch on the building,"Someone should probably shovel what's collecting now, it's suppose to be a damned foot or two overnight they say. A bit unusual, even for this northern island, aye?" Though he wasn't looking at the two, he was speaking loud enough so they both could hear that he was addressing the two.

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Suddenly right before he was gonna continue talking to saphire he stiffened and turned. He had felt only a flash of energy before the man had faded totally into view. His hand moved to his sword, who was this guy and what was his speed to get here so quickly with him only noticing now. His energy was obviously demonic, suddenly a idea shot to his head. It could be Johanna's father, in that case they it was possible he was talking to a high demon. "You know suddenly having people appear like that really freaks me out, i almost attacked you." He said in apparent good humor, however he was worried, Zakura's sword was missing and even if he wasent a high demon saphire wasent ready for this fight. "Though i must wonder why you are here." He said still on hand on his sword though it seemed casual rather then threatening.
Okurigami smiled as he finally lifted his eyes to see Akio for the first time. Even when his eyes were down, he could feel every motion that Akio was doing. How he tensed, the reflex to his sword, all of it. Nothing but what he would expect from someone with many centuries of experience. This is who is training my descendant? Interesting. She'll be the first in the bloodline to be trained by anyone but a Byakurou. Damn the lack of foresight her father has.

A single black leather gloved hand reach to the back of his head and rubbed it gently, as the young man chuckled,"Sorry, I just have a bad habit of appearing places out of convenience." He stopped a bit and pointed a finger at himself,"Why am I here? Ah, that's quite the loaded question." That finger he used to point at himself was now tapping at the bottom of his chin, while his other free arm folded across his abdomen and under the elbow of his other arm to support it,"I'm here to find Akio, I guess would be a relevant answer to you."
"Im surprised you know my name, ive always been one to stay out of the limelight." He said thought it was obvious he already knew the demon knew exactly who he was. "Now while ive already asked you one loaded question i will have to ask you another, why do you ask for me?" He walked a few paces to the right so he was standing in front of saphire and zakura. "Though of course since you know my name it would be rude for you not tell me your own, human society has so many rules on edict now." He said with some bravado to keep his attention.
His smile stayed plastered on his face as the man continued to speak, and then he brought up something about human society and chuckled a bit,"Well, be it human society we will conform to. You shall get my human name then. I'm Hanzo, Shima Hanzo. That is my name..."

He paid attention to each move the man made, it was rather defensive, as if he was on edge. That entertained him a bit. He was protecting people, not himself, others. Something he had not expected from the fallen, but well, Lucifer was a fallen and would protect people also so maybe it wasn't so uncommon after all. "Now, that's a question I refuse to answer aloud with details. Suffice to say it, a certain someone has a bit of an interest in you and someone you're training. Now, I don't mean this with hostility, but..."

The man switched his feet, leaving his right slightly in front of his left, bending ever so slightly his left knee with his foot back and left hand on an invisible scabbard. He moved his right hand to place where a hilt of sword would extend from a scabbard, and pressed enough force to hear a click, as the sword had broken the grip of the sheath. With that click, a trail of snow a few meters away shot up but ended at a tree. Another click was heard, as he pushed the invisible blade back in its sheath, the tree that the trail stopped at, being cut into a million fine pieces, from trunk to the very top. All falling in a shower of fine splinters,"The avoidance of violence is always the best way to protect someone. I mean none of you harm.
"I give you my greetings also Hanzo. I sense that this is a conversation that has little bearing with me, so I shall stay as an outsider. Good day Akio." said Zakura as he saw the newcomer. Zakura bowed respectfully before calmly walking away through the snow. The man's show of power obviously put him at an exceptional level of strength, and he had performed a feat that Zakura could only perform with his convergence technique. Obviously this was an important matter, and one that Zakura had no pertinence to.

Akio glanced at the cut up tree, this mans speed was inhuman. It was equal or greater then his..... Zakura at least left giving him one less thing to worry about. He wasent sure if he'd be able to protect saphire if it came to blows so even if he was walking into a ambush he had to go. "A certain someone huh, i think i know who it is then. Saphire change of plans, im canceling the rest of training for tonight. Go back to the mansion and stay there so i can find you when i return." He looked up at this hanzo. "Well are we gonna stand here all day, take me to this certain someone." He said crossing his arms.
Hanzo smiled putting his hands together, before bowing to Zakura,"May luck be in your favor on your future endeavors." Of course he knew who he was, and about his blade but he was of no concern at this moment. He probably would later but for now,"Aye, little one. I suggest you soak in a bath if you've been training all day. Start with ice cold water, and then switch to warm. I'm sure someone is around who can suggest oils to pour in the bath to help with healing."

A chuckle met Akio's comment about standing here all day and a certain someone,"Fallen, you know the adage. Ask, and you shall receive." (going to powerplay ? god mod? whatever, just a wincy bit). He clapped his hands together, and their surroundings immediately changed to a bar. His manipulation of physics was something to be astonished by, though he was sure the fallen would have seen it before if he ever knew any archangels. The archangels could control physics, though it took more of a toll on them than it did Okurigami.

Hanzo looked over to a young boy, who couldn't have been placed above the age of 17 himself. His violet hair reached to his shoulders, and covered one of his matching eyes from view. He was wearing a long sleeve black shirt, and some cargo shorts despite the cold. He didn't bother looking up, he just fiddled with the glass of a clear liquid in front of him,"You've finally made it, you must've played around a bit Okurigami."

Hanzo met his response with a chuckle before looking around. The bar was full of demons, some "evil", some good, and some just ..there along with fallen angels. His eyes fell upon Lucifer once more,"Akio, this the Lord of Hell, Lucifer."
John was cold, but he was curious as he walked along. He had been missing Saphire for a few hours. He met the group and suddenly saw a bar form around them. He was confused and entered in the bar just in time to hear "Akio, this is the Lord of Hell, Lucifer." John stopped and his eyes widened. "Forgive me for intruding." He said as he shook off the cold and began to feel himself warm up. "You would be the prince of darkness, Lord of Hell, the evil one, Lucifer right?" John looked stunned as he looked at Hanzo, "Wow. You know, as a priest I should probably try some futile struggle and end up getting my ass handed to me, but we could totally skip that and I actually have a really important question for you when you are done with mister Akio, to have both of you up here... Well surely is no small task you come for. Unless you would be willing to answer one question, one very simple question really of mine. If not well that's alright I suppose. I just really can't stop thinking." John said as he stared off into space. "Rather, I'm hoping dearly that you will be able to help clear up some... inconsistencies in what the Church would have me believe is 'absolute truth'. But if you merely think me some petty human I guess that'd be normal of a demon who can wipe me out in an instant huh?" John said shrugging. "I would buy you a drink if that counted for anything."
Ophidius woke up screaming. It wasnt a loud one, it was a kind of nearly silent scream that was muffled by a lack of breath, like a whisper on the wind.

That's right, he was so afraid that he forgot to breathe.

"Nooooo...." he said aloud, "Noooonononono! Fuck! How are they here?! Both of them?! I have to get out of here right fucking now! Oh God, this is the end, isn't it?!"

The red-clad demon began to calm himself, 'No, it's okay, they won't find me. They can't find me. All they would sense is a human. I've got to lay low, just a few more hours for this ship to get moving. What are they doing here, anyway? I haven't sensed them since the....divide? No, that's silly. The Split. Yeah, that's the word. Still, I've got to think of something, got to make an escape strategy. They've already been tricked once, so it will not work. The skins might fool them, but I just need to not be found.'
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AkuNoOkami said:
Hanzo smiled putting his hands together, before bowing to Zakura,"May luck be in your favor on your future endeavors." Of course he knew who he was, and about his blade but he was of no concern at this moment. He probably would later but for now,"Aye, little one. I suggest you soak in a bath if you've been training all day. Start with ice cold water, and then switch to warm. I'm sure someone is around who can suggest oils to pour in the bath to help with healing."
A chuckle met Akio's comment about standing here all day and a certain someone,"Fallen, you know the adage. Ask, and you shall receive." (going to powerplay ? god mod? whatever, just a wincy bit). He clapped his hands together, and their surroundings immediately changed to a bar. His manipulation of physics was something to be astonished by, though he was sure the fallen would have seen it before if he ever knew any archangels. The archangels could control physics, though it took more of a toll on them than it did Okurigami.

Hanzo looked over to a young boy, who couldn't have been placed above the age of 17 himself. His violet hair reached to his shoulders, and covered one of his matching eyes from view. He was wearing a long sleeve black shirt, and some cargo shorts despite the cold. He didn't bother looking up, he just fiddled with the glass of a clear liquid in front of him,"You've finally made it, you must've played around a bit Okurigami."

Hanzo met his response with a chuckle before looking around. The bar was full of demons, some "evil", some good, and some just ..there along with fallen angels. His eyes fell upon Lucifer once more,"Akio, this the Lord of Hell, Lucifer."
When akio found himself in a bar suddenly he didnt even display any surprise, as a angel who was considered for archangel he had spent a large amount of time among the arch angels and met some of the strongest. Still this was on another level then he was used too but he was pretty good at keeping a poker face. However one thing is poker face couldnt hold was the look of surprise when he head Okurigami's name spoken out loud. It was slight but it was there, so thats who this man was and if the man in front of him was truly lucifer then most likely......

Then any tension he had in his body was broken when he heard a voice he was beginning to depart from hate and sink into loath. He had to suppress a growl when he heard the priest and he looked at Okurigami. "If you decide to kill him i almost wont protest." He said rolling his eyes and sitting next to lucifer almost nonchalantly. If these two wanted to kill him they could do in a instant so he might as well sit and have a drink, make a bit of a show out of it. "So im guessing your Johanna's father, only reason you would show interest in her. You know her goal is to punch you in the face?" He said matter of factly as he sat.
Saphire hadn't felt the power... at first. But when the two of them disappeared she just kinda... fell to the floor. The only thought running through her head at the moment was: What the hack just happened. I'm... Like, totally... oh dear goodness, I'm so glad they weren't paying much attention to me once I was dismissed. Anyone who can teleport people... is not someone I'd like to get mad at me. She was suddenly profoundly grateful that 90% of people and creatures preferred to ignore her presence at the moment. It might have just saved her life. After laying on the ground for a good ten minutes she got up, grabbed her stuff, and walked numbly home. Too much stuff had just happened, and she didn't want to think about it at the moment. She'd react later, when it wasn't such a shock.
Okurigami looked to the priest and sighed gently and looked to his gloved hands,"I have miscalculated somethings it seems." This caused a bit of irritation mostly at himself, as he watched everything play around him. Akio was calm, by the sudden changes of events though Okurigami had figured he was a bit thrown off from meeting Lucifer. Yet, this priest seemed to get a rise out of him.

Lucifer on the other hand, his expression didn't change. He lifted the glass up and swallowed the liquid slowly. The cold liquid was some form of high alcohol by volume, and he took it easily without a flinch. "Humans, you are God's creation so your nature is to follow him. There is no such thing as good nor evil. Beings have their nature, and by my account the only evil things that exist are those who deny their nature." He looked at the glass as it had become full again, as if it was never empty,"Truths are relevant. Just follow what you feel is right. If it means standing against me then do it. Just never do something that's against what YOU believe."

Okurigami listened to Lucifer speak and sighed gently. He was the same Fallen Angel now, as he was so many years ago. That star in the sky. He held his hand out for John to take a seat with Lucifer also before he looked to Akio,"That girls' father? Hells no. She is my descendant, aye, the great many times over, grandchild of my avatar, but I am not her biological father. Nay, that be the king of demon world, Byakurou Chiba. another one of my descendants."
After a brisk trek from the docks, Ophidius entered a bar that seemed mostly empty, save for a small group sitting together. He still had a few hours before his ship set sail, and if he didn't get a drink to relieve the stress he would start having night terrors.

'Hmm...' the demon thought, 'I still have some antifreeze and the secret ingredient, so all I need to make the Iceberg Buster is something potent..'

Ophidius walked up to the group and spoke up. "Hey, would any of you happen to have some Everclear? I'm having a rough night and a bit of the stuff might soothe my nerves. I don't know if it is common in this country, though..."
"For some reason hearing you say the word hells is quite comical to me." He said with a small smirk. Rather this whole situation was hilarious and he should be dead right now but here he was. He was almost giddy. "Well that explains why you show interest in her, and why her potential is so high that even i was baffled at first. Still why did you ask me here, while im not complaining i was training my other disciple at the time, someone with almost equal potential to her." He said. He looked over at lucifer, he used to have nightmares about this guy as a angel. He was the source of all evil in the world, the great enemy, someone who could even kill god. And yet he could not bring himself to fear the demon, rather he found him wise. The words he said made a lot of of sense and showed his wisdom. This was the great destroyer meant to kill all that was good?
John shook his head as he took a seat, "What you say holds great meaning, mate. Can't argue with it in the least bit of sense. What I'm wondering though is why you rebelled? Did he create you to rebel? Are you evil then? I wanna hear your story of why you rebelled and none of that diluted history that the church taught me. I know it sounds weird, a priest conversing and wanting to know the enemy's side of the story but..." He rolled up his left sleeve and showed the sigil on his left arm where he was bound to the demon he pulled out of his cousin. The sigil was glowing a faint purple as John touched it, "For me, I didn't exactly have much of a say in the matter of becoming an exorcist. Sometimes shit happens. Guess it's just part of being human." John sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

"You know Lucifer, I've been wondering for a while. What are humans exactly? Supposedly we were made in God's image, but shouldn't that mean we should be able to control our own destinies and have as much choice as he does? Guess what I'm really getting at is well, put plainly, is God a dick?" He smiled half to himself, realizing how he had oversimplified everything again as he looked at a Jukebox in the corner. "Looks like they have Scenes from an Italian Restaurant. I can recognize it from even this far away. Shall I put it on? I find Billy Joel to be quite fitting music for a bar. It might just give you a little bit of leniency to maybe answer this silly little monkey's question."
Lucifer didn't bother looking up once Ophi had inquired about the alcohol, instead a bottle of the fine liquid appeared at the edge, causing Okurigami to shake his head disapprovingly,"You know you are human at the moment, maybe you should pay for things like the humans."

Lucifer only raised his hand in protest before sighing gently,"Humans are made in his image, in the loosest meaning of the word. Angels are more so in his image than humans are, but I would be careful insulting him, even if I don't agree with what he does. Power is to be respected, despite ideals." A yawn escaped his mouth before taking in a deep breath,"I didn't rebel. I just felt that angels should govern angels. I felt there was something about what God was doing that wasn't right. I didn't want his power, just the power to govern my own people. Dah. Enough about me..."

Okurigami chuckled a bit as he turned his attention from Lucifer to Akio,"Well....m'lord?"

Lucifer nodded,"Ah, right. We just want you to report to use about Johanna and Saphire. Report everything to us, and keep some things from Koharu. The less he knows, the more likely they'll be able to survive."
John looked confused as he took a drink of scotch, "Hey, Lucifer, it seems kind of odd you want to know everything about Saphire. I mean, shit, wanting to know about Johanna makes sense, she's one of you. But Saphire? Seems like Heaven should be the ones who come calling about her? Do they just not care about her? I mean she has as much heavenly potential as Johanna has demonic potential. Doesn't take much to realize they're juxtapose. So does heaven not give a shit or something? As for what your intentions are, I honestly don't wanna know. It'll probably only make my head hurt. I simply want to know why it's you who's asking about Saphire rather than Heaven, because Heaven would make a lot more sense." He passed the bartender a $20 bill, "Also man, I want one bourbon, one scotch, and one beer." He smiled wondering if anyone would get the reference.
Ophidius quickly poured a drop of antifreeze and something....else...into the bottle of Everclear, turning the mixture a glowing ethereal blue. He then chugged the bottle, downing it in a single go.

"I'm going to feel like shit when I wake up from this." The red demon said. "Thanks for the drink. By the way, you need to try this, it's my special Iceberg Buster. Real nice." He then produced a large stack of yen, held together by a rubber band, and chucked it at the priest at high speed. "There, I paid. Priest, please drag me back to the Mansion when I collapse. I'm going to miss an important boat, but I think I can get some airplane tickets online. Good night."

And with that statement, Ophidius collapsed on the floor, having been rendered unconcious by the mighty Iceberg Buster, while a strange

filled the air.
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Usually akio would have immediately refused or made up some lie. Quite soon they were meant to go against demons of the supreme 4 and letting them know what was gonna happen before it did would be a severe blow. However there were several things he had noticed. First he didnt think they were just looking out for their own efforts (or at least lucifer wasent) the second saphire was mentioned. While saphire had massive potential in holy trying to make her learn demonic magic would diminish it to where it was almost not worth the effort. Second Koharu should have had many more powerful resources to chase after the supreme 4 beyond two experienced guardians and forcing him not to come along. And Zakura to who he considered when he had his blade close to his strength if for nothing else the blade itself. From the moment he heard about this quest he didnt know if koharu really wanted them to live. Both demons would notice his silence for a moment before akio spoke. "I can understand Johanna but i dont know why you are looking out for saphire as well... I must admit i dont trust koharu a inch but i dont know why i should trust you their...." He takes a deep breath if deciding something. "Koharu is sending the guardians on a quest far beyond their level and then dragging me away for something else so i will be unable to help them survive it."
Lucifer sent a cold glare to the priest seeming as if he desired to rips the soul right from his body. He didn't, he merely took a swig of the alchohol that seemed to re spawn perpetually in his glass,"Wise words, keep yer' questions to yer own business." He took in a deep breath as he carefully thought of what he should say next before sighing gently,"No child should be sacrificed for something, without knowing the full truth behind it."

Lucifer shot a gaze at the man who had suddenly collapsed and rose a brow. There was something oddly familiar about that man that he could not put a finger on it,"The truth behind her creation and reason for existence will come from darkness and to light. And she shall not be as Azazel, they will not use the child as a scapegoat as to why they enter this war. "

Okurigami started to calculate the two guardian's potential growth between now and then. They were aware of them being sent on a mission to fight the Supreme 4 in a week, they had their special informants too. After a moments passed Okurigami sighed,"Together, they can best the Champion of the Supreme 4. I dare say Johanna could beat him herself. The ice demon and large one....There's a chance if they did everything perfect and the other two just messed up. The final two they don't stand a chance against."
He looked at lucifer as he made his decision. No he couldnt find himself fearing him, unless he became their enemy. Rather he found himself respecting the man, he had a sense of honor equal or even greater then many of the angels he knew. Perhaps rather then simply listening to what he was told once apon a time he found himself making his own judgements. Rather then the source of all evil, he could see him as a revolutionary. Simply another side, so heaven was wrong again. "You know i can not find lie in your words or fault, you are more honorable then i was led to believe about you as my time as a angel. You even respect your enemy when all they do is ridicule you for your apparent selfishness and weakness. Like many things i find my opinions differing from heavens, i find you honorable."

When Okurigami mentioned the supreme 4 he snorted, so they knew already. That meant all his worries we for naught anyway. "My form is too weak right now in order to challenge koharu and just go with them and without my unless you take them their deaths are assured no matter what. I do not have the time to teach the guardians what they need to survive... If only i had more time." He said drinking some stronger alcohol.
John looked at Okurigami, "Think it's better to be safe than sorry in protecting both of them? I could go ahead and do that. Something just seems off to me." He sighed, "None of it makes sense, but I guess in the end it doesn't have to. There's something inherently wrong with letting them die." He then looks at Akio, "Think that might be optimal? I could be an unexpected factor as I already have been even in this meeting. One human is all it could take to tip the balance in your favor." He said taking a drink of the bourbon, scotch, and beer. He then looked at Lucifer, "Something tells me I'll figure it all out much later. What say you? Do you think that I should be on standby to ensure that neither of them perish? I've done well so far to show no one that I can fight." He turned to all of them, "What are your thoughts?"

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