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Fantasy The Divide

The priests quickly finished their work as they left and John waved them goodbye. "See? All better and fixed now." he dusted off his hands. "Now, I am quite famished, is there anything to eat or is it all ruined?"
"U-umm... everything should still be fine, it wasn't on the table just yet." A sheepish smile, she hadn't finished the Dango yet. "I suppose you could certainly have a bit of it." She wiped her face one last time, removing the tears that had managed to escape her self-control again, turning around to pick up the paper she'd been given by Akio. Still not looking at it, afraid it might be some kind of reprimand even though it was too small for that, she walked to the door. "I must admit I'm famished as well. Perhaps I should see how De Longe-san dealt with this?"
Johanna was taken back by the hug, but did not resist it. Instead she rested her face on his chest and took in a deep breath, no one hugging her with that type of emotion since Yoh. The thought of him crossed her mind and she buried her face in his chest,"The human me can't protect anyone....the human me is weak..." she said tearing up a bit. She always felt Yoh's death was her fault. She didn't know yoh was killed by demons who were trying to get to her, but she didn't need to know that feel the guilt,"If being human is so great, so much of a part of Johanna why can't I protect someone I cared for..."

She had cried for so long after Yoh's death, so much so that she eventually just stopped. She just couldn't. She had been softening up and everything, enjoying life, but the one person who stood by her for what seems like her entire life..who protected her..she couldn't protect. Her father wasn't around to protect her, her mother never seemed to care enough..but Yoh did. Yoh hadn't even known her and stood up for her all those years ago and she couldn't do the same for him.
He just stayed with her like this, his hands tender as he held her tightly. She had lost someone, someone who meant a lot to her, he knew that pain and could understand it, and it helped him understand a lot about Johanna too. "Its alright, i lost someone important to me once.. But you wont lose anyone else, if you dont have the strength ill give it to you, if you feel your not strong enough ill support you, and if in the end your strength alone still isnt enough i will be there to help you, you arent alone." He said. For a moment he remembered the love he lost, he had been two weak, not fast enough, not strong enough. Now he was but he hadent found anything that he had wanted to protect, but now he knew what he wanted to protect, he had people counting on him after all.
She let her tears dry up a bit as she listened to his words and broke away from Akio turning her back on him. It wasn't mean to be in a disrespectful manner, but she didn't like showing emotions. With a gentle sigh and a sniffle, her nose had gotten quite filled with mucous from her crying fit, she lifted her hand up to remove any trace of a tear with her right hand,"I swear if you tell anyone I cried old man I will haunt your dreams."
"I wont tell, though you know i have a name. You call call by it sometime if you want." He said a little bit teasingly as he looked at her. Then he went over and sat back down finishing the rest of his food in a few seconds as there was left then half yet,in truth he could leave now and go back to the mansion to start night training but at the same time he didnt want to leave, something about her made him want to stay.
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John nodded as he held the door open for her in a gentleman like fashion, "Of course. It only stands to reason that we should see how the Sous-chef is holding up. Without him I fear that we will have no one else to cook, save for maybe myself but I'd rather not cook after repairing the house." He said smiling down at Saphire.
Mars walked in town, kicking up snow with her sandals on purpose. She had braided her long black hair and let that one braid of hair hang over her shoulders. Up ahead she spotted a group of human males smoking near the corner store, her glowing eyes starred at them like prey. She wanted nothing more than to laugh as her nails dug into their flesh. Breathing in and out, Mars kept her blood thirst under control. Of course it didn't help with the fact that those men were walking toward her now. Excitement for a fight crawled up her skin but she pushed it back down; she could only defend herself, not kill. What a bother. But... she wouldn't mind handing their butts to them.
Saphire nodded, "He is rather good at cooking. I was surprised how fast he learned to cook Japanese dishes." It truly was impressive... and a welcome change in topic. She had broken down... twice, in one day. And that was not a good thing... even if it had led to her home being utterly and completely repaired... in what, how long? A blink, frown, and then gasp... "H-how long has it been? An hour, more?" Akio was going to be very unhappy when he found out she was late. Again. After asking him for extra training.... her face drained completely, her looking like she was sick. How rude could one get?
Miroslav had made his way back into the kicthen for a moment before looking over to Johanna and sticking his tongue out, and then looking over the kicthen"You ate all the loco moco?"

"You ate all the beef brats, brat?" she responded with venom in her voice, even a bit of a hiss to it like a serpent. This caused Miroslav to roll his eyes before returning to his room.

"He's annoying...but he's my little brother," she said shrugging before focusing on Akio,"Akio-sensei huh? That's what you want me to call you? Eh, I guess it fits. Teachers and masters and all that jazz are old." She smirked before sighing,"I really only come here to sleep...or sit on the roof. I don't enjoy being home much."
"You japanese are so obsessed with honorifics, are there are so many too i dont know how you keep track." He said drinking some of his gatorade. "You can also just can me akio, i call you by your first name after all and it doesent matter to me since most of my time in the human world was in europe then the US." He said closing the bottle. "Why do you not like your brother so much?"
Johanna shrugged her shoulders,"I don't care for honorifics....I get scolded for it everywhere I go." That was one of the things she chose her German side for, the lack of honorifics. She didn't much japanese food either, but loved German stuff. Yet if you asked her, she'd identify as Japanese,"He's alright, he's just a brat that had everything handed to him. Mother dearest seems to favor him too...Which makes sense now.." she said tapping her finger on her chin,"If you're right and the person in my dream is my dad, the little brat looks like him facially. The eyes and hair are different, but they were a splitting image other wise."

She growled a bit at the thought of her mother, and closed her eyes folding her arms over her abdomen,"Everything makes sense now..."
"Well you dont have to bother with me." He said with a shrug. "Hmm still most high ranking demons see humans as nothing but food or annoyances. I cant help but wonder why a high ranking demon like him would both coming to the human world for such a purpose." He said to himself, he didnt believe in coincidences in this regard, there must have been a reason for the high demons actions. "If he wanted children in order to improve hell's army he would have just taken you two right away, its been done before though i cant remember a high demon doing so, many times it fails and the baby dies early."
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On the floor all 5 men lay unconscious, Mars walked away whistling like she had done nothing. Skipping down the street Mars made her way back to the mansion and even though she could teleport there, she wanted to walk right now. The cold wind blew against her cheeks but she couldn't feel the chill like most humans would. Biting her bottom lip she looked around, her hand lay on her chest for a moment; all she felt was a hollow feeling inside of her, one that never disappeared. It usually bothered her when she paid attention to it but luckily for her she made it to the mansion and made her way to the kitchen.
Saphire, without waiting for a reply, rushed over to the kitchen, grabbing some of the Onigiri in a bag, taking a bite out of one of them. She'd thank De Longe-san later, right now she had to rush back to the park... and she'd nearly forgotten her naginata, which was laying in her room, and bow. Grabbing those and hurrying out the door she shouted a general "I'm off!" And left for the park. If she was lucky she'd barely be on time... and still severely hungry, but it might be best she didn't have a full stomach. She might puke next time she's hit in the stomach, after all.

Zakura stretched as he came back to the mansion once more. He had taken a permission granted leave from teaching for a few days so that he could begin harsh training. He had felt his blade whispering to him in moments of complete silence, as if it were beckoning him to do something. It was an odd sensation, and the voices that came from the blade were unearthly and from multiple different people. The collective conscience of Zakura's entire bloodline.

The only time the blade ever attempted to communicate with Zakura was when he achieved knowledge of the Convergence technique, one of the secret techniques that the blade harbored. That was over one seventy years ago though. Perhaps it was now time for Zakura to learn of yet another secret. To prepare for this, Zakura had taken his excused absence to leave the city and travel to a relatively unknown hiking site. It was there that Zakura spent his time, evading human contact and constantly hacking away at targets in an attempt to be in a position to receive the new technique. The previous time Zakura received a secret technique was when he was simply resting after a long session of training. The blade moved on its own suddenly and violently, which instinctively caused Zakura to grasp it's hilt. Once he did grab the hilt, his mind was forcibly invaded by countless voices that all screamed in chaotic harmony. That experience would have driven anyone to extreme shock, but Zakura felt unnaturally calm when it happened, as if he were in a state of absolute thoughtlessness. Once the voices ended, Zakura just "knew" how to perform the Convergence technique as if he had always known how to. Of course, refining the technique through practice was something that Zakura himself had to do.

It had been almost eleven hours now since Zakura started training. Branches sliced into countless pieces lay scattered about Zakura in neat piles. Throughout this entire training session, Zakura had only practiced his Convergence technique. He preferred to practice the technique because in order for it to be used, it required an absolute presence of mind which very few combatants could ever achieve. It was a state of mind clear of any distractions and driven by pure instinct that was fueled by countless hours of training and fighting. Everything became clearer in that state of mind, noises, sounds, smells, movements - everything. Currently, Zakura could reliably use the convergence technique, but only with a few seconds of preparation in order to prepare a perfect mental state. Zakura desired one day to perhaps attain that mental state of perfect instinct at will, but he knew that day was far off. Very few living beings could switch their minds instantly to that of an empty void that was combat incarnate, not even most of the high tiers of angels or demons.

In any case, Zakura was now tired after his training, and he sat down under the shade of a gnarly tree with Muramasa in hand.

That was when the voices came.

They did not scream, but they whispered. They whispered inaudible, ethereal words that sounded like incomprehensible chattering. Zakura simply accepted the voices and let them speak without straining to hear what they said.

After a good ten seconds, the voices abruptly stopped.

When Zakura regained his bearings, he noticed to his shock that the blade of Muramasa was gone. Only the handguard and handle remained. Zakura had not received any new knowledge, so he had no idea what had happened. Muramasa's sheath was also gone without a single trace.

Zakura instinctively knew that he had learned something, but what he had learned was not made clear to him like it had been before. The only proof that something significant had happened was the fact that his katana now had no blade nor sheath. It was an incredibly confusing situation that startled even the composed Zakura.

Nevertheless, Zakura was always the pragmatist, so he put aside his worries and began to plan a logical course of action.

He would return to the mansion because he obviously had no need to train anymore if he had already received his new technique and catch up on things he missed. He would then go on about his life as always, keeping tabs on Sapphire and Johanna while training away from the eyes of everyone. He would have plenty of time to understand what had happened once he got back to the mansion.​
"Well," Johanna started and thought for a moment before starting again,"What if he just....fell in love with a human?" she questioned and took in a deep breath. It would make sense, only a demon could lover her mother,"I mean anyone who would have kids with that hag would have to be a demon..the heartless broad..."

She stopped herself and sighed gently,"She's still my mother though. Let me respect her." After inhaling deep, and exhaling slow she start to speak again,"I don't know. I just know I'm here. I just know I got a job to do, and I'll do it. And one day, I'm going to smash that old man's face in for being the worst father to ever exist. Call me weak will he..."
He thought about it, well it could definitely happen. "And it not like he'd be kicked out of hell of loving a human." He said to himself slightly bitter. The world was changing and even hell could adapt yes the place of all good heaven could not. It was stupid and he sometimes hated them for it. "Heh your still mad about that?" He remarked teasingly when she remarked on him calling her weak. He looked at his watch, and realized it was a little past a hour, he needed to go for night training. He got up slowly, surprisingly he didnt want to go, he was learning about johanna and enjoying his time with her. 'Its rare for me to enjoy my time like this with someone else.' In fact the last time had been her. "I gotta go, its about time for saphire's night training."
She shrugged and pulled her phone out and checked with the time and looked off to the side,"Right..." She still hadn't gotten a text back from Woods, and the disappointment was showing on her face. A moment passed and she said nothing before scoffing at herself,"He's a loser anyways..." she mumbled inaudibly to herself before turning to Akio,"Bets be off then. I'll be there bright and early tomorrow to start training too. We only have a week before we whoop some demon ass."

She was actually excited about it, she didn't know what was to come, but she liked fighting and getting to destroy things without getting in trouble. That was her demonic nature, and it was showing brightly,"Ja'ne Akio."
He grinned when she said she will be there bright and early, of course she would think like that. "Yeah we do. And were gonna do it too, i will make you strong enough to crush them." He said, he attitude flowing on to him as well, that confidence that was semi infectious. "I will see you later Johanna." With that he left the room and went to the roof. He took a deep breath and leaped off the roof shooting down like a rocket, while he was flying with someone it was beyond hard to do these kind of stunts but now he folded his wings and shot down like a arrow. When he was only about 5 floors from the ground he changed his speed a momentum and shot into the sky like a rocket, at this rate he would arrive on the training field in less then 3 minutes. When he got there he landed looking for saphire.
Saphire had run and run, taking several bites of the onigiri as she did, and arrived barely a few seconds before Akio, chewing on her dinner almost as though she was rused. When he landed she nodded, a mangled hello from her normally polite mouth, still full of rice and filling. After she'd finished the last one she swallowed, wiping her mouth to remove the remaining rice, and put the remaining three down next to a tree. "S-sorry... I'm not late, am I?"
"You are but you exempt as i am later." He said with a grin. "One thing i noticed in our fight is your weakness at close range, part of this reason other then for abilities you dont use the Naginata right." With that he walked over and moved a log revealing what he had prepared. He pulled out his own Naginata and twirled it expertly in his hands nodding at the balance before turning. "You may use any weapon, this blades edge is blunt so i will hit you all i want. If you hit me once anywhere the battle is over. Make sure to watch my blade and see what i do." ((we will do the first fight then time skip over the rest as i dont need to roleplay akio crushing you many times with the same weapon))
"I see. Sorry." She couldn't very well explain that there had been an army of holy-men fixing her house while singing some American song, now could she? Anyway he wasn't upset, and she was getting ready for a fight. By grabbing her Naginata, well aware he'd just told her she was using it wrong and determined to attempt to fix this based on his own actions, and took a deep breath. Letting it out she rushed over to him, silent, and swung her naginata downward, at the bottom of the swing spinning it around so she could attack sideways as she did, always keeping a sure grip with at least one hand.

How did one use a naginata properly? Was there something she'd missed? No, those weren't the thoughts she should be focusing on, she should be watching him move and reacting accordingly.
He watched her rush over with a powerful downwards swing, she understood the basics. One of the best things about this weapon was the weight you could put behind it, while it swung slower then a sword its power was much more. He blocked with the middle of his shaft in a cross block, his shaft was metal for one reason and one reason alone. He extensively used it to block and to attack. As she spun he just shifted his weapon holding it the side wasting no movement as he used the minimal amount needed to block. Then he spun the weapon, keeping her weapon at the side at this range by not moving his and brought the butt of his weapon up in arc to try and hit under her chin hard before stepping back and thrusting full force from what usually be out of range for even this weapon but he had switched to a one handed grip and stepped forward so he added almost 3 feet to his range. His blows carried incredible weight, the more she took these blows with her smaller frame the more she would feel her arms numb and be knocked out of position to defend more and more each time she parried the strong blow.
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She blocked one attack, felt the utter shock of the attack, and decided to roll to the side, glad she wasn't a girly-girl who needed to keep their hair freakishly clean even in the middle of a battle. After all, she couldn't block the attacks, if the ringing in her arms was an indication, and it'd only take another step forward for him to reach her if she stepped backwards any amount. Stopping once she was out of his range she, also with one arm, swung her naginata in a small circle, planning on letting any impact with his weapon knock the weapon back to her other arm as she rose to her feet again, quickly turning to face him once she was on her feet. The goal this time wasn't to incapacitate or eliminate him... it was just to get past his defenses, so she'd need to test his reactions and attacks.

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