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Fantasy The Divide

Johanna's didn't wake immediately, though she stirred from his nudge before slowly opening her eyes which showed grey before quickly moving back to their sea foam green. She slipped out of his arms and on to her feet, brushing herself off before stretching her arms wide,"I bet that baka didn't even tip the delivery guy. I should've put the tip on the card.." she said mumbling a bit before finally focusing on Akio,"You should go.....If I really am half demon..then my brother probably is too. He could probably see your wings...."
Saphire hadn't much reacted when Akio handed her the check, aside from moving her hand to the side so it wouldn't be ruined by her tears. It had been a long time since she'd actually cried... not since her parents died several years ago. So, in what she assumed was a safe, unnoticed room in the mansion, she dropped to her knees and let the tears fall. They were tears of stress, tension, frustration... and sorrow. She felt so alone... at least for the moment, and lost. Sure, she'd been comforted, and she'd been cared for... but the main problem, that she was mostly on her own for everything, was more than she could handle at the moment. At some point even her hyperventilation slowed as she just gave in to the tears.
"Hmm its a possibility." He said in thought now, if her brother was a demon as well but unaware of his powers someone like him with the ability to recognize hit may drag him into this. "Then its better then im here, if he is half demon and doesent know it and he runs into someone like me who would be able to tell if he has your kind of potential or any at all really, unless he learns how to hide it or someone does for him it will be easy to tell. Its better if i can confirm now so i can hide it if necessary. As for my wings." Akio's wore a coat most of the time due to the amount of stuff he carried such as his weapons and for another purpose. He took off his coat and folded his winds parallel to his back tuck in nicely then put back on the coat. While there were slits for his wings in his jacket like this the black feather blended nicely with the fabric and were camouflaged unless you expected closely. "Lead on."
John got up and went back downstairs to where Saphire was, he opened the door and went right up to her, looking her straight in the eye as he sadly smiled and outstretched his arms, "It'll be okay. I promise. I'll make sure it gets fixed. Come here and let all those tears out. It's alright to cry."
Saphire, still a bit too distraught to think straight, acted on instinct. Arms were open, someone was looking at her... and she ran over to him, letting the check lay on the floor. Instead she grabbed him in a weak hug, just letting herself cry and wail, probably looking like some kind of spoiled brat and not much caring at the moment. She just let out all of her tears, everything she'd built up, out... it wouldn't reach all of them, not by a long shot, but... it would certainly be better for her than what she'd been doing... bottling it all up because she had to be strong.
Johanna listened to Akio for a minute, and had the mind to protest before her stomach started growling. Her mouth closed just as quick as she opened it and placed her right hand in hair scratching her scalp a bit, out of confusion more so than it actually itched. With a long extended breath she turned and walked inside the building looking to the lady at the desk who greeted Johanna,"Miss Mizoto." She merely raised her hand before stepping on to the elevator, pulling out a key card and swiping it through a reader before pushing the button that said penthouse,"Ok...so my brother is annoying..be warned."
He heard her stomach growling and he just smirked at her with a slow widening smirk till she started walking into the building. With that he followed her inside looking at the lady before walking inside the elevator with her. He got in listening as johanna mentioned the weirdness of her brother. "I can deal with weird, ive seen a lot of weird things in my time."
Michael opened his mouth to say something to the demon girl when another voice spoke up. The still unnamed man, calling him sous chef -- again -- and giving him orders. Already at his limit, he grit his teeth and turned on the spot to shout at him. "First off, stop calling me sous chef, it's goddamn rude! Second, I'll get back to the kitchen when I'm done here! Third, get your own radio!" After he was done shouting he loosened fists he didn't realize he'd been clenching and turned back to the girl in time for her to spout out what he thought was an apology.

"Don't go running out of breathe geesh... I don't exactly have clothes your size, boys or girls... maybe Saphire-san..." He banished the idea before he even finished stating it. Saphire was in no condition to be needing to try and help others at the moment. Letting out a frustrated sigh he said, "Come on, there's a bathroom just down the way, you can clean up there."
When the elevator reached the top floor after awhile, a couple minutes for it was about fifty floors, and a low bell chimed, much like the annoying sounds of the bell at her school. The doors slid open and she slowly walked through the newly opened passage before glancing over the residence. It was quite a large place of living, and quite marvelous for a human. Her mother was the CEO of some big company of course, but somehow she and her brother had to share a bath and her mother got two. How annoying....

She took a few steps in and scanned the area,"Brat, I'm home and let me guess, it's Saturday night so our dear mother is nowhere to be found, right?" She looked over to look at a note on the wall and her eye twitched a bit in anger, as she balled the paper up and destroyed it with a small blast of spiritual energy. Oddly, something she didn't pay attention to, it was one of the times she controlled how much she released in a blast without using all her energy.

She flailed her arms a bit,"Got damn you old hag! how in the hell you just leave for Germany and don't tell anyone. Worst mother ever." As she finished this sentence a younger male, 13-14, probably 14, made his way into the hall. He had the same sea foam green eyes as Johanna, the same black hair (though his was cut shorter and spiky) same caramel skin complexion. Yet he was taller than her, perhaps 6'1 at a young age, and bigger than her, muscular. Well he was a star athlete, perhaps that was what he got from his demon blood without knowing, like Johanna got her speed. She never paid much attention to it, but the boy had approached with no shirt on and some sweatpants.

He rose a brow,"I saw you at the game today, you played well despite being ugly..." He tilted his head a bit glancing over to Akio. He hadn't become spiritually aware enough to see his wings, but he had the potential to. While Johanna got it at an earlier age, her brother never was bullied so never had the emotional need for it. His spiritual awareness was enough to give him an off feeling about the man but he shrugged,"Mom said no boys, but I won't tell if you invite Kasumi over."

Johanna sighed punching her brother in the arm extremely hard, causing him to wince and rub it a bit,"This is Ak...." she stopped for a minute and looked at Akio and back to her brother,"This is Hayate, he is helping me with martial arts. Hayate this is Miroslav, aka my annoying little brother." She didn't say much else going into the kitchen and looking through the food, and sighing,"Of course you eat all the beef brats, leaving the pork ones knowing I don't like pork..." she rolled her eyes a bit before opening up another box. A box with loco moco, and took out chopsticks stared at them for a while before throwing them down and grabbing a fork and began to eat.
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He watched what button he pushed so he knew they were going to the penthouse. 'So johanna is quite rich or at least her parents are, most rich kids are snobs and ive never seen her use her own money, i wonder whats the story behind that.' He thought to himself as they rod up the elevator, he almost wished he could have just flown up there, rising up in this small cramped space annoyed him slightly though it was made easier by johanna's presence.

"Quite the place." He remarked as they walking inside. He saw her look at a name on the wall and seemed to get quite annoyed with it before destroying it with a small controlled blast of spiritual energy. So she did have a bit of control, if only if it was angry. He would keep that in mind for when it came time for training. He couldnt help but seemed amused at her flailing arms as she exclaimed in anger at her mother.

When her brother walked he quickly turned all his attention to him, he had potential that was for sure but even more then johanna it wasent realized. He did not have sight of the supernatural yet, not with this level of power. With that he took off his jacket spreading his wings to full. To her brother it would only seemed like he was stretching. "Good day to you Miroslav." He said politely before following johanna to the kitchen. His wings out was some info on the situation already. "Can i grab something to eat?" He asked.
Miroslav hadn't taken notice to the wings, but when Akio took his jacket off, he did raise a brow as if something was off. He eventually shrugged his shoulders returning back to where he came from, which was probably his room. He was probably playing some game or something, he was a big fan of the fighting games and when he wasn't training for sports, he'd spend some of his free time at the arcades playing the Gundam fighting games, or maybe with some girl. Johanna didn't keep up with her brother.

Jojo took a moment to pause from her eating to slide up on to the island in the middle of the rather large kitchen and looked to Akio,"Yeah, help yourself. I always order a lot because my brother and I tend to eat...a lot. " she shrugged going back to her food. It was true, as athletes they had to eat a lot almost out of necessity to balance out all of what they burned,"It's a mixture of German and Hawaiian food. Not sure if you had it, but It comes from this place that sells Western food." she shrugged. She only knew about it because of her dislike for many japanese dishes, despite a lot of Hawaiian food being derived from it.
With a nod akio and went and grabbed some food, unlike Johanna he didnt mind pork so he grabbed some and sat down next to her. He had felt her brother leave the area so he started speaking. "Your brother has potential, etheir equal or greater to yours but its almost completely unrealized, he cant even see into this world yet though i think he felt something was off." He said eating some of his food. "I can hide his potential for a majority of people without him noticing." He said taking another bite. "Hey about what i said to saphire."
"He's a brat, but that sounds good," she told him seemingly eating all of her eggs at once like she was a vacuum. She was clearly hungry and as she finished the two burger patties and rice next and slid off the counter getting another box of the same meal and slid back to her original position. Like I said, the two siblings could eat,"What you say to her? Oh you mean the whole thing about better than me and all that?" She questioned re accounting the event like she saw it not like it happened. She shrugged,"If that's what it is, I don't care. I'm better than her, but I'd understand why'd you say it, I rushed in and didn't think about anything I did...."

She began eating her eggs again,"I get it...I guess."
"Maybe but rather what i said was strong there, rather then saying that i should have said you have different strengths. Saphire is used to being weak in a sense and being a part of the background. Her difference in attitude reflects in her fighting as does yours. Saphire is careful and cautious, shes always worried about failing and messing up, thats why she sets up so many so many fail safes and uses ranged weapons and weapons that keep her distance. However you are confident and strong, used to getting things done. You hadent really failed before meeting me. While saphire with her many defensive abilities and power to keep a slightly stronger opponent at a distance. However she's weaker versus many slightly weaker opponents or people like me and you with high speed and powerful hitting power. Meanwhile currently your weak vs people who can equal your speed or those who set traps because you unused to having your blows countered. Saphire needs helps as well with upping her confidence and close range combat while you need help mainly in learning how to deal with someone as fast as you and those who can read you. So while you need more work versus opponents at my level right now you could beat saphire. You are not weak and i should have not have said it in that fashion." He said apologizing.
Johanna listened to him intently as she gobbled down the rest of her food and nodded a bit,"That's a fair assessment..." she admitted before closing her eyes. She didn't like failing, and she wasn't use to it. She exceeded at everything, except school, she only had mainly low a's and mid to high b's. She took in a deep breath tilting her head to one side, before looking away and returning his attention,"Still, no need to apologize. If you haven't noticed, I'm not sensitive as some others though I might be more irritable."

She shrugged. She knew she had a lot of shortcomings, fighting and in the social department, but she wasn't really one to want to change the latter. Another slide off the counter, she tossed the two empty boxes in the trash and stuck her head in the fridge,"what do fallen angels...drink?" she questioned with a rose brow. She reached in for gatorade for herself,"Human souls?" she joked taking a deep breath. Training for a week.....here she comes.
"Thats true, your not shrinking flower." He said with a bit of a grin as leaned back in his chair. "Your like me in that sense though back in the day my fighting style was more like saphires. I had almost not potential as a fighter or so i was told. My angelic power was weak and in a way i was scared of my own blade, in order to get this strong my teacher trained my every day for 9 years before slowing down. During those 9 years i did nothing else but train my ability and threw my perseverance i passed everyone in my age group and even many of my seniors. And even after that i trained and trained till i was stronger then most those around me, right before i fell some rumors said i was being considered for arch angel." He said thinking about old says. When she asked him what he drunk human souls his small grin became a full blown smirk. "Naw i never liked human souls, they have a a strange consistency going down my throat though ive always been partial to a guardian or two." He said teasingly. "But ill take gatorade for now."
"I heard one tastes bitter, I don't think you want that soul..." she said pulling another gatorade from the fridge and tossing it to Akio before she opened her own and stared at him after she took a sip,"So...you're trying to convince me you were younger once? Not happening old man." she said teasing back before rubbing the back of her head,"do you even remember your human life?" This follow up question was a bit serious as she looked at him with inquisitive eyes,"Because I want to forget mine..."
"I was young once! Several centuries ago." He said playfully scolding her. When she asked if she remembered his human life he looked at her a bit surprised. He understood what she meant.... "Its fuzzy, i dont know whether that is because ive lived too long or the transformation itself. I remember the task i did to become a angel but before that its vague impressions and images. A lot of it painful.... My human life was a little before the time of rome, a time of chaos i didnt even realize what was happening outside my city till it was burned to the ground. I cant remember my parents." He said closing his eyes. "Dont give up your human life so easy Johanna, while it was painful you learn things from it that you cant learn otherwise. It is threw pain when humans learn the best." He said looking at her.
Johanna looked over to him, sipping a bit more before looking away,"If you aren't lying then I'm only half human.....It seems like my pain only comes from my human side. I'd gladly do way with it..." she said letting her sadness show to someone for the first time in years. Johanna wasn't happy, no matter how many people liked her, no matter how much she succeeded, she was only happen fighting demons and flying in the sky. She had grown sad with her life, and even thought about trying to run away a few times....but where would she go?
John squeezed the crying girl in his arms, but was careful not to hurt her. "It's alright, being strong doesn't mean never crying. Being strong means knowing when to move on from crying and pick yourself back up again. If you get knocked down 100 times you get back up 101. That is what being strong means. Also you might wanna dry your tears because I may or may not have called up a 'holy army' that will be arriving here shortly."
A soft nod, and then she sobbed just a few more times. Now wiping her tears away she looked up at him, trying to make herself look cheerful again. Sure, she wasn't feeling perfectly fine, but... the way he'd said that? It managed to wrangle out a half-choked laugh from her, and she asked almost teasingly, her not-quite-calm voice still a bit warbly, "Holy Army? To do what?"
With that akio suddenly got up and walked over to her bringing her into a tight hug. "This here right now is human, when angels were first born they loved god and god alone, even now god is always at the top of thier minds. Demon were born by lucifer lucifers lust for power and strength of will. This part of you and this part of me are human. You are my student and in many ways a friend and i like being with you. You are not two parts human and demon, your are johanna, one person one whole and every part of you is important. I want you to remember that alright." He said softly to her in the hug.
John held up a finger, "Hold that thought actually." As he heard the marching of hundreds coming towards them both. John smiled, the brothers were always more than willing to help their own. John put on his hard hat and went outside to greet them. They all stopped when they saw John as he found a box and stood up on it, "Alright my brothers in faith! We have but one task, repair the house of my honored host and do it quickly." He said as the monks gathered their tools and a few dropped various pieces of wood, drywall, studs, boxes of nails, mud, tape, paint, and finisher. John clapped his hands and pointed to the roof as several monks headed up to the roof with various construction equipment. The first task was removing the rotten panels, so they took their hammers and crowbars and began hammering, all in unison and at a very steady beat. John's head started bobbing as he smiled at the bishop who shrugged his shoulders. The rest of the workers began working as well, keeping to the rythem as a few started humming a simple eighth note rhythm that occasionally changed as John started singing as he too began working.

" I'll be your light, your match, your burning sun,

I'll be the bright, in black that's makin' you run.

And we'll feel alright, and we'll feel alright,

'Cause we'll work it out, yeah we'll work it out.

I'll be doin' this, if you had a doubt,

'Til the love runs out, 'til the love runs out." Others now chimed in

"I'll be your ghost, your game, your stadium.

I'll be your fifty-thousand clapping like one.

And I feel alright, and I feel alright,

'Cause I worked it out, yeah I worked it out.

I'll be doin' this, if you had a doubt,

'Til the love runs out, 'til the love runs out."

Finally when it got to the chorus the monks had already made a system of passing new supplies and getting rid of the old rotten boards and shingles as everyone belted out the chorus, the sound could definitely be heard for quite a bit away.
What could only be described as an utterly shocked look came across her face. These people... monks, were fixing her house... and she thought it was for free. She couldn't just leave it for free, could she? And John-san had done it for her? Her tears stopped while she struggled to understand exactly why he would do that. Sure, he was a religious man, but... to go so far for her? "Thank you. All of you."
Woods was breathing hard and sweating profusely, his balance was off and he was falling face first to the ground. At least, that's what he projected toward his opponent. In actuality, it was a feign to catch his opponent off-guard... though the sweat was real, try as he might, he couldn't cause his body to sweat on cue. Which was probably a good thing, unless he could learn to keep himself from sweating, which would probably cause all sorts of health problems.

Woods rolled quickly to his feet crouching beside his opponent, his blade whipping out to knock his opponents legs out from under him. He growled savagely, his blade redirecting mid-swing to land maybe an inch from the woman's throat. He hissed in victory. He'd only been coming a week, having been lucky enough to find an Iaijutsu dojo that has classes daily, but he'd yet to beat an opponent. He knew that he shouldn't expect to be able to pick up a sword form easily, but kendo had made him arrogant to a fault.

"Well done, Woods! Finally beat someone, eh, even if it was a girl. Ah, no offense, Morikawa-san." Tokuzawa-Sensei said, smiling. It seemed as it Sensei had taken sides with Johanna, refraining to add an honorific.

"Ah, shut it ya old geezer." Replied Morikawa-chan from her place on the ground. "Oi, Woods, ya gonna let me up any time soon?" As did Morikawa, it seemed. Not that it was bad, just something he'd grown accustom to with Johanna only, with the occasional gibe from Michael.

"Oh, right, sorry Morikawa-chan." He grunted as he rose from his crouched position, resting the blade on his shoulder nonchalantly, grinning widely.

"Oh, pfft Woods. You win one match by cheating and suddenly you're top of the class, eh?" She rolled her eyes. "Pride be your sin, Woods."

"Yeah yeah, so you've told me before, Morikawa-chan." It was Woods' turn to roll his eyes. "Whatever, I gotta run and finish some homework, not to mention study for a test."

Morikawa scoffed. "Did I ask for your life story, Woods? Get going if you're leaving, tired of lookin' at your ugly mug."

Woods chuckled, knowing full well he'd regret it if he replied with some quip. He'd bested her today, but that was more to luck and Aikido fall training than anything else. And the woman was still armed. Instead he moved to the locker room and changed into his casual wear, a white t-shirt and blue jeans. Grabbing his wallet and cell phone, he walked out of the dojo after a bit of small talk with Morikawa, who had changed as well.

He moved to leave but was stopped by a hand on his elbow, it took him a lot of discipline to fight the instinct to flip who had just touched him. "Ya did good today, Woods." He nodded to Morikawa and made his exit.

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