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Fantasy The Divide

"Thanks for the help, John." A small smile over her shoulder while she finished up the dumplings. As soon as they were finished she moved to check on the water, watching until it started to boil. Once it had begun boiling she put the dumplings inside carefully, watching as they boiled. A minute later she scooped them up in a small drainer, trying to not get them dented. While the dumplings drained she took out her bamboo skewers, ready to skewer the dumplings.
John smelled the air from just outside the kitchen, "My god. Sous chef Michael and head chef Saphire that smells WONDERFUL. I think my mouth is producing more water than Niagara Falls at the moment." John said recalling the smell of dumplings when he was training and how it always smelled like the end of a hard day working.
Akio walked in the house and took a deep breath. "Hmm that doesent smell half bad." With that he walked into the kitchen and looked over saphire's shoulder. "Ahh dumplings, good training food." He said with a grin. "Alright if were gonna train tonight after eat it will be about a hour after, i got to set up some things." He said switching to a serious note.
Saphire nodded, "Yes Sensei." A pause, how would Michael react? He didn't know about her work, aside from barely mentioning it. So, she decided to act like it was for just a martial art as she moved on to grilling the now skewered dumplings, "I'm glad you decided to help me learn self-defense." A meaningful look at him, a tiny shake of her head, now wasn't the time, mouthing at him "human guest".
Johanna accompanied Akio to where everyone else was before she rose a brow, and almost turned on her heels to leave again, but stopped half way before leaving,"Blue hair...it's Saphire...isn't it?" She questioned closing her eyes with her back turned to the girl,"Just wanted to make sure I had your name right...."
"Well your running a mansion by yourself and i cant trust the guest to defend you so its only natural i teach you to defend yourself." He said his facial expression not even changing. He was a expert liar, came with experience and even though he didnt lie often hes lived to long not to be good at it." He looked at Johanna and asked. "You plan to stay for the free food Johanna?" He asked looking at her.
An almost relieved smile, so Johanna was going to... well, at least remember her name? And Akio had played along... perfect. It wouldn't do to have a human guest, someone who didn't even understand what she was talking about, get caught up in anything, now would it? "Yes, it's Saphire. I told you earlier, but you're welcome to stay if you want."
Johanna had glanced from Saphire than to Akio,"I'll pass, I don't care for Japanese food much....I'll go get some western food from somewhere...maybe MgRonald's ...or something." she said shrugging with her hands still on the back of her head as she yawned and began to walk out.
Sighing with great relief at finally having a long moment's peace, Seranna slid her back over and hooked it on a pipe, that way it wouldn't fall or spill while she slept. Closing her eyes, she was so relaxed she didn't even hear the creaking until she felt the roof give out from under her. Letting out a sharp curse, Seranna twisted around deftly and landed safely in the attic on her feet.

Looking up, she found her bag was still safely hanging from the roof, her blanket was caught on a board, and her current shake was splattered across the floor next to her. Still...

"Chyort. That could have been ten times worse."

Shaking her head, she was about to leap back up t retrieve her things when a sharp crack and the feeling of the ground giving out under her let her know that she had definitely spoken too soon.

Due to the way the attic floor collapsed there was no way to Seranna to try to twist around, and she ended up landing loudly on her back on top of a large dinner table. Groaning, the girl flattened her ears in annoyance as she sat up, rubbing her head. Looking at where she'd landed, she couldn't help but chuckle, not thinking about where the inhabitants of the house were as she took a jab at her own antics.

"Hehe, lookit me, dropping in for Korean food."

As she jibed, she suddenly felt the distinct impression that there were people behind her.
"Then ill walk you home, its against my morals to let a lady walk home alone, especially in the dark." He said grabbing one dumpling and popping it into his mouth. He was about to say lets go when someone fell threw the roof and on to the table. The dumpling dropped from his mouth as he started laughing,
Johanna managed to look over her shoulder before taking a deep breath and returning her eyes closed. The person who fell through annoyed her, so the next thing she was then was yawn,"I'm surrounded by idiots..." she looked over to Akio before taking a moment to sigh,"Fine fine fine, come on sensei." she stated a bit continuing her exit.
The sound of creaking had caught her attention as she spoke to her guests... and then the sound of braking wood. Quickly turning off her stove she moved to the table, only to see a female cat-demon, or so it appeared, on top of her table and making a quip. That explained the crash, but... she looked up, blood draining from her face. She took in several quick breaths, rushing out of the room. She couldn't handle this right now, she couldn't, and she refused to shout in front of someone again... though she didn't make it that far. Once she'd entered the closest empty room she howled with frustration and horror. "I CAN'T PAY FOR ANYTHING! HOW CAN I FIX THAT NOW?!" A deep breath, that shout had gotten through all right, but she'd locked her jaw right after. How mu-no, she couldn't pay her taxes this year... and there was the monthly cost of food, and repairs, and... and.... she fought to stay upright, to not curl into a ball, and just started silently sobbing, crying openly because she was alone, and couldn't hold it in any longer. And while she was crying her deep breaths quickly devolved into hyperventilating...
When akio realized ((after of about 10 seconds of dying of laughter at the sight of a female demon falling threw the roof)) The saphire had walked off he had followed real quick just enough to hear her scream. With that he took out his check book, akio had a bit too much money to be honest. While he had no use for it he had collected a lot of trinkets over the years while on earth that for some reason a lot of humans considered valuable and there for had stacked a bit of extra cash. He wrote a check for 25,000 dollars and opened the door to the closet and put it in her hands. "Be back for night training in a hour." Then he walked out, to him that money was no big deal, he'd give her his back account info and not give a damn. He followed right behind Johanna right after. "Lets go."
With another yawn, Johanna looked over her shoulder to Akio,"Can we fly again?" she questioned her face flushing red a bit at the question. She admitted, it was a bit intimate the way she was carried when they were in flight, but she enjoyed the flying altogether and wanted to do it again. She never felt at more peace than she was when she was in the air, and she loved that feeling...it almost made her want to be an angel....
He chuckled a bit seeing her red face. 'Cute.' He thought to himself as he looked at. He stretched his wings and smiled. "Sure thing." He said walking over and picking her up again. He set off into the air again without a second thought and he shot towards the sky. Soon they were above the clouds again the moon in a different position as a part of the night had flown by. "So where are we landing." He asked as the reached about cruising altitude.
John put a hand on Saphire's shoulder as he got out his cell phone smiling at her. "Yeah father Michael? Send some people over. Lots of tools. Lots of able bodies. It appears our angel of death got herself in an...ahem... Accident. So it is up to us. I expect everyone to pitch in with this social project." John paused a few moments listening to the chattering. "Uh huh. Drywall. Wood. Not the cheap particle board either. Yeah I got my own tools here. Kay bye. " John put his phone up and offered her a hand. "Get up, demoness, nice ears by the way. Go doing up the brothers for a 'holy crusade.' as for me." He grabbed his toolkit, "I'm gonna get started."
Michael stopped working for a few seconds at the sound of Johanna's voice. He didn't shoot her a glance and went back to working on the onigiri, listening intently to what they had to say while trying to not -look- like he was listening. He did so with relative ease. He might as well have no bothered. All they did was lie convincingly in front of him, something that did give him some comfort. They still thought he was mundane after all of this time.

Then there was the crash. In the middle of making another rice ball the deafening sound rocked through the house and after a deep sigh Michael decided to see just what went wrong. Well, the table was not in great shape and the ceiling above it wasn't much better. To top it off a girl seemed to be a source of the trouble. And to top it off, she was making jokes. Michael took a moment to close his eyes and rub his forehead, letting out a deep sigh of frustration as he tried to find the words.

"Saphire's gonna..." He'd missed the mansion's owner spotting the mess herself and rushing out of the room and at that very moment he heard her start to scream. Well then. She was in the loop. He just stood there with his hand over his face as the girl was helped up by the man who'd helped in the kitchen as he apparently was setting up the means to fix this place already. He wasn't particularly enthralled with the details at the moment.

Michael's patience for playing the everyman was at an end as he lowered his hand and stared coldly at the girl. To add the ultimate insult to all of this, she was quite obviously a demon. The catish ears and tail gave that much away. He didn't bother acting surprised by these details and instead took advantage of them. He quickly grabbed her by the ear with one hand and pulled her closer, looking anything but amused as he spoke.

"First, you're going to explain what the hell just happened to me. Then you're going to explain it to the owner of the roof you just wrecked. Then you're going to apologize to her and then promptly find out just how the hell you're going to pay her back for all of it. Am I clear?" he asked, completely unphased by the fact that he was a human ordering around a demon.
Johanna didn't respond immediately to Akio, the sudden take off, and her position had her taking in everything again. She was watching everything go by, away from all of the noise and the people and in the sky. She had against almost fallen asleep, snuggled up against Akio's chest. She honestly did want to sleep, but knew better than to be as rude to do so. Once a few moments passed, she sighed and started to speak gently,"The Kazumaki building please...the food I ordered for my brother should be there..."
To say that Seranna was upset with herself was an understatement. Her whole self-set goal in life was to make sure, abso-bloody-lutely sure, that she helped people, and didn't cause problems, or more specifically destruction. Now, sore from her fall, she'd put a massive hole in someone's house, obviously upset the owner judging from the shrill scream that she heard quite clearly, and now she was being tugged about by the ear by a man that looked like he was about to punch her square in the face.

Not daring to look the angry man in the eyes, Seranna kept her gaze down as her eyes began to water up, both at what she'd done and the pain she was too scared to vocalise about from having her ear pulled so harshly. Pulling her arms up in front of her and doing her best to shrink herself in size, she dared to answer.

"I... I... I didn't mean to... the roof was fine, and then it just kind of... and... and..." she tried to sputter past the building lump in her throat.

As if to add even more insult to injury, one of the shakes from her bag fell from the opened zipper and landed atop her head, absolutely covering her in leche shake. Unable to figure out exactly where everything went so wrong, Seranna couldn't hold back her tears and started crying.
Michael was finding it difficult to stay stern with what this girl was giving him. That fall would have probably crippled a human and the difference between them and a lower ranking demon was less than some people might think. She was probably more than a bit sore and it looked like an accident. The thing that really got him is how she seemed to take him seriously. The worst he could do to her at this very moment was smack her and hurt her feelings more yet she was making it obvious she didn't want even that much.

"You shouldn't be running around on the roof in the first place," he pointed out, still trying to sound stern but not so cold. He was starting to feel like he was the bad guy now that she was starting to cry. That topped with being covered in what looked like milk shake made him give up. He sighed and let go of her ear, standing there without a word for a second with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Just stay off the roof and make sure you apologize to Saphire-san... after you clean up or whatever..." The coldness of his voice was nonexistent now, he couldn't help himself. She was so small and seeming a bit naive and the ears made her just the tiniest bit cute. Sighing again, he uncrossed one hand and idly pat the top of her head in what he thought was a comforting way. 'At least she's not a dog...' he thought, knowing that a bit of his easing up was due to his love of cats.
"Hmm alright." He said filing the information away. While he flew he suddenly start humming a song, The first part was sad but soon it became a soothing and sounded comforting, almost like a lullaby. He had noticed the way she snuggled into his arms, while she had been only the second person person he had carried into the sky she wouldnt be the first to fall asleep in his arms. The Kazumaki building was a bit father away and he was no hurry so it would still be about 10 minutes till they arrived there.
Johanna yawned again, before letting her eyes fall back closed. "You know, for an old man..you're not so bad." she said half-heartedly, because she was groggy at this point. She had been tired from the day, and the last couple days. Between training, basketball, soccer, school, and martial arts, her body had run out of energy and she would fall asleep for the rest of the flight, despite her struggle to stay awake.
John cleared his throat. "Sous Chef Michael, I'd suggest you get back to cooking because we are about to have a lot of guests... And I mean a LOT." He said through the ceiling as he began clearing the debris. "Also, find a good radio for us please."
"Heh are you ever gonna stop calling me old man, you can call me by my name you know." He said teasing but quiet as if not to disturb her. When she fell asleep he just smiled fondly. About 10 minutes later he touched down at the back of the building carefully so he isnt seen coming down. He wondered for a brief moment if he should just carry her inside but decided against it, she had a brother and he would definitely ask questions. He grinned at the thought of Johanna's reaction and then moved her in his arms so he could nudge her. "Hey wake up." He said quietly but loud enough.
Seranna flinched as the man spoke again, warning her not to go on the roof again. After the fall she'd just experienced, he was more than right in saying so. A moment later he released her ear, and with one hand reached up to somewhat cradle the sensitive and now somewhat sore appendage. Nodding at his orders to apologise to 'Saphire', though not exactly who Saphire was, Seranna started to get off the table to go find a sink, and then find her.

About to get up, Seranna flinched as she saw his hand come up, but immediately relaxed as he simply pat her head. It also reminded her that she had a problem. She neither knew where to get cleaned up at, nor did she have any spare clothes. Just then John spoke, and Michael began turning to answer him. Realising that now was her only good chance to ask for any sort of assistance, even if she was doubtful it would be given, Seranna leaned forward to tap on his shoulder, only to slip on shake and fall against his back with a splat.

Horrified at what she'd just done, soiling the man's shirt with spilled shake, she immediately spurted out an apology.


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