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Fantasy The Divide

"Ya" he said with a nod. When she said she would smash his face he let out a small smile. "Im not sure you should try quite yet, hes at least a high demon and you cant even beat this form of me yet." He said teasingly. This was almost strangely farmiler, he reminded him of someone he knew once apon a time. "If you can spare a week, at the current moment those enemies are guys that would give even me trouble, im gonna have to go to extreme's to have you ready for them." He said. This also surprised him, he wasent expecting her to give in so easily. He had been ready for arguments and her disdain but instead the scene had almost became serene and calm. Though he didnt mind..... As the wind began to blow harder as a thermal came threw he stretched his wing around her blocking the wind, the wing was warm and soft. "We have to go back, i know you could run the whole way but if you want i can show you what its like to fly. You know outside of a airplane." He said softly, almost like he didnt want to break the calm surrounding them.
"They certainly seem the friendly sort. What with the fighting and the yelling. Actually the nicest one I've met so far was the Phiphe guy. Anyway, now that I have my shakes, Shall we continue with the city tour?" Seranna asked politely, standing and sliding her chair back under the table before taking a steady draw of her shake, followed by rubbing the base of her throat.
Michael felt a sudden pang of guilt and annoyance with himself settle into his chest as she thanked him. Technically speaking he didn't have to hate Saphire to get his mission done in the end but he was teetering uncomfortably close to her before he'd even made a move. He didn't like feeling that he was getting her guard down and that he'd have to strike eventually. He didn't want to take advantage of her but how betrayed would she feel in the end if he kept up what was slowly ceasing to be an act?

"I should let you go. You look exhausted and I don't remember the last time you so much as sat, Saphire-san. Seriously, if you really do have other people in mind then I think it's best you don't go collapsing on them, alright?" he said, already backing up towards the door. It wasn't just an excuse. He really didn't see her ever take a break and she looked worse off than usual that day.
John shrugged, "Wouldn't know, haven't bothered to truly explore the city to be quite frank with you nor have I bothered to truly have a conversation with the other people inside the house."
Another nod, "I'll take that into consideration. I do need to talk to someone soon, however..." And there was the fear again, she was being ridiculous, honestly. Really... it was pointless for her to... oh who was she kidding? She may have calmed down but nothing short of some sort of miracle is going to release the trauma she'd experienced... what had that been? Did she even want to know? "A-anyway, good luck with your... whatever it was you were going to do before you came accross me. And again, thank you for worrying."
facking website didn't post my post i posted a post's life time ago)

With a gentle smile she nodded letting her eyes fall closed as she receded her hand. She even let a slight chuckle escape before sighing,"I guess you're right." Johanna yawned a bit when she felt the wind blow,"A week isn't much.." She didn't mind the cold, as apparent for her lack of winter appropriate clothing, but she appreciated Akio's warmth altogether. She saw the wings up close for the first time, and managed to look over the black feathers before taking in a deep breath. She wouldn't admit aloud, but she didn't want to go to school, or play basketball or soccer. She just wanted a break,"Flying sounds fun.." she said to him smiling some more.
"A week isnt much." He said softly as well, to him most weeks passed in a blink of a eye. At least until recently, training those two almost seemed to give him a sense of time. When she agreed to the flying he smiled softly. He picked her up in a bridals carry, holding her gently. "Dont be to surprised at the uh, sudden take off." With that he leapt up he soared into the sky very quickly. Very soon both of them were hundreds of feet in the sky, a true birds eyes view just over cloud level. Usually it would be cold so far into the night sky but akio rediated a warm and comfortable heat, like being next to a small but ample campfire. He held you close his chest but you could still see the small objects moving on the ground and the moon that seemed so much closer then on the ground shining in front of them. It was quiet and peaceful, even more so then on the roof as they could no longer hear the sound of the city, only each other's breathing and the steady flap of his wings. "This is what it feels like to fly." He said to her softly as they flew. Around 3 minutes later he starting descending still they landed on mansion grounds.
Johanna took in the view, as they flew through the air even managing to take a deep breath. She enjoyed it though she was getting a bit too comfortable, and cuddled up a bit into Akio intellectually. It wasn't long before they were on the ground, and eventually her feet touched the ground. She stretched out a bit looking at the mansion, putting her hands on the back of her head walking towards the entrance not even really saying much else.
When she cuddled up to him he hadent minded, rather he basically welcomed it letting her get comfortable in his arms. When they touched down and she walked to the mansion he was strangely silent as well. While akio wasent boisterous he often had many side comments or something else to say. Right now he didnt have anything to say, almost like he was still holding on to the feeling of silence and peace with someone else, something he hadent enjoyed in a long time. He looked around to see if he could see saphire.
Only just now noticing it, having pushed her chair in, Seranna realised exactly how dark it was getting, which obviously meant nighttime was encroaching. Hearing John's words, and noting his non-committal gesture, Seranna decided to speak.

"Well, i didn't realise how late it was. You may as well go home, I'm going to go walk for a bit since you don't know the area, then I'll probably just bunk at the nearest church or something. Have a good night, priest John."

Turning and walking away, not bothering to listen for the man's response, Seranna set of to explore the town. Which lasted all of ten minutes walking before she grew utterly bored, and somehow wound up back in front of the mansion.

Unsure of what else to do, Seranna just shrugged, made her way back to the side, let her ears and tail out and made her way up the roof and back to the comfy nook she'd been in earlier. Once tucked away back into her new favourite spot, she pulled her backpack around and pulled out two things, a fluffy blanket, and a small comb.

Snuggling into the blanket, Seranna set herself to the task of meticulously grooming her tail, which was a lot like a pacifier for her, both calming and enjoyable. If she ever made it to heaven, she hoped God would let her keep her ears and tail.
Saphire, once she'd said goodby to De Longe-san, walked outside, her long-sleeved shirt and pants protecting her from the cold. That had been her last good kimono... and she couldn't afford to have it mended again. So, a soft sigh and she continued out towards the front... she was scared, but it was about time for her to face the music. That had been a pitiful fight... she'd barely dodged one attack... and whatever that thing was, even now she was fighting shivers from it. So, it was time for her to face the music... and let him yell, shout, or... whatever it is he wanted to do. So she'd wait by the entrance for Akio, and when he was done... she'd ask him to let her train during the night too.
Akio found saphire standing outside the building after he landed, he should have saw him land so she may even be expecting him. He sighed and walked over to her, his aura was calm. Part of this was because fo earlier and the other reason is he didnt want to give her further reason to worry. "Hey, are you alright." He ahd seen her reaction to him when he woke up, he had gone to far. He wanted to show her weakness to harden her resolve, and instead he terrified her with his strength.
A flinch, his voice... she'd missed his return? How deep in thought had she been? "I'll be fine. I... I think things just caught up with me." The mansion, his... whatever that was, her own meaningless weakness... now that she was thinking about it, she should've cracked long ago. It was a miracle she'd held out as long as she had. "S-someone must have finished clearing out the snow for me." That'd been a happy thing to discover, so few people did anything at the inn. "Umm... how'd things go with you and Johanna?" She was stalling, stop that. It won't help. And of course, her eyes wouldn't meet his, looking down at the floor.
"Well theres a lot going on, training, running this place, some classes. You got a lot on your plate." He remarked, this whole kind of thing was a bit awkward for him, he didnt really confort people. "I noticed, looks like someone appreciates the work you've been doing." He said looking at the yard. When she asked how things went between him and Johanna with a raised eye brow. "You say that like you expected something to happen." He said with a small chuckle. However he noticed she wasent meeting his eyes and he paused and sighed. "Hey look at me." He said in a kind tone.
She nodded, moving em up. "J-just seemed like you were in a good mood." Once she'd met his eyes she quickly turned around, opening the Shouji. "C-come inside. Must be cold, right? I think dinner'll be done soon." She was still stalling. A mental slap, no... this wasn't what she wanted to talk about! Darn it, just be honest and tell him that you're scared stiff, don't know why, and still need to get a whole lot stronger so you can actually protect people!
John walked back to the mansion and saw the two talking. He approached them and waved to Saphire, "So you are the woman I healed earlier today correct? There is a matter I wish to discuss with both you and your mentor." He said putting his hands back in the pockets of his warm black overcoat. "But first I must remember my manners. My name is John Crowley. I am an exorcist of the church, well, at least supposedly. Things are getting... ehhhh, complicated you could say. I only wish we first met under... brighter circumstances."
With a sigh he suddenly walked in front of her so she couldnt go forward and looked down at the shorter girl and said. "Look at me and listen, i screwed up. I thought to educate you on your own weakness and i went to far, i simply looked to show you what you lacked and instead i terrified you which is no what i intended. I wont hurt you again like that alright, you shouldnt have to afraid of me, im your teacher and im supposed to help and protect you not harm you. So i want to ask you to forgive me for what ive done." He said. For now he ignored the priest, finding himself less and less fond of him. Couldnt he read the mood?
Her gaze jumped up to meet his when he told her to, sounding oddly frustrated. OR, not so odd if she considered her own actions. She moved one arm to acknowledge the priest, she'd talk to him when Akio wasn't so.... well, all in her face. Intellectually she understood his point, but emotionally, not so much. That'd take time, she was sure. "I... I knew. Knew I couldn't beat you, knew I wasn't good enough. B-but... I had to try, right? A-and... I..." Her voice was barely a squeak. As she continued, though, it lowered a bit... "I... I know, very well, that I'm not nearly good enough for the job. S-so... since I can't neglect the inn, I thought... if you could train me at night, and not just during the day? M-maybe I'd get more progress that way, a-and... that's what I wanted to te-ask you."
Johanna eventually had come across Akio, the priest, and Saph and rose a brow about facing,"Nope ....not doing that." She rather go and wait for Woods to text her back then be apart of what was going on.

(i just posted this for comedic relief... >.> hence it being short.
He's silent for awhile, was that what she was worried about? Not being good enough? When she had some of the most potential he had ever seen in a student. he chuckled and suddenly he could stop himself from laughing. He knew how bad this looked so before she could walk off or get even more crushed he started speaking. "Your worried? About not being good enough? Saphire you have some of the most potential for a student ive ever trained. You were never supposed to win that battle, the difference is power and experience was to great. it was a test, and to show you the need to improve. To be honest you need less work then Johanna, johanna rushed me with not thought about her own body expecting to end in one blow. She also refused to work with you and let herself get upset easily. Never the less her potential is still huge but you even more so. You used thought in your actions and tried working with johanna even when she wasent. You blocked one of my attack and struck back accordingly, the only thing you lack is experience. Saphire your not weak. But if you want me to train you at night i will, just be prepared to get strong quickly." He said still laughing slightly.

((btw he isnt really insulting johanna, its like comparing naruto and sasuke at the beginning of the series, there was a difference))
"You know i'm right here old man," Johanna muttered before finally leaving where they were altogether. She had headed outside and jumped onto a roof, cracking her knuckles looking to the sky. She was remembering the scene had just seen, and sighed gently. She was longing to fly...it was so peaceful..beautiful...she felt at ease there..even with Akio.
THe look of fear quickly was eclipsed by one of confusion. Her, not weak? But... how could she not be weak? "Y-you... that... huh?" She couldn't even work around the problem, and... she really was feeling bad for leaving John-san out in the cold. Did he know he could just walk inside? To make sure he did she tapped the still-open door, trying to invite him subtly inside. "I... don't understand. How could I have any potential? I'm... nothing." There, she'd said it. That word had been nagging at her all her life... since nearly everyone forgot her, she must not mean anything.
John shook his head at the girl who was clearly oblivious, she almost made him feel sorry for her as he stood out there in the cold. He noticed the other woman and nodded to her. "Seems you are recovering as well." He sighed as he looked between the three. The fallen angel had obviously not trained someone before. "You will be happy to know that I am here for whenever he may send you to death's door again by accident. Also when it pleases you I would like to talk to you in regards to your... situation." He said looking at Johanna who was on the on the roof of the building.

don't thank me for editing your post to be correct, thanks Ice Cream- Aku
Johanna managed to look down at John who had begin to speak to her and she rubbed the back of her head before letting her hair flow about her shoulders. "Death's door?" she spat at his comment, making her more abrasive because of his comment. She folded her arms over her abdomen closing her eyes as she shrugged her shoulders,"What do you want priest?"
He watched Johanna walk away and cursed. He never had any rest did her, now he had to take care of johanna's bruised ego, though he found himself smiling good naturally. So this is what his own teacher had to go threw, and he only had one student. 'I really was a pain in the ass back then.' He thought to himself before looking back at saphire. "Your not nothing, you let yourself think that you are nothing because you fade into the background but just because some stars shine brighter then others to earth doesent mean they arent bigger then others just farther away, its another point of view. You and johanna both have amazing potential to even surpass me and i look forward to seeing it one day but you are near equal in potential so you have no reason to feel weak." He said with a smile before nodding his head in the direction of John. "Now go talk to him, he seems to need you anyway, i have something to do but ill be back soon. Also.... i was told i had no potential once apon a time, think about that." He said before turning.

He disappeared in a instant using his speed and appearing near Johanna, behind her on the roof. He walked up beside her and sat. "Priest can you leave us for a bit, i have to talk to my student." He said looking at Johanna.

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